A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?


Sorry, I am a very frank person. Dun mind my directness okie?

ur maid sounds very very lazy! How dare she hint she is not used to waking up b4 7am? Then ask her to balet kampung then she can go sleep all she wants!

My maid wakes up 530am and sleeps at 930pm or 10pm. She doesn't take naps either. Cos when I was working that's the time I slept too so she cannot sleep more than me, her employer rite? Sometimes when she woke up I was up already so i guess she also din dare to complain since I sleep even less than she does.

(In case u gals think I'm a very bad employer, of course I dun ill treat my maid lah, I always take her restaurant to eat and buy her phone card every 2 mths to call home etc etc. She's also allowed to use hp every nite) But maid cannot be so lazy rite?

Come one she is here to earn money rite still give you attitude? And complain to ur pastor somemore! Change her!


My maid will wake up around 5.30am. The earliest we caught her sleeping was not even 9pm, thou we stated there as 9.30-10pm for night time.

My maid don need to take care of L, she just need to do the household clearing etc etc. And she don take nap in the afternoon [at least when i am around, she don nap]. There isnt much stuffs for her to do the whole day since her job doesnt involve the kid.

Thou she can work independly, but its very her way. if you were to tell her and scold her about some stuffs that went wrong, her face is be black, den show unhappiness. Cos my maid she very ke kiang one, and nv bother to ask if she is not sure.

Maybe u can bring your maid back to the agent for counselle. Let the maid understand what she should do and if she isnt only to do what her expectation will be, her chance will be gone.

aiyoh....you in the same job as i was ah????? so were cheri and cat leh. cant believe it, we are 'tong hang' here....was thinking what kinda job, why wake up so early at the 'fishmongers hour'(as i always told my hb)

dorcas, isabelle
the maid doesnt take care of CY either. occasionally, when i need to go toilet or do something, she will play with CY, but that is about it.

dorcas, your maid like my maid. i dun like to bring back to agency coz if that is hte last resort and doesnt work, then no hope liaoz. you know waht i mean. she does her minimal, which im thankful for...so....haiz...so it's a rather delicate situation now.

o isabelle...
yes, i used to have her wake up at 6am, coz i wake up around that time too mah. that was when she suggested she doesnt usually get up so early
Hello mummies,


Congrats on the arrival of your little ABC.


R u pregnant with no 2? sori ah me abit lost here, have not been for a while and too much archive to read liao. Congrats if u r!!!

Elmo, cheri, celeste, angi, garfield and all other mumns

Regards to all mums and tots. how's everyone gd?its been a great long time since i c all of u.hope all tots is well.

a little update about Andrea and me.

We are doing well. Andrea is in to her T2 stage now, at times i really find it hard to control my temper on her. a bit defiant a times, jealousy is a killer for her. she cant seems to share her mummy with others... pushig her friends if any is near me.. would apologise only if she wants to.eating well, but still so small. height and weight still remain the same at 80cm and 10.12kg. Sigh!!! gave up on having any hope that she will put on more weight.

As for literacy, not the whole of ABC, infact not too sure how many letters she recognise out of it, same thing applies for numbers. Andrea will never seat down to listen when the teacher is giving them a lesson, she will always wander off to do her stuff, but would still be able to tell u if she ask her at the end of the day what she did and learn in school. sometimes she suprises me with words (not vulgar)that i thought she dun noe of.Chinese is a bit better than b4 after she attends JG. Have been sourcing for a preschool to put her in after she turns 2. most likely to settle her at the learning ladder at grange road. visited the school and think the teachers there are good.

As for me, almost the same but has been xtremely biz with work, that xplain y i hardly get to meet up for gatherings or to come in for chat now. My daily routin starts around 6.30 - 7.00am when Andea wakes up, feed her breakfast, cook her lunch, preparing her dinner, bath her after she poo poo. dressed and get ready for work and school. worked till 6 / 6.30pm, reaced home around 7.15pm, bath her and tune down for Andrea's bedtime, she sleeps between 8.00 - 9.30pm. After she sleeps, piles of housework to be done... and to draw out her menu for next day. sigh!!! bedtime is usually around 11.30pm. I am becoming a old hag liao!!

