5months baby boy not drinking milk nor taking cereals.. help needed

How cld ur hb make such an insensitive remark? We all hope to c ashley feeding well..and as a parent, im sure u will do watever is possible.I hope he said tat in jest.

Besides feeding, does ashley like to suck other thgs? fingers,pacificer,etc? Mayb the excercise will help.. How long b4 u can c results?

It doesnt make sense cos she can latch on and during confinment period she can suck..and u mentioned nite feedings oso no problem sucking.

dun b overly anxious, Valc..take care of urself 2.

valc, anthea also chokes on her milk, esp the nite feeds.. but she is sucking her pacifier and her fist very well !! dats why doc ruled out sucking prob for her.. she is quite confident that its behavioural.

dun worry abt ashley not sucking her fist and toys coz anthea just started doing that too... give ashley some time.. does she suck well during her nite feeds ?? does she drink better in deep sleep?? if so maybe u wanna feed her more frequently at nite... but siong for u lor...

its my decision to space out her feeds.. yes u r rite, i almost lost my sanity feeding her these few days as my hubby is back for work. imagine feeding her from 8am to 8pm all by myself !!?? almost went crazy yesterday when she cried and cried and cried during feed... dats why the decision. doc supported it too...

we were given MCT oil too but hvnt used it. doc said that one not quite effective. we are now adding nutricomp caloric powder. odourless, colourless and melts totally in water, does not thicken the milk, so wont increase the chances of choking baby. works very well for anthea. i think if she drinks 600ml like last time, she wld hv put on more wt. its not rice cereal i think coz its very powdery. maybe u can ask yr gastro spec on this carbo supplements ??

valc, feel free to sms me when u feel like breaking down k...

sungrapes thx for cheering us on !!

i feed her using bottle, but i just realised i shld put 1 tablespoonful of rice cereal rather than 1 teaspoonful.. read the instructions wrongly..

oh.. i have the Y-teats, thx
i have all kinds of teats at home.. haha.... will try to spoon feed her tmr, hopefully it works !!
gave anthea rice cereal just now. tried to spoon feed her but she cried and cried, so no choice i put half scoop of rice cereal into 60ml of her milk and she almost finished it !! the next feed 3 hrs later she finished 75ml of plain milk !!! think spacing out the feeding is working well !! hope it persists !!!
sungrapes, yes i will go check out from supermarts. for plain rice cereal which is better? nestle or heinze? it comes in the tin form one right? also, when you mention give him after his usual afternoon feed, meaning say 12pm is feeding time, i give him 150milk and straight after milk give cereal? like this not too filling? will he still be able to take milk at 3pm feed then? or do you mean at 12pm i give milk, than 3pm i give cereal? and i supposed i gotta spoonfeed him right?

another question, he will only be 5mths and 2 weeks old by next weekend. its ok to start just slighly before 6mths right?

Yap, I am hoping that he will like cereal so much that he can finish everything that i give and everytme

edde, must be a tough decision to make to change feeding to every 3hrly..hopefully she is more hungry in 3hrs and will drink more and fast
keep your spirits up
and hows anthea taking cereal?
edde, good to hear anthea drinking well and taking cereal well! maybe the cereal ignite the fire to her appetite! hahahhaha....

i am hoping ricco will also like cereal and finish everything when i start introducing next week
congrats!! i can read the thrill in your post.
wat kind of scoop you use is it provided in the cereal box and wat type of cereal you use? i also tried spooning ashley some gripe water, she din take to it leh. i dunno how i'm gonna start solids with her. her feeding is getting bad.
clarissa, valc, yes i am quite happy today !!! actually i din put much cereal into her milk, but glad she is taking it well
actually she din drink much more than usual, just slightly more, but glad that she fusses less and both of us r less stressed !!!

valc, i use the FM scoop coz thats 5g i think. cereal box has no scoop leh... i am giving her heinz baby's first cereal. i give anthea gripe water every morn aft her bath and porridge water in the aft. but she doesnt like water too. you can start adding cereal into her FM when she is 4 mths old. hope my good experience today has given u hope !!!

valc, you said her feeding is getting bad... how bad ?? how much did she drink per day ?? how often do u feed her ?? i realise 3 hr is very ideal for anthea.. she can suck continuously, fuss less and drink slightly more and faster... maybe it will work on ashley too ??
Haha!u hav the concerns as i did wen i begin weaning

mamy mummies using Heinez brand bb rice cereal cos itz got no added sugar. u juz add ur own FM/BM/water. it comes in box form, blue clr.

