A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

No, the one in BP is not paperback, it's hardcover which the organiser stated ley. so the price is sure betta than stores even after discounts
I used to wrap each books but I have soooooo many books ( going to be 2000) now and it is impossible to wrap wahaha. So only wrapped those very beautilful and fragile books.

No of pages = 64
Size = 16.0cm x 11.8cm
Format = Hardback
Age range: 3 to 5

hehe me oso... been bio-ing the lil miss & men sets fr bp... but too ex for me liao
bought a big hardcover lil miss treasury fr pop last time and cay is v interested... but only in the characters, not the story. everytime when i take out the bk he'll make me recite all the lil miss names many many times

poor boy... big bao
sid really dislikes gg to pg tat much?? how long has it been alr?

Shauna, Pebbles
haha me too!! inspired by pebbles! but i only wrapped those really pretty ones... so far only wrapped 2 sets of books... one of them is the 'feelings' set tat Ylc helped buy
Lin, pebbles
ive never wrapped any of my books. never see the point of it. haha. im one lazy reader lah. but i do pride myself for taking care of my books. i managed to read the entire soft cover tolkien (lotr) without one single crease in the spine. that was many many years ago though..kakakakak...maybe im not so careful now...some of cy's books are beginning to show signs of wear and tear..haiz...

mr men
used to love them when i was a lil girl myself!!!hahaha...my fav was little miss quiet. who eventually ended up working in a library!but i havent got any for cy yet....

teaching todds
im beginnig to see signs of his preferred learning style and im beginning to get worried. he doesnt seem to be intersted in words at all, despite my months of flashcards...he does his math and boi ok, his spatial reasoning i would say is good...but words noooooo...

he's ok with reading...but im quite certain he's more interested with the ang kong kias n not the words. so all the methods you mummies are using to teach chinese words, im not sure if he can take to it that well. im now in the process of revamping his education lah...

just wondering how i should start him on chinese...haiz...pathetic.
oh dear, poor sid! do you hv any inkling why he's traumatised by sch? it must be more than the bruise he has rite? is the playgroup environment right for him? R the teachers caring & patient wif him?

seuss! i dun quite understand his stories leh...very confusing illustrations & rhymes hahaha

read abt ur loss of wallet in the other thread...that must be a real nitemare...u settled everything oredi?

re wrapping of books
gee i would nvr ever do that hahaha. My mum used to wrap my sch books for me but honestly i hated the feeling of a plastic cover for my books. Preferred the authentic 'papery' feel hahaha...but i do hv fond memories of my mum & I sitting down on the floor to wrap all the new textbooks b4 i start sch each year. I will b busy cutting all the scotch tape for her :p

guess the ideograms method is not to teach all the chinese words (not all the characters hv explanations?) but it's an interesting way to share wif them how the Ch lang evolves. To enthuse them abt the lang so that they dun see it as just pure memory work. Tedious but more meaningful approach...now, i'm thinking wat r the simpler words that can be intro to kids of N's age using ideograms...anyone can start a list of such characters???

wat pelangi sun series? they focus on chinese characters? got url for that series?

where to buy molasses? do you use it in the same way & amt as normal white sugar?
cheri - ya nitemare. now am cardless... cant do online buying! hahahah :p

Dr S - actually some books are ok. dun get those super rhymes kind. i also hate it... worst is some of the words i cant even read correctly myself! hahahah

Zav like those "human body parts" books from Dr S. like Foot book, eye book etc. maybe becos he can relate.
this site seems not bad...can just type in the pinyin of the chinese character & they will give the explanation to how the character was formed & even animate the strokes sequence. so far, words like ren, da, xiao, kou, yu can be intro using ideograms...

alamak.. really many pple sick during cny... take care ya

CY, Cheri
wow u mommies really put in alot of effort in ur kiddos education hor... i feel so ashamed. cay now totally not into reading... flip flip the pages can... but he doesnt hv the patience for me to read or even summarise. really miss those early days where he wld guai guai sit there and let me read to him... sometimes wld even ask for more

btw u gg cg's pl?? wanna see pretty ch leh!
thanks for having us! pls help me to thank ur maid too for the wonderful meal she has helped to prepare. Not easy for her too cos she's still not tuned to the local food palate. Hee she must hv spent a lot of time clearing up ur place just now after we've left. I swore i saw Cris secretly heave a sigh of relief when we told her J's family not coming to our place for dinner on Chu Er as N had just recovered from Hfmd then hehehe. She was supposed to cook a few dishes for that dinner keke.
hiii...happy cny! wow, hows spending new year at tokyo? must be loads of fun!

eih,just saw you posts. haha, ch not that pretty lah, she is photogenic. looks like a sausage bun now...shes my little kong ba bao :p

thanks for having us at your place!!! i really apologise for those missing balls (if any of them really end up downstairs).when your boy is old enough you might wanna shift the play yard..kekekek...

