(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

I have slight cramps here and there as well. But I attribute it to cos I am still bf my son.

Regarding nausea and vomiting. I don't want to use peppermint eo for now lei. Cos I don't want my supply to plummet further. Any other alternative ?

Just to check how u all settled yr dinner? I am changing sch for my ger since I moved. If not hubby and ger need to wake up at 6plus. Either I have to start cooking in order to have nutrients food. If not the easy option will be tingkat or dabao. Any1 been having that?
nicokin, last time when i dun have helper, i will cook in the morning and put inside the thermal jar. Reach home, warm up, can eat liao. Normally i will just cook one soup or stew, then reach home maybe fry one veggies or steam fish. Simple dinner.
Sad to say I'm a lazy mummy, rely on my in laws and my parents. We will go over for dinner most days during weekdays. Else tapao or eat out.
I am such a pamper girl. Only start learning recently. So my food is private limited. Really need polishing. My hubby suggest cos I might be tired. We can try tingkat. But not sure izzit feasible.
I have slight cramps here and there as well. But I attribute it to cos I am still bf my son.

Regarding nausea and vomiting. I don't want to use peppermint eo for now lei. Cos I don't want my supply to plummet further. Any other alternative ?
Peppermint will affect milk supply??
Just to check how u all settled yr dinner? I am changing sch for my ger since I moved. If not hubby and ger need to wake up at 6plus. Either I have to start cooking in order to have nutrients food. If not the easy option will be tingkat or dabao. Any1 been having that?
I cook most weekdays.. weekends are my days off kitchen usually la. Soup and stew I cook in thr morning... The will chop up veg and marinate meat whenever I cam, ie son not hounding on me.
Yes peppermint EO will reduce milk supply. I guess alternatively its ginger and lemon EO for nausea but whether you wanna ingest or not depends on individual comfort level.
Ok ellesie - i will try ginger. I don't have ginger yet. I feel the ginger don't smell like ginger. Haha.

Anyway my dinner. Every Monday to Friday My helper will cook dinner. Weekend and PH we will eat out.
Noknok, not very serious but just feeling kind of uncomfy

Yallo, same here. Shall monitor n look out for anything amiss while waiting for first appt next mon.
Sengkang/Punggol mummies, Which dr u all going to and whats the package price like for ur gynae?
I went KKH yesterday. to my horror they cant find a sac at vaginal US at 24hrs clinic. I got sent to detail scan where thankfully they found the embryo+sac. But not yet baby form.. Costed me a whole day at kkh which was so tiring that my family ko once we reach home and just woke not long.
Meowycute, sometimes too early its v hard to find the sac. How many weeks are you at?
Thats why i prefer to see doc later and better still can see heartbeat then less the worrying. But i know its hard to wait till that late to see doc. Even now I'm itching to stroll into any clinic to check just to make sure there's a sac and the pregnancy is real. My mum somehow feel the test kit is not accurate, must wait for doc to confirm
i haven't tell our parents yet.....going to Taiwan in Dec..
planning to tell them only when i come back. If not, they either will ban us from going or be worried sick.

my hubby was joking and say...when i annouce to my boss after i come back, she will ban me from going to long holiday.
When i had my #1, i also annouce to her after my Korea trip. This time also the same :p

trying to 'relax' till my next gynae appointment. I haven't see the heartbeat yet also ....
Meowycute, im with dr fong yang at mt e novena. Could b u're still at very early weeks tats y not able to detect straight.
Btw, is it safe for us to have dental treatment? Found out I have one tooth cracked. Not sure its ok or not to hv dental treatment.
Meowycute, both times I see gynae at 5 and 6 weeks. also because the clinic was full. I am with gynae health at kovan. The clinic is not very new looking. But I think price is reasonable. My first consultation is 100 plus.
Hi ellesie, I went to do filling before I know I am preg. If u are worried, maybe just ask the dentist. I think as long do not do the x ray. It should be fine.
Csy1, I feel like going for a holiday too.
@ellesie u need to tell the dentist u r pregnant. Than they will use safer treatment on you...i think is the filling or something that is not safe but basic treatment is okie

@nicokin19 plan one! if this pregnancy shun shun...i want to go another trip next Mar before my #1 turn 2 years old.
I think its safe to visit the dentist and to do filling. I'm suppose to do tooth filling next mth, dentist said as long as not a mercury filling, it will be ok.

