(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

Saraii, because I conceived thru ivf and im the type with low progesterone. After I bfp, actually my progesterone keep on dropping altho hcg double so I have to be on maximum progesterone support till end of first trimester. Im on 3x jab a week, 2x insert a day , 2 types of pills 4x a day. Really cant wait for the first trimester to b over.
Hi all!! I am so super happy to be able come in here! Tested positive yest after missed period 1 week.
As much as happy i am fearful of the critical 7 weeks period. Had 3 days spotting last week hopefully is ok.

Agree that govt hospital private rates are not any cheaper. I think it maybe even more expensive cos private doc got package.
Ellesie, thanks for sharing! I also can't wait for first tri to be over, hopefully ms will be gone by then too.

Felinalyl, yar no package at all, but c how my tmc consultation goes, If Hubby still prefers to stick with our familiar Gynae, then we might continue at Kkh. I started with my Kkh Gynae coz I used to work in healthcare sector when pregnant with number one, so my Kkh bills were completely covered, only 10percent payable inclusive of the single bedder admission. Looking back, I miss how little I paid!!! When I discharged, after medisave deduction, I forked out only less than $50 cash back then. Ridiculous right?

Congrats!! Could be implantation spotting if you r still very early? Rest lots and don't carry heavy things.
No one planning to deliver at tmc? My 1 was delivered there and although I don't really fancy tmc.. its where my doc delivers and her clinic is there
For me my no 1 was born in kk I will stick to it. Now i wan cross over the 12 weeks safely first then i start to think about d rest.
Ellesie, it was so bad? Oh no... Then I'm abit put off already. Personally I like mt a, have visited many friends who gave birth there with good reviews, but that means I have to go try another Gynae who delivers there. Haiz, end up probably stick with kkh
i felt mount a nurse is very caring. My girl was detected with fever on the 2nd day of birth and was transferred to nicu. U can imagine the worries that I have as a first time mummy. The nurses there was very experienced. On the day of the discharge, one of the nurses call in joy," another baby was discharged today." I feel they are really committed to their role.
Maybe I was there at the wrong timing but the experience there leave me n bb traumatized. I left feedback n complain on the day I leave the hospital but I never received any reply on it. I told myself if I ever give birth again, I will never ever choose tmc. I heard many good reviews on mt a. This time either mt a or mt e novena but still depends whether the twins will stay till full term. If not, think I will end up at public hospital
I have alot of friends in tmc. They commented food is nice. Services wise has not really heard much. Probably timing also play a part. If it is peak hour, I dun think they will give much attention.
the environment at Mt A quite nice hoh but nothing to eat there leh...
My friend delivered there and her gynae quite handsome..Dr Ben Cheoh or something.

I heard TMC parking is bad.
I'll most likely be at tmc again. I'm not a great fan of tmc but cos my gynae and his clinic ia there. He could be there fast in times of emergency. For my #1, bb was in destress and heartbeat kept dropping. After the nurse called him, he appeared within 5min and bb out within another 5min. Servive wise i think so so but i was in single bed so not too bad.
I love Mt A.. after my first born discharged, they actually called me 3 months later to check on how we are getting on.

I was latching my no.1 every hour and their LC spotted something wrong.. In e end it was my baby not suckling properly... her tongue up when she latch.. It was corrected by training her a bit using fingers (done by LC).

Last time parking there was a nightmare.. but now they finished upgrading already.. no more problems. . Hee

Csy. . What do you mean nothing to eat?? There got their own cafe, subway, Mr bean and one sushi take away counter..

Ok.. I'm bias
Csy1, try munching plain biscuit ala soda piah.
Noknok, i'm positive with Mt.A the nurses are nice and helpful, i don't knw how to latch and every feeding they come to assist me. The LC squeeze my nip and told me see got milk de , who say dont have?
Tinkle star, im taking utrogestan but i dont take tcm med.
Utrogestan is synthetic progesteron,
You may want to know what the tcm med for, not sure compatible with it or not.
Anyone considering the new mt E novena? Its very new and prices are not too steep. Almost on par w Mt A i think.
I'll be at TMC coz my gynae only delivers at TMC.. so far, my past 2 experiences have been ok there.. no complains :)
Actually my delivery experience at tmc was good too. I had very experienced nurses who were good. Hit and miss I guess. Tmr is my first appt... hope to give updates with good news.

