(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

Oh oh now when i feel ms i will apply medicated oil to help get rid of the feel...
I have no cravings now but really no appetite for breakfast n lunch
Mummies ,
For your reading
Hi mummies, just a qn for those of you who hv done ur u/s scan. Was it done abdominally or transvaginal? Am worried cos my doc arranged for a transvaginal u/s for me, and hvg gone thru that before, I'm afraid to go thru it again. Opinions pls! Thank u!
Mrs fiq, my 1st scan was abdominally.

Aiyo... my nausea and headache was quite bad. As I'm attending night classes after work, it makes thing worst. Feeling really tired and I have to apply medicated oil too. Bloatedness is like the whole day and burp a lot.
I think usually if u are less than 6 weeks might not be able to see anything or detect heartbeat thru ab u/s.. so maybe that's why doc do vaginal. For my doc she will wait till u are at least 6w before seeing u as chances of seeing on u/s higher
Just finished 1st gynae visit. Can see small sac + small embryo 2mm like a rice grain. Can see small heart beating but cant pick up the sound.
Got utrogestan & draw blood to check progesteron level.
Next wk visit again to ensure baby growing & try to hear heartbeat. :)
Just finished 1st gynae visit. Can see small sac + small embryo 2mm like a rice grain. Can see small heart beating but cant pick up the sound.
Got utrogestan & draw blood to check progesteron level.
Next wk visit again to ensure baby growing & try to hear heartbeat. :)
Wow, sounds everything goes well. Cant wait to see mine this coming sat. Hope can see the heartbeats and the yolk. Take care, jj
@ellesie thanks!

@mrs_fig, actually scan via vaginal was ok. My gynae vy gentle.
You need to be relax, close eyes & deep breathe.
When he checking dilation is muh more gentler than those midwife & nurses at delivery ward leh.
Hi all the July mummies, wanna ask for opinion.
Is it a good time to inform parents about the pregnancy during the 1st trimester? You know, there is a superstitious saying that we couldn't announce the pregnancy in the 1st trimester, how about parents and family member?
Hello! I just tested positive last night. Will be my #2. So excited! No.1 just turned 1 yo. Haven't booked gynae, thinking when bb 8 weeks then go...
@Ah Yan actually it is not superstitious thingie. it is Due to 1st trisemeter the placenta hasnot yet formed and considered as unstable period, hence many ppl avoided to inform to avoid disappointment.
IMO it is no issue to share with anyone that you are comfortable with.
There are many ways to share other than say 'im preggy'
@Ah Yan i told both my parents and my hubby parents heehee i thought it was a happy news so yay.. other then that if i have friend ask if im preggy i will tell them too cause i dun wan my bb to feel like i dun wan her/him
Thanks for the reassurance @jj_jj, maybe I didn't have a gd experience abt it before as I had heavy bleeding then m/c a day after my transvaginal, so a bit more cautious. But still, thank u for sharing!
@jj_jj , @uglydoll , @mrs_fiq .. thanks for all the opinion.. I think I should also tell my parents and in-laws first.. can't wait to tell them.. I thought this is a "pantang" thing.. coz it's my feng shui master who told me so.. :)
Good morning mummies! :)
I visited my gynae for the first time over the weekend. We did a scan and found the baby smaller than what was initially expected. We had probably miscalculated my ovulation day by 2 days. What we saw was just the water bag which measured 6mm. We were happy nonetheless. At least we know baby implanted properly.

Because this is my first, doc was more conservative with me. She instructed no running, no sex and no traveling during the first trimester. She said that I should not gain any weight during this trimester (I am within healthy BMI). She also said that my morning sickness should set in next week.

I will be seeing her again 3weeks later. She said we will be able to see heartbeat by then. Can't wait!
Ouliou, so exciting! My turn on Wed.
Ah yan, I did tell my family and good friends this time. My first pregnancy I was more conservative. I only told my family. I feel family must say so they will b more attentive and sensitive to us. Cos I have a bad temper during first pregnancy. My girl is super fiery type. I told my mum not to agitate me during this period. Hopefully I can nurture a good temper baby this time lol
@yallo congrats and welcome!
@Ah_Yan this is my 2nd... I've also told family and some friends. I think up to individual. traditionally ppl tend not to announce during the first trim coz still somewhat unstable.

Am 5weeks now, can't wait for my appt next week! Hopefully can see beanie and heartbeat!
Ouliou, hope it's just some old blood. take care and have a good rest. Another tcm method for such bleeding is cook glutinous rice with lotus root, cook it like porridge. during my no # 1 i bleed almost every week till end of first trimester. doc says due to the low placenta and i have to stock up the lotus root in my fridge each time it happened.
Yay.. we are seeing more newcomers.. Welcome & Congrats!

Oh no Ouliou! Don't worry, all will be fine. Probably just some spotting.. which is common in some women.
I am waiting for my turn to see the Gynae. It's fresh blood strains. Not dark brown blood. Husband is here. Hope everything will turn out fine.
@oulio take care.
Request for mc to have more bedrest.
Gynae might jab you and take some oral medication.
oulio, gynae will surely give you progestrone jab, and duphaston pills to stablise your condition.
Remember to bed rest.
@yallo - Yes. Need bed rest and need to eat well. If after 4days still bleeding or if bleeding returns, need to see doc again.

Thanks again, everyone. Now, I will make sure I lie in bed. I won't move unnecessarily from now on.
Take care ouliou!!... hello mummies.. how r u all tdy... me admit to kkh currently to switch to insulin... been 3 days.. doin all blood test n scan but they say no heartbeat yet still early...
Take good care Ouliou... pls minimize all unnecessary movements.

Oh no Fae Hanez.. how come must admit? hope nothing too serious...
Hi all

Tested positive last Wed.

I had gestational diabetics with my #1 and i started taking my sugar level once i know i am pregnant and it is quite high.
No choice, have to go and see gynae first. Based on LMP, i am 6 weeks but after scanning, she said i am ard 4 weeks (i tested and got BFN 2 weeks ago)

Started on my insulin jab last Friday.

Wanted to see heartbeat before i join but i think i really need some support these few weeks till my next gynae checkup end of the month.
Sasa xie.. trying to get my sugar in control.. for baby to grow well sake...
Csy1... welcome and congrats... mine also if follow lmp its abt 6 weeks.. but scan the sac shud b abt 4 weeks old.. lol... hope the pregnancy goes smooth for u...
Take care @Fae Hanez and @csy1!! Hoping for the best for both of u!

On a side note, I just did my abdominal u/s just now n saw my mini sac. Was told that my womb is tilted may cause m/c, :/
hopefully it'll go back to its normal position soon.

Mrs fiq.. is it possible to get a masseuse to massage it to make the position right?.. maybe can try to ask ard.. u noe the veteran2 midwife maybe... hehehe
