(2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

Btw.. anyone has babies&bellies massage , $10 voucher to give away?

I will pay for the P&h. Thanks alot. Keke I went for the prenatal massage yesterday and like it.
Am excited for you! So tomorrow is 20th week? Confirm gender time? :)
After that it is shopping time!

Yah, really easy to fall sick. Must load up on Vitamin C. :)

yeah... this morning just confirmed the gender... GIrl!! hahaha .. already going online to shop liao. going broke!

but most importantly everything is fine.. i actually didnt even bother about the weight and length.. so long doctor happy i happy

clinic getting a lil crowded, with new mommies, so exciting
Am excited for you! So tomorrow is 20th week? Confirm gender time? :)
After that it is shopping time!

Yah, really easy to fall sick. Must load up on Vitamin C. :)

yeah... this morning just confirmed the gender... GIrl!! hahaha .. already going online to shop liao. going broke!

but most importantly everything is fine.. i actually didnt even bother about the weight and length.. so long doctor happy i happy

clinic getting a lil crowded cos used to be just us waiting, so exciting to see other couples starting the journey together
Good luck and happy for @FeatherDuster too! Enjoy the bonding time with bb :)

Thanks Sane!!! no change in news, so good. at least hair bands bought wont go to waste.
the godma-to-be also happy. she say no chance to buy baby girl stuff
Btw.. anyone has babies&bellies massage , $10 voucher to give away?

I will pay for the P&h. Thanks alot. Keke I went for the prenatal massage yesterday and like it.

can i ask how the massage experience was? helps water retention?
will they massage arms too?
yeah... this morning just confirmed the gender... GIrl!! hahaha .. already going online to shop liao. going broke!
but most importantly everything is fine.. i actually didnt even bother about the weight and length.. so long doctor happy i happy
clinic getting a lil crowded cos used to be just us waiting, so exciting to see other couples starting the journey together
Thanks Sane!!! no change in news, so good. at least hair bands bought wont go to waste.
the godma-to-be also happy. she say no chance to buy baby girl stuff
Congrats! As long as baby is healthy, that is the most happy thing!
And you wanted a girl, right? So this is double bonus!
Enjoy the shopping!

Btw.. anyone has babies&bellies massage , $10 voucher to give away?

I will pay for the P&h. Thanks alot. Keke I went for the prenatal massage yesterday and like it.

can i ask how the massage experience was? helps water retention?
will they massage arms too?

Interested to know more too! Was surfing their website after seeing sane's message... $60 for 60mins, the prenatal massage.
Sane, you started massage after 20 weeks?
The website mentioned after 2nd trimester thus I am unsure when is suitable.
@Piggling yeah hubby n i wanted a girl. though for some reason whole wide world think we want a boy. maybe cos of hubs status as only child. so when I shared the results the previous round, v funny one, they feel like they need to comfort us "never mind la girl ALSO good"
even my MIL also comfort me.. she say "nvm la hor, God's gift.. girl also good"
we are like "of cos good" hahahha

hubby say he only can picture a girl cos our home all girls. Me and 2 girl dogs. so we all are his princesses and he will just have to spend his life to spoil girls.
@Piggling yeah hubby n i wanted a girl. though for some reason whole wide world think we want a boy. maybe cos of hubs status as only child. so when I shared the results the previous round, v funny one, they feel like they need to comfort us "never mind la girl ALSO good"
even my MIL also comfort me.. she say "nvm la hor, God's gift.. girl also good"
we are like "of cos good" hahahha

hubby say he only can picture a girl cos our home all girls. Me and 2 girl dogs. so we all are his princesses and he will just have to spend his life to spoil girls.

