2016/07 July babies

Hi mummies, today is day 4 and i have engorgement. It is painful cos breast is hard & bb can't latch well & can only suckle thru nipples. Now i have sore nipples Does regular pumping & applying hot towel helps to soften the breast for bf?
Seems like your bm is kicking in.. You must pump your bm out. Before you pump, you can apply hot towel on it and try to massage them.

Hi mummies, today is day 4 and i have engorgement. It is painful cos breast is hard & bb can't latch well & can only suckle thru nipples. Now i have sore nipples Does regular pumping & applying hot towel helps to soften the breast for bf?

Try to do the u-pinch and let bb suckle at the areola + nip...

For engorgement, take a hot hot bath and massage the breasts. Alternatively, use hot towel on the breasts and massage the base of the dome (if u know what I mean) in circular motion. Focus on the area under the armpits. Pump after massage. It takes a few cycles (2-3 rounds) for breasts to soften and have streams of milk.
No bakery but shortlisting a few food caterer. We are inviting quite a lot of people so have to stagger the timing.
I think not an issue for the dried blood. Should be clearing up in a few days time.
I haven thought abt full month but should be taking neo garden ba.. Easiest choice since the food proven to be nice.
Haven got the chance to think abt the bakery too..
You champion :). Half hour I only got 90ml plus minus. Maybe my pump is weak?? Using medela freestyle.

Oh dear.. I bf my baby of 17 days' old whole day (think I lost count of the no of times feeding) and managed to pump out 50-60ml for night feed. Is it normal?
My CL will give my LO FM cos she always get hungry at night and takes about 60ml. Usually needs about 2 night feeds.
How do u put your LO to bed?

Past 2 days BB has difficulty falling asleep... I carry also cry... Cannot soothe himself to sleep. But he is overly tired alr, just cry throughout the 3hrs...

Needs to suckle breasts or milk bottle to sleep. I'm not sure if I am prepared to introduce pacifier. No1 dun have pacifier but suck his thumb now at 2yo.
Oh dear.. I bf my baby of 17 days' old whole day (think I lost count of the no of times feeding) and managed to pump out 50-60ml for night feed. Is it normal?
My CL will give my LO FM cos she always get hungry at night and takes about 60ml. Usually needs about 2 night feeds.

Mayb his growth spurt come early... 3 weeks got growth spurt so will tend to take more milk?

My LO is 3 weeks old today, he has been crying for milk Ard 2-2.5hr since yday. Today like back to 3hrly...
I have already booked Neo garden for the full month party, hopefully the food is good!

For cakes, looking at sweetest moment, Cakes wld be distributing to office colleagues
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How do u put your LO to bed?

Past 2 days BB has difficulty falling asleep... I carry also cry... Cannot soothe himself to sleep. But he is overly tired alr, just cry throughout the 3hrs...

Needs to suckle breasts or milk bottle to sleep. I'm not sure if I am prepared to introduce pacifier. No1 dun have pacifier but suck his thumb now at 2yo.
Mine wakes up at night and party.....confinement lady Said she has been up from 1am to 4 am for the past few days
Mine wakes up at night and party.....confinement lady Said she has been up from 1am to 4 am for the past few days

CL can put him to bed after feeding at nite. But I need to know how to do it cos she is leaving soon! When I carry he cries, bcos he would be looking for my nip! Haiz...
Wahah I totally didn't connect about the bakery. Ya hor, have to give guests the cakes n all. What kind of mommy am I.

I'm leaving the logistics to my mil. Will remind her to include the bakery gift. Thanks for the reminder!
My bb can only sleep if she is happily full or poo poo completely. Sometimes she needs comfort suckle. I'm trying to avoid but it seems she needs it at times. I personally advocate no pacifier so I hope I can keep to it.

Now she can absolutely drink 100ml every 2.5-3hrs. If I'm super lucky, max 3.5hrs. Sometimes in between, she needs to latch. I find she isn't as full when on a full latch meal, compared to ebm or fm. Suck halfway wanna sleep.

I did ask paedi are we overfeeding. She says no. It's a good sign she is taking in and pooping regularly.

Now it's pretty much alternating between ebm and fm throughout the day, for full meal. I guess she might not be doing very well on latching (thus still wants fm after latch). I now latch on demand to bond and to giving her some BM that way.

