(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Any one here planning on cloth diapering? I'm pretty interested in Bumwear! Save money, environment and baby's bum. But eww the washing.
My mom is an old traditional one, she told me to do cloth diapering. Since I asked her to help me during my confinement period, if she insist to do that, I will just follow. But I do not think I have enough energy to wash diaper everyday. So I will prepare pampers oso. lols...... Are you planning on cloth diapering?

M feeling very itchy around the nipples area. N I keep scratching it. My skin turns horrible. Especially my face. Sob. Anyone same like me?
@newbiemum80, I oso start to feel itchy, but on the side of my tummy. My sis told me, it maybe due to skin stretching, so need to apply moisturiser cream. Do not scratch, otherwise it will become stretch marks later on. Just rub some cream, but don't scratch.
Yeah I plan on doing it. But the modern type, not the old fashioned fold cloth type. I'm thinking of the brand Bumwear. Just wash every other day in the washing machine, not hand wash.
My mom is an old traditional one, she told me to do cloth diapering. Since I asked her to help me during my confinement period, if she insist to do that, I will just follow. But I do not think I have enough energy to wash diaper everyday. So I will prepare pampers oso. lols...... Are you planning on cloth diapering?
Me too. I have mil to help me during confinement n she is also traditional type want to use cloth. I doubt I will be free to do all these..sure already tired with all the breastfeeding n besides we can't touch water too often right. I also plan to prepare disposable diapers. Which brand good ah and how many do we need to standby? I also consider whether to invest some cloth diapers.
Me too. I have mil to help me during confinement n she is also traditional type want to use cloth. I doubt I will be free to do all these..sure already tired with all the breastfeeding n besides we can't touch water too often right. I also plan to prepare disposable diapers. Which brand good ah and how many do we need to standby? I also consider whether to invest some cloth diapers.
@ariesbabe2015, I heard mamy poko is not bad. But I still dunno how truth it is. Last time my sis told me that she use clothes diapers during the day, but at night she change to disposable diapers. Otherwise, cannot sleep and too much diapers need to wash. Sometime even stock is not enough, especially on raining days.
@newbiemum80, I oso start to feel itchy, but on the side of my tummy. My sis told me, it maybe due to skin stretching, so need to apply moisturiser cream. Do not scratch, otherwise it will become stretch marks later on. Just rub some cream, but don't scratch.
i tried not to but it is too itch liao. i got 2 scratch mark on the nipples liao...now the whole breast very itchy...i put cream before but i tot is allergic but then no le..i never put also very itchy.
Or is it better to buy all different diaper brands to try out? I heard some mommies say Goon brand from japan not bad. Shld buy more on newborn or small size?
Any one here planning on cloth diapering? I'm pretty interested in Bumwear! Save money, environment and baby's bum. But eww the washing.

both my #1 and #2 were on cloth diapers since 2 months old at my mum's place. when newborn, they still used normal disposable diapers. my mum is the one who was very hardworking, willing to soak and handwash the diapers! really peifu her. I gotta say, the clothies I got really hold up super well. the velcros, snap buttons and fabric all still intact even after like 2 years of constant wearing and washing. we saved a lot of money that way!

I purchased my stash of clothies from this seller call Yee Ling. her shop: http://www.milagrotrading.com/store...ath=10&zenid=963fc7d921285e8ae89795a9062934e4
My personal opinion, actually i feel cloth diaper = waste of water.
Newborn really poo alot.
And if they poo, you cannot leave the cloth diapers for few hours and wash together with the rest, it will stain and poo will get harder to wash off. Unless you have maid at home to help with these chores.
i personally prefer disposable..not forgetting we still have to be cow every 3hr...and wash all the pump accessories and bottle!!!!where got time to wash cloth diaper..
heehee some $$ cannot save.;)
Newbiemum80, my chest area has lots of tiny dots/pimples growing. When you touch it is rough! It wasn't like this when i wasn't pregnant.

