2WW - for those TTC-ing

Any ladies here experience spotting or light flow on CD22 during 2ww?

Wondering if I am having my period early this month or what... Usual is 28 days very accurate one. Expected AF was suppose to be on 15/04 but came early today 7/4.

Anyone can advise?
Maybe implantation?

Any ladies here experience spotting or light flow on CD22 during 2ww?

Wondering if I am having my period early this month or what... Usual is 28 days very accurate one. Expected AF was suppose to be on 15/04 but came early today 7/4.

Anyone can advise?
My expected AF also 15 Apr, wow. I'm also regular cycle but not sure if this mth will be affected cos started tcm. What other symptons u having?
Taking about TSB. Me and my other half seen her on 24Mar. I started my first brew 2 nights later. My hubby's 5 days later. 2 days before seeing her, we both just got back to SG from overseas. Before flying off from SG, I was already a little unwell. When TSB saw me, she said I was running a little heaty which I agreed so.

So, couple of days after my first brew, I fell sick full blown at last. It has been almost 2 weeks now. My hubby also fell sick. We both run a flu badly and till today, though slowly recovering, I'm still coughing. I did call the clinic and the staff told me to stop the herbs till I'm well then resume back. So far I've skipped 2 brews. If I'm well by this weekend, I will resume. Unfortunately this month is a travel month again and now hubby is away for a week again. When he is back end week, shortly after we are flying again. For us, everytime we travel, we would come back feeling heaty. Like that don't know when exactly we can take the herbs on time!

My mil told us we shouldn't have seen TSB right after our last trip. We were so dehydrated during our trip and with TCM herbs, may make things worse rather then helping. Oops. For now, I would rather nurse ourselves back to normal health than think about herbs for ttc.
Normally when going outside for meals, i used to go for lemon tea or green tea. But my tcm and a lot of ppl said not to drink too much tea cuz very liang. So i guess be it ttc or not, best abstain.

Then soft drinks also not very healthy drink mah, and i don't really like coffee, so now i usually order fruits juices. Now my fren and so many ladies here also say fruits are not recommended to take, i really dunno what to drink liao.
Normally when going outside for meals, i used to go for lemon tea or green tea. But my tcm and a lot of ppl said not to drink too much tea cuz very liang. So i guess be it ttc or not, best abstain.

Then soft drinks also not very healthy drink mah, and i don't really like coffee, so now i usually order fruits juices. Now my fren and so many ladies here also say fruits are not recommended to take, i really dunno what to drink liao.
Fruit juice also not that healthy heh cos left with sugar fr the fruits and no fibre.

Bring a bottle of water around?

Question on fruits ah. Lemon also no ah? I have habit of adding lemon to water.

And I heard durian is good. Even when pregnant shd take also. A friend was told baby was not growing well enough towards the end of second trimester, then she started eating a lot of durian, think the following scan baby gained half a kg.
Normally when going outside for meals, i used to go for lemon tea or green tea. But my tcm and a lot of ppl said not to drink too much tea cuz very liang. So i guess be it ttc or not, best abstain.

Then soft drinks also not very healthy drink mah, and i don't really like coffee, so now i usually order fruits juices. Now my fren and so many ladies here also say fruits are not recommended to take, i really dunno what to drink liao.
Yea..it's really tough to avoid all those drinks when TTC.
I have been taking Milo, cereal and plain water for past two weeks since visiting tcm. Wonder how long more I can abstain from my green tea..
Oh on plain water, I went for foot massage and the masseur told me I should take less cold drinks. (I don't know what is it that he pressed.) I told him I don't have the habit of taking cold drinks at all. Then he said I should make the plain water warm by mixing hot water.

Then few days later I went for body massage, the masseur was working on my inner thighs then she asked if I have issues with my reproductive system. She suggested I use a heat pack and place over lower abdomen everyday.
Oh on plain water, I went for foot massage and the masseur told me I should take less cold drinks. (I don't know what is it that he pressed.) I told him I don't have the habit of taking cold drinks at all. Then he said I should make the plain water warm by mixing hot water.