The foods u gv ur bb b4 6mo r juz 1st taste, not 2 replc milk feed. so itz ok to wean b4 6mths, juz make sure milk intake is not affected. For the same reason, u dun hv to wori tat bb will b 2 full for milk.

12pm gv milk 1st, then bb rice, abt 1tsp..not any mre, u dun wan him to cut down on his milk. Go slow..i started my boy ard the same age, 5mths 1wk old.

u hav to gauge ricco's reaction..if he ok with rice after 3,4days, then u can intro other foods to him..same timing, 12pm milk followed by the food. Can gv carrots,pear,apples,pumpkin,sweet potato.

Sweet potato my boy take alrdy too bloated, and he refuse milk after tat..so i nv gv liao.


i borrowed my mum's grinder and made the ikan bilis powder 2day..not as difficult as i tot. i use the microwave to toast the ikan bilis..no need to sun dry liao!

oso bought cod fillet and eggs..gonna let him try yolk 2mr.
you now feed every 3hrly, means you feed her 8x a day now? i feed ashley 7x a day for qt some time now.
valc, i feed her 3hrly from 8am to 8pm... aft that when she is in deep sleep i feed her 2hrly to increase her intake... i space out the feeding in the daytime becoz i dun want her to get phobia of drinking, so when she is deep asleep its ok for 2 hrly coz she wont know..

have u tried feeding ashley when she is deep asleep ?? maybe she wont fuss much and can drink more to increase intake..
if i add cereal to avent bottle, which teat hole shld i use? isit the variable hole one?

ashley's drinking got alot worse. doens't want ot drink even during the middle night feeds. jus keep shaking her head away. argh!...

my cousin(the one whose bb drinks 200mls in 10mins) jus gave me sone S26 to try on ashley. i jus saw the wonder of how her bb feeds again last night. it's so painful to watch. she topped up another 30mls when he finished cos he cried for somemore so total 230mls.
ashley keeps sticking her tongue out to push out the teat. refuses to suck. sometimes cry. or fall asleep. we feed her every 2.5hr or 3hrs 7x a day. even night feeds now she sticks her tongue out and refuse to suck. those were my good feeds. but now...these days she's drinking 400+mls. argh!
ValC, cant compare babies like that. Will Ki Siao...hahhaaha... My best friend's baby is just 2 weeks older than Ricco. He drinks 7 times a day (though he sleeps throughout the nite from 10pm-7am) Each feed is 150ml. Afternoon time after 150ml milk can take 1/3 bowl of cereal somemore...I wonder how he achieve 7 feeds just in the daytime. Ricco needs 2 nite feeds to have a total of 7 feeds per day. how to compare??? hahahahah...
sungrapes, you mean just give 1 teaspoon of rice cereal mixed with milk? mix with how much milk? how come my friend says she mix to 1/3 bowl?

When you talk about apples pears sweet potatoes, you mean i buy them off the shelve? or I puree them myself? and talking about puree, how do i go about puree-ing foodstuff? I already started giving Ricco apple juice. Its so funny to see him eat and his facial expression on tasting the juice. I am excited to see how he will take the rice cereal
hey edde,
hw anthea? doing well on the milk cereal feeds?

Hi Valc,
hav u given cereal to ashley as well?

<font color="119911">Clarissa</font>,
Yes, juz 1 teaspoon rice cereal, put in a bowl and add enuf milk to make up a runny consistency,like cream of mushroom soup..cant tell u exactly how much milk, last time i nv measure, juz use my judgement to get the type of consistency i wanted. Pls bear in mind tat the rice cereal will swell after aborb the milk.so u gotta stir and wait a min or so.

I dun noe abt ur frend, mayb she uses diff brand of cereal/bowl/milk? or she put mre than 1tsp rice?

U can buy puree bb food or make them urself..DIY type will be fresher and u choose wat goes inside the food..cheaper oso and itz quite fun to cook for bb..i always experiment with diff mixtures and tastes.

R u working mum? if u r bz, then can buy.. organic bb food is available in pureed form oso.

