A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

interesting to c how the kids have grown so much! their faces have retained some of the baby looks but its different. u noe what i mean!

Popular sale-
is it any good? the brochure is luring me to make my way to the other end of the world..books books..

hi mummies
So excited to share that I have found a mother and child programme for C( once a week), opp my place,in a mall. Not easy to find mother and child programme ard my place where she can sing, listen to stories, etc.

I am still not comfortable to drop C at any enrichment centre independently yet. My pil always hint hint when I want to send her to playgroups, etc. When I told them i am going to homeschool her till she goes pri 1 or p6, they kinda dropped their jaws.

Actually i dun like the idea of having any class on weekends. But since the place is just a stone's throw, no need to take any transport (phew!), only 75mins, starts at 10.30am, hb is only back home about 12 plus, so we decided to start her tomorrow!

But this sat's mother-child playgroup is till 30mths only.

10 lessons (75min each) $200.
Reg $50
Deposit $100.

Each class is only $20, much cheaper than my fake SM class $40 + $25 (cab) = $65 per class.

I give fresh milk to C nowadays.
It should be easy to get cheap organic fresh milk at ya place ya?

For her current organic FM, only the basic nutrients. There is no extra nutrients in organic fm for the brain like choline, dha in non-organic brands
So hb always jokes that if C is slow, all becos of me for giving her the organic FM. keke. I am not concerned with the extra boost in the current FM actually. Cos i supplement Dha with flaxseeds, etc.

What a close shave! Thankfully G is alright.
This Indian driver actually begged him.
Your hb is such a good man!
Now the car is left unrepair, as still pending for the full details from that company of the insurance co.), before G can send his car for repair.

Sad to say, even those who gave up their seats, majority were unwillingly.
Even when I take TPY ferry bus with Sha, hardly others will give up their seats for us.

Great that you had found one.
And indeed it is very cheap!
Iya, if I still stay at Woodlands, I sure join you!
My pils are against the idea of sending Sha to playgroup. They feel it is not necessary to spend extra money since I am not working.

The damage is pretty bad.
Luckily is a SUV car.
If saloon car, I can't imagine the outcome.

Today's weather is sosososososo HOT!
That Sha and I escaped to the swimming pool for more than 1.5hrs

so how was the book browsing? I mean did u get the BNR box set?
which site offer less than $22? I'm thinking of getting the purple set. I've 4 out of the 5 sets.
basically i use those during Ning's read aloud session with me.
For Kai, he likes Spot, Fat Cat on The Mat and Postman Pat a lot.
He'll drag his bag and pull out the books. When i try to pretend and take out other books he'll yank the book off my lap.
But he's been hooked on a few titles from the Red and Orange sets.
He likes Tabby Cat and Monkey. He also asked for Edna Elephant.
He'll ask for the same books again and again.

I didn't dare to tell you worth it or not cos they are good for Ning but Kai was not very into them.
I was thinking Kai is much younger(half a year le) so he might not appreciate as much as your tots. I thought fairer to ask Cheri since Nikki and Sha abt same age ma

I was just saying that he didn't like Where is Tabby Cat? and he asked for that book a few times just now.
After dinner we were at the front porch, Ning was writing and she wanted to draw Tabby Cat. So the books were there. Kai grab the box and 'chose' the books!
When i showed him, this one? He pushed away until he saw Tabby Cat/Monkey/Edna Elephant.
Winnie? No! No!

Date: 27 May, Tues
Time: 9-12 noon
Venue: Toyrental @ Pasir Panjang
Agenda: toys galore, lunch

Interested mummies:
1) cheri & N
2) Shauna & Sidney
3) lilboymum & CY (lunch kiv first coz dunno if CY will wanna zzzz in stroller that day)
4) Lin & Cay
5)Cat & Lil' Brown Boy(Ning has school for the whole week, make up for HFMD closure)

Date: 29 May, Thurs
Time: 4 pm
Venue: Cheri's humble abode @ Toh Yi Drive
Agenda: playdate