Then few days later I went for body massage, the masseur was working on my inner thighs then she asked if I have issues with my reproductive system. She suggested I use a heat pack and place over lower abdomen everyday.
Haven't try putting heat pack. But now when I drink plain water, yes I will normally mix with hot water to become warm, to the point that my stomach seems to feel funny if I take anything lower than room temperature. So i guess it's a good training in a way to build up the body.
Fact is our body doesn't need cold water at all, TTC or not. It is generally not good for health. I feel don't stress our mind too much thinking what to avoid everyday. Moderation is the key. However, I will try to avoid icy beverage because it gives me bloating and uncomfy feeling thereafter. So I usually skip such drinks during eat out. Back office or in the car then I gulp plain old sky juice.
Not easy to abstain from cold drinks. Sometimes go for dinner, set meals comes with drinks which are normally ice lemon tea or soft drinks.

Plus recently a fren shared with me that her tcm tell her not to eat too much fruits when ttc.. I'm so surprised.

If i follow closely, i wonder what is it that i can eat.
My TCM advised me the same thing... She said avoid all fruits when ttc-ing... I didn't qn much and just follow as advised...
Before I conceived my no.1 three years ago, I only drank cold water if eating at restaurants and green tea in office whole day. That time I never adjust my diet n still conceived in 2 cycles. But after pregnant, I was v guai, I stopped cold stuff for 1st and 2nd trimesters and avoided caffeine in 1st trimester. I think my body constitution in the first place is heaty in nature. If I go cold countries I can still wear shorts like in singapore. I also saw my colleagues who drank bubble tea and iced coffee regularly during their 1st trimester and nothing happened.

Sometimes, I think having a baby is v hard to explain why and there's no one fits all formula, you see some people doing all the "wrong" things like drink cold stuff and still can conceive while others do all the "right" things have unexplained infertility. Like my case, people also puzzled why ttc no.1 ok but ttc no.2 so long still don't have. Maybe it's more than science can explain. Anyway, just my thoughts hehe.

That day I was at guardian, in my aisle, there were 3 ladies including me, me looking at hpk and opk, the one to my right looking at condoms to prevent preg (presumably) and the one to my left looking at sanitary pads. I was thinking I want a baby so badly that I haven't even used condoms for 2 years but still no luck. And I wished I don't have to buy sanitary pads again for next 9 months!
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My TCM advised me the same thing... She said avoid all fruits when ttc-ing... I didn't qn much and just follow as advised...
Yeah like Zaclin, I also nv questioned much about the fruits. But I nv follow strictly :p

Personally, I think why Dr Su said no fruits is a general rule cos most of the fruits we tend to eat eg apples, oranges and grapes are liang so easier if we just generally avoid than try to find out the few that are not liang.

Yes, durians v bu for babies during pregnancy, I had a lot during my preg in no. 1 not that my baby was underweight. But it's also v sweet and fattening. I put on quite abit of weight and my gynae had to remind me to control my weight gain. For ttc, if I'm not wrong, overweight is not so desirable and may affect progesterone and estrogen balance.
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i was researching about DHEA... and chanced upon this articles ->
How to Increase Your Egg Health in 90 Days

anyone interested can read...

Taking about TSB. Me and my other half seen her on 24Mar. I started my first brew 2 nights later. My hubby's 5 days later. 2 days before seeing her, we both just got back to SG from overseas. Before flying off from SG, I was already a little unwell. When TSB saw me, she said I was running a little heaty which I agreed so.

So, couple of days after my first brew, I fell sick full blown at last. It has been almost 2 weeks now. My hubby also fell sick. We both run a flu badly and till today, though slowly recovering, I'm still coughing. I did call the clinic and the staff told me to stop the herbs till I'm well then resume back. So far I've skipped 2 brews. If I'm well by this weekend, I will resume. Unfortunately this month is a travel month again and now hubby is away for a week again. When he is back end week, shortly after we are flying again. For us, everytime we travel, we would come back feeling heaty. Like that don't know when exactly we can take the herbs on time!

