5months baby boy not drinking milk nor taking cereals.. help needed

it is not a luxury to me..i miz my income and oso wori next time no $$ send my boy for enrichment oso..my insurance agent say by the time he needs to go U overseas, need at least S$250K. ev mth muz pay abt S$400 premium for the next 20yrs or so!! Can die! so next yr muz go and work liao..unlez let me strike toto lor! Tis is very depressing topic..

my mum's grinder very powerful wor! so suprise the ikan bilis can grind til like rice cereal so fine. Hav fun grinding away..let me noe good to use anot, mayb i buy 1 oso..my microwave is those convection type,can grill/toast/bake etc. so i juz put grill mode abt 20mins..can dry and cook them same time mah..save me alot of effort.

My son is taking unsieve food for 3days liao (except for the fish i started 2days ago)..i juz use masher to mash. but i realise fruits like apple,pear still abit hard for him to take raw and grated.

this teething thg is very irritating leh! my son din eat dinner 2day..keep smacking/sucking his lips..dun wan open mouth. think his gums feels umcomfty. i made honeydew for him, smell so yummy like honeydew sago..sigh..but lucky he got drink milk..and i gv him all his protein/vege for lunch liao.hope 2mr wun b like tat.

Eversince he take solids, he will drink milk,no fuss..but i still use room temp water to make FM.

Actually,im very lazy person, but now not working,got nothg to do,so might as well learn to look after bb lor! and oso my niece very fussy
eater, me oso..so dun wan son b like tat, next time hard to feed.

6mo can gv hardboiled egg yolk liao..PD say 1..but i KIV til now, tot of letting him be vegan. The cod i steam with ginger,rid the fishy smell, then blend and freeze in cubes (lazy way!) I wanna finish tis pack of rice cereal 1st, then make porr.

Hav u given ur boy meat yet? how do u prepare?

can u increase the time betw her feeds? 3.5hrs instead of 3hrly? last time my boy can go 5hrs betw feeds..i feed 4hrly last time wen he had reflux.
ValC, very gek sim right??? sigh...me sometimes still gg through that also. If theres any comfort, just to let you know your gal actually still drink but fusses... my boy hor, when he dun wan milk means dun wan... i force him, he cry cry kick and use his hands to shove away, arch his back to scream..all the patterns come out... making himself tired..and me tired out and fed up and heartpain all at the same time...sigh!

syringe feeding is really slow i understand..i sometimes tried spoonfeeding when ricco dun wan milk...usually after a few spoonfulls, i fed up..so slow..and his attention span is short..normally he will sit still for awhile, take a few spoonfulls but after which, back to his usual 'naughty' self.. no way to spoonfeed... he will grab spoon, shove my hands away, cry for his toy etc..gek sim!

i think i also no solution for you liao...cos me facing the same problem also...if you do come accross any new tricks, let me know also..hahahaha.... last method, from what i read here, seems like some babies once they start solids/semi solids, it will ignite their desire to drink milk... when can ashley start cereals?
can she suck pacifier well? if she can, than i dun see any problems with her sucking control motion?

whenever i feel fed up, i will always tell myself, the day will surely come when ricco is a 18/19 yr old big boy..and by then i will tell him how he used not to like milk..and will have a good laugh over it
this normally makes me feel better...
sungrapes, aiyo, not to talk about overseas edu so long away... i calculated myself...by age 1 if i wanna send ricco for playclub and maybe shichida lesson and plus insurance, i will need to set aside a good 1K for him... and by 3 preschool age, to send him to a good preschool, enrichment and insurance, i will to set aside about 1.3K/month...

by the way, have you started planning for your boy's pre school and pri school education? I already started le.. i never meant to start but 1 of my friends ask me to quickly go register my son with kindergarten..telling me that vacancies are running out for yr 2010. i dun believe at 1st..but when i call...its true lor... i was so amazed!

Yes he still close his mouth tight, slightly better now cos he will open his mouth for milk but daytime totally on strike, so gek sim.
Sorry Edde. I mistaken that it's 3 to 4 scoops. :p

Hmn, 0.75 scoop seems quite ok for a start leh, but u have to make it really watery, easier for bb to eat/digest. In fact I started off with 1 tbsp (think equiv to 1 scoop). Then topping up with another scoop every 2 days till 6 scoops. Don't worry, we all will experience tough process at starting point. It takes time for bb to get used to solids. First step is always more challenging.
Valc, ashley is able to suck well with her pacifier right? Then there is no reason why the specialists said that she's weak in sucking leh. Pardon me if you have mentioned this before -- does she drink/like water? If she likes water, and has no problem in sucking water from her bottle, then she's completely fine, just that she doesn't like milk, or the smells of the milk. Last time my boy, the moment teat goes near him, he could smells the milk, and instantly he turns his head away from it.
Sungrapes, good to hear that feeding milk is an easy task for u now.. Hopefully my boy same same... Hehe..