I cut and steam the fruits/veg till soft..then put in blender blend smooth, then push them thru a small sieve to make it really super smooth and oso to remove any lumps/skin/fibre thg.

Maybe u like to try sieving papaya 1st, dun need to cook(juz to get a feel of it).

I cook once a wk in batch, last me for 2wks or more depends on wat i make. except for fish and stock..

Yes, itz very exciting tis weaning thg..wen my boy finish the food i make, i feel a sense of accomplishment..now im very 'auntie', always go supermarket and jostle with the other aunties to pick the freshest veg/fruits..

i hav started to gv my boy mre lumpy food. i dun sieve the food anymre, juz mash with masher..so much easier now. so far he ok..im still tickled by his expression 2!!

im oso at learning process..will share watever i noe with u..hope u will enjoy weaning Ricco as much as he's enjoying the new tastes
snngrapes, thanks. i just gave Ricco the rice cereal. But i realised that the mixture is not smooth le... felt like theres very small tiny lumps? gave 2 teaspoonfulls. So i should slowly increase the amt over the next few days right?
did Ricco like it?

U hav to use warm liquid to mix..warmer than usual temp milk u gv to bb, helps to dissolve the cereal better, and gotta keep stir fast.

SLOWLY increase amt..cos u dun wanna make him 2 full til dun wan milk. the biggest concern i had wen i started weaning was his milk intake went down..it was a challenge to strike a balance. Rem my earlier posts wen i talked abt it? in the end i had to restraint myself and cut back on his solids..i muz stress again the importance of FM for Ricco's age. itz still where he gets his nutrients frm.

i noe as mothers we always wanna feed and feed, make them grow faster..haha!

Gd luck
sungrapes, dunno if he likes it...cos he's got this blur expression on his face. 1 gave him cereal at 12, than 1pm is his milk time. he managed to finish his usual intake (which is as usual not alot). but after this 1pm feed, he supposed to drink at 4pm..he dun wan milk..keep forcing but dun wan and he keep crying...pek chek! so try again at 5pm..still dun wan..than finally drink at 6pm..this time drink more than his usual feed...about 180ml.. sigh! dunno why like this... cant be cos of the cereal?

yah wan him to grow fast esp when he is born only at 2.4kgs. And earlier just kenna scolded by my aunties/uncles they all....say if ricco dun wan drink, dun force him to drink. says he will drink when time to drink. They say see him cry so poor thing...sigh! i see him cry till like that also heartpain.. but what to do... cos hor, this Ricco machiam not hungry one.. sometimes can drink at a time diff of 7hrs!
y dun y gv him 1-1.5tsp 1st? cos his system not used to digesting solids yet.

try to feed him rice AFTER his milk feed. Gotta gv him some time to adjust to new diet. His milk timing will be off abit once he's used to rice, so u juz watch his cue and adjust accordingly.

All the best!
sungrapes, ya, tmr will ask MIL to just give him 1 tsp. Problem is since I am not around to administer, I am afraid my MIL will just give and give. Esp if they see him eating it well and seems to like it.

do you mean feed him straight after his milk feed? Cos this morning I feed him 1.5hrs after his milk feed. Wont it be too full for him if i feed straight after milk?
hi guys, sigh... think my happiness is really short-lived... over the wkened we were out, we put anthea with my mum on sat nite while hubby and i have some time out. during dinner time, my mum called to say anthea recognise pple and wailed loudly refused to drink milk !!! i cld hear her crying in the background and i felt so guilty for making her suffer for my own leisure. i wanted to rush back aft dinner but hubby said must let her learn to be independent. in the end, she refused to drink milk the whole nite.

even today when we were out to celebrate my FIL's BD, she refused to drink milk... these 2 days intake wont hit 400ml....

i also suspect i have given her too much milk + rice cereal. i put 3/4 scoop in 60ml of milk and gave her twice a day 1pm and 6pm. i think she got indigestion leh... i am just guessing coz she refused milk and seems to be bloated coz i can hear churning sound from her tummy..

my mum also advised me to space out her nite feeds to every 3hr coz she said 2hrly is too close a gap and she will feel too bloated to drink atf a while.. maybe thats the cause of her not wanting to drink in the day... maybe lor.. i will try tonite...

valc, 400+ml is better than anthea liao... she drinks 300+ml sometimes now... 400+ is norm, 500+ is very gd, 600+ is miracle.....
yah, the tendency to gv mre amd mre is always there esp if bb seem to enjoy it..