Interested mummies:
1) cheri & N (egg sandwiches)
2) pebbles and C ( muffins )
3) Shauna n Sidney (cakes n rolls)(leaving at 6pm coz sidney sleeps at 8pm)
the jolly readers hor, i tried them on CY, he loves the one on rocket, but refuse to read anything else, everyday, rocket rocket rocket....
tried oto hide the book and he rems it and will shriek at me

im trying to introduce more variety of books to him, but he is absolutely obsessed with vehicles and dunno what...all machines....sometimes ok with animals, but the rest of the time...machines, robots, aeroplanes...
gd tat u managed to find a playgroup so near ur pl and at such a reasonable price

think most boys r into such stuff... i know dal's boy is fascinated w anything w wheels

actually i oso realise something... abt 90% of the bks tat i got for cay hv animals in them be it fiction or non-fiction. maybe cos i know he's into animals so tend to buy them... but guess i shld oso expose him to more variety hor
www.acmamall.com is selling below $22.
Have not decided which colour set to buy yet.
But red and orange sets seem to have interesting titles. The rest maybe suitable for 4yrs and above.

Do you have the title: Well Done, Worm!?
I saw it @ www.brandnewreaders.com

Now her favourite: Robin Readers My Pet Stories (Toto The Terrapin, Mimi The Parrot, Freddy The Frog, Snowy The Rabbit and Harvey The Hamster)
ur hb is such a kind man...bless him! that's probably a lot of money in proportion to the driver's monthly wage & i'm sure he's v grateful to him for it.

i thot tumbletots accompanied prog is oso abt that price leh...i asked b4...think abt $26 per lesson. No tumbletots in woodlands?

u still continuing wif bishan next term?

thank God he's alrite...ya man, i can't imagine if it's those jap sardine car...

it's really a boys' thing leh...N just recently dev slight interest in trains thanks to the Toysrus train set but this 'passion' is still nothing compared to her love for dolls, strollers etc. I actually din dare to bring her stroller along for sharing during May babies bd bash cos she's too attached to it during this period...scared she will bash kids up when they try to borrow from her. Though i would love her to learn to share, i think seeing her fave stroller in others' hands would kill her hahha
N's toy stroller is so x, don't bring, just in case.... hee hee!

<font color="ff6000">Sha's present pattern:</font>
If others don't share things with her, she walks away OR
will point to herself then say "mei4 mei4" (which means to ask people to give in to her cos she is a mei4 mei4)..... HAHAHAHAHA!

Now even others push her away, she just ignores then walks away. Good or not?
Though I also want to see her defending herself.

BUT if she is enjoying this particular toy, and someone comes along and snatch it from her, YES she will scream loud!
the bash was last weekend...din bring the stroller...luckily lots of other things to play &amp; keep the tots occupied.

sigh!N will still hit if she &amp; someone else goes for the same toy...now when she gets excited during music &amp; movt, will swing so hard &amp; hit others too..i've to keep reminding her to keep her hands to herself. Once, in JG, i had to carry her cos she got so excited &amp; carried away. But it did help in calming her down. That day, she was hit twice by an older boy in class for no reason..he just stood near her &amp; swung at her face...i was secretly happy hehehe...told her see? u hit others too so now others can hit u oso...painful rite? scared u rite? but really dunno if it got into her leh. Tried so many ways oredi but she still not much improvement. Mummies coming for the playgroup, pls pardon her if she does anything hor? i'm really trying v hard oredi
Actually those working as driver not all earn less it depend wat company they work for as a few of my frenz working as driver told me some have commission like gardenia,sunshine,marigold,gas company and etc and as for those no commission min is $1300/-max $1800/- so it really depends and seriously most driver who got into accident will say no $$$ and boss fire etc cos some company boss r damn shit 1 they will insist the driver pay from their own pocket instead so tat way the boss dun need to pay and seriously claiming of insurance is the last resort to a company and if tat company boss is very shit 1 they will sure sack the driver lah.
That day at Borders, there was one boy used his two hands to slap Summer's face.
Elmo was about to take action then this boy went to sayang Summer's face immediately.
Dun wanna think if it those jap car tat kenna tis accident man.

Tat gd u have found a playgroup somemore can accompany her to it cos wat i noe is most playgroup now discourage parent to be wif them and it really quite a steal for the price.
ya, losing their job is probably their worst fear.

oh dear! did he slap hard? waaa this boy oso very gan leh...slap first then sayang...did S cry or too shocked to react?
N was oso too shocked to react when the boy hit her the other day...that boy bit the other kids b4. hoping that it will be a lesson learnt for her..hopefully it doesn't backfire &amp; she thinks it's fun or exciting to do it.
Yes I think it's a huge proportion of money for the driver. Even they are earning 2k a month, it's still very hard for them. Furthermore, my hb was just paying half of the repair. That means total of the bill was $1,600.