thanks for having us over!
u look great!
the way u described ur ms made me think u are more or less bed-bound, haha

nice to catch up with mummies again ya!

so fast u dashed off...

iyo the kids all over not much time to catch up with u...

will tt u the money once i get the figure.

cy is really attn seeking
kai was like that when he cld not play with Ning...
CY was trying to sing/whine just w/i earshots!
yeah thanks for hving us at ur pl

cay had lotsa fun tdy!!
and yah sorri for any missing balls and messing up ur pl.
aiyo im repeating exactly wat cy said!!
and yes u're looking v gd

thanks for the link
haiz i guess tv is one of the main culprits

hehe yah lor i always get distracted by the kids...
nvm we catch up here then

eh got time u post pic of ur library leh...
then i can show hb tat im definitely not buying a lot for cay!

post pics post pics!!

ch where got not pretty?!?!! pretty pretty

at least one look can tell she's a girl...
wheres my kate boy boy look!
but of cos she's still a sweetie pie in mommy's eyes

aiyo after talking to u now im so tempted to go to the one at paragon to do my eyebrows!
i'm not so keen on the strokes leh...wanna know more abt the ethymology/origin formation of the words...wat u mean by pictograph?
yes yes, tv's fast moving images can make reading seem real boring & slow hehe

kate is oso very sweet, esp when she smiles & she's such a smiley gal...

think we din quite finish our conversation abt kai & N both wanting the drum...wat did N do when kai wanted the drum back? what happened in the end? iya she can be real stubborn nowadays abt the things that she set her sights on & if an adult doesn't step in & the other child also refuses to give in, the 2 of them would just do a tug of war...such situations, no choice but for me to step in rite though i would v much like her to solve her own problem...however, if the other party is submissive & just lets her hv her way even though she's not rite, i oso dun feel good letting her get away wif it. How to leave them alone to play & solve their own conflict leh....
"I Dunno Chinese"
- Kai

I was rather taken aback when he uttered that at popular, flinging a chinese book in hand...
Obviously he cld differentiate the 2 languages(which is good) and obviously he's not to keen in Chines(tsk tsk!!! That's BAD!)

Ning wanted to watch a Chinese DVD so I let her hv her 10 min.
He uttered the same

"I Dunno Chinese!"

Now I honestly think it's bad cos
1. he's Chinese
2. don't want that to be so ingrained it's a mindset...

When he heard xiao, he said xiao gou, I was so happy that i praised him repeatedly n told him he knows Chinese!!
very funny that kai doesn't like chinese even though he's only so young & will even verbalise his dislike for it. Did you start reading to him chinese books since v young?

N would not reject any chinese stories that we read to her & will listen as intently as in an Eng story. But we need to translate for her at times or she will be lost wif the storyline. Liang Liang is really her big fav! She loves us to read to her in the car so i purposely put some Liang2, non fiction & bible stories in the car. Less distraction so she'll concentrate on these less favoured varieties hahha. But now another problem is she'll always wan me to sit beside her & not wif J when he's driving cos insist that Cris can't read Chinese books...hhmmm
I go cut at flowerpod about the cheaper and homebased one ard $400 for you if you want? I nearly parted my $ at paragon but thankfully my sis told me this lobang. At least ya red is not that funny looking cos you are so fair. But creative embroidery will suit you more and not the one at bishan. Go do and post ya pic here for me to drool

kai took the drum and straight away she yank it fr him.
he was very disappointed and he wanted it back.
but i told him to get sthg else and let her paly for a while and i said it loud enuff for her too.

then after a while he rmb it's his turn he said
I want to play with the drum now.
So i told her return.
she try to run away with it.
she tried to move out of my line of vision.
then tried to ignore.
but i repeated and reminded her Kai was abt to play but she took it fr him.
he was kind enuff to let her play.
i was a broken recorder, repeating n repeating.
i know she's that kind by force will be worse.
]maybe my nagging got to her so she gave the drum back to him.
he was so happy that he drummed so hard.
by the way, through out he did not let go of his drum stick...
hahah yaya maybe ur nagging really got to her! hehe but i oso try to praise her for playing well today...hopefully praising & highlighting those instances where she shared well will help...i was also reminding her in the car on the way back abt how nice sha was to share wif her her trolley sch bag

so wat's the takeaway you wanted to share wif me from that incident? that for N, hv to....
reading in the car...
i just made new arrangement for both to be seated at the back for that i get some time off the kids...
now it's diff for me to read cos if Ning is infront she wld wanna look at the pics or she wld wanna read her own books or she wld wanna listen to her aesop's fables...

so with them at the back they will play or Ning wld read to him(sometimes imaginary ones la)
Creative is really like hair stroke. More natural than the one at Bishan. Good for those with lil eyebrows' hair.

