A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

How is N now? Cancel the trip?
Pray that she gets well soon.
You can try Honey Weetbix crunch (don't need to add milk), it is very tasty and not too messy to eat.

Is a Playgroup centre. Starting her on the 1st term, 02 Jan.. actually it is only 2 more weeks.

Maybe you can re-consider to get the plastic ones. The metal ones, over a period of time it might rust.
And because it is coated w paint, try not to use any sharp objects to scratch it.
A few times Sha was running around and accidentally hit onto the gate, luckily it is plastic.
Btw, Lucky Baby Safety Gate (Plastic) $79 inclusive one extension panel.

You are welcome.
Btw, thank you for the article on Separation Anxiety.

Glad that you got back your IC.
I remembered I lost my IC together w my wallet once borrowing books from the Orchard Library.
I was so panicked @ that time of point, and had to remember which credit cards I had,
and called individual banks to inform them about the loss. And was an expensive brand new wallet too.

celest, what kinda hrs & stuff they do at e play group? whats e charges? drop off i suppose?

i'm still thinking if king seth would be ok at child care ctr, he's such a bully hahhaha... maybe play group for a start?

so next yr, we'll cya less?

no matter what happenes, like sch n stuff, i hope we all still mtg regulary like open hse, so that they can grow up together? while we grow old together hahhahaa...
Just checking in.... Hope everyone's well. Haven't had the chance to read thru the posts so will just take it from here.

We're well and happy in Oz. D is extremely happy. He loves it here. He's much better behaved too. Something to do with the climate, the air, and goodness knows what. Not going to analyse it, just happy he's an angel. ;-)

For eg. he actually wants to sit in his car seat all the time. Not once has he fussed no matter how long the journey. Amazing.... Doesn't mind much sitting in his stroller too. Perhaps cos he sees all other kids in their strollers too.
No worries. Even with my bb i welcome u all to come and visit me... once a week come out shld still be ok. heehee...

Angi rgd playgroup
heard JE swimming pool there got a playgroup nt bad. U may wish to chec it out. Initally they will definitely cry. Jus hv to let time pass. Also since Seth is very clingy to u, it is actually a gd idea to start drop off prog for him early. Oso at least u hv some break. For their age drop off prog is only less than 2 hr so dun worry. Every kid will hv separation anxiety. It is jus a matter of more or less.

How's N?

Well it is a great xmas gift isnt it? somemore save $100. heehee...

Next week no prog? I can open up my place next Thurs though. Anyone interested?
It is jus an article given to me when i enrol ABC in kinderland.

Nice to hear from u... Wish u all the best and Merry christmas
HI zoe!!!

Wow, the air must be doing D lotsa good. so glad he is a happy boy there. there's all we can ask for isnt it

How's your classes coming along?

angi, CG, abc...
seems that a lot of bbs going to school liaoz. heeee....just when im free hahah...

actually one reason why im stopping work now is we are attempting to homeschool CY for the first few years. before he goes to Primary (that is the plan). so am bringing him to diff playgroups that;s all :p

wow, blur cashier...he/she should've gotten a grilling from his/her boss man!!!
Hmm...home sch? Actually wat r the parents supposed to do when home schooling our tots?

Regarding Childcare,
I'm still contemplating if I shld start working & send Kay to Childcare or let my mum look after her.
I know she'll learn to share & interact wif other kids in CC, but I'm also worried that she'll be bullied & get sick often. Also, since my hb travels quite freq, I'm afraid I can't manage wif work & Kay alone.
If I put Kay in mum's plc, will be more convenient as there's no rush to drop & pick Kay up on time. But, my mum already has her hands full wif my nephew & niece & also I'm worried tat my mum will have prob disciplining Kay. SIGH!