Would really need to find some time to meet up with all as i miss all of u and tots lots ;op

angi(and those keen on the chix recipe)

i'll post soon
maybe i take series of photo when i next cook that dish
will upload it then u all see hor
got pix better to remember!
these 2 days bz so won't log on so much
cat, i emailed 2 ur yahoo ord...
but i'm cooking this sat! nvm if u bz, i'll try to find e recipe online kekekeke...

shuana, power le u cut like pro from e saloon, sid is so rocker now hahah...
king seth still zzz, aft his lunch n all i doubt he'll nap early tdy so i can cya imm ard 4pm?
msg angi+6598480341

yy, maybe u need more luck to get a good maid oops...

aileen!!! so gd 2 hear u here agn! so bz, do take care, looking fwd to mtg andrea soon!
angi- king seth wan? aunty shauna give u free haircut? keke. but then king seth dun need lah. his hair very nice liao. dun need my scissors hands...

CY- i'm also a fishmonger.
you another one ah????!!!! so many fishmongers here???!!! eih, you serving your notice izzit?NPL for how long? or quitted liaoz?

some years back, used to fish near the west (near where isabelle is staying), every morning wake up have to rush like crazy....

was looking at the kampong playhouse thingy...seems like JG kinda thing izzit? free ah?

king seth power...tai yang shai dao pi ku le....(sun upon one's buttock)...CY having his nap oredi...

yes im pregs liaoz...you sound really rushed and busy...
Nice pix!

hehe no lah... not tood at all leh... in fact still v stylo!

1. my maid sleeps at ard 12am and wakes up at 7.30am. we ever told her to nap if she's tired but she chooses not to... rather, will busy herself w stuff (eg clean fan, clear storeroom etc) in the afternoon.
wah ur maid so da dan one ah?? dare to complain to the pastor behind ur back??!

2. She doesn't really go on diet but i know she's scared of getting fat (jus like every woman in this universe) so she'll take smaller portion but doesn't waste food.
and yah, i think u shld get ur maid to eat at least abit for all 3 meals... else where got energy to work??

3. seems like she's not committed to working for ur family... does she have off days? maybe she's not satisfied with certain things and prolly expect a much easier life esp if she gets to compare w her frens etc

i say if u're really v unhappy with her work attitude then prolly shld consider changing maid before u give birth to no. 2
cos currently with only CY she alr complain not enuff sleep etc so can imagine when no. 2 comes along she prolly complain u ill-treat her etc

Hello Aileen!
gd to hear tat u're both doing well
and i think u're not alone... v soon most of our lil ones will oso be in their T2 stage!
cy-i think alot of mommies are fishmongers.i'm on NPL. extended dunno how many times since my maternity leave loh. HR c my name will shake head. i'm taking till next jan, total ard 2 years..

kampong playhouse is free. would u like to bring CY along?

lin- ur maid is owl. sleep so late.
hee no lah last time she slept earlier... but ever since i pregnant i got no energy to make cay sleep so now every night she'll be the one making cay sleep which is ard 11.30pm plus after tat she'll do a quick cleanup of the hse before she goes to sleep. sometimes i oso feel v bad scared she not enuff sleep but everytime ask her she'll smile and say no lah not tired
where you get your maid huh?

actually very wary about changing maids now. coz from previous experience, changed to a knife wielding maid no joke...

She has off days, actually in contract she doesnt. but we saw she may be happier so ask her if she wants. then she say no money, so we say lend her some then deduct from her salary when it comes...so now she has one off day per month...

i can make it on that day (next tueday right?). do i just call them?but CY nearly 18mths liaoz, like a bit too old for this hor...(it says 10-18mths)

i heard from someone can extend up to four years izzit?
CY-yup next tues. yes u can just call wai yin and let him know. its ok lah. still falls within 18 mths.
yes the new program for us allows both male n femlae employees with kids under age of 6 or 12, i cant recall, to extend up to 4 years,provided u have been in the service for 3 years, i think.

i am planning to send sidney to cc when he turns 18mths and give him 6mths to build up immunity and adjust. perhaps, by then i can return to work in peace. no one to look after n me n hubby cannto tahan maids (we had one but we sent her away shortly), so bo bian loh.

