2016/07 July babies

@redvel are u in July fb group too crater by one mummy here? In the fb group one mum popped in May as hers twins n another pop ard last week ( single)

This time round still don't feel too anxious only nesting instinct v strong ... Will feel kan chiong counting down... 1 more month exactly to my Edd 8 July
I've done the swap waiting for results ....
Me not in any FB group. Only here :)

Wah they popped so early!

Who else here is in first week of July Edd?
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@redvel - here's wishing you a great birth experience.
My EDD mid Jul, but doc thinks i should pop by wk 37/38. On one hand, i would like to enjoy the kicks for a longer time, but on the other hand, she's getting really heavy and i'm feeling quite uncomfortable and breathless. Had an episode when i blacked out on train 2 days back, fortunately I was seated, but for half an hour, I was semi-conscious and vaguely aware of my surroundings, vision was totally black, breaking out in cold sweat. lucky I recovered just before the train reached office, so I went to work. Doc said it's low blood pressure.
So make sure you are seated in public transport.
@redvel - here's wishing you a great birth experience.
My EDD mid Jul, but doc thinks i should pop by wk 37/38. On one hand, i would like to enjoy the kicks for a longer time, but on the other hand, she's getting really heavy and i'm feeling quite uncomfortable and breathless. Had an episode when i blacked out on train 2 days back, fortunately I was seated, but for half an hour, I was semi-conscious and vaguely aware of my surroundings, vision was totally black, breaking out in cold sweat. lucky I recovered just before the train reached office, so I went to work. Doc said it's low blood pressure.
So make sure you are seated in public transport.

Hello mummy, sounds dangerous, i would like to suggest you relate this story to your gynac and request he or she to give you a few weeks of hospitalisation leave to rest at home.

jia you
@tuna oh no this sound dangerous. My gynae suggested me to put some sweet or chocolate in my bag as he said in the situation when we late for meal or baby pump in too much blood which will cause us to have low blood pressure for that moments and feel dizzy or worse. Consume sweet or small chocolate to improve on blood pressure.
Cannot imagine the worst happens, tuna. Hope packing some candies will be of help if you are out and about.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Some months back someone posted on diaper bag for daddy. A particular brand. Anyone can refresh me? Tia.
Redvel, my EDD middle July. Going csect on 1july.

Me too experience black out or light headed sometimes. I kena borderline GD. Sometimes sugar too high sometime too low. Now have to eat small meal or take a slice of biscuit to maintain sugar level.
Redvel, my EDD middle July. Going csect on 1july.

Me too experience black out or light headed sometimes. I kena borderline GD. Sometimes sugar too high sometime too low. Now have to eat small meal or take a slice of biscuit to maintain sugar level.
Hi my c section also 1 July! Though my tummy not big but starting to feel the strain when I walk too much or sit too long... Feeling less energetic at work too
Hi my c section also 1 July! Though my tummy not big but starting to feel the strain when I walk too much or sit too long... Feeling less energetic at work too
I feel sharp pain on my pelvic when I walk to fast or when baby dance inside. Now I got walk very slow.
I feel sharp pain on my pelvic when I walk to fast or when baby dance inside. Now I got walk very slow.

Me too feel sharp pain on my pelvic but is when i standing up from sitting position. Feel tummy so heavy and hard like rock sometimes.

Do u guys feel itchiness on your body? Especially tummy and bottom part. :( Is it coz of tummy still stretching? Cant help but keep scratching here and there.
Excited? Prepare ur D bag already?

Excited and nervous as this is my first. :) Yes, about 80% packed. Has put in the admission letter already.
Baby stuff like new born clothes 2 pcs set, mittens and booties, blanket and hat.
Mummy stuff like wet wipes, socks, breast pads, disposable panties, pad ,bras, going home clothes. Btw, I'll be giving birth in KKH. Not sure what will be given?
Don't know what else I've missed out.
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@Pb Ng , it was itchy down there and gynae said it's skin infection. He already prescribed the cream for me. Not so itchy anymore.

Ok, wait two more weeks to see my gynae and let her know my skin condition. Or by that time hope my skin not so itchy anymore, my skin was ok when my visited my gynae last week.

Cardigan / Sweater in case u feel cold in hospital,
Toiletries and personal items —comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair band
Disposable panties

And i just bought New Mama Bottom Spray, take a look of the following link. Help to ease discomfort of postpartum vaginal soreness and swelling, episiotomies.
My hosp bag is 85percent packed. I even am bringing a big nursing pillow. So big until can't fit into the luggage.

I don't have strep b but yeast infection. So am given 5 nights inserts.

Bb is 2.5-2.6kg at 36wks. Doc didn't mention about her ready to pop so I guess i can still see him at his clinic next week.

I'm itchy but it's strangely only my lower half of legs. I get so many nail scratches there eekk.

