(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Hi mummies, been a silent reader and I sympathise will all the woes we are going thru. My #1 has been really wonderful but she is naturally rough and active and my mil is so afraid that she will hurt her sis. Kps nagging at me. I'm exclusive pumping but I think i have mastitis. Fever and painful breast. Who do I see first- LC or GP?

Hi mummies, been a silent reader and I sympathise will all the woes we are going thru. My #1 has been really wonderful but she is naturally rough and active and my mil is so afraid that she will hurt her sis. Kps nagging at me. I'm exclusive pumping but I think i have mastitis. Fever and painful breast. Who do I see first- LC or GP?
Go see a doc first. U need antibiotic asap to prevent the infection develop to pus. I went to TMC 24hr clinic, was given antibiotic, anti inflammation/swollen, and pain killer. Faster go see, dun wait le!
Thanks. Will go see doc first then. Breast was painful yest but today not so bad. Problem is affected breast only producing 20ml now!! Horror
Breast isn't hard and I massage like crazy. Also use hot bot for heat. What else can I do
Thanks. Will go see doc first then. Breast was painful yest but today not so bad. Problem is affected breast only producing 20ml now!! Horror
Breast isn't hard and I massage like crazy. Also use hot bot for heat. What else can I do

I agree w highness to go see the dr first and get antibiotics to control the infection. Dun worry too much abt the affected breast's supply, got lumps stuck is liddat de. Once cleared, a few pumps more shld go back to normal supply. Nothing more u can do except pump more frequently if u can, and massage affected area during pumping.
@momocrv , later i check with the doctor! If there is availability wld b the best case... Cos i wont need to stay n tire for the next 5 days. Baby down with meningtis, but awaiting further results tmr...

Thanks all mummies.. Hoping bb will do fine n let me rest too.....

@isenggirl , can check out at neptune clinic at clementi (malay female dr) i did for #1 , #2 i did at Bedazzled store, VERY PRICEY ...

Furbee how much you pay at bedazzled?
Thanks. Will go see doc first then. Breast was painful yest but today not so bad. Problem is affected breast only producing 20ml now!! Horror
Breast isn't hard and I massage like crazy. Also use hot bot for heat. What else can I do
LC told me dun use hot compress as bacteria grow in warm place. Use cold compress to relieve the pain. The lump is due to the infection, not engorge, so it won't clear so fast untill finish the course of antibiotic. Is the breast warm n red n swollen?
Mummies, can I have ur advice pls....I took in a nanny from Pem confinement and she just started work yesterday. I find her not v good. A lot of theory but hands on experience lacking. She's has been telling us that she's been working non stop month aft month with no break as she needs to feed her kids. Im in delimna if I should request to change to another CN or just continue. If I request for a change it will affect her pay n point system from the co
Mummies, can I have ur advice pls....I took in a nanny from Pem confinement and she just started work yesterday. I find her not v good. A lot of theory but hands on experience lacking. She's has been telling us that she's been working non stop month aft month with no break as she needs to feed her kids. Im in delimna if I should request to change to another CN or just continue. If I request for a change it will affect her pay n point system from the co
hello @momocrv , i engaged a confinement lady from PEM too and she did share with me about the co points system. maybe you can observe your CL for a week at least since she only came yesterday? the points system is that they need to accumulate a certain amt of points and also facebook feedback and then the top earners will get some monetary incentives from the company. most CL try to do about 7 confinements a year so maybe thats why shes packing them back to back? if after a week you observed that shes not up to your expectations u can change to another CL. just inform PEM i think..dont get too stressed on this and try to understand more frm the CL how long she has been working, her past experiences etc.
LC told me dun use hot compress as bacteria grow in warm place. Use cold compress to relieve the pain. The lump is due to the infection, not engorge, so it won't clear so fast untill finish the course of antibiotic. Is the breast warm n red n swollen?

Hmm but I thot to clear blocked ducts, warm water should help better?

I also had itchy skin near my nipple area.. i am not sure if its mastitis, but after massage and bottle with warm water, the itchiness slowly goes away. How do I know if its initial stage of mastitis? I dun have fever or flu so far. Only itchy and redness breast skin..
Hmm but I thot to clear blocked ducts, warm water should help better?