so whats the story with the knife wielding maid?
wat puzzles did u get for ZY? i oso got 2 boxes for her from the fair? u got from the racks at the front of the fair near the TV screen?

we wash her wa wa & dolls in her cot v frequently too but acc to the pd, still not good enuff. Haha but her wa wa is a must for her when she sleeps so that explains why i went to buy 2 more for her yest...it was oos at taka for a long time & we hv not managed to find it anywhere else in SG.

hhmm not safe? maybe next time, we will hold the string & let her do the limbo rock instead...then we can start from high & lower down bit by bit. keke

so funny for sha to demand her $ back from the busker...reminds me of N when we took the cab. Usually she'll help me collect the change from the driver to put in my coin purse. That day, the fare was exact so not supposed to hv any change. She kept on shouting at the driver for 'coins' till he gave us 10 cents back..hhahah 10 cents discount & the coin ended up in her piggy bank...i told her she had earned it lol

S' new hair style so cool...i can imagine if u gel it up & spike it. Wow!

u r fishmonger too? hahah i read the posts from the back usually & was wondering what fishmonger?? so I'm one too lol! where were u teaching?

small world indeed that we hv a mutual fren...i laughed at ur post when u were so indignant abt CY's maid hahah
a few of us went for the free music trial at Kampong Playhouse b4 but not all the tots like. Angi, did u manage to go in the end?

Kampong Playhouse does playgroup prog too but i think their free trial is only for the 45 min music session, not the 1.5 hr playgroup.

hhmm ur maid like CMI leh...my maid can go back to her room abt 8-8.30 pm where she can read, watch tv or sleep. Usually she sleeps by 11 pm latest & wakes up at 7 am the next morn to prepare breakfast for my hb & do the chores. If we dun go out in the aftn, then she's usually free by 2 plus & can either take nap or do her own stuff till abt 5 pm when she needs to cook dinner. Some aftns, she will do the ironing etc. So i think ur helper is really quite demanding. Did u lay down some ground rules in the beginning for her? i believe if the attitude is not good, no point keeping. It will just add stress to everyone's lives.
cheri- yes u're one too! haha. i'm teaching CL in a primary sch in the west. are u still teaching?

actually sidney doesnt fancy most of the classes ive taken him to. in fact,ive come to realise he would much prefer to listen to me read him stories at home. so these classes are more for socialising. maybe he's too young to appreciate wat the teacher is trying to impart. i hear u are a little under the weather. take care.
<font color="ff6000">Shauna</font>
I have a PT maid to clean the house on weekly basic, so not so bad.
1st thing she enters the house, is to clean Sha's toys and playmat.

<font color="ff6000">Elmo</font>
To the extent, G don't really like to feed her outside.
As Sha cannot sit still.
At hm still not so bad.
I will use bb wipes to get rid of the stain on her clothings immediately.. and it works most of the time.
Iya, no choice, got to wash laundry myself, so have to make sure I can minimise my house chores.

<font color="ff6000">Cheri</font>
Though her wawa you got it for Cerisi?
A few times I saw it at AMK Hub and PS.

Seems so many teachers r so good life, can be SAHM and still with a stable job waiting for you to go back!
my current maid fr besthome at bt timah shopping ctr.. recommended by my fren brenda.
yah i know wat u mean... i oso took a risk when i finally decided to get rid of my previous maid fr hell... and boy am i glad! i know it depends largely on luck... but u nvr try u nvr know

CG, Cheri
hehe Sha and Nikki so cute... so young alr know how to manage their finances so well
pri sch in the west? which one? hint hint! i oso taught in a pri sch in the west for abt 7 years then went to HQ to work for 3 years then now NPL 2 years (still thinking if i wanna extend somemore!)...cat was my ex colleague in the pri sch...but we realized we hv so much in common, were in the same sec sch &amp; jc but she was 1 year my senior. We had nvr met each other b4 during those years! hahah

true that bringing them for classes gives them more exposure &amp; socializing opportunities. But i'm not sure if trials r the best thing to achieve that objective cos i've seen so many kids clinging on to their parents during trials, refusing to participate. Dun blame the kids oso cos it's a new environment, new teachers, new students...&amp; it's a one-off thing for trial. Some kids need to take a while to adapt so signing on for a prog is still the best rather than hopping between trials.