Yah, actually now times are different le. Boys and girls are all good, as long as healthy.
I also don't know why some people must comfort others when they are carrying a girl or when they have all girls.
I see some of my friends where they grow up in an all-girls (like 3-4), they are all so close and sweet to their parents! And after they got married, they make sure their husbands joined them in all their family gatherings etc. In fact, I really feel that the family gained sons (through sons in law) instead of losing their daughters.
You hubby sounds sweet and I can imagine it must be lovely. :) :)
yeah... this morning just confirmed the gender... GIrl!! hahaha .. already going online to shop liao. going broke!

but most importantly everything is fine.. i actually didnt even bother about the weight and length.. so long doctor happy i happy

clinic getting a lil crowded, with new mommies, so exciting

Congrats babe! Must be fun shopping for all the cutsey pinkey stuffs! I'm counting down to knowing the gender too..but ya most importantly baby must be healthy. :)
@Piggling yeah hubby n i wanted a girl. though for some reason whole wide world think we want a boy. maybe cos of hubs status as only child. so when I shared the results the previous round, v funny one, they feel like they need to comfort us "never mind la girl ALSO good"
even my MIL also comfort me.. she say "nvm la hor, God's gift.. girl also good"
we are like "of cos good" hahahha

hubby say he only can picture a girl cos our home all girls. Me and 2 girl dogs. so we all are his princesses and he will just have to spend his life to spoil girls.
Your hubby sounds like a wonderful person. I wanted a girl but gyane said that looks like mine is a boy. My hubby there the male genes too strong le. Hahahah! His side so many males! My hubby so happy it's a boy because he know I will probably try for a second one to see if I can get a girl. Hahaha! If my first born is a girl, I may consider can close shop le! Lol!
@Piggling, @FeatherDuster
I like the massage very much, javanese style with soothing massage in a relax atmosphere with soft music playing at the playground, the masseur, a gentle malay lady massage will massage you with plenty of oil, pressing down gently on the sore aching area.
She get me to lay side way and hug the bolsters, covering the eyes with a soft cloth, first to apply oil and start massage the feet and toes , slowly moving up to calf, thighs ... with gentle soothing moves.
Then back rub on the sore area, boobs also followed by back, shoulder, head, face.
Prenatal is unlike the normal massage, won't exhaust strength on the acupressure points, no cracking of bones and no hard tumbling/knocking.
I like the lady.. v gentle and most not talkative. ... she let u sleep and won't talk... I kanna ever those auntie who talk non stop like doing a CNN interview.
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@Piggling yeah hubby n i wanted a girl. though for some reason whole wide world think we want a boy. maybe cos of hubs status as only child. so when I shared the results the previous round, v funny one, they feel like they need to comfort us "never mind la girl ALSO good"
even my MIL also comfort me.. she say "nvm la hor, God's gift.. girl also good"
we are like "of cos good" hahahha

hubby say he only can picture a girl cos our home all girls. Me and 2 girl dogs. so we all are his princesses and he will just have to spend his life to spoil girls.
I can totally emphaty with u.
Don't understand what's wrong with having kids of the same gender. Of coz if my firstborn is a boy, I will be glad to have a brother for him who can play soccer together, sharing tips on girl wooing/booze sessions etc .........
Boys or girls are good in their own merits.
Just that I always feel same gender can get along better or maybe is me who wanted a sister so badly that I called my bro "mei" and dressed him up as a girl and put on lipstick for him.
Now though I treated my sil as sis but the feeling will always be different as real sis who grow up together right and I always envy my friends who has sisters sharing clothes, shopping, going for hi tea and indulging in close intimate topics.
Not that I don't get along well with my bro (he is awesome), just we always touch on serious topics, going on makan/drinking sessions .... no silly giggling gossip sections, sharing of intimate topics though he always crack cold lame jokes that I don't find it funny. :cool:
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@Piggling, @FeatherDuster
I like the massage very much, javanese style with soothing massage in a relax atmosphere with soft music playing at the playground, the masseur, a gentle malay lady massage will massage you with plenty of oil, pressing down gently on the sore aching area.
She get me to lay side way and hug the bolsters, covering the eyes with a soft cloth, first to apply oil and start massage the feet and toes , slowly moving up to calf, thighs ... with gentle soothing moves.
Then back rub on the sore area, boobs also followed by back, shoulder, head, face.
Prenatal is unlike the normal massage, won't exhaust strength on the acupressure points, no cracking of bones and no hard tumbling/knocking.
I like the lady.. v gentle and most not talkative. ... she let u sleep and won't talk... I kanna ever those auntie who talk non stop like doing a CNN interview.
Wah! feel like going too!
@Piggling, @FeatherDuster
I like the massage very much, javanese style with soothing massage in a relax atmosphere with soft music playing at the playground, the masseur, a gentle malay lady massage will massage you with plenty of oil, pressing down gently on the sore aching area.
She get me to lay side way and hug the bolsters, covering the eyes with a soft cloth, first to apply oil and start massage the feet and toes , slowly moving up to calf, thighs ... with gentle soothing moves.
Then back rub on the sore area, boobs also followed by back, shoulder, head, face.
Prenatal is unlike the normal massage, won't exhaust strength on the acupressure points, no cracking of bones and no hard tumbling/knocking.
I like the lady.. v gentle and most not talkative. ... she let u sleep and won't talk... I kanna ever those auntie who talk non stop like doing a CNN interview.