when my #1 i grow tiny flesh around the breast and armpit then after give birth it will flatten but still have the mark.
hippo78, depends on how you wash it. if you are the kind that uses a pail of water for every diaper, then yeah, of course it will be a waste of water! :) in fact, the cost of 2 pieces of disposable diapers will pay for one washing cycle. the only problem is having the time to wash them and the space to hang all the cloth diapers.

this was how we washed our cloth diapers:

if pee only:
pull out insert, rinse that and the cover briefly under bidet and throw into a medium sized pail half-filled with clean water and mild baby detergent (I prefer natural enzyme-based detergent) to soak for 30mins - 1hr. squeeze dry, toss into another pail half filled with water and gently rinse through to remove all traces of detergent. place inside washing machine for quick wash cycle.

if there is poop:
pull out insert, flush the cover (where poo comes into contact with the diaper) with bidet. baby poo washes off very easily. then proceed to wash the same way as stated above.

if you prefer to not hand wash, then just rinse to remove pee/poo then dump everything into the washing machine for a regular washing cycle. and we only started using clothies when my girls' pee/poo cycle became more "scheduled" at 2 months old. it was easier then.
Or is it better to buy all different diaper brands to try out? I heard some mommies say Goon brand from japan not bad. Shld buy more on newborn or small size?

To me, my #1 got serious nipper rash so only mamy poko, merries suit his ex butt! and advise dont buy too many different brand of diaper or stock up cos the baby may not be suitable then is a waste of money
My favourite for NB diapers are Huggies, Pampers and MamyPoko. If baby has a fleshy bottom, then MamyPoko is better cos it offers better coverage, lesser occurrence of leakage. :D
Hi mommies

I have been a silent reader as Im not an articulate person, so thot better to remain silent, but I have a pressing Qn to ask.
My EDD is between 14-19 May ( given by 2 diff gynae)

My MS has been really bad. It lasts the whole day.
Aside from MS, I'm also having bloatedness (real bad, feels like there's a big rock in my tummy), dizzziness, and loss of appetite.
I'm almost 13 weeks but shows no signs of the symptoms waning.

I have been drinking ginger slices soak in hot water ( with slight relief)

My work is very much affected as I have taken hospital leave and my own annual leave.
I dunno if I will be 1 of those "lucky" ones whose symptoms lasted thruout the whole pregnancy :'(

Just wanna ask will gynae give long HL for pregnancy symptoms?
My gynae gave me 5 days HL, not sure if she will extend my HL for me..........

Thks in advance
hi yoga_babe, sorry to hear that you are going through a tough 1st trimester. :( hopefully your symptoms will ease up soon. I can't answer your question on HL, maybe other ladies here can?? think it is very subjective, depending on the gynae. if really unwell and unfit for work, he/she may be more lenient and give you more HL.

as to your MS and bloatedness, you may want to look into your diet. in general. starchy foods and foods with high gluten (etc. breads and some noodles) will cause more bloat. and try to avoid fried stuffs too. and not sure if it helps, but drinking something gassy, like lime-flavored Perrier water will help soothe your tummy. give it a try?
Wow thread moving fast need to catch up.

I used disposable all e way. My CL oso too lazy to wash cloth haha. To save abit of money, I use lousier diapers in e daytime i.e petpet and better ones at nite i.e pampers

Try not to stock up too much on newborn diapers cos will outgrow very fast. Get maybe a small pack then get the next S size.
Yupe my son only use XS for the first 2 month. Now at 13m, he is using Mamypoko XL pull up.