My mil told us we shouldn't have seen TSB right after our last trip. We were so dehydrated during our trip and with TCM herbs, may make things worse rather then helping. Oops. For now, I would rather nurse ourselves back to normal health than think about herbs for ttc.
actually, the herbs prescribe is heaty type... when my partner and I just started, we have fever or feel feverish the first month of taking it... second we still have the feverish feeling, like body very warm inside.. but third month onwards we getting used to the herbs.. but for me, i still feel my throat quite heaty dry like that...
I bet all TCM will ask to avoid cold drinks. But again.. I would say.. do what that makes u happy.. have a beer.. eat sashimi.. go cycling.. go holiday.. take those rides... have fun! Without a happy soul .. healthy body also no use.. stress urself constantly only.. many ppl say relax to conceive but the surrounding don't allow u to relax. Seeing preggy hurts. Always asking ownself why it's not my turn yet.. beside working hard.. u have to have luck too and this conceiving journey isn't one that u can control. It's god's will. When he knows it's the right time for u.. baby will come and stay.. positivity is inevitable. . U don't know when will the mth that u see a plus sign appears anyway.. unless u go through medical procedure.. for those trying naturally. . Just leave it to god.
Shirley, agree with you that it's god's will. Just wana add that even medical procedure like ivf needs luck and god's will. The friends I knew who did ivf all didn't succeed and eventually they kinda gave up but they still went on to have a baby naturally. So when I decided to go for ivf last mth, they were of course skeptical about it. One of them claimed it was tcm which helped her eventually. The other friend said she didn't know what happened especially when her gynae also said her case was almost no chance of conceiving even with ivf.
hey had anyone tried fertility massage?

I am not sure if u are referring to the malay massage "sengkak" which basically push up ur womb to the best position..
Cos if ur womb is "low", it is more difficult to conceive....
I have done that in 2012 when ttc-ing for my #1 but I dont think that helps solely...
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i was researching about DHEA... and chanced upon this articles ->
How to Increase Your Egg Health in 90 Days

anyone interested can read...

actually, the herbs prescribe is heaty type... when my partner and I just started, we have fever or feel feverish the first month of taking it... second we still have the feverish feeling, like body very warm inside.. but third month onwards we getting used to the herbs.. but for me, i still feel my throat quite heaty dry like that...

I do think her herbs are very powerful. Most potent compared to other sinsehs I've seen :p

I think just wrong timing when I was about to fall ill before seeing her.

My friend recommends me to add those Thai lime into water that I drink. Boost up the vitC. I also started to take vitC supplements. I think it's slowly taking good effect. First effect is its laxative effect. Haha also good...I usually have constipation problem.
I bet all TCM will ask to avoid cold drinks. But again.. I would say.. do what that makes u happy.. have a beer.. eat sashimi.. go cycling.. go holiday.. take those rides... have fun! Without a happy soul .. healthy body also no use.. stress urself constantly only.. many ppl say relax to conceive but the surrounding don't allow u to relax. Seeing preggy hurts. Always asking ownself why it's not my turn yet.. beside working hard.. u have to have luck too and this conceiving journey isn't one that u can control. It's god's will. When he knows it's the right time for u.. baby will come and stay.. positivity is inevitable. . U don't know when will the mth that u see a plus sign appears anyway.. unless u go through medical procedure.. for those trying naturally. . Just leave it to god.

Yes, it is science plus the Creator's will.

My first bfp I was doing all "wrong" things but it happened.

So ladies, don't be too hard on ourselves or stressed over "advices" we read in the forum.
Btw what does 2ww, AF mean?
2ww = 2 weeks wait between ovulation and AF (Aunty Flow), usually abt 2 weeks which I think also refers to luteal phase.

Btw, I always see this term BD, I think it means baby dance? But not sure what it means, can anyone enlighten me pls, tks
2ww = 2 weeks wait between ovulation and AF (Aunty Flow), usually abt 2 weeks which I think also refers to luteal phase.