Sounds great. Do you feel like it helps with water retention etc?
You will take up its post natal? I m still looking for a post natal, wonder if should take up from a company or freelancer.
Wah! feel like going too!

Can go try try :D

Sounds great. Do you feel like it helps with water retention etc?
You will take up its post natal? I m still looking for a post natal, wonder if should take up from a company or freelancer.

I will take up post natal but most likely a free lance. :)
However I find that home massage is not as shiok as going to their place due to ambience.
I don't have water retention :p merely fats but it definitely helps me Zzzz better.
For those who did the harmony test, what's the % of fetal cfDNA? Mine is 8.7%, is this in normal range?
Welcome mamawhale! I'm with KKH as well. But under a different doctor.

My mum told me she delivered me within 4 hours. She didn't even knew she was going into labour and was asked to stay behind in hospital when she went for her routine check. My own experience when I delivered my #1 was quite different, my water bag broke but no contractions at all. So I was induced. Contractions came almost immediately and I dilated from 2cm to 10cm very fast. No time to use epidural, but laughing gas worked well for me. Waited for my gynae to arrive cos nurses kept telling me I'll tear badly if I just push. Eventually, I delivered within 4 hrs and I'm in my mid 30s, so no worries ok.

I'm going for my detailed scan this Sat (I'm a July MTB actually) and might join the FB group only after that. Noticed the forum nowadays not as active already...

let me know if u wanna join the fb group ;)

pm /add me at https://www.facebook.com/gloria.liu.3154

we have a few mummies due before 3rd aug so may give birth in july too :)

hows your detailed scan . i just went for mine on fri :)
I think the high class one leh. I see her ward in her posts is like a hotel room. We choose wrong career le. We should all become bloggers. Everything will get sponsored. Hahahaha! She got endorsements and sponsors for her baby before her baby was even born.

just like xiaxue lo.. even her house sia
Mine is 11.7% .. i did my harmony test during 12w1d

The fetal dna increases at pregnancy progress..

I think it should be 'normal' since ur Gynae did not raise any concern.

When did u do yours?

For those who did the harmony test, what's the % of fetal cfDNA? Mine is 8.7%, is this in normal range?
Mine is 11.7% .. i did my harmony test during 12w1d

The fetal dna increases at pregnancy progress..

I think it should be 'normal' since ur Gynae did not raise any concern.

When did u do yours?
Ic, I did mine at 14 weeks 4 days, perhaps I should consult gynae for such, thanks!!
in my 20weeks also.. Ard 19weeks i start to feel 'slight' movement.

Like tey tap u from inside. Difficult to explain, but when i ask my friend how it feels, they tel me u know it when it comes.. True enough.. Hehe..

Most of the movement comes in at night when i lying still on the bed, or when i play some music to bb.

