2016/07 July babies

I am amazed myself coz number 1 I gained 10kg

Not sure is it because of the GD diet since I started this at week 24, there is no weight gain...

My tummy is not big coz most people tot I am in 2nd trimester

Will keep some snacks with me at all times, didn't think of that, thanks for advice!
Think I will pack a pair of socks in case it's cold in hospital.

@Gwenk - good idea! Will ask for an extra pillow. On pads, don't think you will need to bring any. Hospital will give us a pack during our stay, we can being whatever is left home. I'm delivering in sgh, think what we get should be more or less similar? Maybe ask the nurse at ur next visit. The nurse just went through with me the list of stuff to bring at my last check up, basically bb items will all be provided, I will just bring a set of going home clothes though they will discharge us with 4 sets. Just to make sure she wears nicely washed clean clothes home :)
Will bring my own toiletries though hospital will provide cos I'm rather picky about brands, will bring a couple of pairs of breast pads, just thought of something impt! Must bring nipple cream, may be sore for the first few days as bb learns to latch properly! Nurse also told me bring makeup, so take photo can look pretty, haha! Hospital will provide gowns suitable for nursing. Guess my bag will be quite light. Oh, in sgh, normal delivery only stay for one night, c-section 2 nights. So sad!

Doing a poll, are you all more into sweet or savoury foods now? Earlier on in pregnancy, I was all for the salty stuff, now I am more into sweet things like oreo cheesecake, chocolate, ice creams, milk tea etc. Totally can't stand sour stuff.

@misty - are you on utrogestan for ur braxton Hicks? I've been on it for last 2 mths due to preterm contractions.

@tuna, there isn't any info provided from the nurse at the counter when I did my admission stuff. I am still wondering what will be provided on that day. But I will try to pack light. Pack a few clothings for bb just in case her size is bigger. I am all for chocolates and sweets when going to 2nd tri. actually.
I have put on 15kg at weeks 35 and bb weight is already 2.8kg. After seeing all mummy msgs, I think I need to cut down on carbo.
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Wow u all gain so little weight.. So far I'm weeks 35 gained 12kg already .. 2.5kg is really amazing coz I read from Internet that the placenta, fluid and our breast all add up approx 5kg.
Yea, I rem my doc telling me fluid about 2 kg, additional blood, placenta and some other stuff another few kgs.
@gan - you lost wt actually. You're my inspiration :)

@Gwenk - 1 set for bb should be enough. If I didn't remember wrongly, my first 2 we're dressed in just a top and diaper and swaddled all the time while in hospital, everything provided by them. Can anyone verify that?

@verluv - you are right, won't be pai say then, will ask for HL and stop feeling guilty, not my fault office didn't arrange properly wat. My tummy is so huge, cannot remember I'm due in a matter of wks meh.
How do u find the energy to entertain your 2 y/o? I want to lie down all the time at home, I don't even know how I bathed my elder girl when I had my second one yrs ago, I shop for half an hr already chuan like there's no tomorrow.
Woah.. You all gain so much weight.. I have not even gain weight, still 2kg short from my pre-pregnancy weight and baby is only 1.6kg at 33 weeks.. I'm still vomiting after every meal.. I guess that's why I'm not gaining weight at all.
So Shiok!!! just have my first prenatal massage today. At first I signed up 7 sessions with the massage lady for post natal then recently I check with her did she do prenatal and she did ..so lucky ..then I change package to 10 session, 3 session prenatal and 7 for post natal :) get a good afternoon nap after massage
Gwenk: dun need to cut down liao la... It's the last few weeks! Dun eat u will regret during confinement coz can't eat everything u want during then..
Tuna: yes everything is provided in tmc for the baby.. Or rather I should say everything can buy from them haha... Coz I think everything they provided is chargeable ba..

As to how I entertain my 2 yo I also dunno.. Juz let the time pass and try to make her sleep with me most of the time.. If really cannot, she will juz play in the living room while I still rest in the room.. Haha bo chap coz really tired and juz feel like sticking to my bed all the time.
Talking abt massage, I haven booked my massage lady. Furthermore now is their fasting period, dun think a lot want to take up assignment. Next week must really go and book one massage lady coz I should be giving birth end of June!
Emk; how much did u pay for each of the session and for how long? 1.5 hrs or 2 hrs?
@verluv $70 per session for 1 hour, but today she massage for me from 11am to 2:30pm. She told me usually is more than one hour..
@emk - prenatal massage will focus on which areas? Trying to decide if I should get one. Massage back would be shiok, but tummy so big how to massage back; can't lie on front, lie on side she also can't massage properly.