I think I will not give him meat till he's 8 mos. Wanna to let him get used to vege first. So far he's tried spinach and broccoli only, wanna introduce more vege. I think I will most likely mix the meat/fish with porridge when I want to introduce him that. Easy, just cook together, and mash them with masher till smooth consistency.

Ok, I will try to use microwave to dry ikan bilis this weekend. Hopefully my new food processor won't fail me

Agree, the teething process makes my boy feel so uncomfortable. Apart from appetite changes, his sleep also affected. Tat day he was crying and begging hubby and I to carry him. He's very sleepy that night but yet he simply couldn't sleep peacefully, I reckon that the teething is causing discomfort to him.
So, to ease his pain, I start to serve him fruits fresh from freezer to soothe his gums.

Hey, my boy knows how to pull him up to a standing position whenever he gets hold onto any objects. So scary, can't leave him alone for a second now.

How old is your bb now? Wow, it's too early to start register for kindergarden now right? What about childcare centres? I bet these only happening in those famous & popular schools right?
sonic - wow can pull up to standing position? must have brought many smiles to you and hubby
another milestone! congrats
how many months old is he now?

he is 5mths 1 week old. yah, i had thought its way too early too. BUT... i called and found out that the school that i wan to enroll him in is full for 08 and 09 intake. even 10 intake left with not many esp for morning sessions. so what to do...quickly pay deposit, register first...KS hor?

I am not sure about childcare ctrs cos i have no intention to send my boy to childcare. Wanna send him to 3hr kind of kindergarten can already. i wanna send my boy to julia gabriels' playnest/club when he reaches maybe 12-15mths, than st james preschool when he reaches 3.
sonic, thx for encouraging me

just now i did an experiment. i put a scoop of rice cereal into plain water to test whether it gets bloated. but aft almost 2 hrs, it din bloated and it turned very soft and melted in water when rubbed with my fingers...so it shldnt give anthea prob of bloatedness leh.. *scratch head*
edde, i think you cant experiment like that le. cos inside the tummy theres bound be to some chemical reactions.

anyway hows anthea faring today? Hopefully she is drinking enough milk....
i try to feed her 7x a day cos she takes so little each time. if i space out any further i will not be able to achieve 7x and her intake will reduce to lesser than 400 or 300 even.

yes, she sucks from pacifier. and whether water or milk there's no diff for her. it's jus that when she sucks i think she swallows alot of air from the way she sucks. i think it's becos of the movement of her tongue. i really dunno. i'm jus feeling around in the dark as well. i jus hope that her weight doesn't drop to the extent of having to tube feed her.

i never imagined that a baby cld be more difficult to feed than my 1st son. i thought my 1st son was bad. but this is really my worst nightmare.
Clarrissa, my boy is already 7.5mos now. Yeah, no doubt his action has brought us surprises and joys, however we are also worried at the same time. As everytime we put him down to cot, he'll pull himself up and stand at the edge of the cot. I'm so worried that he'll fall out of his cot!! As he's still not very steady yet, moreover he doesn't know how to put himself back to sitting position slowly, either he'll cry for help, or just let go and fall down by himself.. Scary hoh.

Haha... Seems like KS is a must for living nowadays. I can imagine how my hubby's going to react when I ask him to register school for my boy now.. Haha.. He will scold me ki siao I think.

Btw, where is St James pre-school?
Edde, maybe it's not bloated, just tat she's just got to taste the solids, she has not get used to the texture. Maybe that little amount of cereal 'multiplies' more in her little stomach and making her full??? Hehe... Just guessing.