S is very ku-nian one! That day at borders she was too shocked to react. That boy was like a monkey jumping n hopping around!
Ytday fil picked her from school n told me that her teacher was carrying her when he reached there. Asked the teacher, she said S was crying cos one boy went to hug her
. So I asked S she was hugged by which of her classmate...she didn't want to say. I mentioned name by name asked her if she wants to play with them (I knw just a few of their names)she said YES to all of them until finally when I mentioned this boy, Henry she said NO!!! hahahah! Caught the culprit!
alamak!! how dare tat boy hugged our Princess Summer!! but i gotta say i cldn't help smiling when reading ur post cos it all jus seemed so innocent and cute
C's once-a week playgroup

Went for the class today and both of us really enjoyed immensely. The teacher is very very experienced and she is also teaching spech and drama at kinderland and other schools. She speaks well and showered her atention to each child equally. Only 4 students in the class today! Her next term will be end of June.

My gf begged to differ when I told her that the fees is reasonable. Cos if I caculate per hour, using GUG or JG's mother child programme, the hour rate i am paying now is the same at C's school now. But i dun think I can tahan accompanying her for more than 1.5 hour! Then kept harping incessantly that I am throwing $$$ into the drain cos those daily appletree playgroups without parents cost much lesser. Hmm....cannot tahan her.

Still, at least i have saved cab fees and 2 hours on travelling per lesson, to and fro ya?
<font color="0000ff">Have a good laugh!</font>

This stranger was trying to help Sha to get up from her fall.
But Sha rejected his offer by saying "don't want"
(I know Sha will get up by herself, that's why I leave her be)

His wife asked: "Why didn't you help her?"
Husband replied: "She said she don't want"
Most important is you and C enjoy!
And also your gf have to understand Mother n Child program fee is normally more x.
Yours is definitely a very attractive price.
yes, the sch being near ur house is definitely a great thing. Most importantly, the teachers r caring &amp; professional.

yes, he will hug the kids v hard at the neck &amp; wrestle them down at times. Even bit a few b4...too fast for the parent or teachers to react. It's not that the mum doesn't care or discipline but the child is simply like that no matter how much the mum scold/punish him. I can understand/empathise wif her cos N is oso a lil like that...just hope they will outgrow it. Guess unless one has a child who behaves in such baffling ways, one can never really understand.
Sha has one classmate, he is always being bullied by his big brother (age 4) at home.
Hit him, snatch his toys and etc, must make his little brother crys, then he will stop.
That day, he even don't allow his little brother to sit in the stroller when on the way home from school.
Long time nebber catch up with you. So you are living in ya own house already? K is really a big and lovely gal now. I like her smile!

Then did the boy's mum do anything to improve the sibling's relationship? It is so sad to be vitimised from young.

Ya, i like this teacher very much, so much that i ask her if she has other mother and child programme elsewhere so that i can put C for another day or two. Even thinking of gathering a few students to see of she wants to conduct another class!

I maybe stopping C next term for her fake sm class. Pretty exhausted to travel to and fro in the morning when she wakes up at 9 plus and it is often a mad rush for me. What abt you?
oh dear, poor summer must have got a bad scare when the boy hugged her! Only used to being hugged by mummy n daddy , not used to being hugged by a boy!

FAKE sm classes? why u say fake?

u so lucky to be living on ur own now. Poor me still stuck here with monster mil! Dunno when will be my turn to have my own place lor.
Hahhahah...in fact she always gets hugged by older boys outside n still get so shocked each time...one time she was hugged by one boy age about 4-5yrs old then she gave me the sickening look...hahahha! Think her classmate must have hugged too tight..keke!

Naughty S
Went to Ikea just now n had dinner at the restaurant. S was too engrossed with the playplace inside n after playing refused to put back on her shoes. So I just put her on highchair to dine. After dining, I put on her shoes n left. We walked quite a distance n she told hb that:"Opps my shoes dropped!". Hb asked her:"Where did you dropped it? Is it around here?". She said:"NO...." Hb asked:"Then where is it?" She said:"Inside the dinner there...". And I went back to the restaurant n found it underneathe her highchair.
brand new readers...
whos getting it? can give a brief review of it?which colour is suitable for what age???

engineering ah? okok..course not too expensive..still can afford

was thinking of construction foreman actually...hahahahaa...

ok lah, your mil gave you any problems?that place is quite centralised and nice...

our playgroup is starting at 4-6 liaoz, can join oredi loh!!!!

wow, Summer is so good with guys at such young age. your hb will really need to worry next time leh...
yes, i will b stopping the fake SM since she will be in cc.