I stock up too much newborn XS, and in the end had to donate 3packets.
I did a little research on cloth diapers as well and window shopped at Amazon. Watched a YouTube review on a brand called Alva and was pretty impressed by it. I will probably buy a few of diff brands to try. I was planning to use liner (which can be disposed after use) on top of inserts and cloth diaper to reduce possibility of contacting poop. Not sure how it will work out. Liner seems rather economically priced on Amazon.
ah_o, we tried liners for a while but subsequently gave up. felt that having the liners proved to be more cumbersome than helpful. when there was poop, it got everywhere. by right the liquid should be absorbed through the liner into the cloth diaper, but ended up the liners caught even the liquid and the whole butt was a mess. lol! maybe we used them wrongly??
@yoga_babe, I had very bad morning sickness like urs previously. My gynae also gave me 5 days hospitalisation leave. The best way to ease the morning sickness is to eat small meals and easily digest food like porridge. When I had bad MS last few weeks i even vomitted out all the fruits i ate. So becareful when u eating some fruits. U can try mango milk shake, or mango yogurt. Drink more warm water. Take care ya!
Do u all eat subway? It should be safe to eat right cos it is toasted.

Oh manz subway is considered healthy food for me lor... I eat all sorts of rubbish cos of cravings n sudden hunger pangs in the middle of the night. Fast food, instant noodles, biscuits, sweets, prata etc etc. I stocked up on cereals and fruits, but still eat those rubbish! My TCM doctor would frown upon this.

Btw, wanted to check on how much caffeine intake are you guys taking in per day, or specifically tea intake? TCM doctor oso say CANNOT drink tea, CANNOT drink cold drinks. I trying to limit my teh-si intake to one cup a day, but to not drink is simply impossible :(
cynn04, you just listed my favourites - instant noodles, biscuits, prata. lol! I still drink caffeine and indulge in cold drinks a few times a week. very hard to say no to my morning cup of coffee! nowadays I will drink only half a cup or less, per day. then maybe later in the afternoon take a cup of hot green tea. my gynae said that as long as you limit your caffeine intake to 2 cups a day, it is fine.

actually, I just had a whole coconut (cold) to myself yesterday evening. so shiok!! felt a bit guilty, but it really made me feel super good.
Or is it better to buy all different diaper brands to try out? I heard some mommies say Goon brand from japan not bad. Shld buy more on newborn or small size?

You can actually request free samples from some of the diaper companies to try out! Can search online for some of them :) Huggies, Merries, Drypers all got I think.
Oh manz subway is considered healthy food for me lor... I eat all sorts of rubbish cos of cravings n sudden hunger pangs in the middle of the night. Fast food, instant noodles, biscuits, sweets, prata etc etc. I stocked up on cereals and fruits, but still eat those rubbish! My TCM doctor would frown upon this.

Btw, wanted to check on how much caffeine intake are you guys taking in per day, or specifically tea intake? TCM doctor oso say CANNOT drink tea, CANNOT drink cold drinks. I trying to limit my teh-si intake to one cup a day, but to not drink is simply impossible :(

My TCM dr dont allow me to drink coffee, tea or cold drink at all but sometime I drink half a cup a day but i drink cold milk at nite hehe;) and eat ice cream to kill MS
My TCM dr dont allow me to drink coffee, tea or cold drink at all but sometime I drink half a cup a day but i drink cold milk at nite hehe;) and eat ice cream to kill MS
i tried to not drink coffee but i still fail. i will once in a blue blue moon take half a cup n then my heart will pounce really fast.

i also never restrict on cold drinks. some say cannot drink orange juice but i always have cravings for them. i try not to drink too much though. but chinese tea is a no no for me.
think it is very hard to avoid cold stuffs since it is so hot and humid in SG. only recent days that we get some rain and strong wind. hopefully weather will be as cooling when we deliver come May, but a bit unlikely hor? May usually hot season...
cynn04, you just listed my favourites - instant noodles, biscuits, prata. lol! I still drink caffeine and indulge in cold drinks a few times a week. very hard to say no to my morning cup of coffee! nowadays I will drink only half a cup or less, per day. then maybe later in the afternoon take a cup of hot green tea. my gynae said that as long as you limit your caffeine intake to 2 cups a day, it is fine.

actually, I just had a whole coconut (cold) to myself yesterday evening. so shiok!! felt a bit guilty, but it really made me feel super good.