About being excited, I guess it's more anxious than excited. Just now did the hospital tour. I think it's surely good to do one prior to labor.
Excited and nervous as this is my first. :) Yes, about 80% packed. Has put in the admission letter already.
Baby stuff like new born clothes 2 pcs set, mittens and booties, blanket and hat.
Mummy stuff like wet wipes, socks, breast pads, disposable panties, pad ,bras, going home clothes. Btw, I'll be giving birth in KKH. Not sure what will be given?
Don't know what else I've missed out.
Me too at KKH with Dr Tan. My Doc haven't give me the letter. For baby just 1set home clothes enough. Mummy stuff 1home clothes, my own toiletries & my tummy binder. Going light. Cos after c sect will be weak n cannot carry things.
Excited and nervous as this is my first. :) Yes, about 80% packed. Has put in the admission letter already.
Baby stuff like new born clothes 2 pcs set, mittens and booties, blanket and hat.
Mummy stuff like wet wipes, socks, breast pads, disposable panties, pad ,bras, going home clothes. Btw, I'll be giving birth in KKH. Not sure what will be given?
Don't know what else I've missed out.
Me too at KKH with Dr Tan. My Doc haven't give me the letter. For baby just 1set home clothes enough. Mummy stuff 1home clothes, my own toiletries & my tummy binder. Going light. Cos after c sect will be weak n cannot carry things.
@Pb Ng, I am looking for this type of spray actually. Thanks for sharing. :)

@redvel, think I will ask for extra pillow from the nurse instead. Going to take the vaginal swap for the appt next week.
Has gone for the hospital tour during my second tri. May need to arrange one more again to refresh my memory if possible.

Has anyone got postpartum belt yet?
Me too at KKH with Dr Tan. My Doc haven't give me the letter. For baby just 1set home clothes enough. Mummy stuff 1home clothes, my own toiletries & my tummy binder. Going light. Cos after c sect will be weak n cannot carry things.

I've settled the admission without the letter actually. My gynae is Dr Han.
As long as the edd date is one month away, they will allow you to register without doc's letter.
Will keep some snacks with me at all times, didn't think of that, thanks for advice!
Think I will pack a pair of socks in case it's cold in hospital.

@Gwenk - good idea! Will ask for an extra pillow. On pads, don't think you will need to bring any. Hospital will give us a pack during our stay, we can being whatever is left home. I'm delivering in sgh, think what we get should be more or less similar? Maybe ask the nurse at ur next visit. The nurse just went through with me the list of stuff to bring at my last check up, basically bb items will all be provided, I will just bring a set of going home clothes though they will discharge us with 4 sets. Just to make sure she wears nicely washed clean clothes home :)
Will bring my own toiletries though hospital will provide cos I'm rather picky about brands, will bring a couple of pairs of breast pads, just thought of something impt! Must bring nipple cream, may be sore for the first few days as bb learns to latch properly! Nurse also told me bring makeup, so take photo can look pretty, haha! Hospital will provide gowns suitable for nursing. Guess my bag will be quite light. Oh, in sgh, normal delivery only stay for one night, c-section 2 nights. So sad!

Doing a poll, are you all more into sweet or savoury foods now? Earlier on in pregnancy, I was all for the salty stuff, now I am more into sweet things like oreo cheesecake, chocolate, ice creams, milk tea etc. Totally can't stand sour stuff.

@misty - are you on utrogestan for ur braxton Hicks? I've been on it for last 2 mths due to preterm contractions.
Cannot imagine the worst happens, tuna. Hope packing some candies will be of help if you are out and about.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Some months back someone posted on diaper bag for daddy. A particular brand. Anyone can refresh me? Tia.
I think the brand for diaper bag is cath kidston.

@tuna not all cheese cake is safe to eat during pregnancy
Hehe I don't think my hubby will carry Cath Kidston even if I beg him to. Diaperdude looks like something he is looking for. He recently read up himself about daddy's bag and he agrees he is the one carries it most of the time :p

Have packed breast pads too. For maternity pads, GlenE provides old fashion loops/string ones (I used that when my mense first came at 14yrs old. I'm that old). We can bring our own if we're not used to it. Nipple cream hospital will provide. Are you all bringing flip flops? I think GlenE doesn't provide.

I'm into sweets lately for sure! Beginning it is all savory and hated cakes. Now I just want sweet sweet stuff but of cos I have to control due to mild GD.
Any idea if TMC uses the laughing gas?? A friend told me TMC didnt give her that option so she went for Epi straight.
I think the brand for diaper bag is cath kidston.

@tuna not all cheese cake is safe to eat during pregnancy
yea, so I make do with oreo cookies when I need my fix. But I think about oreo cheesecake. Think I need a good oreo sundae to cure my crave.

