(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Hello everyone .....
I am new here...Edd May 5th ...#2 ...

Starry mommy. .
Can share ur gynae info ? Am wishing to change gynae cos I don't want to deliver at TMC this time...

Any sistas have good gynae that have good stitching skills ..hee..cos I wanna deliver by c-section ... male gynae or female gynae also can. .
That is in Mount alvernia.
Thanks in advance. ...
Miracle No 2, hihi! My gynae is Dr John Yam. His clinic is at Gleneagles and he can deliver your baby and whichever private hospital you choose. :)

MXLO, I stayed in single bed ward for 5d4n (machiam staycation, lol) as my daughter had jaundice. Total bill was around $7k. Cannot remember how much cash we paid.. Around $5k if I remember correctly.
Welcome all mummies aboard! Been quiet today cos morning was worrying abt spotting then after 4pm until now, feel very sick. Vomitted again my snack. Forced myself to take a bit of dinner...hope it stays down...
Hi everyone! Exciting to see so many new people. All of us getting the jubilee baby thing next year ya? Hahaha

My gynae only delivers in Eastshore Hospital. Sorry cannot help u there.

mummycoccyx, same same. Been wanting to vomit the whole day. Ate 2 slices of bread for breakfast and a glass of milk. Eat only half a plate of bee Hoon for lunch. Was hungry just now at 4 plus, so I ate 2 slices of bread and had a glass of milk. Just half an hour ago, my helper was cooking in the kitchen and I couldn't take the strong smell. Vomited quite a bit. Family eating dinner now while I rest in my room. Don't think can eat now.

Oh boy. I'm just 5W6D. Don't know how to go through the rest of the trimester.
To all mummies who are having MS, jia you! Let's go through this together! Things mummies will endure for their babies!
Hello lainelaine. ..
I don't want TMC cos I don't quite like the service from the nurses ... too busy and short handed.... food wise so so.... support on breastfeeding or baby care is zero .
You need to go down urself to the Centre if u need help. Imagine after C sect and then need to go down ...register etc. ..no so good experience for me that time being a first time mum...
The above comments is for single deluxe room cos they don't have single room for me even though I already booked single room. In the end I need to go for higher grade at my own cost.
Hoped this helps.
Hello Starrymummy. .
Thanks for sharing...Is his charges expensive ?...

His charges are resonable, definitely not those high-end gynae fees. I remember the package I signed for with him when preggy with #2 was surprisingly cheap! $500++ only (week 20+ onwards) when some gynaes were like triple the rate, easily. Now, I don't know. He's definitely getting more popular especially with mummies in the west as he has a night clinic at Jurong Point. Very convenient!
Didn't know your experience with TMC was so bad. My gf said service was good. That was like 3-4 years ago. But one thing she commented was that they were really short of staff and bed space. Think they got overbooked and management did not regulate, just kept on accepting bookings. She was in labour then and had to queue outside the labour ward as all the beds were taken up, so waited few hours just to get a proper bed to give birth. Such an irony, as she thought TMC was like the best choice then.
Thanks Starry mummy ... will find out more about your gynae...hee
..thanks ah...
Yes mine was in 2011 ... so I think abt the same with your friend..
I don't wanna go back to TMC ..too popular makes it not a nice place to deliver .....in my opinion lah...

Any other sistas have got gynae in Mt Alvernia ..Pls share with me if possible..thanks. .ah...
sleepwhile, better go see gynae to get ease of mind. Maybe u need extra progesterone support. Try to bed rest if u can. Take care!
I am bleeding again... this time with blood clots. Gynae ordered me to bed rest as much as possible.
Sigh.... how to bed rest when there is so much work to do in office.
Seeing my beanie for the first time tomorrow. Hope beanie is still with me :(
I am bleeding again... this time with blood clots. Gynae ordered me to bed rest as much as possible.
Sigh.... how to bed rest when there is so much work to do in office.
Seeing my beanie for the first time tomorrow. Hope beanie is still with me :(
hugs hugs! baby is more important than work! praying that bleeding stops immediately and that you'll be seeing your healthy baby tomorrow!!
Hi mummies!

TGIF... Any suggestion to curb ms??? Like sweets etc??? At this moment, I'm drinking honey lemon n eating dried lemon peels....

Also, din receive any notification to join the fb group... Anyone can help??? Maybe it's due to my privacy settings
Haha @babymarian I was anticipating your hugs leh. Thanks for being so comforting always :)

@sleepawhile I am also having lots of bleeding episodes but I am now kinda used to it already. I told myself as long as it is not very heavy, then should be fine. But of course it is still advisable to see your gynae if you don't feel good about it. Hope your beanie is super strong and super sticky!
Thanks mummies. Going to see my gynae this afternoon. i'm 5w2d, what can i expect to see?