Try for few more days and see how she reacts first. Maybe after a few days, she got used to it and started to fall in love with her new food.
sounds like ur boy gonna be future president scholar wor!
preschool is it playgroup? can go frm wat age? my niece went to playgrp wen 18mo..then nursery, kindergarden in this order rite? *confused* wait til i tell my hb abt tis, he sure think im NUTS!

ya lor! u cannot do experiment like tis leh! cos the stomach got digestive enzymes mah..they used to digesting milk, then suddenly got new food so muz get use to it oso and i think got many diff enzymes target at diff types of food..i flunk my chemistry, but hope u get wat im trying to say

How's anthea 2day?

mayb ashley will be mre hungry if u spread out her timing,then likely will drink mre..no harm trying?i mean, feed her 7x she dun finish, feed her 6x,5x she hungry then finish is better rite? last time my boy totally dun drink then i oso no choice, gotta throw the fm away,then i start to space out and he drinks better.

time to child proof our homes..i wish can hav the space to let him go free and easy..my son is waking up 3am for milk..wonder y..2day i overslept, missed his lunch..nanny gotta gv him jar food anyhow mix. i felt so guilty. but i last min got manage to let him take the food i thaw last nite.

he is not taking din 2 well and was abit cranky tis evening. lucky he had his milk and zz fast.
oh.. so my experiment not accurate huh !! haha !!!!! aiyoh silly me !! :p

anthea drinks better today... average got 50ml/feed... but still not good enuf... i have closer the gap to 2.5hr.. coz 3hr gap she drinks too little liao !! 300+ only !! cannot lar...

valc, i use this trick on anthea and it works, maybe u can try... when feeding her i use my tongue to make noises to attract her attention.. most of the time when i make the "sucking" movement and sound, she will imitate and start drinking... sing songs to her also while walking ard...

another trick that works is heating up the milk aft 15min... think she likes warmer milk... aft i warm up the milk, she will suck continuously and drink more...

hope these work for ashley
this ashley feeds v messily. her hanky always wet. shirt also. last time I used to be v particular abt milk leaking wen anybody fed my son. I will check his hanky and get v annoyed if I find that his hanky got milk stain. now ashley's hanky is always completely drenched.

i'm not sure abt spacing out feeds cos even after 7 hrs she wld drink only 80mls. there was once we spent 1hr and she drank nothing. so we missed that feed and at her next feed she took only 80mls.

3mths can eat cereal? use which avent teat? no4 or variable flow?
sonic - yah, sounds dangerous for him jus to let go and do 'freefall'. Think this is the time for you to buy those kind of support toys for him

My hubby says I am super KS esp so when I ask him to go hunt for his Henry Park report card! hahhahaa
St James Kindergarten located inside damsey. I also think I am super KS.

sungrapes - president scholar? haha, in fact i wanna monitor him for preschool years. if realise he is those kind of 'buay tak che' type, will just enroll him in an avg pri school. Nothing too fanciful for him. correct, in that order. Playgroup (some for 18mths up and some even younger can join). 2-3 yrs -Nursery 1 (some calls it nursery 1, some calls it Playclub etc.), Preschool starts from 3 (some calls this Nursery 2 and some calls this pre nursery). Than kindergarten (usually starts from 4) Diff terms used for diff schools. So, you gotta really research to find out. If you are keen, I can share my research with you.

edde, good to hear anthea drinking OK. press on...this phase will pass soon
Valc, I think 3 mths is too early to have cereal. I'm truly understand how u feel, but sadly don't know how I can help. You just got to keep trying, just like what edde, smiley and all mummies here do, don't give up. You have our supports here. In another month time u can start cereal.
Sungrapes, agree with u. Need to ensure my house is baby/child-friendly.

My boy also pretty cranky during evening time. We suspect that it might be his teething.. But teething pain got fixed timing one meh?? Hmn..??
Wow, Clarrissa u are so awesome man!

Sungrapes, I think are very way behind others. Think got to start doing something already. Clarrissa, if you don't mind, would you share with me your research as well. Thanks a bunch!
i feel so outdated!! like cave woman!! while clarissa and probably other mummies alrdy plan far far ahead..aiyoh! still got research sm mre! yah, clarissa, u better share with us blur mummies here.thks for offering

colic oso attack in the evenings, so i wun b suprise if teething pain got timing oso.