@verluv - ha, ya, everything they will provide at a cost.
Your 2 y/o really very well-behaved. At that age they usually can't self-entertain for long. Tahan, another 2 weeks for u! After that shiok! I enjoyed my confinement the last 2 times.
@tuna is full body massage from head to leg except for tummy, got to sleep on the side so I must get up few time to change side for her to massage coz my bed side is against the wall.
Have done prenatal massage once and it is really really shiok. Lie on side also will enjoy when masseur eases your back. Ya she will massage everywhere except tummy, feet and head. For me, if I can sleep within 15mins of session means it's very good :)

But i didn't go for more sessions because I don't really feel any aches even till now. So I rather keep the money for post natal ones.
Actually I dun really like confinement! In fact I dread it.. I enjoy the giving birth process and the sight of seeing your bb grow each day!!
And yes I think most liky giving birth within these 2 weeks.
Juz saw in Fb that a mummy juz gave birth at 35w2d. So joyful to see the bb!
Heh I'm so looking forward to the confinement food! Not to mention massages. I'm going to turn on the home aircon all the way. Bill shock but can't be helped.

Wow her bb just couldn't wait. Is 35w considered premature? Need to put incubator? Pardon me I'm not sure on this.
Confinement period is the only time when we can officially do very little, provided there's a CL, and no one at home will blink an eye. Basically eat, sleep, feed, stone, eat, sleep etc. Haha, love it!

Mummies getting a CL, can let me know what is the usual angbao rate for CL, before and after right?
Lol I like the way you put it, tuna.

I think different ppl have different versions. I also Google until don't know whats the "norm". Anyway, it's my CL so I do what I'm comfortable with. Starting angbao will be $50 (it's one of the to do-list after I pop, for my hubby to prepare, among other things like calling naming-master, booking function room for full-month, etc).

Second angbao I guess depends how satisfied we are with her. If good, couple of hundreds. If not so happy, less than $100. It's really not easy to be a CL and I think they can be a god sent during the 28days so I believe in rewarding them. But hor, it can go either way. Haa have heard hellish stories.
Hi Ladies,

Need your help. I am currently at 34 weeks of my pregnancy and have just seen my new gynae last Saturday.

Was hoping if you could share which gynae you are currently consulting and how much they charge for normal & c-section delivery because this private gynae located at Bishan is charging $2800 for normal delivery & $3800 for c-section. Is it a norm? My previous pregnancy was in 2007 & 2010 which is many years ago.

Thinking if I should change gynae if this charge is considered high...

Thanks in advance!

Yea, I rem my doc telling me fluid about 2 kg, additional blood, placenta and some other stuff another few kgs.
@gan - you lost wt actually. You're my inspiration :)

@Gwenk - 1 set for bb should be enough. If I didn't remember wrongly, my first 2 we're dressed in just a top and diaper and swaddled all the time while in hospital, everything provided by them. Can anyone verify that?

@verluv - you are right, won't be pai say then, will ask for HL and stop feeling guilty, not my fault office didn't arrange properly wat. My tummy is so huge, cannot remember I'm due in a matter of wks meh.
How do u find the energy to entertain your 2 y/o? I want to lie down all the time at home, I don't even know how I bathed my elder girl when I had my second one yrs ago, I shop for half an hr already chuan like there's no tomorrow.

@tuna I just went for antenatal class last Sat, my trainer also said the same thing as you. We only need to bring 1 set of swaddler, top, mittens and botties for bb going home one , and 1 set of clothes going back home and toiletries for mummy and the rest will be provided for and chargeable in the hospital.
Gwenk: dun need to cut down liao la... It's the last few weeks! Dun eat u will regret during confinement coz can't eat everything u want during then..

@verluv, agree.. but strange lor, actually I eat 3 meals a day as usual and still put on so much weight. But it has stabilized somehow and there is some weight fluctuations. I read from the website, saying the aminiotic fluid will be getting lesser when bb getting bigger.
Currently, I am in 37 weeks gestation already. Jiayou for both of us and all mummies. :)
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Hi Ladies,

Need your help. I am currently at 34 weeks of my pregnancy and have just seen my new gynae last Saturday.