@ redvel - try looking around in qoo10 yet? They hv quite a lot of brands in there.
I usually use my usual going out bags, don't like big bags also. There may not be that much to put in, maybe you wait for a while before you buy? I normally pack 3-4 diapers, a pack of wipes, my wallet and phone, small bottle of water for myself, a spare romper in case of leaky poop, a couple of small plastic bags to dump dirty clothes or diapers in. If bb on FM, then you will need a bigger bag.
@redvel - I will just wear my Fitflops to hospital, can wear those to shower and everywhere else, dun want to pack any flipflops, leh cheh.
On pads, the hospital provided the loop ones when I had my first 2. Nurse said they've changed to the adhesive kind because of negative feedback, they're really quite difficult to use.
Tuna, what if I weren't wearing slippers while I'm admitting to hospital ? Heh.

KWL, my weight at clinic today is 59.3kg and bb is 2.5-2.6kg. 36wks. Is there any concerns from your doc?
Tuna, what if I weren't wearing slippers while I'm admitting to hospital ? Heh.

KWL, my weight at clinic today is 59.3kg and bb is 2.5-2.6kg. 36wks. Is there any concerns from your doc?
Haha, I never thought of that because I mostly wear open-toed footwear like sandals, birkies, fitflops nowadays. My covered flats seem to be a little tighter than usual.
Wow suddenly the forum became active again...
Finally I'm seeing my Gynae end of next week after 3 weeks wait.. Then I guess he will tell me when will I deliver.
I'm also strep b positive.. Actually for this one I really wanted very natural as in once I have contraction then I go hospital.. But I read that we need to be on a 4 hr drip.. My birth process quite fast de so think I will need to discuss with my gynae.. I think most likely he will break my waterbag like my 2nd one.. I think I will most likely give birth in June.. Have been resting at home since 30th may liao.. Haha actually come to think abt it, it's really very shiok.
Juz now I read that some mummies having fainting episode and I think this is very serious and u all should jus go to there gynae and take mc or hospitalisation leave.. Dun need to work so hard la.. Think your health more important than anything else. Y do some mummies here want to work till you all give birth? If u all want to save on the maternity leave, then ask gynae to give mc ma
As for the aircon vs fan, think different people had different sch of tots.. Watever it is, guess the thing is not to have the wind blown directly at myself..
My gynae gave me 60 days hospitalization leave since mid April. So I took the chance to relax with me time and still work abit from home.

I'm starting to get insomnia since a week + ago. I read it's quite common during late stage. But I catch up with afternoon nap.
I only put on 2.5kg as compared to pre pregnancy

Baby is 2.5kg at 34 weeks....

Yup dun sleep as well now due to frequent waking up. Will be only taking leave 3 days before my scheduled c section
Wah redvel: u took 60 days hl?? So cool.. So are u still on your HL? Actually can be quite bored hor? I tot I took 3 weeks hl already very solid..
Gan1972: u only put on 2.5kg?? That's soooo cool. Think I put on abt 10 kg liao.. Dunno how to lose back those weight!?
2.5kg will be gone the moment you pop, gan. Maybe will even be lighter than before. So amazing how every one is so different. I've gained 7-8kg so far. Initially still worried not gaining weight.

Not xian at all. I'm appreciating all the me time I have from my HL. And also since I got my new house, I also slowly do up the place. Yes still at the leave now.
I also want to go on long leave and not have to bother about work, but doc didn't offer long HL, and my replacement in office not even in, I can't do hand over. Really sian! On occasions I take a couple of days leave, I get so many messages from work also. So I hope to pop early, then they hv no choice but to deal with it themselves and I can officially ignore them.

@gan - so cool!!! Only 2.5 kg so far, wow, u really solid, did u do a lot of exercise or was it appetite? I rem u were saying ur tummy's not big.
Tuna: dun need gynae to offer hl, juz ask from him n I'm sure he will gladly give.. Dun think so much abt work.. They will have to settle it themselves once u r on leave.
As for the weight, 8kg for me is till 34 weeks.. I dunno how much weight I'm going to put on from now till I pop. Now at home nuaing sure put on a lot of weight de.
Although I'm resting at home, not much me time coz my 2nd girl who is juz 2 yrs old is with me... So still need to entertain her.
Redvel: u juz gotten your new hse then can do Reno meh? I tot this is the best time to arrow your husband to do all the cleaning coz we r the queen now?? Ha ha wah u shiok leh.. New hse, newborn.. A lot of changes to your life!
Verluv oh 2 years old you sure no me time although you're off work heh. It's a ”fun" age nevertheless!

My new house is our lucky house. 2wks after getting keys, we found out the bfp. Of course major works i don't bother or I just don't be around (but actually not much major reno since my place basic stuff are done up). Because of bb, our plans have been changed. We are not moving in till she pops (pantung reason). So far we just treat the new place like weekend staycation.

Wow u all gain so little weight.. So far I'm weeks 35 gained 12kg already .. 2.5kg is really amazing coz I read from Internet that the placenta, fluid and our breast all add up approx 5kg.