Btw, I always see this term BD, I think it means baby dance? But not sure what it means, can anyone enlighten me pls, tks
I referred to page 1 of this thread for all the terms.
You are right, BD= Baby Dancing (Love Making)
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AF ... Aunt Flo (menstruation)
BBT ... Basal Body Temperature
BD...Baby Dancing (Love Making)
BCP ... Birth Control Pills
BFN...Big Fat Negative (Pregnancy Test Negative)
BFP...Big Fat Positive (Pregnancy Test Positive)
BOB...Baby on the Brain
B/W, b/w ... Blood Work
CB ... Cycle Buddy
CD ... Cycle Day
CL...Community Leader
CM ... Cervical Mucus
D&C ... Dilation & Curettage
DH... Dear (or whatever other D word seems appropriate at the time) Husband
DI ... Donor Insemination
DPO ... Days Past Ovulation
DPIUI ... Days Past IUI
DTD ... Do The Deed or Did The Deed
ET ... Embryo Transfer
EW...Egg White Consistency (related to CM)
EWCM ... Egg White Cervical Mucous
FET ... Frozen Embryo Transfer
FSH ... Follicle Stimulating Hormone
GP ... General Practitioner
HPT ... Home Pregnancy Test
HSG ... Hysterosalpingogram
ICI ... Intra-cervical Insemination
IF ... Infertility
IUI ... Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF ... In Vitro Fertilization
KWIM...Know What I Mean
LAP ... Laparoscopy
LH ... Luteinizing Hormone
LMP ... Last Menstrual Period (start date)
LOL ... Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Love
LPD ... Luteal Phase Defect
MC, m/c, misc. ... Miscarriage
NP ... Nurse Practitioner
O ... Ovulation
OB/GYN ... Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OMG ... Oh My Goodness!
OPK ... Ovulation Predictor Kit
OT or O/T...Off Topic
PCO, PCOD ... Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS ... Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PG ... Pregnant
PID ... Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMS ... Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS ... Pee On A Stick
RE ... Reproductive Endocrinologist
RI ... Reproductive Immunologist
ROTFLMAO ... Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
SA ... Semen or Sperm Analysis
STD ... Sexually Transmitted Disease
TTC ... Trying to Conceive
US, u/s ... Ultrasound
UTI ... Urinary Tract Infection
*IL ... *(whatever) In Law
2WW ... 2 weeks waiting
Hi all, just caught up on the tread topics for the past few days.. Just have a few questions to ask...

Firstly, I am only TTC recently so popped onto this (amazing) thread, and am surprised to see that TCM is such a big thing for fertility solutions these days. I only had the concept of seeing a gynea before... So wanted to ask, why are ppl now switching to TCM, is the traditional way of going through a gynea not useful anymore? Or do Pple see both at the same time?

Also through the TCM posts, notice lots of "don't drink cold water or eat fruits coz it is cooling" - just wondering if the TCM advice is only for the female or for the hubby as well?

Also, lastly, when is the best time to start seeing a gynea? Is it while you are TTC? Or only after you find out you are pregnant?

Thanks! Sorry I'm quite new to all these! :)
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My hubby dislikes fruits and probaby just eats a piece once every 3 months. Ha. But still no bfp leh.

Can eat la...just moderation on everything .
Hi all, just caught up on the tread topics for the past few days.. Just have a few questions to ask...

Firstly, I am only TTC recently so popped onto this (amazing) thread, and am surprised to see that TCM is such a big thing for fertility solutions these days. I only had the concept of seeing a gynea before... So wanted to ask, why are ppl now switching to TCM, is the traditional way of going through a gynea not useful anymore? Or do Pple see both at the same time?

Also through the TCM posts, notice lots of "don't drink cold water or eat fruits coz it is cooling" - just wondering if the TCM advice is only for the female or for the hubby as well?

Also, lastly, when is the best time to start seeing a gynea? Is it while you are TTC? Or only after you find out you are pregnant?

Thanks! Sorry I'm quite new to all these! :)

Hi! As a fellow forum member ( I think veromon) said it best before, Tcm diagnoses some underlying issues which western docs may not.
So we should combine both such that they complement each other.
Gynae can do the basic body / health checks and Tcm can improve overall health.
Further, I know of many friends who got preggy after visiting TCM, so just wanna give a try as well.
According to the TCM whom I see, hubby should not take cold drinks and fruits as well. This to "tiao" the body. But my hubby still inevitably broke the rules la..
Also, lastly, when is the best time to start seeing a gynea? Is it while you are TTC? Or only after you find out you are pregnant?