Yah lor, english and chinese drs have differing views on tea / caffeine. I already given up KOI liao... But when the weather is too hot, one can of cold coke is soooooo shiok.......

Hey starry, you are ftwm right? Do you have a helper? My #1 is going full day cc soon, and I'm trying to ask around how mommies are surviving without a helper. Im asking so early cos my fil just passed away, and my mil wanna let the helper go. We are thinking of taking over cos the helper has also somewhat been taking care of my gal and likes her. Problem is if we take over now, the helper will be very free for the next 6 mths cos my gal in cc. But if we cant manage and need to hire a helper in future, need to find and re-train. Sighs.

Anyone can oso share your experience as well? Thanks!
Haha, @cynn04 @starrymommy, I'm a bit more discipline now. I stop taking coffee ever since I got to know im pregnant. But once a while i still eat some cold thing or drink cold drinks. Usually before i drink any cold drink i'll leave it on the table for 15-20min then will open it to drink, sometime i'll mixed with a bit of warm water. Haha
Hi mommies

I have been a silent reader as Im not an articulate person, so thot better to remain silent, but I have a pressing Qn to ask.
My EDD is between 14-19 May ( given by 2 diff gynae)

My MS has been really bad. It lasts the whole day.
Aside from MS, I'm also having bloatedness (real bad, feels like there's a big rock in my tummy), dizzziness, and loss of appetite.
I'm almost 13 weeks but shows no signs of the symptoms waning.

I have been drinking ginger slices soak in hot water ( with slight relief)

My work is very much affected as I have taken hospital leave and my own annual leave.
I dunno if I will be 1 of those "lucky" ones whose symptoms lasted thruout the whole pregnancy :'(

Just wanna ask will gynae give long HL for pregnancy symptoms?
My gynae gave me 5 days HL, not sure if she will extend my HL for me..........

Thks in advance

I am currently on hospitalization leave because of my subchorionic hematoma condition. Into my 3rd week already and have it for one more week. My morning sickness is gradually fading now - I am 15 weeks. But bloating is still very bad especially at night. Like stomach no more space!
think it is very hard to avoid cold stuffs since it is so hot and humid in SG. only recent days that we get some rain and strong wind. hopefully weather will be as cooling when we deliver come May, but a bit unlikely hor? May usually hot season...
May is quite hot. i more worried about haze. now also hazy. i feeling the haze and affected by it too
cynn04, sorry to hear about your fil.. :(

yes I am a ftwm. we did not consider getting a helper till I went into preterm labour with #2 and #1 was only 10months old and all along been looked after by my mum when I was at work. we had no intention of sending our elder girl to CC till she was at least 16 mths old. so no choice, it was a last minute mad scramble to get a maid after the sudden delivery of #2. thankfully, we landed a relatively good one. I was on maternity leave and it was a good time to slowly train up my maid then as my elder one was still cared for by my mum.

I think it will be better for you to not hire first. wait till 2 months before you are due then start searching. once you have selected your maid, it will take around 2-4 weeks to bring her in, depending on her nationality. Indonesian maids take longer than Philippino maids. so once maid arrives, you may have a couple of weeks to orientate / train her to handle #1 before you deliver. better than having the current one being free and easy for 6 months right? once a maid has too much time on her hands, she will go astray. heard and seen too many examples from friends around me.
Doraemon_mummy, you are very very disciplined already! if drink is not cold, I'd rather not drink liao. my favourites are Coke, the peng, iced milo, cold young coconut. so hard to resist! some more I love eating spicy stuffs (another tcm no-no). if no cold drinks to go along, really not shiok enough?? :p

a doctor once told me. even if you drink cold water, by the time it travels from your mouth to the tummy, it would have turned warm. makes sense to me! but of course, if can avoid, then better, for the sake of our little ones. :)
i guess i m the only one who hire a helper before my bb is born. actually we hire a maid to help take care of the housechores and also my dog. especially the MS is making me crazy. ours is a myanmmar one which take me mths to train and hopefully by the time i deliver, she will be more ready. but now i am also contemplating to change to a indo one cos my friends tell me indo one speaks better
@starrymommy @Doraemon_mummy , this pregnancy is really a tough one, I think I'm going into pre-natal blues.
Nothing I eat seems to help. tried porridge, taking small meals, but the stomach still bloat the whole day, so much so it's causing a lot of pain.
Basically I throw up most of the thing I put into my mouth.
Praying hard all these will be over soon n I can enjoy my preg like u gals.
Will give the Perrier water a try, but I cant tolerate mango, only can take Apple.