Yes, gv straight after milk feed..after milk cos dun wanna reduce his milk intake amd tatz y cant gv 2 much and 2 late cos will affect next milk feed...1tsp only is 4 him to get use to foods other then milk(liquid).

Watever it is, dun cut down on milk..last time i had to stop weaning for a few days cos my boy milk feed drop quite drastic. i stop then started weaning all over again..
try reading this thread, damn long, but lots of advices. Hope it will help u.


yah, tink she's 2 full frm the cereal. maybe u shd reduce the amt of cereal? can gv last feed b4 she zz then nite feed can space out every 3hrs or mre..u can get mre rest as well.

the cereal really can swell alot..wen i mix for my boy im oso suprised by the end amt after letting it stand for awhile. i put 4tsp and it can come up to almost half a rice bowl!

wen it comes to bbs, u nver noe til u try..no harm trying, if it doesnt work u can always go back to original way.
sungrapes, yap i will try to give straight after food. I dun even know if Ricco is enjoying the rice cereal. we just spoonfeed him and he blur blur stick out his tongue and swollow the cereal...hahahaha....

yap, yest his milk intake dropped very slightly.. its really a challenge to balance between milk and solids yah
i guess esp so for kancheong 1st time mums like me...

THanks for the thread. I read over KK website the following meal suggestion for 6mths baby :

6am - 180-200ml milk (my ricco just take about 140)

9am - 3 dsp rice cereal mixed with 120ml milk. 1/2-1 egg yolk and few tsp water

12pm - 180-200ml milk, 3 tsp apple juice

3pm - 180-200ml milk

6pm - 1/2bowl thin porridge, 1 tsp scraped meat, 1 tsp sieved spinach

9pm - 180-200ml milk

seems like alot! a 6mth old baby can achieve this meh?
edde, i think you are very adventurous le.. i think thats quite alot of cereal - 3/4 scoops. cos yest i mix 1 tsp of cereal with FM and only give Ricco about say 3-4 teaspoons of the very dilute cereal and just once in the afternoon and his milk intake already dropped slightly...

think you can reduce the cereal. but its really a chicken and egg situation right? they dun seem to like milk, we worry..so we give cereal. And when we give cereal, they lagi dun wan milk
and we lagi worry... alamak!
hi gals,
talk abt cereal...hmm...remember i says my gal also have the milk intake low problem.

hmm...i lagi more adventurous le. cos my gal simply hate milk tat time so i feed 3X cereal a day :p
the day start off with the firt meal as cereal. and of cos i start of with 1x cereal a day when she just first start off cereal..and i give 1 tablespoon (not teaspoon) mixed with FM...then i increase to 1 big similac scoop of cereal still 1x a day. then a week later i increase to 2x cereal a day...then another week later i increase to 3x cereal a day. and the amount increase from 1 scoop to 1.5 scoop then to 2 scoops.... i mixed with about 90-120ml of FM. and i added jarred food to the cereal cos it taste better and she like it. she was about 6mo at that time. well....after cereal, 2hrs later she will cry for milk...cos she "gian nee" already. she still dun drink much...but at least better than before she start cereal.

well well well....it really relieve me and my mama cos we dun have to feed milk so many time. feeding cereal is so much easier...haha..

and i think at 9mo, she started rejecting cereal and also refuse porridge. hence she take more milk lor. revert from solids to liquid again n i worry abt her not taking solid instead.

haiz...endless worrying.

Sorry being MIA for last few days was on outhouse course.


My boy whole day take the most is 300ml of milk.
smiley...hahaha...thats very funny...now your worries is opp. of ours! think your gal now miss drinking milk milk....

how many kgs should an avg 9mths old weigh?
erm... my 3/4 scoop is 0.75 scoop, not 3 to 4 scoop leh... :p a lot eh ???? coz the dietician asked me to put 1 scoop to 60ml of milk so i tot 0.75 scoop is lesser liao leh...
clarissa, eh...my gal now 17mths++...heehee..
she is still v v light wgt..she is now abt 9.4kgs only. she was 8kgs when 9mo time....v light wgt also. so for the past 8mths she oni put on 1.4kgs...hee
yah, i oso read the KKH weaning guide..i got angmoh and chinese weaning books. All the amts they say is alot..dun think itz possible to follow so strict their guides lor..seriously, how can 5+mo bb eat cereal and fruits, 1hr later whack 6-7ozmilk?(tis according to 1 angmoh weaning guide).itz IMPOSSIBLE lor!!