'fake' cos it's homebased &amp; done by ex-SM teacher lor...elmo, pebbles &amp; my kids were in the same class for a term before Summer left cos of her daily playgp.

hehehe S will give the disgusted look somemore ah? maybe not handsome or yan dao enuff :p

Brand new readers...i hv the red &amp; orange sets...so far, these 2 sets r quite suitable for N's age or younger...simple stories but i like the twist at the end...though N dun seem to grasp the humour yet heheh. When u come to my place on Thurs, remind me to show u.
Join us for the pg! The more the merrier!

YOu have a monstrous mil too? You oso plan to move away from her? Are you starting R any class?
Oic like tat really can't do much unless go to extreme method(using cane) then tat might works discipline the kids ba.

Ya move into my own place few weeks back and it was great now I am as free as a bird but then my tis place abit lousy as there only 1 food court nearby nia so most of the time i cooking now but i am not a gd cook so my food r can eat nia.

Dun worry go psycho ur hubby so u can also really get ur own place soon.
Btw why monsterous mil???

Tat boy poor thing kenna bully by the brother.
Can I join in after 13 June?
Would there be a theme? Then much easier for us to plan and achieve our objectives?
Iya, my place only has a small table with 3 small chairs.

What a clever S!

His parents and grandparents have tried, yet see no improvement.

Would N start cc in July? Confirmed?

Maybe invest some property units or buy direct HDB flat (cheaper, then can make some money after 5yrs)?

We just came back from a party gathering in a restaurant. Sha behaved well and just did her own biz, hahahaha!
Had a big fun with 8 big brothers and sisters, especially she was like a "little doll" to those girls, sticking nail arts on her tiny fingers and tattoo stickers on her body.
I had also learnt a lot of interesting facts of this famous chef, on what are the foods we should avoid and to cure?
Most of the time those boys hug her n still will try to kiss her...most of the time she doesn't knw how to react. When she sees kids outside, she will only play with jiejie or meimei.

Alot of time our kids might appeared not interested in what we are telling them or teaching them but they are absorbing. S surprised us everyday. She would use words like "fantastic", "wonderful", "amazing", etc. One day I was talking to her. I was just making a sentence:"Wow, it's amazing!". She replied:"Wow, what an amazing day!" @@
playgroup mommies-
saw some chairs at daiso. cheap of course but not durable.. one on display was broken and the last thing i want is for any tot to fall off a chair. cant find any little chairs that sell abt 10 bucks tho.

oh yes, pls join us when u have the time.

went for the tumbletots physical play trial at my area. wasnt very good, largely free play. maybe the playgroup elsewhere is better. so still on the hunt for a good parent accompanied program for my little one.

Sidney's progress-
His pincer grip is more refined. The little guy is back on his feet to cruise. (he was terrified when we forced him to walk since the last therapy session and went on walking "strike" for close to a week. he's able to transfer between gaps.

S makes me laugh. she really does say hilarious stuff. is she getting better in her moods lately?
She is not as grumpy now...esp weekend usually she will drain off her energy in that 3hrs in the school. And hb will bring her go to playground again after work. That helps alot
Do join us, then sha, n and C can play together too. So share with us what are the food we should avoid?

you are not joining us in the playgroup? Summer is really very ahead. Did the teachers give you good feedbacks about her so far?

Why dun you try gymboree? Pretty good if you are going for gym classes. And S will be more confident in walking since the area is covered with many mattress pads? I love to go to the one at Vivo.
Parents accompanied program: can try Kidsloft, Teacher Lavina is v v good with tots. Many of my frens' tots + mine have soared under her, but takes time, and it's fairly enjoyable too. 4 days back, S started to ask everything using "May I have xxx pls", all of Lavina's influence in the past 6 weeks. She's at Cluny Court, but heard she plans to shift somewhere nearer to the West. Yesterday I went for a JG story telling session at Parkway and feels that the JG teachers, whilst they r good, paled to Lavina's story telling techniques. She runs trials too.
<font color="0000ff">
<font size="+1">F.Y.I. Where to be During an Earthquake</font>

Please read this and pass the info along to your family members; it could save their lives someday!