Thanks! Sorry I'm quite new to all these! :)
I guess there's no hard and fast rule when to start seeing gynae?
For me, it's just like when to start seeing tcm.
Hi all, just caught up on the tread topics for the past few days.. Just have a few questions to ask...

Firstly, I am only TTC recently so popped onto this (amazing) thread, and am surprised to see that TCM is such a big thing for fertility solutions these days. I only had the concept of seeing a gynea before... So wanted to ask, why are ppl now switching to TCM, is the traditional way of going through a gynea not useful anymore? Or do Pple see both at the same time?

Also through the TCM posts, notice lots of "don't drink cold water or eat fruits coz it is cooling" - just wondering if the TCM advice is only for the female or for the hubby as well?

Also, lastly, when is the best time to start seeing a gynea? Is it while you are TTC? Or only after you find out you are pregnant?

Thanks! Sorry I'm quite new to all these! :)
i see TCM because my partner believes in TCM.. but see for 9months still no BFP & mess up my menses so switch to gynae to check what's wrong..
then, confirm TCM and gynae is the same, both say we are healthy and no problem.
TCM never tell me dont drink cold or eat fruits.. but i also never ask her whether can drink cold drinks or eat fruits...

if u TTC for 6months, still no BFP, you can see gynae for checkup...
Hi all, just caught up on the tread topics for the past few days.. Just have a few questions to ask...

Firstly, I am only TTC recently so popped onto this (amazing) thread, and am surprised to see that TCM is such a big thing for fertility solutions these days. I only had the concept of seeing a gynea before... So wanted to ask, why are ppl now switching to TCM, is the traditional way of going through a gynea not useful anymore? Or do Pple see both at the same time?

Also through the TCM posts, notice lots of "don't drink cold water or eat fruits coz it is cooling" - just wondering if the TCM advice is only for the female or for the hubby as well?

Also, lastly, when is the best time to start seeing a gynea? Is it while you are TTC? Or only after you find out you are pregnant?

Thanks! Sorry I'm quite new to all these! :)

Welcome apple179!
I think to see a TCM or not depends on individual....
I went to see a TCM becos the gynae i went to "rejected" me and told me to go and try for another yr before coming back to her (I already tried for a yr).... I didnt seek a 2nd opinion then...

And so happened I had a colleague who went to TCM and she got pregnant successfully after a gynae told her that she can never get pregnant... The TCM helped her to conceive twice, the same TCM helped me to conceive thrice (but one non-viable pregnancy)....
I decided to see a TCM after hearing her successful story....

The cold drinks also apply to hubby but I dont remember abt the fruits.. She told my hubby no cold stuff as welll during TTC-ing....

Btw, how long have u been trying?
Welcome apple179!
I think to see a TCM or not depends on individual....
I went to see a TCM becos the gynae i went to "rejected" me and told me to go and try for another yr before coming back to her (I already tried for a yr).... I didnt seek a 2nd opinion then...

And so happened I had a colleague who went to TCM and she got pregnant successfully after a gynae told her that she can never get pregnant... The TCM helped her to conceive twice, the same TCM helped me to conceive thrice (but one non-viable pregnancy)....
I decided to see a TCM after hearing her successful story....

The cold drinks also apply to hubby but I dont remember abt the fruits.. She told my hubby no cold stuff as welll during TTC-ing....

Btw, how long have u been trying?
Zac, Dr Su helped u conceived thrice? Sorry if u might hv shared b4, may I know what's Dr Su's diagnosis of ur colleague n ur cases?

Yeah some gynae will ask u go bk try naturally. To overcome that, I heard some people wld lie they already ttc v long so that gynae will hasten next course of actions.

Thanks everyone for all the info! :)

@zaclin29 actually I'm only in my 2nd mth of trying.. O should be these few days.. I know I shouldn't be anxious and I keep telling myself I'm not, but I think I can't help it.

Have been following this tread for the last month or so, was quite disappointed when AF came last month, even though I know it was only the first month we were trying...
