2016/07 July babies

Wow EugeniaL u have supportive boss!

For me I haven been taking calcium too. Bought the milk but haven start taking it. Tot normally we only start taking multi vits n milk after 2nd trimester?

Wow EugeniaL u have supportive boss!

For me I haven been taking calcium too. Bought the milk but haven start taking it. Tot normally we only start taking multi vits n milk after 2nd trimester?

I think there is no issues about taking multi-vitamins and milk in the first trimester, likely because MS occurs in the first trimester, not all pregnant ladies can tolerate milk and multi-vitamins so they prefer to start it when their MS subsides in the second trimester.

I have been trying hard to drink milk and taking multi-vitamins after I get a bfp.
Ladies.. for those eating calcium pill, how many mg is your pill and how many pills do u pop a day? My gynae didn't prescribe and I thought of buying myself. I don't drink milk or eat calcium since young and won't be seeing my gynae so soon...
Mine doesn't show the dosage but I did read before we need 1000mg of calcium. I think no harm taking calcium at anytime. But also good to read up abit more as I remember I read about VitD needed too in order to absorb the calcium better. Plus other things to look out for which I can't quite remember.
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Hello all mum to be, may i know if you all opt for OSCAR, Panorama or Harmony test? May i know the cost quoted? I was quoted close to 2k for panorama test.

I've done OSCAR before and I don't like it and anyway it doesn't suit older mtbs so this time round I'm opting for Harmony. I've been quoted 1.2k and am going for it in 2-3weeks time.

Paranoma and Harmony yield same result format; they are named differently just because they are from different companies. Almost 2k sounds way too much but maybe doc hasn't shared with you there may be extra tests done? Wild guess.
Hello mommies, these few days I was feeling a little floaty in the morning and during meal times, I feel hungry but when I was eating something so happily. Suddenly I will feel like 'omg the gross feeling is starting' then I gotta stop eating cause suddenly the food is making a little sick in stomach.

It came so sudden and when I stop my intake, I will slowly recover. Day time I usually will be okay. When night time, I was feeling hungry and wanted to eat dinner. I will eat so little and usually light flavoured stuff like soup. Then I gotta stop eating even when I don't feel full but will feel gross if I continue.

Not sure why I'm feeling this way and i don't know what can I eat or what not to eat. After eating then I feel abit erxin like something greasy is stuck in stomach and cannot digest..

Anybody feel this way before? :(
Thanks emk, Calcium tabletd nvr occurred to me.

redvel - is Harmony similar to amniocentesis? Wondering if I should be going for amnio, but my doc said no need tho I'm in the age group.
Tuna, amnio and harmony test similarly for DS though I'm not familiar if one test covers more trisomy over the other.

However harmony is only a blood test while amnio is invasive that may carry possibility of choy choy MC. Not common but I feel more comfy with non invasive.

You're lucky your doc thinks you don't need one. For me I have history of complication so I kinda need it.
Anmio is 100pct accurate for down syndrome but has risk of miscarriage. All the other tests eliminates the risk of mc but is only 98 or 99% accurate.
Hello mommies, these few days I was feeling a little floaty in the morning and during meal times, I feel hungry but when I was eating something so happily. Suddenly I will feel like 'omg the gross feeling is starting' then I gotta stop eating cause suddenly the food is making a little sick in stomach.

It came so sudden and when I stop my intake, I will slowly recover. Day time I usually will be okay. When night time, I was feeling hungry and wanted to eat dinner. I will eat so little and usually light flavoured stuff like soup. Then I gotta stop eating even when I don't feel full but will feel gross if I continue.

Not sure why I'm feeling this way and i don't know what can I eat or what not to eat. After eating then I feel abit erxin like something greasy is stuck in stomach and cannot digest..

Anybody feel this way before? :(

I have the same feeling as well.
Worst is my heightened sense of smell make it worst.
I can only eat plain stuffs or plain bread or white chicken rice no sauce nothing.
The worst is when I have e urge to eat something and halfway through I have this nauseous feeling.