Mummies, any suggestions? Seems like I dun have a gd arrangement either way.
I prefer CC to anything else. I'm a FTWM and hubby is always nt free. Most impt is to find a gd childcare... check the teacher student ratio. Gv supplement to boost immunity. i must say ABC seldom sick when she in childcare..

actually not much diff from what we always do now, since they are so young anyway. I dun intend to send CY to proper/formal 'school'. so most likely no kindy for him too. most likely limiting it to music and swimming 'lessons'.
I just personally feel below 6 is way too young for me to send him somewhere else to be taught by a stranger. several other reasons compelled us to do this (too lengthy to explain here). Since the option is open, i'll try to see what happens these few years first :p

for CC, what i heard is children will get used to the illness, and their immunity will be ok after a while
HEY zoe!!!!!!!!
You know I was thinking how you are while i was hanging those horrible clothes just now!!!!!!! And I was utterly surprised to see ya post here! Great to know that you and D are enjoying yaself!
its $300 for me, cos i lost my ic once le, and now its my second time *heng ah*

the blur cashier
actually wanted to file a complaint, den think abt it, haiz its christmas period, and busy period for those sale people too, and i myself used to work in sales line before, so in the end i told hb that i am not going to complain. hehehe~ forgive and forget
hey zoe, was bout to email u xmas greetings from us all here! glad 2 hear that u hanging well over there most impt u got an angel for a change! hahhaha... have a blessed xmas in oz! we'll miz ya at e party...

thx ling, i'll go cek it out but now sch holidays got open?
i tried giving king seth vitC but he dont waanna eat le.. always forget to feed e cod liver oil hahha lazy mummy...

YY, home sch teach what? but not my cuppa la i'll go insane n jump off e roff.. coz king seth is so notti & irritating!
better drop him off to ccc then i can go make some money to cushion my spending hehehe...
suppose 2 go some sch trial tdy @ JE but he's coughing so postpone...

ya cheri, how's nikki?
btw, did u mention HKG w/ur folk? doubt u can get tix unless u wanna fly biz class hahaha..

rhys supposed to go there next week no flight!
my gf wanna come back join us xmas party no flight!

dorcas dear, heng ah dont waste money on a pink card.. thx 4 e nice pix gift!
Day/Date: MON 17 December
Time: 3pm
Venue: Qun Zhong @ Neil Rd near Maxwell
Agenda: Makan xiao long bao, la mien, jiao zi...
1) Angi & Seth
2) Pebbles

Day/Date: TUE 18 December
Time: 4pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) Angi & Seth

Day/Date: WED 19 December

Day/Date: THU 20 December [PH]

Day/Date: FRI 21 December

Please provide me with your hb's name for gift exchange:)

Day/Date: MON 31 December <>CONFIRMED<>
Time: 4pm onwards
Venue: Elmo's, 14 Countryside Walk
Agenda: NY2008 countdown party & pot-luck dinner.
Gift-Exchange: for kids, mummies & daddies (draw lots)
1) Elmo & Summer & Daniel & family
2) Angi & Seth [cake & disposables stuff]
3) abcdisney n abc (donuts)
4) cheri, Johnny, N & helper (chicken curry & french loaf)
5) Cg, hb n Sha (G on half day, so confirmed joining us too)
6) Pebbles n C n hb (tbc)
7) Lovethat & hubby & rugrat (tbc)
8) Esther , hubby, randal & helper


calling all new & regular folks in this thread! e more e merrier le! pls join us at e party!

dsii? mtdt? YB? ylc?
garfield? dorcas? sharon? cat?

Hmm..in fact, I've visited a few CC. But I had the strange feeling that I'm 'dumping' Kay into a regimental routine. Dun feel gd lor. Not sure if I'm getting too attached to Kay. Haha.

Anyway, the few CCs that I've visited (both ex & cheap kinds) has a 1:8 teacher/student
ratio. And their mattresses are all those gym-kind with plastic covering.

How do u managed to get over the initial anxiety of sending abc to CC? Care to share?