Was hoping if you could share which gynae you are currently consulting and how much they charge for normal & c-section delivery because this private gynae located at Bishan is charging $2800 for normal delivery & $3800 for c-section. Is it a norm? My previous pregnancy was in 2007 & 2010 which is many years ago.

Thinking if I should change gynae if this charge is considered high...

Thanks in advance!


I think it's normal because my gynae charges $3.5k for normal delivery & $4.5k for c-sect. My gynae is Dr. Ho H K at Mount A. His charges are quite high and I've seen many other gynaes charging way cheaper..
I think it's normal because my gynae charges $3.5k for normal delivery & $4.5k for c-sect. My gynae is Dr. Ho H K at Mount A. His charges are quite high and I've seen many other gynaes charging way cheaper..

Hi Rachelybq,
Thanks for your reply. So your gynae is charging $3.5k for normal delivery? I did some search online this morning and I saw someone saying Dr Ho is charging $1900-$2500 for normal delivery...
Hi Ladies,

Need your help. I am currently at 34 weeks of my pregnancy and have just seen my new gynae last Saturday.

Was hoping if you could share which gynae you are currently consulting and how much they charge for normal & c-section delivery because this private gynae located at Bishan is charging $2800 for normal delivery & $3800 for c-section. Is it a norm? My previous pregnancy was in 2007 & 2010 which is many years ago.

Thinking if I should change gynae if this charge is considered high...

Thanks in advance!

My gynae charges 1.3k for his package and his delivery fee. On top of that, attached is GlenE charges. For your comparison.

Hi Rachelybq,
Thanks for your reply. So your gynae is charging $3.5k for normal delivery? I did some search online this morning and I saw someone saying Dr Ho is charging $1900-$2500 for normal delivery...

Yes, he is charging $3.5k for normal delivery. I signed the package so there was a $500 "discount".. Oh.. How long ago was that? I just paid my delivery fees one month back tho.
Yes, he is charging $3.5k for normal delivery. I signed the package so there was a $500 "discount".. Oh.. How long ago was that? I just paid my delivery fees one month back tho.

Hi Rachelybq,
It was shared in one of the threads in Singaporemotherhood. But I supposed yours is the updated charges.
Hi Redvel,

Thanks for sharing. $1.3k for package plus delivery charges? Mind to share which gynae you are with?
Hi welcome. He is Dr Peter Chew at GlenE. Only delivers in GlenE. Generally the each visit is not considered cheap in my opinion because he charges pills and scan and lotsa tests for me.
Back on topic on weight, I think my weight now is not gaining anymore. Hovering at 59.4kg thereabout, or even lesser at days when I eat less carbo. But bb is still gaining so I think that's quite norm for last leg of 3rd trime.
Lol I like the way you put it, tuna.

I think different ppl have different versions. I also Google until don't know whats the "norm". Anyway, it's my CL so I do what I'm comfortable with. Starting angbao will be $50 (it's one of the to do-list after I pop, for my hubby to prepare, among other things like calling naming-master, booking function room for full-month, etc).

Second angbao I guess depends how satisfied we are with her. If good, couple of hundreds. If not so happy, less than $100. It's really not easy to be a CL and I think they can be a god sent during the 28days so I believe in rewarding them. But hor, it can go either way. Haa have heard hellish stories.

I m still thinking about the full month celebration...did it for number 1, so if number 2, not doing is like not fair.

How do you prevent people from carrying or touching the baby's face during the celebration? I m afraid May pass virus if they dun wash hands

I m a paranoid mummy!
Hi Ladies,

Need your help. I am currently at 34 weeks of my pregnancy and have just seen my new gynae last Saturday.

Was hoping if you could share which gynae you are currently consulting and how much they charge for normal & c-section delivery because this private gynae located at Bishan is charging $2800 for normal delivery & $3800 for c-section. Is it a norm? My previous pregnancy was in 2007 & 2010 which is many years ago.

Thinking if I should change gynae if this charge is considered high...

Thanks in advance!

Mine charges $4000 for c section......dunno about natural as I m doing c section
I m still thinking about the full month celebration...did it for number 1, so if number 2, not doing is like not fair.

How do you prevent people from carrying or touching the baby's face during the celebration? I m afraid May pass virus if they dun wash hands

I m a paranoid mummy!
Tbh I wish I don't have to do full month celebration. Also paranoid about hygiene :p But my hubby thinks it's a happy customary act so must do. He is totally chill with bb having to be carried around as he said it was like that when he was a month old.