Tatz y i decided to wean earlier(after lots of 'research')..so can get my boy used to solids and slowly inc the amts..thru experience, 2 sudden inc he totally reject milk, then i will wori til cant zzz..so i need mre time to trial and error.

Aw, i gv up on those weaning books liao..i read up on nutrition bks and plan my own menu and amts to gv..ie. how much carbo/protein/veg/fruits servings per day, then adjust accordingly for my boy's appetite. im mre concern tat he gets enuf food frm each food grps rather than the qty of food he eats per day.
edde, i think its alot taking into consideration you let her finish all the 0.75 scoops.. cos when i mix 1 tsp with milk, ricco just take 2-3tsp of this misture..than the rest throw... i think like this not even 0.5scoops le...

smiley, 8 mths put on 1.4kgs? is this the norm? are you worried??? alamak...if i am you, will ki siao already...hahhahaha....

sungrapes, you are a sahm? cos i find you super hardworking... go puree extract and test and trial all these food... if work, how to do all these??

me now dare not call home to ask if ricco finish milk and take cereal..afraid to hear no good news...hahahah... just go home in the evenig time and get surprise!
is he still rejecting solids since u last posted? Cos he's teething? maybe u shd go back to basics and gv plain rice cereal Mix with FM and gv mre cheese/diary foods.Hopefully this phase will end soon..

u very 'hiong' man!! y she dun wan solids now? Teething again?

Edde, maybe shd do wat smiley do..gv cereal mix FM. 4get abt the milk..??
i ok ah...no ki siao yet...hee...
she birth time only 2.455kgs so i should be happy that she is 9.4kgs now although she is still v small size. after 12mo, gain is only 0.2kgs per month as according to the weight curve. it is normal.

ya...my mama n i v hiong. cos she need food or milk mah...or else how. its v stressful tat she refuse milk le.
she now teething so sometimes will refuse solid..haiz. but she is totally off cereal n jarfood already. she is on noodles, pasta, porr, rice with soup. can finish 1 bowl of porr for a meal. milk wise also gd. 8oz a time...but sometime need break into 2x to feed.

u can feed cereal with FM then 2hrs later feed milk. 1x cereal with FM, 1x FM......alternate. i think it will work with ur bb. but of cos increase gradually. u got to judge n see whether ur bb can digest. if cant digest then of cos cannot lah. u see huh, if u can achieve 3x cereal with 60ml milk each time + 3x 120ml milk then u got 540ml of milk intake a day.....GD ENOUGH for a fussy drinker.
hehe..me no job..so muz hardworking abit look after son else hb no gv me allowance mah..

Wenever i m stressed i will think of u..smtimes i feel im 2 uptight abt feeding..muz be mre bochap..relax attitude abit.
hehe..me no job..so muz hardworking abit look after son else hb no gv me allowance mah..

Wenever i m stressed i will think of u..smtimes i feel im 2 uptight abt feeding..muz be mre bochap..relax attitude abit.
Valc, try to smile or sing to ashley when you feed her milk. Baby reacts in response to our action. If we smile to them, they feel happy and safe, thus calming effect making them eat more. Hopefully this helps.

Edde, happy for you as anthea is making good progress now... All your hardships get paid off. Cheers!!
ashley lost weight in 5 days!! argh! she was 5.48kg 5 days ago, now 5.47kg. she's really not drinking these past 5 days. it's qt scary. i dun understand how she can sustain on so little sometimes. she will suck on her pacifier, but when i switch to her bottle she will start struggling as soon as she realises there's milk coming out. i do this switching many times and her reaction is the same. wat am i to do??
sungrapes, wow so nice...you have the luxury of staying home... for me, i am afraid if i stay home, next time no money to send ricco for enrichment classes or good preschools/kindergartens...very KS hor...