Wat did u do when at home wif tot? Kay spend most of her time roaming around the hse. She not interested in her toys/hand painting etc. Occasionally, she can sit down to watch VCDs. But tat's abt it.
nice to hear from you again...so great to hear that life's good for u & D...is this his first Xmas overseas? too bad oz is not winter season now or else it will be a wintry xmas hahah...enjoy enjoy!

i've heard some mummies mention abt Creative O in another threaad too...near IMM..seems not bad too..u can check it out but i think it's for 2 or above 2...anyway, our tots will all be 2 very soon...months will pass super fast!

yes, we r still thinking of hk..checking on tix now actually still hv but just that we r fussy abt hotels (must be centralised, 4 star at least, near mrt etc)...some tour agencies still hv vacancies as well as there r some tix on sites like zuji etc...haha anyone here interested to bring tot to hk? we will definitely visit disneyland if we go

can understand ur dilemma abt sending K to cc now...all options hv their pros & cons yeah? i oso believe it's a personal decision that we make...heart over head, u know wat i mean. anyway, most of us only went to sch at 5? now wif pre-nursery & nursery, oredi brot forward 2 years...so long as they r gainfully occupied & r growing well in all aspects.

waaa u v brave to do homeschooling leh...my ex colleague's wife (ex pri tr) oso quit to stay at home to home sch his 3 kids...he raves abt hs...it's not going to be easy for the parents but definitely there r gains to be reaped...i read an article recently on Today paper by Chris Dobson (i think) citing that more & more homeschooled kids r doing v well academically when they actually go to formal sch...v bright n no social adjustment problems, a main concern abt homeschooling.
YB, cheri, angi..
heee...just exploring the option now. c if i'll go crazy feeding him first (kekeke).

as of now, dun really have a fixed schedule yet,s ince he is still so young. but i try to limit the 'lessons' to morning only. flashcards, and some right brain activities (in thing now loh). afternoon will be crafts (which he hates) or outings (which he loves) :p
My aunty's bro's wife oso homesch his children... But dun think i hv the kind pf patience to do it. hahaha...btw u can homesch yr kids till 12 yr old.

For me i alr hv this idea even before she is born. I hv a very young sis who is 14 this yr. I saw her been thru childcare. Personally my intention right at the neginning is to start her off childcre once her age allow her to. Tat y she started at abt 16 mth... even b4 the 18 mth age. But of cos i start her gradually. 2 days, 3 days first... Thus i guess it is the mindset.

Day/Date: MON 17 December
Time: 3pm
Venue: Qun Zhong @ Neil Rd near Maxwell
Agenda: Makan xiao long bao, la mien, jiao zi...
1) Angi & Seth
2) Pebbles

Day/Date: TUE 18 December
Time: 4pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) Angi & Seth

Day/Date: WED 19 December
Time: 4pm
Venue: Delta cum dinner at Ikea
1) abcdisney n abc

Day/Date: THU 20 December [PH]

Day/Date: FRI 21 December

Please provide me with your hb's name for gift exchange:)

Day/Date: MON 31 December <>CONFIRMED<>
Time: 4pm onwards
Venue: Elmo's, 14 Countryside Walk
Agenda: NY2008 countdown party & pot-luck dinner.
Gift-Exchange: for kids, mummies & daddies (draw lots)
1) Elmo & Summer & Daniel & family
2) Angi & Seth [cake & disposables stuff]
3) abcdisney n abc (donuts)
4) cheri, Johnny, N & helper (chicken curry & french loaf)
5) Cg, hb n Sha (G on half day, so confirmed joining us too)
6) Pebbles n C n hb (tbc)
7) Lovethat & hubby & rugrat (tbc)
8) Esther , hubby, randal & helper

I have started a fixed schedule for Sha.
Affer breakfast, she will have 15-20mins indoor/outdoor playground.
Then some reading, flashcards, crafts, free play (will encourage to keep her toys each time),
VCD, (if she is willing to watch) and games (lately she starts pretend play and loves her kitchen set, will ask me to "eat",
and outings in the late afternoon (if it is not raining).