I also had itchy skin near my nipple area.. i am not sure if its mastitis, but after massage and bottle with warm water, the itchiness slowly goes away. How do I know if its initial stage of mastitis? I dun have fever or flu so far. Only itchy and redness breast skin..
If it's block ducts, yes, use warm compression. If it's infection, use cold compression to relieve. U wouldn't want the bacteria having a cosy area to breed. Mastitis won't cause itchiness bah. It will be swollen, redness on the skin, and breast is warm.
Fever will kick in too.
hello @momocrv , i engaged a confinement lady from PEM too and she did share with me about the co points system. maybe you can observe your CL for a week at least since she only came yesterday? the points system is that they need to accumulate a certain amt of points and also facebook feedback and then the top earners will get some monetary incentives from the company. most CL try to do about 7 confinements a year so maybe thats why shes packing them back to back? if after a week you observed that shes not up to your expectations u can change to another CL. just inform PEM i think..dont get too stressed on this and try to understand more frm the CL how long she has been working, her past experiences etc.

Hi, thanks for your feedback! Yeah maybe few days is too soon to judge but her style is really not my cup of tea. She told me she need to feed her kids thus she cannot don't afford to stop work. She's 56 this year and she get tired so easily so most things ended up I have to help her do. She only worked as CL for 4 years so still quite new.
I pumped about 85 ml and kept in fridge. But when CL poured everything into Nuk bottle, only about 70 ml. Will there be losses when we do that? Or CL bluffing me?
Hi, thanks for your feedback! Yeah maybe few days is too soon to judge but her style is really not my cup of tea. She told me she need to feed her kids thus she cannot don't afford to stop work. She's 56 this year and she get tired so easily so most things ended up I have to help her do. She only worked as CL for 4 years so still quite new.

hrmm 4 years similar to my CL. maybe if she gets tired easily ask her to prioritze taking care of baby? hang in there dont worry!
Different bottle brands u use? Like i use spectra, avent, Medela and pigeon.. Pump out n pour another bottle to store also different. Den sometimes got milk residue stuck at bottom when refrigerate also nv get poured into next bottle.
But...... 15ml is alot lah. Say 3-5ml still got chance. Unless spill when pour out?
I pumped about 85 ml and kept in fridge. But when CL poured everything into Nuk bottle, only about 70 ml. Will there be losses when we do that? Or CL bluffing me?
Mummies, can i check whats ur bb normal temperature?
Cos i nv ever measure bb since discharge, but my LO been on the warm side since day 1.
I duno if his fever or even illness has been with him since days, or even wks ago..or untill recently.
To date, dr only eliminate 2 of the major brain virus/infection, so is a gd sign. Waiting for the bacteria culture result.
I was tinking if its also negative, and nth is found, shld i proceed to continue him for further test and go thru so much poking and withdrawal from his spinal? Or jus let him recover naturally wo knowing the root cause.
I pumped about 85 ml and kept in fridge. But when CL poured everything into Nuk bottle, only about 70 ml. Will there be losses when we do that? Or CL bluffing me?
I also pump and keep in medela bottle, after that transfer to avent for feeding. Usually got lost at most 5ml but not 15ml bah.. another possibility the marking is slightly different, but again at most 5ml. Alternatively, u could ask CL to warm up using the bottle from fridge before pour to the feeding bottle.. provided to use all milk at one feed.
Mummies, can i check whats ur bb normal temperature?
Cos i nv ever measure bb since discharge, but my LO been on the warm side since day 1.
I duno if his fever or even illness has been with him since days, or even wks ago..or untill recently.
To date, dr only eliminate 2 of the major brain virus/infection, so is a gd sign. Waiting for the bacteria culture result.
I was tinking if its also negative, and nth is found, shld i proceed to continue him for further test and go thru so much poking and withdrawal from his spinal? Or jus let him recover naturally wo knowing the root cause.