I learnt from CL that the moment you let a sleeping bb on her cot, rest your palm on her chest. A kind of security as she is removed from you. Place as long until she is deeper in sleep. Disclaimer : doesn't work all the time hehe. Sometimes yes la.
Oh dear.. I bf my baby of 17 days' old whole day (think I lost count of the no of times feeding) and managed to pump out 50-60ml for night feed. Is it normal?
My CL will give my LO FM cos she always get hungry at night and takes about 60ml. Usually needs about 2 night feeds.
2 night feed is super good!! That means your LO can sleep for very long.
Mine will cry for milk ard 2.5 to 3 hrs now. I was still asking hubby when can I sleep throughout the night?? My LO is really like an alarm clock now!
My LO doesn't look for me to suck for comfort maybe the teat is better than my nipple since it's longer. Hopefully it stays that way.
Normally how I put my LO to sleep is that we will carry her till she sleeps. N in the night we will normally feed her with the light off so after feed we will juz put her back to cot n she will fall asleep. If she is not sleeping meaning she is not full yet n we will supplement her with ebm or fm.
2 night feed is super good!! That means your LO can sleep for very long.
Mine will cry for milk ard 2.5 to 3 hrs now. I was still asking hubby when can I sleep throughout the night?? My LO is really like an alarm clock now!
My LO doesn't look for me to suck for comfort maybe the teat is better than my nipple since it's longer. Hopefully it stays that way.
Normally how I put my LO to sleep is that we will carry her till she sleeps. N in the night we will normally feed her with the light off so after feed we will juz put her back to cot n she will fall asleep. If she is not sleeping meaning she is not full yet n we will supplement her with ebm or fm.
Ha! Mine is coz the confinement lady is very loud opening n closing the door...so that is the Alarm clock at night ....
Hi which supplement u all give to your LO as I read about supplement contain GOS will cause allergy in rare case. I have check both similic and enfamil which contain GOS in their ingredient ..any idea which supplement don't contain GOS ?
Hi which supplement u all give to your LO as I read about supplement contain GOS will cause allergy in rare case. I have check both similic and enfamil which contain GOS in their ingredient ..any idea which supplement don't contain GOS ?
I m giving similac ...what is GOS?
Gan 1972, Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS), will cause allergic reaction to baby in rare cases
Hi which supplement u all give to your LO as I read about supplement contain GOS will cause allergy in rare case. I have check both similic and enfamil which contain GOS in their ingredient ..any idea which supplement don't contain GOS ?

I give Dumex Mamil. It has GOS which is a prebiotic combination. Supposed to help w healthy digestive system...

Super happy, managed to put my BB down for a nap while the confinement lady cooks... Yay!
Hi which supplement u all give to your LO as I read about supplement contain GOS will cause allergy in rare case. I have check both similic and enfamil which contain GOS in their ingredient ..any idea which supplement don't contain GOS ?

All FM from cow have. Maybe u check out goat milk. My elder 3yrs old on similac. My newborn try similac got problem in poo poo. On enfamil poo a lot. Jaundice came down from 180 to 120.
My bb on Enfamil seems to poo a lot too.

The weather must be so nice. I waited whole morning to finally carry her for like 3mins only then I have to lunch. Time for her milk again. Whole morning till now she has been just drinking and sleeping in this cool whether.

Haa congrats candimoshi. It's like strike some 4d.
I feed my LO similac but he breath soo loud which scare my CL as she said normal infant don't breath that loud as if got something stuck in his throat. Checked with my PD, she advice likely to be FM not suitable. Now in the mid to change to enfamil and monitor. Goat milk got DHA?
Mayb his growth spurt come early... 3 weeks got growth spurt so will tend to take more milk?

My LO is 3 weeks old today, he has been crying for milk Ard 2-2.5hr since yday. Today like back to 3hrly...

Yeah, I think so. Usually baby gal is small eater. But she has quite big appetite. I am aiming every 2 hrly. Many ppl have told me not to supplement if breastfeeding, but I bf her during the day and supplement with Dumex Mamil. Think her digestive system is still good like poo 3 times a day.
CL can put him to bed after feeding at nite. But I need to know how to do it cos she is leaving soon! When I carry he cries, bcos he would be looking for my nip! Haiz...

Me too, my confinement lady feeds my LO with ebm and Fm at night. Sometimes she sleeps very well after taking 60ml each time. During daytime, sometimes she will cry and keep looking for nip to latch on.. Hope I can handle when she leaves too..
Will the bm be reduced if I don't wake up in the middle of the night to pump it?
Me too, my confinement lady feeds my LO with ebm and Fm at night. Sometimes she sleeps very well after taking 60ml each time. During daytime, sometimes she will cry and keep looking for nip to latch on.. Hope I can handle when she leaves too..
Will the bm be reduced if I don't wake up in the middle of the night to pump it?

What I read from FB BF group, it was mentioned that in the first 3 months, our bodies are establishing supply. So if we stop MOTN pump, the production will drop as it signals to the body that we do not need the output. They say we have to pump 3hrly to maintain.