smiley.. you are soo cool over weights yah...my boy is born at 2.4kgs!i so stressed up over his weights.. dunno how to relax le.. everytime he dun drink milk, i will force..till he cry and i also tired.. sigh! so heartpain to see him cry and cry...but if he dun drink, also heartpain..scared he dun grow up and catch up..
Sungrapes, I have just bought a Braun food processors from Best Denki @ Vivo over the weekend. It's cheap and comes with a chopper, a mixer, and a blender. It's only costs me $70 bucks! I'm going to make ikan bilis next week with that chopper. The sales guy said, the chopper can grind the ikan bilis into real fine powder, will know it whether true or not when I try it out later. Er, microwave can dry ikan bilis till crispy or not? Thought must use toaster.

Is your son taking unsieve food now?

Incisor-- yeah, I think they are called incisors if my memory doesn't fail me. Correct me if I'm wrong yah. Teething affects my boy quite a lot. His intake became not stable now.. Sometimes finish his milk within 30mins, sometimes one hour, sometimes doesn't drink at all. Even solids he doesnt take much now. But he likes avocados. Probably it soothes his gum well as I serve him avocados without warm it up after I taken out from refrigerator.

Your boy is good. Amazing he's progressed so well. From an hour coaxing till now 5 mins job to finish his milk! Do you still using TV method or cold milk method?

Oh yes, we basically can make any soup as stock for porridge. But I still dare not try anything new besides ikan bilis.
actually when i make 3/4 scoop cereal + 60ml milk, she only managed to drink 45ml for 3 hr feed. if i make 60ml plain milk, she will drink ard 50-60ml for 3 hr feed... i think the max she can drink at one go is ard 40-60ml. she has nvr hit more than 90ml since birth

tmr i am gonna try frisocream, heard many babies like it...

valc, she really sounds like anthea last time.... wat i did was just persist lor.... tried spoon feed, syringe feed.... just let her take in watever she can... in fact now when anthea doesnt want to drink i also dun force her liao lah.. i give myself half hr, aft that i stop. sorry i cldnt give u much advice coz i am not successful either...
Sungrapes, your son is so nice to have a great mum like you, keep on giving him new foods. My boy is not, his mum and his grandmum are lazy bugs. How do you serve your cod fillet and eggs? Would it be too early for egg?
Hi clarrisa, my boy also like your boy. Likes to play and never seems to feel hungry whole day. If my mum and I don't make milk for him, he will never cry (ask) for it. Likewise for solids.

Oh yes mummies, don't ever over-feed. Last Saturday, my mum cooks extra porridge. Thinking of not to waste it, give my boy slightly more than he's usually taking. In the end, he vomitted all out, including those he has eaten during previous feeds. See the way he's vomitting, so heartache.
Lesson learnt.
Edde, 3/4 scoop of cereal is a lot! Somemore plus 60ml milk. That can keep her full for 4 hrs. My boy takes 4 scoops of cereal without milk, that keep him busy playing for 3.5hrs before next feed. To solve indigestion, maybe you can consult your PD whether can give your gal some fruits now?

If she can take fruits, also can try out some cereal that mixed with fruits, available at NTUC. Quite good, no need to prepare fruits separately.

Frisocheam - I brought a brand new can at the Expo during Motherhood exhibition recently. When I opened it up, to my shock I noticed there are some small blacky stones kind of thingy in it. I checked the expiry date of the can, it said 2009. so I called Friso, they claimed that it's brown sugar cube that is not disolved properly in the cereal. It will disolve when we pour hot water in it, and they said it's safe to eat. I'm not very convinced, has throw away the can. This is only a rare incident I've encountered, for your gals reference only.
sonic - ya lor...very strange one hor...dun feel hungry one... why huh? play is enough to fill them up??? sigh! i hear others' kids will cry for milk, i so envy...
ValC. sorry to hear that. you feed her 3hrly? how about trying the rock to sleep trick than put in the teats????

yes, i do that too. rock her to sleep then slip it in, but she sometimes wake up as soon as she sucks in the milk and starts fussing. we used to be able to feed her in her sleep even tho alot of milk will leak out n her shirt and hanky gets totally drenched.

i tried syringe feeding her again today. she took some. but it's such a slow process. and some spills out of her mouth. but the speech therapist said that sucking is important skill cos next time she needes to suck from straw.