Have anyone start to feel baby moving?
Hi, i am new here=)

my second one and it is a girl!! was HAPPY when i first know that it is a girl...
@FeatherDuster- i experience it too, my mom was telling me that girl also good, as long as baby is healthy... *scratch head*

Havent feel any movement of the bb yet.. looking forward to it.
Yah, actually now times are different le. Boys and girls are all good, as long as healthy.
I also don't know why some people must comfort others when they are carrying a girl or when they have all girls.
I see some of my friends where they grow up in an all-girls (like 3-4), they are all so close and sweet to their parents! And after they got married, they make sure their husbands joined them in all their family gatherings etc. In fact, I really feel that the family gained sons (through sons in law) instead of losing their daughters.
You hubby sounds sweet and I can imagine it must be lovely. :) :)

yeah Piggling i agree! so many examples of daughters staying so close to their parents even during the later stages in life.
haha but i guess it still takes another generation or two to fully accept any gender baby as good news. now about 30-50% still think having a male heir is important? its mainly cos of pressure from chinese roots. i admire the ang mohs ...

i did ask my mil, and hubby grandma, if they mind. because my hubby is really the only grandchild. as in really no other "internal grandchild" as his dad was the only son who married and only had him.
but v v luckily for me they assured me that they are not of that traditional thinking. most likely because of their religion they think anything is a gift from God.
and i think us not planning for kids during last 5 years of marraige also might be a reason.. haha. maybe i will advise ppl who are facing a lot of pressure to have boys. Say you dont want kids for 5 years, when u eventually do they will be like "anything better than nothing!!!"
Your hubby sounds like a wonderful person. I wanted a girl but gyane said that looks like mine is a boy. My hubby there the male genes too strong le. Hahahah! His side so many males! My hubby so happy it's a boy because he know I will probably try for a second one to see if I can get a girl. Hahaha! If my first born is a girl, I may consider can close shop le! Lol!

yeah. in a way its also good at least no.1 u fulfil his wish for a son, then the pressure is off! so in a way they are right to say for the first child, any gender is okay
for no.2 you can try the Shettles Method if your cycle is v regular.. i think the chances of getting a girl is q high if you do the deed before ovulation.
I can totally emphaty with u.
Don't understand what's wrong with having kids of the same gender. Of coz if my firstborn is a boy, I will be glad to have a brother for him who can play soccer together, sharing tips on girl wooing/booze sessions etc .........
Boys or girls are good in their own merits.
Just that I always feel same gender can get along better or maybe is me who wanted a sister so badly that I called my bro "mei" and dressed him up as a girl and put on lipstick for him.
Now though I treated my sil as sis but the feeling will always be different as real sis who grow up together right and I always envy my friends who has sisters sharing clothes, shopping, going for hi tea and indulging in close intimate topics.
Not that I don't get along well with my bro (he is awesome), just we always touch on serious topics, going on makan/drinking sessions .... no silly giggling gossip sections, sharing of intimate topics though he always crack cold lame jokes that I don't find it funny. :cool:

yeah sane i believe you may get even more of ppl "comforting" you that you are having a girl. sometimes ppl think its best to have a boy but ya, i have also spoken to girls who only have brothers and they say it is difficult to be close on a certain level as compared to having a sis.

actually any combi is really fine. most importantly the family stay happy and respect one another. I came from a family where having a male is important so my parents still tried for my younger bro after 2 girls. i love my brother a lot but there are times i take myself out to look at the situatuon objectively- i feel that I do have to give up a lot of opportunities because our family isnt well off enough to actually have 3 kids. I had to do without new clothes, classes, tuition, and even at one point some of the older folks in the family say as a girl i need not go to NUS when i got in, because the money should be kept for the boy.
Luckily there were tuition loans available.. so i signed one and paid my own sch fees and worked part time for allowance
this really shaped my thinking now. i want to have kids only within my means and confident of what I can give. not just to fulfil some aged tradition to continue family line. its more important that the kids grow up to be good ppl, rather than just care about having a son and not caring how he turn out, maybe a scum (esp if you spoil him crazy cos he is the heir)
Hi, i am new here=)

my second one and it is a girl!! was HAPPY when i first know that it is a girl...
@FeatherDuster- i experience it too, my mom was telling me that girl also good, as long as baby is healthy... *scratch head*