the cerisi one is a replacement that we got from her but she started being discerning abt it many mths ago &amp; would only wan the original one from taka (i hv 2 of that). The cerisi one is now in cold storage in the cupboard hahha. Imagine, in the middle of the nite, in pitch darkness, once she touches the cerisi doll, she'll tell u 'no, no'. Only when u give her the orig wa wa then she's appeased! lol

yes, i'm thankful for this civil servant scheme too cos it really gives us a very good option. Actually not just for teachers lah, all civil servants can apply. But strangely, mostly teachers apply...hhmmm why ah? food for thought!
Cheri, shauna
Pri sch in the west?? many many leh...i was teaching in a jc in the west before moving to HQ, then back to jc in the north...was always late when i was in the west

reg money
i always try to keep all money, coins or notes, away from CY. Coz CY will demand everything to put put into his piggy bank. he can spend a long long time putting coins into his piggy bank.his record of staying focussed on something...

actually hor, i attend most trials not to sign up, but just to learn what they do, they steal a bit of stuff here and there...so good if it is free loh....heeeeeeee

my maid from budgethome..maybe that explains the diff. yours best, mine budget....
wah all ur kids so smart... cay ah... will only take my money and throw all over

hahahaaa u lagi funny leh... almost pengz laughing when i finally got wat u mean... sorry ah abit slow nowadays
hahhah...u got talent leh...he is still a rocker

So gd to hear from you!!! S is now also kind of entering her T2 I think (she is 19mths now) but I keep telling myself not to put a label on her. I think sometimes our tots might just a little cranky or don't really knw what they want then show tantrum but straight away we mark them as T2...which is not fair to them. Of course if they are behaving way way too much then nothing to say lah...hee! S is also not really growing tall or fat...
Anyway, same old thing...don't work too hard! Take care of urself &amp; kiss &amp; hug A for me

D don't really feed S...outside or home. He got no patient n S got no faith in him...hahah! He is more like playing partner...me bao-kao-liao from lecturing, teaching, scolding, beating, feeding, showering, changing...everything u can think of.
cheri- errr... its the one very near to an interchange undergoing massive changes..am i very bo liao? might as well tell u rite? hee.. but u told me to hint. HA HA

well i just met angi, n sidney spent half his time yelling and screaming.. so well.. gonna give him some time to get used to socialise..

elmo- abit mud rock now coz his tail still very long! i'm gonna snip it off tmr!!

cg-whole floor of hair!!! i'm goin siao again. no matter how i sweep its everywhere!! gota dig out the vaccuum cleaner. urghs. ive been toying with the idea of hiring a part timer to come in but in the end i always think, aiyah, save the money n do it myself..
hmm. didn't get the puzzles near the TV screen. me got a-z puzzles and 25 fish addition puzzles. it is relatively small but i like the cute cartoon drawings. plan to do a mini project with zy by framing it as poster on the wall.

Which one u got?

we went to learnthruplay at AMK today, didn't get the creative puzzles. the materials used is different from the ones zy play in the CC.
yah me is tong hang as u all!
Aiyoh i think all the 'budget' maid not good leh... My MIL's previous one from budgetmaid. Sampat service staff and the maid kept saying wanna go home but the agency keep asking us to hold on to her first. We wanted to send her back asap and caught in the middle. in the end 'tuo tuo deng deng' until maid ran away to embassy!

yep yep it is a very small world!

luckily my nick is isabelle otherwise got two aileens very confusing! Hee...
i got mine near the tv screen area...one A-z puzzles (match small &amp; big letter wif pic) &amp; one set that comprises numbers 0-10 &amp; a-z...i like the logical sequencing one very much too but thot N is too young for that now...not sure if it's the same as urs...$10 plus per set?

hahah i'm not v good wif jurong west area now so oso dunno how to gues..thot say so publicly on forum not so nice mah hahaha so ask u to hint. Mine is v near to the RI of Jurong (pri sch too) heheh...can u guess?