Just like my sis told me, she would try to tell visitors to wash hands before carrying her twins during man yue. But she said ultimately she couldnt be having bbs in her sight all the time. Visitors passed bbs here and there and in the end she said she didn't even know where her bbs were. Haha.
Hi welcome. He is Dr Peter Chew at GlenE. Only delivers in GlenE. Generally the each visit is not considered cheap in my opinion because he charges pills and scan and lotsa tests for me.

Hi Redvel,
I see. So on top of the package you mentioned, you still need to pay for the scans and pills separately during each visit?
My previous gynae does not offer any maternity package. We paid on every session depending on what was done.

It was only when I referred back to my previous 2 bills for my first two kids, then I realize his delivery charge was very cheap...
Hi Ladies,

Need your help. I am currently at 34 weeks of my pregnancy and have just seen my new gynae last Saturday.

Was hoping if you could share which gynae you are currently consulting and how much they charge for normal & c-section delivery because this private gynae located at Bishan is charging $2800 for normal delivery & $3800 for c-section. Is it a norm? My previous pregnancy was in 2007 & 2010 which is many years ago.

Thinking if I should change gynae if this charge is considered high...

Thanks in advance!

It sound normal to me as my gynae charge is $3000 for normal delivery, $3500 for delivery with assist and $5000 for c sec .. Dr Kenneath Edward Lee from mount A
I m still thinking about the full month celebration...did it for number 1, so if number 2, not doing is like not fair.

How do you prevent people from carrying or touching the baby's face during the celebration? I m afraid May pass virus if they dun wash hands

I m a paranoid mummy!
Same here .. My hub and I also worry about passing virus to baby as baby still weak so not really good to be surrounded by people. So will do for 100 days celebration instead of full month
It sound normal to me as my gynae charge is $3000 for normal delivery, $3500 for delivery with assist and $5000 for c sec .. Dr Kenneath Edward Lee from mount A

Hi emk,

Thanks for sharing. Glad it's a norm. Perhaps my previous gynae's delivery charges are on the low side (<$1000). That's why the $2.8k sounds like a huge difference...
I dunno any my weight gain but quite obsessed with it coz I really scared to shed those weight after delivery.. It's juz going to be a super long n tedious process.
Now since I'm at home, I tried to eat lesser but I nap in the afternoon.. Heard napping will increase one weight.. Furthermore my mum makes v nice avocado milkshake! Had been taking at least 3 big glasses for the past 2 weeks! Ha ha.. Anyway will know by end of this week. Currently 36 weeks now. But still envy redvel lor.. Preggy still less than 60 kg!
These 2 days, have been having more intense backache.. Dunno if this is one of the signs.
I have been taking the medicine that makes the womb relax n hence reduce contractions.. Do u all think I won't feel any contraction then I go into labour?? Haha.. Fat hope I think.. If that medicine so good, then dun need epidural liao hor??
As for full month, I tot the purpose is to let people carry the bb ard so that next time the bb won't be afraid of stranger? I think it's super common for the guest to touch the bb. If u ask people to wash their hands, they may think u r very niao type leh. It's an happy occasion to celebrate the full month of your little one, think dun think so much..though quite difficult la.. Can understand esp it's #1..
Mumtobe: wow u r doing gynae shopping now at 34 weeks? R u not scare u will deliver early? A few mummies in Fb delivered liao..
Anyway my gynae charge 2100 for normal delivery n 2500 for assisted. C sect not sure coz I'm doing normal delivery. He is doc Lawrence Ang at sembawang but only deliver in tmc. I think u still need to take into consideration on the cost of the hospital stay ba..
Hi Redvel,
I see. So on top of the package you mentioned, you still need to pay for the scans and pills separately during each visit?
My previous gynae does not offer any maternity package. We paid on every session depending on what was done.

It was only when I referred back to my previous 2 bills for my first two kids, then I realize his delivery charge was very cheap...

Yes that's right. I do record the visits expense. I don't even wanna think too much because it's chalking up (GlenE not cheap *sweat*). But well, we are happy so far and most importantly I think brewing a child is even more expensive so nevermind la. Hah.
Verluv me also 36w ish like you. I think I'm more wary about loose stomach skin. Hope all the massages and wrapping and crunches later state will help to get me back to old clothes.

Can I know what medicine you're taking and why need it leh? Sorry if I missed out your post on this.