Good thing about sending
her to playgroup, gives me another opportunity
to follow the school theme so that I can reinforce the teachings @ hm.

Sha is very attached to me. And I really hope
she could be much more independent @ younger age.
Hope formal playgroup might benefit her.
i am a very strong believer in routine. I started routine as soon as abc jus born. Though initally is tough but as time goes by easier. Now her schedule if whole day at hoem is as follows:

Wake up at 830am-9...breakfast
After which will be free play for 20 min
Art/free drawing/writing
Lunch at 12noon
bath at 1230pm
Barney from 1-130pm
Nap 130pm - 330pm or 4pm
Free play for 20 min
Outing after nap time..
Dinner at 630pm or 7pm...
Free play till 830pm
Slp at 9pm.
can share wat r the rite brain activities u do wif him? he likes?

ya, cos u r the main caregiver all these while, playschool is a good option to get her to be more indep...then u can plan for ur #2 soon haha

share wif all of u this book i'm reading now from the library...Setting Limits with ur Strong-willed child by Robert J. Mackenzie...very easy reading & i like their case studies of how the parents' words & actions, if said & done differently, makes so much more diff to a strong willed child whose mission in life is to test ur boundaries unlike a more compliant child whose underlying nature is the urge to please & cooperate. I was quite amused to read this part & shared it wif my hb haha

"Compliant children will ccoperate wif most discipline approaches, even ineffective ones, because their underlying desire is to cooperate. They permit parents a wide margin for ineffectiveness. Strong-willed children, on the other hand, do not respond to ineffective discipline. They require clear, firm, & consistent guidance."
will u be able to make it for the preview b4 28th? if can, i can try to call the lady to check if she can change...

still waiting for u to get back to me

yes, N loves her milk all along...maybe cos i supplement her wif fm all these while i was bfg her, she doesn't really mind the different tastes at all...i can switch diff brands of fm, meiji fresh milk, hay dairies goat milk, she drinks all wif no problem...but this time round, cos her throat hurts think she really dun dare to drink. She has nvr been a drooling baby when she teeths, but now her drools keeps on coming out cos i think she finds it painful to swallow the saliva.

luckily, she seems ok now...no more fever & drinking like usual again. Guess the anti biotics does help but again, hv read abt why antibiotics r not good for them sigh! but i dun dare to let her body fight the virus on its own..too young & she can't tell us exactly wat's wrong wif her.
Guess one of the reasons why Sha is so attached to me because I am still breastfeeding her.
Taking it as a blessing, better than she attaches close to a third party, right?
Friday @ MRT, she wanted to latch, she actually pointed at it.. then said "mum mum". OMG!
So many people were looking at me. So embarrassing! G teased and said luckily Sha never said "milk milk".
Glad that N has recovered.
ya, bfg is definitely one of the factors but i feel it's more due to the fact that she spends most of her waking hours everyday wif u. I believe there r many other kids who hv 1 main caregiver but not bf, is oso clingy n v attached to the mum. at least she's just pointing to ur breast, not tearing down ur blouse hahah
I feel I am also very attached to Sha.
<font color="ff6000">Attached = Worried</font>.
24th Dec, G asked me to join formal D&D with him, from (7pm - after midnight).
No child is allowed.
Have to ask my gf to take care of Sha.
I am still hesitating though G insisted me to go.
Reason: Sha might not want to sleep and would start to cry n scream, then disturb the whole family.
celest, what bout ur folks? sha sees them reg ya? so can they handle her?

king seth also damn strong-willed, insist his way! haiz i donno how to teach...

ya what r e right-brain stuff 2 teach? thx..
My old folks have no energy to take care of active Sha for so many hours.

Left-Brain Development includes Approach of Practical Life, Sensorial Development, Mathematics and Environmental Awareness/Cultural Diversity.