My boy is again not taking dinner 2 well 2day..feel so frustrated and demoralised.

yah, got 2 persist and keep trying no matter how difficult..at 1 pt or the other, the mummies here oso went thru feeding problems..smhow, they pull thru and thgs will improve..ashley will grow up,this problem will disappear with time.
sungrapes, y u say ur boy not taking dinner well? he got prob with solids? how many mths is he now? my gal only started taking porridge and other food at 16mo. before that she refuse to eat other food except cereal and jarfood. every now and then i would prepare fresh food for her but she just reject. i think its due to my very wrong start in solids. i start off with cereal and jarfood due to convenience for my mama cos she says my gal v active n she got no time to cook such little bit for her. she says wanna wait till 9mo then start porr for her. i says ok lor...up to u. then whos know at 9mo we intro porr and she flatly refuse....until 16mo.

valc, 3mo too early to start cereal. wait till at least 4mo.
sonic and sungrapes, I had PM you guys so as not to deviate from this thread of 'difficult feeding' hopefully the info helps. Typically i only research on schools in the central region cos its nearer to my and MIL's home But then again, I do believe that the schools I have listed are all rather renowned and is believed to be good. I will go check out a few in the next few weeks and will update you gals on whether they are truely good

talking about cereals, yest stayed at home cos brought Ricco for 6-1 and dunno what jab. poor baby, everytime gotta take 2 jabs. Than only did i realised that my maid actually made rather thick cereal for Ricco! and my poor boy also blur blur just eat! my MIL also blur blur tot the mixture is correct. Good thing only feed Ricco 3-4 teaspoons.

Sungrapes, i asked PD about the feeding, saying if feed too much cereal than sure milk intake will decrease. also asking him should cereal replace milk. His answer is NO le. He says that on reaching 6mths, they should be taking semi solids ON TOP of milk feeds and not replacing them le... wow se, like that how to manage? milk + cereal than every 3hrly... smth like what KK website suggest? they can take so much meh? My boy only put on 500grams from 1 mth ago. Is this considered low?

PD also advise not to take egg yolk till 9mths le.. i read somewhere that someone wanna start egg yolk or smth. so tot to share.

would appreciate if someone can advise :

1) wanna get a mixer to start preparing yummy food for Ricco. Should I buy the bruan one??? what miracles can this mixer perform?

2) I should also get a juice extractor to make juice? Or is there something all in 1???
Sorry Sungrapes, I need to clarify for my post above,

Sungrapes, I think are very way behind others. Think got to start doing something already.

What I meant was "I think WE are very way behinds others. Think WE got to start doing something already". So I'm also a cave woman. :p

True hor, colic usually comes in the evenings, maybe teething pain got same pattern. Hopefully things will get over soon lah. It's cute seeing him with two teeth emerging up from his lower gum
Clarissa, gotten your pm. thanks for the info.

I've just bought a braun handheld blender, pretty good so far, can blend fruits, vege into real smooth & creamy consistency. But I've tried to grind the hard ones, eg. Ikan bilis. Will do it over the weekend and let u know the result.

Give fruit juice to bb, might as well blend the whole fruit into puree, so bb can enjoy the whole goodness of the fruits.
ValC, hows ashley feeding? any improvements? Can start cereal on 4th month. Hopefully situation will improve.

Sonic - yap, i will go look out for this braun blender. Thanks. Wanna ask, I am giving Ricco cereal in the afternoon, but just 4-5 teaspoons after milk feed. I am thinking of slowly increasing the thickness, than by 6mth month, just give him cereal for afternoon feed and evening feed. Is this ok? What I have in mind below. Not sure if this will work out well. Pls advise :

Now till 6mths (he's 5mths 1week plus now)

9am - milk
12pm - milk + 4-5 teaspoons cereal
3pm - milk
6pm - milk + 4-5 teaspoons cereal
9pm - milk

9am - milk
12pm - FM mix with cereal + vege
3pm - milk
6pm - FM mix with cereal + pureed fruits
9pm - milk

7mths & up
9am - FM mix with cereal
12pm - thin porridge + vege/meats + pureed fruits
3pm - milk
6pm - thin porridge + vege + pureed fruits
(sometimes replace porridge with mashed potatoes?)
9pm - milk

Am i being too ambitious??? hahahah
my bb reaching 4mth...would like to know, how much ml of milk u giving ur bb in a day n what is the ml of milk when u feed together with cereal?

last feed 9pm n can "tahan" till 9am?
augleo - my boy can only drink at most 160ml per go and this rarely happens. currently most times he drinks between 120-150ml each time. nite time i am still feeding 2times. i think this amount is considered little for a 5mth plus baby.