Csy try ginger and lemon tea? For me I find that my peppermint essential oil really effective
Peppermint can ah? I abit scare to use peppermint..always read it is not good for babies..somemore this 1 still inside.
maybe i should try the lemon oil than
Hi all, just tested positive last week. This is my #2. DD is 19 months now.
However I have some spotting yesterday. Praying hard it's a sticky bean.

Hi anyone eating utrogestan at the same time with TCM. My gynae advise better not to mixed both even few hours apart.
@tinkle_stars, I took both Duphaston and TCM for my #1 until 10 weeks. She is born healthy. I'm currently doing the same for #2.
Csy peppermint can use for pregnancy... even peppermint tea ok. I tried lemon but not as effective. I apply behind my ears.. temples and on my wrist. Hope it works for u :)

Hi otylia congrats and welcome
hello mummies, im using the Sea Band which I bought from Guardian. costs around $14. have to wear on both wrists to be effective. if u're not feeling better after wearing awhile, have to shift around abit cos the location might be wrong. there's a ball inside of the band that presses on a vein that relieves the nausea feeling. for me it has been working quite well. massaging both sides of your arms also helps.

Dear All, just went for my 7 weeks appt. My gynae said I have too much gas and couldn't see or hear the baby's heartbeat. Did a virginal scan and am so glad that I finally can hear my baby's heartbeat! Any ideas how to get rid of the gas in me??

Due to my previous mc, hubby and me have decided to straight away go for my harmony test during my week 10 next appt, though my gynae said it's not necessary but he mentioned is 99.9% accurate and can know the baby gender too.
Hi all, just tested positive last week. This is my #2. DD is 19 months now.
However I have some spotting yesterday. Praying hard it's a sticky bean.

@tinkle_stars, I took both Duphaston and TCM for my #1 until 10 weeks. She is born healthy. I'm currently doing the same for #2.

Hi Otylia, thanks for the advise. I'll be back to TCM as my gynae just change my medicine to duphaston too. I think TCM really works well for my body, can feel my body different when I stop for 2 weeks only - Easily cold and get cold feet too.
Feathery oh I didn't know guardian sells them... I just ordered my online ytd. Is it effective for u?

Yup. I had very bad nausea, as long as u dun go empty stomach n wear this, u will feel well. ^^ keep a lot of Julie sugar crackers with me as well. it absorbs all the acid in the stomach.
Feathery, thanks! I shall go guardian and get once I finish my lunch.

:cool:no prob. if u cnt find it most prob it's at the pharmacist counter. the guardian I went to they didn't even noe where this band is. I found it myself when I saw pple queuing up at the pharmacist.
Hi ladies, is it normal not to have any ms yet for now? I'm abt 6w 4d and quite worried that I don't hv that much symptoms gg on other than feeling sleepy n tired all the time. Been googling and always end up in reading articles which gives me negative vibes. Opinions pls..
mrs_fiq: relax babe... hhmm... sleepiness and feeling tired all the time ARE symptoms :) I remember reading somewhere, not every women will have strong pregnancy symptoms like nausea & sore nips.. maybe you are one of the lucky few.

I always watch Discovery Home & Health, there are some women who do not know they are preggy all the way till they delivery. Totally no symptoms at all except for weight gain..

I totally understand where you are coming from.. try to relax k.. n IMHO, don't read too much.. you tend to worry unduly after reading.. :)
Mrs fiq, for my #1, I had no symptoms at all. Not even food cravings of preferences and she was a smooth and healthy full term pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different.
mrs fig, dun worry. My no 1 also no symptom except eating and eating but I do have spotting for the first trimester. I manage to deliver my gal full term until have to induce as she refused to come out. too comfy inside. zzzz
I had no syptoms for my #1 too till i didn't think i would be preggy. He's a healthy full term bb too.
This one is abit more nausea than previous. I think YL peppermint oil works for me too
Thank you so much for the assurances dear ladies! Really hope it's not a cause of worry. Can't wait for my scan in 2wks time. Anyone heard of dr natalie chua? She's based in parkway east..

And yes agree abt the yl peppermint oil too! My family uses it, love the smell and it helps whenever the flu bug is around. V refreshing.
Yea whenever i smell sth that makes me nausea, i quickly mask it w peppermint oil and it works. Now i bring a small bottle of oil everywhere i go..
alot of YL users here! hehe

mummies..can share more about harmony test? Oscar test is the scan for the neck thickness plus blood test right?
Harmony test can know gender earlier huh?