Right-Brain Development includes Approach of English Language, Manadarin Immersion Program and Creative Expression.

Alvert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci are some of the users of "both sides" of the brain. Modern education systems have tended to "stream" even very young children into "left" (the science and academia) or "right" (the arts and trades).

yes i can make it before 28th. i leave on the 28th.

regarding right brain activities, kiddoes still young, so need some very primitive activites...
1. speed flashcards - usually possible only through computers (from my point of view coz im quite klutzy with cards)
2. left hand training. passing small beads/rice crispies (depending on age - very small objects using left hand (left hand for right brain) and place them on spoons (right hand) or any small surface
3. penmanship - just using pens to write - pref using left hands (just blind scribble lah)
4. memory game - place in box/bag with object of different shapes (cubes or what) close box with only enough to place hand in (cannot see through). show bb the pix or actual shape you want and they are supposed to put hand in to feel for it using left hand. it takes some practice. but i think after some time they will get what you wan them to do

just some ideas...CY is already showing strong preference for right hand, that is why im suggesting these... :p

CG taught sha some signs?maybe less embarrassing with sign language...heeee..sha so cute in her uni...she sure knows how to pose man...

wow, all the best and tell me the result of the D&D night. frankly i wouldnt dare to do it. leave CY, coz he'll sure kick up a big fuss, yes even with a maid. he needs mummy to be there to put him to bed and be around when he wakes up (which he does) at night...

but if ok, then maybe can consider one such nights out man!
so if king seth is a right hander how?
u give him a pen, on e left side, he'll grab via left then transfer to right hand to write scribble or bang...
I guess for me i jus leave everything to nature... to em she learning music is right brain alr... other than tat i will jus leave it for her own development. Dun wish to stress them on such things too young. I'll jus let nature takes it course.. if she is right brainer i'll develop it, if she's a left brainer i will develop it. Like nw she is a music lover, thus i knw her interest n hence will develop this area... dun nt wish to "force" her to learn every other thing... mabe mummy lazy oso bah.. but for me i guess i jus wan her to hv a happy and carefree childhood...
For myself, I can use either hand to do most of the daily tasks, except for writing then I use right hand.
Which hand will your ds raise if you were to pass him an object? Yes, Sha needs me to be there to put her to bed at night too.
does ur gf hv kids who play wif Sha often? maybe u hv to trial out 1 nite first hhhaha then gauge sha's reaction.

ok, i'll try to call the lady later again to c if she can meet us b4 28th.

thanks for the description of the activities...do u hv any sites where i can read up more on left & rite brain...thinking of borrowing some books to read too...any good book/s to recommend?

i'm kinda confused now...anyone can differentiate these activities for me if they r rite or left brain for a start? so if they r rite brain areas, then we hv to train their left hand?

a) Language
b) Science & Mathematics
c) Art & Music
4) Creativity (3D concepts etc)
5) Logical thinking

for me, it's more due to personal experience, i'm a very left brain person myself, & m v poor in visualising conceptual stuff, drawing etc. Cannot visualise means cannot visualise lor...quite frustrating at times. But i'm ambi-dexterous oso leh...in fact i use my left hand to cut (knife, scissors) but rite to write etc (due to my mum's intervention from young).

it's true it's still v impt to dev whole brain but since most will revert to left brain when they grow up, it doesn't hurt if we can stimulate their rite brain a lil so they r stronger in that too? that's my thinking lah.

since u say ur boy is oredi showing inclinations for rt hand, when u pass the objects to his left hand, wat happens? i like the memory bag/box thing...wat r some of the objects u put in? how many? hahah must ask u to demo when i meet u...can't imagine how they'll be able to tell from just feeling...keke...if they use rite hand to do it, we stop them?

eih,i can write with both hands, but that is trained, not natural (heeee...)