I was just on this topic with hubby earlier, about adults passing possible viruses to bb during man yue. He just can't understand why I'm so concerned when we both grew up with man yue celebrations too. But I said these days different ...so many new viruses and perhaps got viruses that we didn't even know they exist. He says all these blame on globalization. Ppl are so well traveled now that viruses found in South America can now be found here. Anyway, I also find its not so nice to ask people to wash hands haha. Maybe younger couples will auto wash. older folks don't have such habit and how to tell/ask them to wash right. Have to kum jit bart.
Mumtobe: wow u r doing gynae shopping now at 34 weeks? R u not scare u will deliver early? A few mummies in Fb delivered liao..
Anyway my gynae charge 2100 for normal delivery n 2500 for assisted. C sect not sure coz I'm doing normal delivery. He is doc Lawrence Ang at sembawang but only deliver in tmc. I think u still need to take into consideration on the cost of the hospital stay ba..

Hi Verluv,
No choice. My usual gynae for my 1st & 2nd kid stopped delivering babies since last year due to the change in insurance requirement. He told us that he will refer us to another gynae friend of his at about 35 weeks. So last Saturday was the first appt with the new gynae... Hospital charges are clearly listed. Just the gynae's delivery charges is very dependent of each individual doctor....
Thanks for sharing your charges. :)
Yes that's right. I do record the visits expense. I don't even wanna think too much because it's chalking up (GlenE not cheap *sweat*). But well, we are happy so far and most importantly I think brewing a child is even more expensive so nevermind la. Hah.

Haha. I recorded all visits too... ;)
Redvel: yes I think really have to close one eye else the whole celebration won't be a pleasant one. I dun think by juz touching the bb face will pass the virus la..
Shedding the extra pound and losing the tummy is going to be difficult unless really discipline and start to go on diet and exercise. But with the nb and my nua-ness, think will take v long to lose liao.. Haha :(
Yes mumtobe, delivery charges are very dependent on each individual gynae. Luckily we can use bulk of it from cpf.. Hopefully u can find one gynae that u are comfortable with and with reasonable pricing.
Yes mumtobe, delivery charges are very dependent on each individual gynae. Luckily we can use bulk of it from cpf.. Hopefully u can find one gynae that u are comfortable with and with reasonable pricing.

Thanks Verluv, I will likely stick to this new gynae since his delivery charges is a norm. It's a hassle to shop around at this timing... ;)
I dunno any my weight gain but quite obsessed with it coz I really scared to shed those weight after delivery.. It's juz going to be a super long n tedious process.
Now since I'm at home, I tried to eat lesser but I nap in the afternoon.. Heard napping will increase one weight.. Furthermore my mum makes v nice avocado milkshake! Had been taking at least 3 big glasses for the past 2 weeks! Ha ha.. Anyway will know by end of this week. Currently 36 weeks now. But still envy redvel lor.. Preggy still less than 60 kg!
These 2 days, have been having more intense backache.. Dunno if this is one of the signs.
I have been taking the medicine that makes the womb relax n hence reduce contractions.. Do u all think I won't feel any contraction then I go into labour?? Haha.. Fat hope I think.. If that medicine so good, then dun need epidural liao hor??
As for full month, I tot the purpose is to let people carry the bb ard so that next time the bb won't be afraid of stranger? I think it's super common for the guest to touch the bb. If u ask people to wash their hands, they may think u r very niao type leh. It's an happy occasion to celebrate the full month of your little one, think dun think so much..though quite difficult la.. Can understand esp it's #1..

Avocado milkshake is nice, but some ppl said take coconut drink once a week.
I am having slight menstrual cramp at night and sometimes during daytime. Does it signal anything about bb's arrival anytime soon?
Still at week 37, hope to pop after week 38++. I think it's not a good idea to take too much medicine. Epidural is a good consideration if you can't push for more than 3-6 hours, I suppose? I heard that episiotomy is a must for 1st time mummies and it may take longer time for the wound to heal than no cut at all.
Really nervous about the labour.
For the baby shower, both of us think preferably we'll hold a mini celebration open to our family and relatives only.
Because I indulge in durians (ya know, it's the season now), I replace some meals with salad and lotsa avocado. Very yummy. I also take coconut drink now and the homemade bai guo fu zhu yi mi dessert, or green bean soup. I know some ppl say it's a myth. Even my gynae says so. But I have 3 sisters who swear by it so I will do it too. Moreover they are my fav things to eat :)

Since Gwenk raised that qn, I like to know too what's the early signs of onset labor? Other than contraction or water bag burst or mucus plug released.