CG &amp; sharon
ur bian lian wawa is here! S$20...sharon, u wan to tt me then i leave the doll wif the recept staff in JG Evans? hehehe done that a few times liao, they become our collection centre heheh
hmm...then think we got ourselves diff puzzles. mine is A-Z and the other is addition, $9.52 ea.

eg A with a pic and word of an ANT
ya i think diff. i din see any other puzzles leh...where in the toy fair did u see them? near which other brands/pdts?
shuana, nice mtg u go shopping tgh... too bad sidney screaming alot, slowly he'll adjust la.. we hang out more lor hahhaha... thx for playing w/king seth...

belle, juz a suggestion kekeke no need to follow la...

yy, he zzz 1-2am, wake up ard noon usually, its time to change but tough le...

mummys, king seth got a space in CC opp my hse! finally! yeah! gtg reg him next mon, prob start sch in apr! which also means i'll be going back to work soon, hope 2 find a job near home area hahha...
Cheri, cutie
so is the baby fair and the toy fair any good? anything suitable for small tots like CY?

you should really get the gigo junior engr set leh. CY loves it. more than his lego. so even though hb kept saying 'so expensive', we both find it amusing. we made (ok, me mostly) aeroplanes and car today and he was playing with them vrooming around. he tried to hammer some of the nails in, but no more after he accidentally hammered my ankle

carrefour has 20% off all toys, so we went to shop around today. nothing much, the usual stuff.. but bought CY a remote control car.havent opened yet. hope he likes it loh...

Cheri, shauna...
hmmm..both very mysterious...i only know which is hte RI of jurong
u are on toys spree laterly?

The brand of the puzzles I bought is call PATCH. Find that the size of each puzzle is too small for your tots at this moment, even for zy. More suitable if they are 3+.

But it should look good if I glue the each Alphabet puzzle on a cardboard and frame it, a tiny bit of 3D effect.

me didn't go to toy fair, only bb fair. mostly play toys.

depends on wat kind of toys u are looking for. there are more playtoys than educational toys at the bb fair.

hmm...recently there are quite a fair bit of discounts on toys. toysrus also got discounts beside toy fair at taka.
i was just like shauna, feel like getting a PT to help out with chores but ended up doing it myself when i was in my teban flat. it is like...it just take mins to mop the floor, why need help. it is like, got dryer, why need help to hang the clothes and the list goes on....

maybe at times, got to let go and relax more..
Can PM me your email address?

Used to argue over housechores with G.
Sort of, I expect him to help despite of his busy working schedule.
After having a PT maid, at least we stop arguing on this topic.
Hence extra $200-$250 monthly is worth it.

Is the wiping of all the furniture n ironing which require a few hours.

For numbers, shape n colours, A-Z, I only brought her those wooden types from LearnThruPlay sometimes back.
With more pics illustration , I use flash cards.
Hee hee, suddenly everyone is crazy over puzzles, hmmm.... what's next?

Hardly see u online... did you forget to add my email add?

That's great.
Remember to train S to wake up early 2-3 weeks b4 school starts.
U plan to place him for half day?
The gigo junior engr set, have you tried Toysrus, Kiddypalace or buying from online?
It used to be my favourite toy when I was 6yrs.
I won 1st prize for my graduation dance performance.
Until now I can still remember how this toy looked liked.
Perhaps you might be able to find somewhere cheaper.
celest, wow thx! gigo look more tots, connectrix like damn chim, perhaps i wont be able to do much hahahha frankly i'm not that creative nor imaginary, even e mega blocks at home, king seth left alone to stack on his own mummy brain dead donno how to play hahhaha... hopefully can convince daddy to interst n buy kekeke...

its whole day CC.. if not how to work?
not sure how to make him zzz early haiz, i was fighting w/him...
hope he wake up early....

next trend? u can start e ball rolling! hahhaha...
Hi mummies,
Not much time to catch up here these few days. C caught the cold from my mil. She was cying for the whole Thursday night! Thankfully Hb took half day on Friday to bring her to see doc and I could rest the next day. Went to the baby and toy fair on thursday morning, ( caught a glimpse for toy fair since it only starts on Fri). Nothing much from the toy section.

Re: gigo

Angi, you can check out kiddy palace for cheaper brands. They have all these stuff at the branch in Causeway Point. Personally I think it is a very good toy! We got it from Paragon last time with 20% discount as I have the vip card when I purchased more than $200. My hubby will make yards, trolley, chair for C to sit!, besides aeroplanes, cars and etc.