Time to start buying anti stretch mark cream! is oil better or cream?
Holiday sounds good! I'm also thinking of going for one in early Mar, maybe Taiwan. Before kena tied down with two kids and the logistics explode exponentially ha
When will be safe for travelling? Or actually anytime also can as long body can tk it? My mum is very old school. I think she will ban me
Usually second trimester is the 'golden period' for traveling. Best is to ask advice from your gynae and get his stamp of approval. I think last time I got a letter from him to prove I'm ok to fly, just in case the airline make noise and ask questions.
Thanks all, will check with the dentist then.
Aiyo, I also longing to travel but my gynae bans me. Only allow me to travel after first trimester, means will be in Jan. So long.... I really cannot wait liao:(
Morning mummies!!.. wahh travelling sounds so good... wish i can travel lol... anyone feel breathless sometimes?.. im having a dry cough.. any remedies?..
@Fae Hanez keep yourself hydrated!

@nicokin19 my mum also old school type. she tell me take aeroplane got radiation not good for baby. My mil also tell me cannot bring baby take aeroplane coz later the ear drum will burst.
For my #2, i had super severe MS. Vomit till want to die. I felt breathless all the time. sometimes in the middle of the night i have to wake up n sit up to breathe. like literally take in deep breathes. For this #3. so far so good.

As for cough. can try Eucalyptus Radiata eo, cypress or Raven... or just wait it out.
I'm hoping to travel in Mar too but prob somewhere nearby. Don't wanna kill myself w a toddler and being preggy.
I've decided to go with dr Benjamin tham at tmc. His package is from 12 wks onwards at 650. But he sees patients only after 7 weeks unless you are having some emergency.

I'm going for trip in 3rd wk dec as well as next feb, coz we have planned this in advance. But thank god, the timing is quite perfect, that's also the wk I turn 12wks. So both trips fall in second tri for me.
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@felinalyl : I rather not. i apply RC or ER on my daughter instead. I kena the effect last time when ignore it and help my hubby to apply Panaway. For the whole day, I was feeling super unwell due to the wintergreen in it. At first i thot it's the MS but after my fren told me about avoiding wintergreen, only i realised about it. Luckily, the next day the effect wear off and back to normal.
Saraii, I'm seeing Benjamin Tham too. My first appointment is 6 Dec with him. By then 7+ weeks. He was pretty good with my first preg, he's quite chill w alot of things and easy w giving MC. Opps.. hehe! I remember i was overdue for my #1 but he was ok for me to wait another week but it was me who choose to induce. He's definitely pro natural.
Csy1, I'm thinking of bkk too. Can shop for cheap bb clothes
Ash Mum,

Yar, I like him a lot!! Yesterday was the first visit with him for me and I was really impressed by him and his nurses. My previous Gynae was dr Han how Chuan at Kkh, very good too, but the private rate versus waiting time spent is really not worthwhile.
Saraii, good that you liked him. I like the fact that he has sat clinic so i don't need to take mc for check ups. He's good w epi stitches too, mine heal nicely w minimal pain. The plus point is he is v easy w MC.. i took 2 weeks HL to rest from 38 to 40 weeks.. best rest before i give birth.
Anyway those who have not gone for scan or seen doc. My friend advise to ask which side did the baby attach itself to in the uterus.

Right side means boy
Left side means girl.

Mothers direction.

According to Dr Ramzi theory.
I feel sleepy all day long .. FTWM some more .. every night i sleep at around 9 , next day morning still sleepy .. now i dont eat i feel hungry, after eat, i feel i want to throw out ..
nowaday i feel sleepy all the time, eventhough i slept at 9pm everyday. Somemore if i dont eat, i feel hungry.. if i eat, i wan to throw out .. super contradicting

Amelia I feel same as you. I used to love to eat but now I eat. I want to puke. Then I nv eat. I feel hungry. I wish I can gobble like before