@megal , docs tend to place more importance on bleeding, as its a pregnancy risk..
But when it comes to MS, They would think its part and parcel of Preg.
Exactly stomach no space, like wanna explode... Sob sob
Has yr bleeding stopped?
Hi did any mummies went on hospital tour yet? We just went to Mt Alvernia. Find the hospital quite good, small and cosy not very crowded like TMC. Hubs said I kiasu cos most mummies are with big tummy, mine can't even been seen yet haha
@cynn04 , my girl is 4y n she's attending full day CC.
I'm a ftwm n do not hav a helper, but my in-laws help to fetch her from CC n fed her dinner before I pick her up.
I think its possible to do without a helper if u hav support from either parents or in-laws.
My hubby is out of town 50% of the time, so I hav learnt to do everything all my own.
cynn04, sorry to hear about your fil.. :(

yes I am a ftwm. we did not consider getting a helper till I went into preterm labour with #2 and #1 was only 10months old and all along been looked after by my mum when I was at work. we had no intention of sending our elder girl to CC till she was at least 16 mths old. so no choice, it was a last minute mad scramble to get a maid after the sudden delivery of #2. thankfully, we landed a relatively good one. I was on maternity leave and it was a good time to slowly train up my maid then as my elder one was still cared for by my mum.

I think it will be better for you to not hire first. wait till 2 months before you are due then start searching. once you have selected your maid, it will take around 2-4 weeks to bring her in, depending on her nationality. Indonesian maids take longer than Philippino maids. so once maid arrives, you may have a couple of weeks to orientate / train her to handle #1 before you deliver. better than having the current one being free and easy for 6 months right? once a maid has too much time on her hands, she will go astray. heard and seen too many examples from friends around me.

Thanks starry. Yah lor, imagine I go work, gal in cc, maid at home nothing to do. Quite scary. And my mil is adament she dun wan her around cos they had a misunderstanding recently. Think will send her away soon.

Haha, @cynn04 @starrymommy, I'm a bit more discipline now. I stop taking coffee ever since I got to know im pregnant. But once a while i still eat some cold thing or drink cold drinks. Usually before i drink any cold drink i'll leave it on the table for 15-20min then will open it to drink, sometime i'll mixed with a bit of warm water. Haha

Ehhhh liddat leave on the table for so long... not shiok already..... hahahhaha......
@cynn04 , my girl is 4y n she's attending full day CC.
I'm a ftwm n do not hav a helper, but my in-laws help to fetch her from CC n fed her dinner before I pick her up.
I think its possible to do without a helper if u hav support from either parents or in-laws.
My hubby is out of town 50% of the time, so I hav learnt to do everything all my own.

Thks for sharing. We stay near my mil, so hopefully she can help out here and there, esp the cooking dinner part. I'm too lazy to cook. Also hope can manage to do everything without a helper even when #2 comes along while maintaning my sanity. Oh well, take things as they come.

So sorry to hear about your tough pregnancy, hang in there. You can vent more here, all of us can empathise :)

Hi did any mummies went on hospital tour yet? We just went to Mt Alvernia. Find the hospital quite good, small and cosy not very crowded like TMC. Hubs said I kiasu cos most mummies are with big tummy, mine can't even been seen yet haha
I just went to hospital tour at tmc last week. Yeahhh true looks like i have the smallest tummy during the visit. Hahaha ..... Now waiting for tour at mt a next month then decide which hospital to go.