I do not feed milk together with cereal. I give milk than give cereal. i just give about 3-4teaspoons of cereal, 1/2 hr after milk.
thks for sharing the presch research..
ur schedule is the ideal, if only all bbs willing to follow it..i think for bbs starting to wean, the solids is on top of the milk feeds. but once bb older like my boy, then solids can replc milk feeds cos they will take nutrients frm solids mre then milk.or rather milk unable to gv them all the nutrients they need. correct me if im wrong..
now u noe y i so bloody stressed during weaning..cos got to fit evthg inside his small tummy..sounds impossible to me lor!
ur weaning timetable is close to wat i had for my boy. except he wakes up earlier, so his 1st milk feed is ard 7+am:
10am milk
12pm lunch
3pm milk
5.30pm dinner
8pm milk
+/- half hr for the above. he gets hungry abt 2.5hrs aft his solids. so u hav to judge ricco c hw soon he hungry again after his solids and gv milk feed accordinly to his timing. or u can increase his solids.juz make sure he gets his share of food frm each food grp. sweet potatoes is consider as carbo, not vege.it makes my boy bloated and he wun drink milk for whole nite..juz share with u abt this.GD luck

Eh! i tot the KK website say can gv yolk to 6mo bb? My PD oso say can gv leh! aw, i haven gv yet cos feeding him fish this past wk..monitoring how he digesting meat protein..

wen u get a chance, can try spinach and beans/peas with ur blender and let me noe if the fibre thgy still there..thks. if dun have, tat means my stupid blender cannot make it type!
how the ikan bilis? can grind rite?

edde, valc,
how's evthg? anthea, ashley feeding ok?
sungrapes, than your boy is eating ok! at least he cries for milk 2.5hr you say? So envy! I doubt Ricco will cry for milk. If i dun give, he also wont drink. Keep playing only. machiam not hungry like that...

yah i also think at some points gotta replace milk feed. Else like you say, how to stomach so much food/drinks.

Yah i read KK also indicate can give but my PD says better to give after 9mths. So i will just heed. better safe than sorry

I feel weaning is a fun and challenging process. So exciting to let the kid try out food and flavours.

Anyway, sonic and sungrapes, you guys happens to know anything about shichida and glenn goman's methods of learning? Any plans to send for lessons or buy books for self learning? I heard Shichida is good but also heard some parents commenting that for Shichida, some teachers dun even speak proper english and the school seems to be more keen in making monies than anything else? I wanna learn more about glenn goman and will buy couple of books to read up on it. Will share whatever i know once i finish the reads.
hi all

i am down with high fever since fri due to tonsil infection.. temp shot up to 40C last nite and went to A&E, but doc din ward me
now still running a fever...

i cldnt feed anthea due to my fever so my mum came to take over... sigh.. very bad.. she simply refused to drink !!! these 2 days readings has been 300+ and yesterday 200+ !!!! the day before i managed to feed 555ml !!! think its growth spurth.... and the bad news is, she is still 4.9kg aft 2 wks.... doc expect to see 300g increase by 31 july. but i believe its impossible.... she is also falling from the percentile curve liao... really dunno wat to do...
sorry to hear that edde. it's tough enough when we are well and good, it's even tougher if we are sick. hope you get well soon. if i'm sick i dun know wat will happen. cos my mum is now full time with my 2yr son. who's gonna feed ashley.

tomorrow's my gastro appt. you going there?
valc, anthea's next appt is on 31 july... yeah.. now i understand y my mum keeps saying must look aft myself first then will have energy to look aft baby. still running a fever..
ha! u ask wrong person abt presch education stuff..seriously, i noe nuts abt such thgs. Smtimes, i think these ppl trying to make $$ out of us KS parents..last time during my time oni go PAP leh! im mre concern abt son pysiological devlopement cos im abit introvert and cynical..boys shd be mre outgg and hav hi EQ.
Question: if wanna enrol son in my old kindergarden, then muz show wat papers?

aiyah! my son wun cry for milk..at most oni get cranky. i gv him standard timing evry 2.5hrs to drink milk or eat..easier for me vs gotta guess wat he wants. if he dun wan then i kiv for half hr, most times he will eat/drink.