RE: Budget Maids

Hmm.....my previous indonesian one was from this agency! Dunno about the quality since it may differ from branch to branch. I will not go to them again.
Me have found a CCC at jurong and gonna place her on full day but then now is waiting list lah at carpe diem and went to visit the place and K seem to like the place due to alotsa toys over there and the teacher and principal r quite friendly though so hope i won't be wrong so is mon gonna submit the reg then i will start looking for job liao.
angi- i really enjoyed seth's company. hes a fun boy to play with n very amusing to watch. i lurve these tots. yah, sidney not too happy these days. wonder why. as long as u dun mind his jarring voice, then well.. i'm all for hanging out! haha

cutie- yah, same lah. actually all it takes is a good solid 2 hours to do housework on the weekends n maybe abit here n there on the wkdays. but sometimes i still wish i can have a maid. at one pt of time, we tot maybe, just maybe, we would hire a maid again. that ONE day we tot abt it, me n hubby were happily dreaming of ALL the things we could make the maid do. ie wipe the walls, clean the toys... but then in the end we just couldnt come to terms with ourselves abt hiring one.

cg- if really fightin then its good to get the PT maid. i also expect hb to help out, if not i will collapse loh.

looks like many mommies are goin back to work. the sheer thought of leaving the tots to someone else's care makes me wonder if i can really drag my feet back to work when my time is up.cheri, when is your leave goin to be up? what are u intending to do?
garfield &amp; angi
good to know that both of u hv found the cc of ur choice for ur tots...haha i'm still doing my search, hvn't been v disciplined in looking for it though.

me on toys spree? not really leh, the toys i've been buying for her recently r mostly the puzzles, blocks etc...been quite a while since i buy her other toys. I dun mind buying the puzzles to keep if see nice &amp; cheap ones now, of course not the huge kind where it entails 100s to 1000s of pieces.

pebbles &amp; CY
my ger likes the GIGO set too..actually my purpose in buying even though it's kinda ex is i wanna let her play wif such stuff even though she's a ger...i realized if left to her own, she'll usually play wif dolls, masak masak etc so it helps to give her a lil nudge sometimes in another direction. Most importantly is to play wif her...i'm oso not as good wif building such things whereas my hb can just build without even looking at the pics hahah...guess his engr &amp; hands-on background helps.

yes, it's so much fun seeing them grow now. I would definitely miss being wif her 24/7 if i do go back to work. My npl is till end of this year &amp; i'm intending to send N to drop off prog in the later half of this year when she's past 2. If i decide to go back to work, then must look out for schs during the June-July open posting liao. My hb thinks i should extend my leave since we can take 4 years but he's leaving the decision to me.

i saw those puzzles from LTP too but din buy them cos thot too simple &amp; very quickly, they'll outgrow such puzzles. It's those one piece A that u fit into the slot type rite?
cheri- i'm heading in the same direction as u are. my npl is till end of 2008 too. and ive gota start sidney on cc when he turns 18m, which will be in june/july(like ive told u, to build up immunity and to adjust to environmt w/o my pressence). u noe i was wondering, is it 4 years in total for all the children u have, or for each child..

but actually im gonna have to pawn all my jewelry if i extend leave AGAIN. we are planning to have no.2, so prbs gota stick with current plan n return to work.
While she is doing, I will create game for her.
Ask her to find A,B,C and etc for me.
She got to think which slot to put in, if I ask not in sequence.
Then if she manages to fit into the slot, I will then ask her what is the sound of A?
Actually not simple for them to do these at this stage.
My objective is to let her be able to recognise 1-10, A-Z in direct and focus methods.
As for numbers, I only start 0-5 first.
Once she can recognise the number, then I will introduce counting.

i think it's 4 years for per child leh, why dun u just hv #2 now &amp; utilize all the 4 years? hahah

u realized there's a clause that says if u apply npl, u r obliged to fulfill that number of years in service again b4 u can reapply for npl? that's why my hb asked me to use it fully or else if wanna reapply oso cannot. Then may need to resign which is our last resort. We prefer to keep our options opened. Luckily, for us, even if we resign &amp; reapply to join the service, it will be at our last drawn pay so not so bad..I'm not on the early medical scheme which is super good so i dun lose out in that sense if i do resign.