Havent feel any movement of the bb yet.. looking forward to it.
Hi Everyone, I am new here :)

Welcome Cheryl and nc25 !! and also to Team Princesses! haha ... i am q amused too esp if their "comforting" is cos they think you might be sad. but i guess its their way of showing concern.

i really still dont feel movements of baby , turning 20wks already leh. last fri was my scan and on the screen i saw the baby really pull up a leg and kick out, but i feel nothing.
maybe i have a layer of blubber at tummy hahaha. immune.
Hi mummies,

Have the following to sell at $26 per pack (Set of 5 rompers).
Brand new, sealed. Retailing at Mothercare for $39 . Only left 1 pack of size 6-9 mths and 1 pack of 9-12 mths.
Pls pm me if keen. Thks

My gf has a ang moh bf.. She tel me me ang moh also has that 重男轻女 mentality.

Some thought 'ang mohs' sure no such behaviour but is not lor.

Ang moh also hv LAST name. Especially those who serve the army, they prefer to hv sons. Actually i went to few ang moh bb website/forum to read thru, their gender disappointment is also very high one, especially aft having 2 or gals/boys or they just want 1 kid..

So i guess this 重男轻女 mentality is universal anywhere, just whether pple voice it or comment abt it..

For parents, the gender disappointment may not come from ownself but rather comments/pressure from other pple. Eg. Gd friend/sibling preggy wif your desired gender, grandparents/ friend / colleagues making comments like 'your hubby cant make gals/boys' etc.. But USUALLY once bb come out the disappointment is gone, but i hv read that if it doesnt, it may lead to depression...

Some pple dun dare to admit they hv gender disappointment & they dun discuss wif loved ones. cos tey feel is something to be ashamed of & 'morally' is nt right, so end up the mother suffer.
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Hi all, I went to register on the dumex forum group. They sent me this goodies package which I think is quite helpful. There's nursing pad. Nutrition guidrline. Some voucher. Pampers changing sheet.

Can go to register. Anyway, anyone joined the first mum and dad congress ytd? Personally think is quote good info. At least mu husband knows more abt pregnancy journey haha


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Welcome Cheryl and nc25 !! and also to Team Princesses! haha ... i am q amused too esp if their "comforting" is cos they think you might be sad. but i guess its their way of showing concern.

i really still dont feel movements of baby , turning 20wks already leh. last fri was my scan and on the screen i saw the baby really pull up a leg and kick out, but i feel nothing.
maybe i have a layer of blubber at tummy hahaha. immune.

Hi Feather Duster :)

I went for my gynae appt today. Will be doing my detailed scan next month. . .
My gf has a ang moh bf.. She tel me me ang moh also has that 重男轻女 mentality.

Some thought 'ang mohs' sure no such behaviour but is not lor.

Ang moh also hv LAST name. Especially those who serve the army, they prefer to hv sons. Actually i went to few ang moh bb website/forum to read thru, their gender disappointment is also very high one, especially aft having 2 or gals/boys or they just want 1 kid..

So i guess this 重男轻女 mentality is universal anywhere, just whether pple voice it or comment abt it..

For parents, the gender disappointment may not come from ownself but rather comments/pressure from other pple. Eg. Gd friend/sibling preggy wif your desired gender, grandparents/ friend / colleagues making comments like 'your hubby cant make gals/boys' etc.. But USUALLY once bb come out the disappointment is gone, but i hv read that if it doesnt, it may lead to depression...

Some pple dun dare to admit they hv gender disappointment & they dun discuss wif loved ones. cos tey feel is something to be ashamed of & 'morally' is nt right, so end up the mother suffer.

I was brought up in a environment that both sides of the family favour girls over boys that I grew up thinking "重男轻女" only exist in dramas and even the people around me doesn't make me feel so.