Hugs babygaga. Stay strong.

Will be able to see the yolk sac and gestation sac. And depends on how powerful your gynae's machine is, may be able to see embryo inside gestation sac. All the best! Pray for a healthy beanie.
babygaga, hang in there too and hope you will see a sticky little beanie tomorrow. bleeding may be caused by something else. Like my colleague, she had polyps growing outside the cervix so encountered some bleeding too during her 1st trimester.

lbbkl, did you try fizzy drinks like Perrier water? Squeeze some small limes and mix the juice in. Very yummy and you get extra dose of vit C too.
Thanks starrymommy... I used to be a laksa queen but have stopped eating it for quite sometime due to the coconut milk and chilli in it, but you have been mentioning laksa quite frequently and yesterday I finally buay tahan and ate a big bowl of laksa! Even finished all the gravy! Yum! Soooo satisfying! :p
Oh, speaking of spicy... I had craving for a good bowl of Vietnamese beef pho and went down to Nam Nam at Raffles City! Talk about travelling all that way for a craving lor! But once I had it with lots of chilli padi, I was in food heaven. Wahaha! Plus a cup of iced Viet coffee with condensed milk.. woohoo!!
But is it ok to eat so much spicy food ah? I also have lots of cravings but am staying away from spicy and fried stuffs.
So tong ku... so much things cannot eat.
Honestly, I don't know. If can then avoid to be safe. But lately, I just eat. Cos spicy food helps curb my MS also. Been craving for it so much it is hard to endure when I walk past all the delicious spicy food at hawker centre.
i also like spicy food very much. Yesterday my colleague told me preggy cannot eat spicy. I just silent continue eat my spicy food.... lols.....I am not sure why cannot eat spicy food? I think only when you breastfeeding then cannot eat spicy, is that true?
I can't remember when I started eating spicy stuffs. Think from very young age bah. Whatever I eat out, I will need a plate of chilli padi. Even when having laksa! Love putting chilli padi into my soups and noodles. With 2 previous pregnancies, I also did not stop. End up my younger daughter is like me, craves for spicy food all the time! Only my elder girl dislikes it.

As for breastfeeding, I did try to control and not eat so much. Scared it went into the BM and made baby LS. :p Hardly had any chilli during my confinement also. The most was ginger and pepper.
I also super craved for hums... I still intend to jab hep a and b before I have a hum feast...
Who knows, tested positive after tt

Have u all booked for CL already??
Wow! So good! All u mummies who can eat so much. I can't :( Cos of MS. I actually have phobia of MS cos I was hospitalised cos of it with my #1. Horrible memory.

Nope. Not gg to book CL cos it was my in-laws who cooked for me that time and my mum who looked after my baby.
Lately I tried to gobble as much food as possible during breakfast and lunch coz MS usually kicks in from late afternoon onwards. Can't eat dinner at all coz stomach feels so bloated and want to vomit. Have been losing weight instead of gaining. Now only 44.6kg.
Does 100 Plus help with bloatedness? Will my weight affect the growth of baby?
Lately I tried to gobble as much food as possible during breakfast and lunch coz MS usually kicks in from late afternoon onwards. Can't eat dinner at all coz stomach feels so bloated and want to vomit. Have been losing weight instead of gaining. Now only 44.6kg.
Does 100 Plus help with bloatedness? Will my weight affect the growth of baby?

Hi, I don't dare to try 100 plus cos I scared too gassy. U can try if u want. Some mummies said it works.

I totally understand how u feel. I had MS the whole of my pregnancy. I lost 8 kg. My gynae did say that weight loss is ok as long as I don't lose more than 10% of my weight. Plus I put on a little weight in my third trimester so not so bad. Plus I read that to lose weight in first trimester is normal cos of MS. So don't worry too much.

However, I personally think that as a result of me not eating much, my baby is very small size. He is 2 now and still smaller than his peers. My mum told me to eat this time round. She somewhat blames me for my son's size now.
babygaga, 100 plus helps me burp so feel good after drinking. bloatedness will come find me in the late afternoon no matter what I eat/drink though. it makes me balloon up. at night also. gassy and uncomfortable.

I am easily 10kg heavier than you now. :p Don't be too concerned about your weight for the time being. Hang in there will 2nd tri and hopefully you will get better and will be able to eat more then.