Actually as they get mre active, they expand mre energy and will get hungry faster. my boy now really super active, cant sit still, crawl all over the place. if i leave my front dr open, i think he will crawl out oso! very tiring to keep up with him! cant wait for him go to bed every nite.

take care of urself leh!! get well soon!
4got ans ur q
..my boy now 7mo+1wk..now he ok liao, back on track..tat time cos i feed him jar food with sweet potatoes, then he bloated so dun wan milk.i guess lah! but the day b4 he had the same thg and whack his milk abt 2.5hrs later..so?? i dun noe..
anyone tried giving your bb bananas? i can't wait to try. last time my son loved it. i hope ashley will too.

i got the whole series of baby signing time and signing time for my son. wah he loved it man. and he could sign by 12mths. sign milk, car, play, dog, boat, airplane, more, eat, etc. but the thing is he doesnt use it to communicate to us. we jus ask him how to sign 'milk' and he signs it to us. and he walk pass a dog he can sign 'dog'. i make flash cards for him and he cld sign back to me. it's more for entertainment more than anything else. the songs are v catchy. but dun get the signing time volume 1-3, or you'll regret it. cos it's super boring. and rachel looks ugly in there. my hb was like 'why the !@#$ you spend so much money on these dvds' but i dun care cos my son loved it.
edde, take good care!

sungrapes, how many months old did your boy starts to crawl? how do they learn how to crawl? by 1st lifting their bums off surface area in tummy down position?

for kindergarten registrations, its mainly by 1st come 1st serve basis. Some give priorities for children who attend their nursery classes. Meaning no need to show your papers le. Only Primary schools have registration by phases. Which explains the existence of parent volunteer, 1-2km location near home etc.

sungrapes, we just need to play DVD right? you think its effective? Let me read more about this signing thing and if find this useful, than can share with you? of cos, if someone elses wanna share with you, pls proceed.

In fact your menu for each stage are what I am aiming to achieve!

My boy is already coming 8mths old, but he's still following the 6-7mths menu like what u have drafted above.

8am - milk
11am - cereal or porridge + vege or potato
2pm - milk
5pm - milk
8pm - cereal or porridge + vege or potato
9pm - fruits
11pm - milk

His milk intake is vary from 120 to 180ml, usually evening/night feeds are lesser

My PD ever suggests to give my boy yogurt for calcium since he doesn't like milk much. But personally I feel that yogurt still can't beat milk as milk contains more other vitamins/DHA/AHA, etc that can't be found in yogurt. But still better than nothing lor.

I let my boy tried banana before. He gave me a weird face look, I think it's becos the banana is abit sour. Cos I give him the 'montel' (can't remember the spelling -- it's the long banana) my mum said local short sweet banana is better. Banana is good for digestion. My boy's poo soften after having 2 meal of banana in a day.
sonic - thats only what i hope to achieve. Like you, I think my kid difficult to achieve that
hahahah...cos even now 3-4 teaspoons of cereal 1 time per day, his milk intake also affected slightly, so how to take a full bowl and still want milk? sounds far fetched...

my boy's milk intake also varies from 120-160 per 3hrly. Is this very little for a 5month plus?
thx guys, i am feeling better now... guess the fever is gone and hopefully for good !!! coz it has been fluctuating the past few days..

valc, the dietician mentioned some calculations for calories but it sounds very complicated for me to remember... i only remember 100ml of milk has 67g of carbohydrates / calories..

so how's yr visit to the spec today ???
Thanks to Valc's recommendation. The braun handheld blender is really good. I've tried grinding the ikan bilis, it's so fine as nothing being sieved out. And what's impressed me most is it takes only 5 seconds to produce the fine powder. Making the process less complicated as I thought.

Sungrapes, never thought of processing vege with my blender as so far my boy has only tried brocolli, small leaf spinach and cauliflower. What I normally do is to cook them with porridge till very soft and mashed, so I don't have to sieve or blend. But I will try the spinach and beans/peas with my blender and let u gals know. It's good to know that my blender is worth of the money spent!

Sungrapes, Valc,
I heard of baby signing course before. But I don't how effective it is to help my boy to communicate with us. Right now he is already know how to communicate with us abit. He raises his hands up asking us to carry him. He climbs up to sofa and crawls over all barriers to reach us as he wants us to hug and play with him. I'm not sure are those part of signing as well? *blur* Is signing meant to get babies to communicate with parent/caregiver more effectively? I wish that my boy will tell me why he doesn't like milk and what does he likes to eat, etc...

Sungrapes, yeah I'm in total agreement with you, my boy is also a hyper active one and he perspires a lot. I recorded a short video clip on my boy jumping non-stop on my sis's lap and show my colleagues. The very first question they ask is, did I eat crab during my pregnancy! I told them that I didn't, but I had octopus!! Haha!!