It is even more obvious now with my friends' parents actually dote on their daughters more and preferred taking care of their children rather than the sons.

My gf is complaining that her mil are treating and her only son as non existence even though her hub is the only son and preferred to take care of her daughters' kids. That's y she only opt for 1.
All of my gfs' kids are either care after by themselves, maids or parents, none are by their in laws. We concluded daughter in law can never be compared with their biological daughter.

Even my mum and mil told me that. My mil told me and my mum that "媳妇怎么可以跟女儿比", I also replied her "对咯, mother ..... 家婆也怎么可以跟妈妈比" :p but 3 of us are pasar friends so we always talk like that.

It's only at the workplace that I feel the gender discrimination, better job opportunities/welfare are given to the male than to the working mothers.
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I think also because most ppl prefer to have their own mothers take care of their children rather then their in law take care. Imagine if u are unhappy with the way your mum take care of your kids you can just tell your mum off but you can't do that to your mil!
I think also because most ppl prefer to have their own mothers take care of their children rather then their in law take care. Imagine if u are unhappy with the way your mum take care of your kids you can just tell your mum off but you can't do that to your mil!

Haha true but for my case, my mil don't like to take care of kids because she want freedom. I asked her to look after my gal once and she called my mum telling her my gal is difficult to handle and that is true .... :D
For my friends' case mostly is their in laws actually favoured their own daughters.
yeah sane i believe you may get even more of ppl "comforting" you that you are having a girl. sometimes ppl think its best to have a boy but ya, i have also spoken to girls who only have brothers and they say it is difficult to be close on a certain level as compared to having a sis.

actually any combi is really fine. most importantly the family stay happy and respect one another. I came from a family where having a male is important so my parents still tried for my younger bro after 2 girls. i love my brother a lot but there are times i take myself out to look at the situatuon objectively- i feel that I do have to give up a lot of opportunities because our family isnt well off enough to actually have 3 kids. I had to do without new clothes, classes, tuition, and even at one point some of the older folks in the family say as a girl i need not go to NUS when i got in, because the money should be kept for the boy.
Luckily there were tuition loans available.. so i signed one and paid my own sch fees and worked part time for allowance
this really shaped my thinking now. i want to have kids only within my means and confident of what I can give. not just to fulfil some aged tradition to continue family line. its more important that the kids grow up to be good ppl, rather than just care about having a son and not caring how he turn out, maybe a scum (esp if you spoil him crazy cos he is the heir)

Haha true ..... tats' y my gfs are only stopping at 1 because they want to give the best to their princess.
This is my initial mentality too and my hub told me that nobody can ever replace big gal as no 1 in his heart.
That's y we only want to stop at 1 too but I also feel glad she has a sibling now because at least she can be her companion when both of us are gone. Siblings regardless of gender are important as they grow.

Haha yea I like ... team princesses :D
Yesterday went bugis wholesale to shop for baby home wear ....... the little teeny weeny pyjamas for newborns are so cuteeeeeeee. ... been a long long time ever since I seen them ......

Haha true ..... tats' y my gfs are only stopping at 1 because they want to give the best to their princess.
This is my initial mentality too and my hub told me that nobody can ever replace big gal as no 1 in his heart.
That's y we only want to stop at 1 too but I also feel glad she has a sibling now because at least she can be her companion when both of us are gone. Siblings regardless of gender are important as they grow.

Haha yea I like ... team princesses :D
Yesterday went bugis wholesale to shop for baby home wear ....... the little teeny weeny pyjamas for newborns are so cuteeeeeeee. ... been a long long time ever since I seen them ......

View attachment 503285

Hi Sane, ive heard of this shop before but despite being a frequent bugis shopper i dont know where this is. possible to share??

I actually went shopping in JB last weekend. didnt get much except socks and milk bottles cos we need a lot of them when the baby is shuffling between 2 homes.
Jam into JB was close to 3 hrs... xin ku. but wanted to see the market there. think we need more intel.