CG, cheri...
when i pass him an object, he used to use his left hand, but now dominantly right hand. that is how i know he should be a right hander.so sometimes, i will occupy one hand and then pass objects to the other...

for the memory bag (i use drawstring bag too lazy to make box), i put sorting cubes...those triangle, circle etc cubes...easier to sort...so far CY can only do circles...dunno why

haha..i devise the activities myself one leh. some i improvise from reading...
will join u on wed(zy also dun have childcare that day) if i recover fully from food poisoning. now still having diarrhoea...ai

Day/Date: MON 17 December
Time: 3pm
Venue: Qun Zhong @ Neil Rd near Maxwell
Agenda: Makan xiao long bao, la mien, jiao zi...
1) Angi & Seth
2) Pebbles

Day/Date: TUE 18 December
Time: 4pm
Venue: Taka
Agenda: Shopping
1) Angi & Seth

Day/Date: WED 19 December
Time: 4pm
Venue: Delta cum dinner at Ikea
1) abcdisney n abc
2) cutiemax n zy

Day/Date: THU 20 December [PH]

Day/Date: FRI 21 December

Please provide me with your hb's name for gift exchange:)

Day/Date: MON 31 December <>CONFIRMED<>
Time: 4pm onwards
Venue: Elmo's, 14 Countryside Walk
Agenda: NY2008 countdown party & pot-luck dinner.
Gift-Exchange: for kids, mummies & daddies (draw lots)
1) Elmo & Summer & Daniel & family
2) Angi & Seth [cake & disposables stuff]
3) abcdisney n abc (donuts)
4) cheri, Johnny, N & helper (chicken curry & french loaf)
5) Cg, hb n Sha (G on half day, so confirmed joining us too)
6) Pebbles n C n hb (tbc)
7) Lovethat & hubby & rugrat (tbc)
8) Esther , hubby, randal & helper

hb managed to get biz class tix to taipei using his mileage points so we'll be flying over tmr morning...yeh!

wat happened? how come food poisoning? serious or not? take care k.
we'll be back on 23rd...in time for xmas! ya, she's fine now but we'll still hv to feed her the antibiotics med to finish the cycle.
glad tat u still in time for hols. Can still meet yr frens there yea?

Aiyoh got see doc? better rest well. Nd me to help u take care of zy jus let me knw... a practice for me to take care of 2.. hahaha
So after Sha starts playgroup, how do u deal wif the separation?

Can start CC at 16mths? Thought can only start at 18mths? I'm thinking if I start Kay wif CC for 2-3days/wk, then I can't go to work. And it isn't really worth it cos can't claim subsidy.

So far, Kay only LOVES outdoor trips. Can see her eyes really lit up. Haha.

My concern is also personal lah. I'm just worried if I stop working for so long, will not be so employable next time. Then lost touch wif the world since now my whole focus is on Kay. There are some pull & push factors involved, so thinking abt it for a couple of mths already but still not decided. sigh...

Sometimes, I think if I shld sacrifice myself for Kay's well-being or sacrifice Kay for myself. Hate the fact that I have to make tis diff choice.
it is up to individual. U can start her full day immediately mah... For me the childcare i send to willing to gv me a pro rated price so i am ok with it lor. Some childcare will pro rate some wun so up to u.
R has a strong preferrence for using right hand, so means i have to train his left brain is it? For left brain activities, other than flashcards (flashing quickly) what can i do with him?

started last sat. ate the food catering during zy's childcare graduation concert. then started diarrhoea , vomiting and fever. rested over the weekends. now slightly better, still feeling weak but at least i am recovering.

luckily, zy wasn't affected cos she ate abit of bee hoon from my plate. it wasn't severe diarrhoea like the prima's case. think mine is mild one, except feeling weak due to loss of nutrients.

That's great news. Enjoy your trip. see u after christmas.

thanks. luckily zy is in childcare so i get my much needed rest during weekdays. my parents cared for her last weekend while i nap the whole day.

hopefully, i am well by then.

saw your sms about the tt. will check much later.

thanks...no hurry actually.

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