It will get better around 11wks or so.
Hang in there
Bbq98 thanks for sharing. In this case I hope I will pass my Harmony since if there's a result of high risk , it would mean I'll be given the option to move on to amnio.
Oh oh the nausea is setting in slowly. Today was a bit more worse than yesterday.

I've set up a July Babies 2016 group in Facebook (SECRET GROUP)....message me your email address if you wanna join in!
Hi. Could I join too? My Edd should be in mid Aug but my #1 arrive at at 37 wks so I think this one will arrive early too.
I have the same feeling as well.
Worst is my heightened sense of smell make it worst.
I can only eat plain stuffs or plain bread or white chicken rice no sauce nothing.
The worst is when I have e urge to eat something and halfway through I have this nauseous feeling.

It will get better around 11wks or so.
Hang in there

I'm only at week 6. I guess it gonna worsen as the weeks go by. 6 more weeks~ :/

What type of food do you prefer now?
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I just had bak-gua which I haven't eaten for 20 years. Now I prefer meat and don't like veg. Used to like dessert but anything sweet now I skip.
I just had bak-gua which I haven't eaten for 20 years. Now I prefer meat and don't like veg. Used to like dessert but anything sweet now I skip.

Haha we are the opposite. I can take veg but not so much of meat. Cheeseburger is okay though
I will be delighted if mine's a little missy (I have 3 sistas and I love the idea of that :) ) but of course me and hubby are over the moon either way so long it's a healthy pregnancy.

Yes I was about to ask. I was walking/shopping non stop 3 hrs today and I get blob of white discharge. Other days too. I believe it's normal.
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I will be delighted if mine's a little missy (I have 3 sistas and I love the idea of that :) ) but of course me and hubby are over the moon either way so long it's a healthy pregnancy.

Yes I was about to ask. I was walking/shopping non stop 3 hrs today and I get glob of white discharge. Other days too. I believe it's normal.
I m on utrogestan inserts.... Not sure is it coz of the hormones ...
Read somewhere mtbs do get more discharge. However I'm also on progesterone support (duphaston orally and jab) so maybe that contribute more.
How many weeks are you? I'm taking more veggy and a little scared of chicken, chicken used to be my favorite..
Supposedly 9 weeks based on last menstrual date. I noticed my likes and donts is also linked to my husband's. He does not eat tau pok last time and will give it to me. Now the texture and taste puts me off. Haha. There are other similar instances too. Anyone noticed that ur preferred food is also affected by the baby's daddy likes and donts
Lets see if the we get babies of opposite gender!!

Yea, will be fun. Can point to the old-wives-tale chapter and say "see, you're wrong again" (or Right again) :p

For fun sake, what's all your bbs' bpm? Mine is always on the high side (170). My sis is very sure it will be a gal. Ha.
Gan1972, I really haven't given a thought on this. Didn't know we can plan this early. For me I guess I will start to plan more things only in 2nd trime.
Supposedly 9 weeks based on last menstrual date. I noticed my likes and donts is also linked to my husband's. He does not eat tau pok last time and will give it to me. Now the texture and taste puts me off. Haha. There are other similar instances too. Anyone noticed that ur preferred food is also affected by the baby's daddy likes and donts

Does not happen to me yet, but I heard from my friend who has a boy and girl. She said when she's having the boy, she chose food which happens to be what her hubby likes too.
Is this relate to gender?

For my first gal during my first trimester I prefer vege to meat too. Been hoping this is a gal too.

Btw mummies, do you have a lot of discharge ?

It might be! But that's usually like old wives' myth haha.

I'm not having any other jab or pills besides folic acid. On daily basis, I'm having the usual discharge (small amount) like before pregger.

I believe it's normal unless it's red or anything that smells or itch then gotta alert the gynae or doctor..
Does not happen to me yet, but I heard from my friend who has a boy and girl. She said when she's having the boy, she chose food which happens to be what her hubby likes too.
Is this also old wives tale? never heard before but if it's so, I find it cute!

I definitely don't fancy what my man eats, before or after bfp. He is a super junk.
Is this also old wives tale? never heard before but if it's so, I find it cute!