My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the
American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced
rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake.

I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams
from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a
member of many rescue teams from many countries.

I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I
have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for
simultaneous disasters.

The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico City
during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under its desk. Every child
was crushed to the thickness of their bones.. They could have survived by
lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene, unnecessary and
I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't at the time
know that the children were told to hide under something.

Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings
falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a
space or void next to them. This space is what I call the 'triangle of life'.
The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. The less the
object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that
the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next
time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the 'triangles' you
see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see,
in a collapsed building..


1) Most everyone who simply 'ducks and covers' WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.

2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position.
You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.

3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in during
an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of the earthquake.
If the wooden building does collapse, large survival voids are created.
Also, the wooden building has less concentrated, crushing weight. Brick
buildings will break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause many injuries but
less squashed bodies than concrete slabs.

4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply
roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed. Hotels can achieve a
much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by posting a sign on The back of the door of every room telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.

5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out
the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to
a sofa, or large chair.

6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is
killed. How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or
backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!

7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different 'moment of
frequency' (they swing separately from the main part of the building).
The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each
other until structural failure of the stairs takes place. The people who get
on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads - horribly
mutilated. Even if the building doesn't collapse, stay away from the
stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged. Even if the
stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when
overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety,
even when the rest of the building is not damaged.

8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If Possible
- It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than
the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the
building the greater the probability that your escape route will be

9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls
in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened
with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of
the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles. They were
all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or
lying next to their vehicles. Everyone killed would have survived if they had
been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the
crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had
columns fall directly across them.

10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices
and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact.
Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.

Spread the word and save someone's life... The Entire world is
experiencing natural calamities so be prepared!

'We are but angels with one wing, it takes two to fly'

In 1996 we made a film, which proved my survival methodology to be
correct. The Turkish Federal Government, City of Istanbul , University of
Istanbul Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical, scientific
test. We collapsed a school and a home with 20 mannequins inside. Ten
mannequins did 'duck and cover,' and ten mannequins I used in my
'triangle of life' survival method. After the simulated earthquake collapse we
crawled through the rubble and entered the building to film and document the
results. The film, in which I practiced my survival techniques under
directly observable, scientific conditions , relevant to building collapse, showed there would have been zero percent survival for those doing duck
and cover.

There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using
my method of the 'triangle of life.' This film has been seen by millions
of viewers on television in Turkey and the rest of Europe , and it was seen
in the USA , Canada and Latin America on the TV program Real TV
we hv a theme for the first 2 sessions but hv not talked abt wat follows after that.

wow! S is indeed an 'amazing' girl! Not only is she so advanced in her lang, i rem her motor skills r very good too...i can still recall vividly her 'spiderwoman' act up the slide in Forum playground when she was quite young.

i second Pebbles' recommendation of Vivo Gymboree for S to play &amp; to dev confidence in motor skills etc. It's clean, air-con, spacious, bright, not too crowded most of the time &amp; best of all, they change the setup every 2 weeks or so. N used to b really clumsy &amp; timid at the playground but after i brot her to Gymboree a few times, her confidence level &amp; agility increased. I feel, a lot is due to the space &amp; time for them to explore slowly. Sometimes, public playgrounds can be crowded wif big kids etc, not exactly the most conducive place for tots to 'practise' at their own pace. We just went last Wed morning &amp; the whole place was empty. They did temp check oso for the tots so can rest easy on HFMD.

N's bd celebration at home today was such a joy! She enjoyed herself so much! Now i can understand why others say home is still the best place for them to celebrate at this young age cos it's their most secure &amp; attached environment. The small number of guests (immed family members from both our sides) oso meant that there was v good interaction between us &amp; the guests. At least dun feel like i only hv time to chat 5 mins wif every guest &amp; then move on! hhaha...v typical of traditional Chinese weddings.
today didn't see you at the church jubilee parents briefing.
is your gal still attending 1st service?
next week, sha will be promoting to jubilee class, will hv more interesting activity for her.

another good place is JWT Kids gym.
the set-up is definitely 100% safe, fully cushions carpeted