Ning is a good gal!

C: What are you eating?
N: Pizza
C: Is it nice?
N: Yup. (pause for a moment) You want some?
C shrugged.

And today I witnessed her sharing her things and offered toys to the younger ones. And she "chop chop" a slice of the wooden cake for kai. Really a sweet jie jie.
so mine is ok for bishan technique? is mine considered lil?

hehe i oso saw from a distance how Ning tried to negotiate wif N over the scooter (N was on it) but din see the ending of that. Wonder if Ning was successful hehe
You have facebook? I uploaded some pics during the gathering. Took a few pics of sha when I caught her soaking in the pool of balls, sucking her thumb contentedly haha.
sharing of toys

mil said that when hb n bil were young she bot 2 sets of toys so no need to fight...

but one day on our way back a quarrel erupted and a "GIMME BACK MY PHONES" rang out loud from the backseats.
I turned ard to investigate.
Kai was crying n accusing Ning of snatching his phone.
Asked Ni8ng to show me and she cld not...
after some probing realised it was their imaginary phone!!!!
he had a pretend phone and he was abt to call mummy but Ning wanted to call her fren... so goes the story....

now, some1 pls tell my MIL i can't buy THAT PHONE!!!

bottomline is: getting 2 sets of toys does not teach the right virtue... it eradicate conflicts but it does not teach kids how to solve/overcome conflict
yah she's quite smiley when she's in gd mood

prolly cos chinese characters hv so many strokes tats y look much more complicated as compared to english words.
at least he din say "i dun like chinese" ;)

oh dear hope u're feeling better now

yes yes can cut and paste here?? thanks thanks!!

keke jus now i really blur lah tot u said the shop name is flowerpot!!

i'd rather he said

I Dun Like Chinese!!!

At least that's his preference.

I dunno Chinese is so defeatist!!!
b4 try alrdy surrender cos I Cannot?? Chum ah!!!
You can try to hear feedbacks from flowerpod.com.sg
Sorry, me broke out in laughter and hope you are not offended with my insensitive reaction. Kinda picture a real flowerpot shop when you said that ma
I can;t control my laughter type

Dunno is she is good or not. But I saw one of the staff @ paragon who had her eyebrows done by the masters, very nice and natural.

Think you can try at Bishan, cheaper. cos currently ya eyebrows' hair is not that little ya, no need to waste money?
sigh..wonder when i can sit back relaxed to see my ger playing well wif others...no snatching, taking turns well, negotiating etc etc hahahah...no need for me to intervene at all

Ning is turning 6 and is still snatching toys now n then la..

but she is quite caring towards kai esp when outside
now only thing abt her is her temper and she mannerism... sometimes she can be very rude towards elders la...
she doesn't know her boundary...
she also very wanna win kind lor so when she's wrong wun admit...
Thanks so much!!

haha no worries at all... i oso find it funny myself!


for u
from 8days... review on the salon Allure Beauty at tiong bahru. damage $800-$1200
u can see the fine lines tat mimic hairs

yes i oso think ur eyebrows not tat little so can go for the bishan one

keke N looks so cute in the first clip!!

hmm the car thingy really quite fast ya... but the kiddos seemed to be hving so much fun!
hehe quite tempted to get one for cay... esp after cg told me can get one for abt 30 bucks and some even at 10 plus?!
N is so cute singing the alphabet song. Ya nephew was using his legs, i thought it was his body keke. when we put this car downstairs, C goes madless like him too, and I am always running after her. keke

I bought this car at Carrefour Suntec, quite cheap , about $19. Mine is blue cos chanz wanted blue, though I much prefer red. Quite fun.
JTS: Bot these fr Harris ($5.90 before 25% members cum cny discount)
find them quite gd buy cos the board books come w interactive cd roms w games and read-along using flash sites
am quite tickled by some of the lines like...
"As the three little pigs bounced, bounded and boinged along the road...."

but definitely not for beginner readers cos quite wordy... more for mommy-kiddo reading session

pebs & lin
not that easy to capture her on video..most of the time when we whipped out the cam, she will clam up or suddenly sing funny nonsense lyrics.

my nephew was using his legs but think once he pushes his feet agst the ground for a few steps, he'll just rest his legs & the car will move for quite a distance on its own. hehe i will not buy this for N cos i'm quite sure she wun be able to go fast in it & going slow meant she will lose interest in the car after a while. She enjoys being the passenger to her cousin though as he brings her for such hellrider rides hahha..next time my ger may look for a biker bf

thank you for your well wishes....we are all recovering well.

i just went to buy 35 second hand books from beauty world centre...for only $32.50.....really cheap. some books are selling for 50cents(price tagged). thanks for sharing the info.