I definitely don't fancy what my man eats, before or after bfp. He is a super junk.

This one I don't know, cause when she's having her baby girl, she's having very bad MS till she cannot work. Whereas the second baby who is a boy, she goes for food which usually she doesn't eat and it's more towards her husband liking.

So I guess to a certain extent?
Any mummies will be putting the child in infant care? Have you started looking and confirm a place?
I'm likely to place mine in infant care. There's one next to my blk but I heard from my neighbours it's not opened yet due to a lack of teachers. They currently only take in 18mths n above. I hope the infant care can open by next yr. Else might try to find one near our workplace as our parents stay v far away!
Supposedly 9 weeks based on last menstrual date. I noticed my likes and donts is also linked to my husband's. He does not eat tau pok last time and will give it to me. Now the texture and taste puts me off. Haha. There are other similar instances too. Anyone noticed that ur preferred food is also affected by the baby's daddy likes and donts

True for me! My hubby hates pork! And now I cannot really stomach my fav pork porridge. Ended up liking fried chicken n western food more which are my hub's fav! So does this means bb will be a boy or a girl?
I'm likely to place mine in infant care. There's one next to my blk but I heard from my neighbours it's not opened yet due to a lack of teachers. They currently only take in 18mths n above. I hope the infant care can open by next yr. Else might try to find one near our workplace as our parents stay v far away!

Yeah usually childcare takes in 18 months onwards. Find one that is near to both of you or whoever will be the one who is picking up your child most of the time. Cause if anything happens, have to go down and pick asap so convenience is very important.

Is there a waiting list for the center now?
@zzeesays I haven't enquired with the infant care yet. But yes.. my neighbours said there's already a waiting list. I thought of only enquiring after week 12 when the pregnancy is more stable.
@zzeesays I haven't enquired with the infant care yet. But yes.. my neighbours said there's already a waiting list. I thought of only enquiring after week 12 when the pregnancy is more stable.

Can start visiting to see if you like the center too, if not gotta scout again for another place. Cause waiting time could be long.. Start as early as possible ;)
I'm likely to place mine in infant care. There's one next to my blk but I heard from my neighbours it's not opened yet due to a lack of teachers. They currently only take in 18mths n above. I hope the infant care can open by next yr. Else might try to find one near our workplace as our parents stay v far away!

Gan1972, I really haven't given a thought on this. Didn't know we can plan this early. For me I guess I will start to plan more things only in 2nd trime.

We'll for my first I went there in my third trimester and the infant care told me I am too late as there is a q...so thinking if I shld go source and confirm place soon. Infant care always seem to fill up first
This one I don't know, cause when she's having her baby girl, she's having very bad MS till she cannot work. Whereas the second baby who is a boy, she goes for food which usually she doesn't eat and it's more towards her husband liking.

So I guess to a certain extent?
But I don't have morning sickness with my gal leh......so maybe ms not linked to gender?
We'll for my first I went there in my third trimester and the infant care told me I am too late as there is a q...so thinking if I shld go source and confirm place soon. Infant care always seem to fill up first

Yes! Even preschool people started sourcing very early especially those popular year. Pays off for being a little kiasu haha
redvel - is Oscar the test that most mummies to be go through at around 16 weeks? What does it test for? It is done regardless of tge mother's age right? I vaguely rem there's another one at 11 wks, some nuchal scan thing.
I will be delighted if mine's a little missy (I have 3 sistas and I love the idea of that :) ) but of course me and hubby are over the moon either way so long it's a healthy pregnancy.

Yes I was about to ask. I was walking/shopping non stop 3 hrs today and I get blob of white discharge. Other days too. I believe it's normal.

So glad to hear this! White discharge is quite common for me.. I have it once in a few days. Thought there's stg wrong but now I know it's quite common!

Is those aroma therapy essential oil safe to use? Not on the body but to put in the air. The smell of many things puts me off, so I'm wondering if I can put some fresh scent in the room. But I've heard that it might be unsafe for pregnancy