BUT I say this because I find it not so true for me. Based on my records with no1, I reduced my pumps (to get more sleep). Ard 2months I'm doing 5pumps per day, 3 months I'm doing 4pumps per day. So dropped MOTN b4 3 months and I do not see a drop in supply.

I duno how true is this since it does not apply to my body...

PS: based on last nite's output.

11pm - 4am = 220ml
4am - 9am = 160ml

Same 5hr duration but MOTN pump got more output leh?
@candymoshi maybe u r one of the lucky mums who overproduce?? Hee! They way I see it is, those mums who need more help post more, that's why it appears that bf is difficult for everyone, but actually those who have no issues wouldn't post, right? That's how I reassure myself when I worry about it....
I moved forward my 19th Jul appt to today cos for last 3 days my BP started increasing, and after blood test for pre-eclampsia and ecg for both bb and I came out normal, the doc said she can't explain the surge either. But since everything seems normal, she said I'm already at 39w, and by right pre-existing type2 diabetics would be offered induction between 36 and 39 weeks.

So I am now booked for tmrw afternoon. As I sit here waiting to make payment, it definitely is hitting me that I'm about to be a mom, oh horror of horrors what am I about to unleash upon the world??? XD
Hi all,
Finally got chance to follow up on the posts here. My baby is also jaundice. So far already done 4 blood test at Polyclinic. The good thing is his jaundice level is going down. Hopefully can go below 100 next Monday....

As I did not hire a confinement lady, life was busy and tiring past 2 weeks. My mum and sister came by to cook and help out once a while but night time was all by myself. I almost went crazy waking up feeding and expressing milk. What make it worse is my lower back pain that's torturing me.
I suffered from engorged breast during my first 2 child. This round, I am lucky to engage a massage lady who helped massage and cleared my blocked ducts (u can see milk squirting out as she tried to clear the ducts!). After 2 session of breast massage, I find that expressing was much better compared to previous.
And now it seems that my boy seems to keep asking for milk... He slept after drinking 60ml of milk, sometimes can't even finish! That's why I do not dare to increase the volume.. Hopefully everything gets smooth for myself and all mummy here. Take care!
- Jo
Anyone give plain water to moist bb mouth. My Lo mouth look very dry. He is drinking abt 70-80ml per feed on FM. BM only 1feed per day.
I don't give my bb water but then some mummies feed with no issue. So I also don't know what is "right". But maybe start off with apply moisten cotton on your bb lips?
I dun give water too...not sure if similac is not suitable for her as she vomited quite abit after drinking the fm..... She is still having jaundice so doc suggested replace 2 feeds with fm.

By the way do u clean bb tongue? I notice she has milk deposits on her tongue

Snow fern, smooth delivery !
@gan1972 thanks! I last time use clean small face towel soak with boiled warm water to clean my bb brother's tongue and gums once or twice a day, not sure what is recommended now but I will do that for my daughter too....
CL says general rule is on bm don't need to clean mouth but with fm, white deposit will form on tongue and you'll need to clean it everyday. I have gauze so she uses that to clean with warm water.
I supplement my bb with enfamil too cos bb always seems hungry after latching for 15 mins on each side. Also i will let bb drink a little bit of water to rinse her mouth after that.
I use a facial cotton moist in warm plain water to clear his tongue n gum. My elder last time didn't clear become oral thrust. Have to bring to PD n apply medication
Actually from wat I read, we r not supposed to give newborn bb water. But I secretly give some so that she can pee more which will lead to reduction in jaundice level. But even if we feed, also can't bottle feed. I use cotton n she will suck from the cotton.
Kwl: come to think abt it, think u are the lucky one since you don't have to worry abt bm, sleepless night. All u need to do now is to enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. Free can come in chat chat or hear our sleepless night stories.. Haha
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Talking abt clearing the mouth, I'm also using cotton to clean her mouth n I also hear that fully bm should not have the layer of whitish substances in her mouth.. Not sure why mine has since she has not been on fm for the past few days already.
Hi ladies which diapers cream is good ? Desitin rapid relief/ desitin maximum strength / mustela ?
I using desition rapid relief (blue). Heal my bb diaper rashes. Desition maximum strength is purple one is stronger version. Normally I use Burt bee diaper cream. Very thick.
Woke up feeling woozy and giddy. Managed to nap here and there, giddiness gone but don't feel 100%. Childcare just called and said no1 is running a fever. Tough tough nite and weekend ahead!

@snowfern, how is it going? Started inducing alr?

@emk I only used desitin (blue) b4... If the blue one works, dun need to get the purple one...

I am still waiting! I think I am one of the last few to pop
When is your due date? Ur bb will come b4 this month ends!! And u will be cuddling with your bundle of joy!!!

Meanwhile, enjoy the kicks and wiggling, u will miss being pregnant haha!