Furbee, anything below 37.5 is fine. My boy was having on off low grade fever and they found out it is due to viral infection. They had to do the full spectrum test to check. Just monitor on hourly basis and if temp spite to 38 then you need to bring to a&e
I think this shld be discussed b4, but sorry im lazy to search e thread! Which caterer did you guys used for baby's full month? Now my turn to plan!
Mummies, can i check whats ur bb normal temperature?
Cos i nv ever measure bb since discharge, but my LO been on the warm side since day 1.
I duno if his fever or even illness has been with him since days, or even wks ago..or untill recently.
To date, dr only eliminate 2 of the major brain virus/infection, so is a gd sign. Waiting for the bacteria culture result.
I was tinking if its also negative, and nth is found, shld i proceed to continue him for further test and go thru so much poking and withdrawal from his spinal? Or jus let him recover naturally wo knowing the root cause.
Gd to know that he is not major brain virus/ infection. Anything 37.5 & above is consider fever. It really depends on ur comfort level that Shd u find out the root cause or let him recover naturally. Dat time when I preg, having severe pain @ previous old c-sec scar. Doc wanted me to admit and run test to find out the root cause. He said unless I wanted to be brave mum if not better admit. In the end, I decided to be gung-ho and Nvr admit, juz bed rest for a week at home and I'm fine le.
I think this shld be discussed b4, but sorry im lazy to search e thread! Which caterer did you guys used for baby's full month? Now my turn to plan!
@cynn04 , how many guests u inviting? I juz did mine on Sat for @ 100 guests. With kids, maybe 120guests. But it was a great party. Food was praised and kids were well-entertained.
Furbee, anything below 37.5 is fine. My boy was having on off low grade fever and they found out it is due to viral infection. They had to do the full spectrum test to check. Just monitor on hourly basis and if temp spite to 38 then you need to bring to a&e
Gd to know that he is not major brain virus/ infection. Anything 37.5 & above is consider fever. It really depends on ur comfort level that Shd u find out the root cause or let him recover naturally. Dat time when I preg, having severe pain @ previous old c-sec scar. Doc wanted me to admit and run test to find out the root cause. He said unless I wanted to be brave mum if not better admit. In the end, I decided to be gung-ho and Nvr admit, juz bed rest for a week at home and I'm fine le.

Thx mummies. Actually already confirm LO having meningtis, only unsure what r the brain virus/bacteria affecting him now.
LO fever went up last night to 39, n nurses helped sponged him to 37.7-38.4 range today. Seeing him shiver n cluttering of his mouth is so pitiful... Feel cold but body so hot. Tat y i wondering if i did right to bring him to hosp. I feel mayb bb or even adult recover faster at home den hosp.

@cynn04 i ordered chilli api, but portion was way too lil for some food, n the display of food by staff us messed up. Otherwise food is very gd, cleared All except brocolil (not recommended dish either)
@furbee and isenggirl, yes using different bottles like medela, pur and glass bottles. Feeding by Nuk. Realized that all markings are a bit off. I also tot 15 ml is way off. Ok will monitor.
I went to see e GP today and she said my breast is fine. No lumps. She thinks I must hv cleared the blocked duct liao. And maybe the blocked duct did gv me fever but now that it's cleared just let e fever run its course. Def not mastitis cos there is no red lump n breast is not red n swollen. And she said maybe cos I'm sick so producing less milk. But it's seriously pathetic. The affected boob is only producing 10ml!!! Is it possible for supply to dwindle so little just cos I'm sick? I'm already a low supplier this just completely kills the supply. Sob sob
GP said to try to pump more often if possible. But I told her I alr pump 6x and I try to squeeze in more pumps but with 2 kids.. I can't liao. When I wanna pump something always crops up
Wow that was a big party.
Ya.. Dats y we did it outside my humble hdb flat. Wanted to get frd's condo function rm but was small too. So we end up with Hotel function room. Reasonable price consider is a 4 star hotel, with 28 course buffet menu. Whole stretch of function rooms (rm 1-3) and the reception area with lots of sofa. Guests were so comfy dat most sit from 12-3pm then left. I ordered balloons and did some DIY for decoration. I oso did up a candy buffet table and prepared 100pcs of gift favours for guests. Hb ordered a live popcorn n candy floss stations for the kids. All went well, guests feedback the food very nice, and AP r able to cover costs. But me n hb Nvr get the chance to eat the buffet.
Almost driven to death by the nurses at my girl's ward. I am down with stomach flu and had informed both her doctors and my GP for the permission to continue expressing bm for her. They gave the green light as antibodies would be passed to baby. And very seldom a nursing mum would need to stop nursing when she is sick (flu fever stomach flu etc). Then the nurses happily tell my husband they wanna feed my baby with formula cos i am sick. Argh.
Mummies, can i check whats ur bb normal temperature?
Cos i nv ever measure bb since discharge, but my LO been on the warm side since day 1.
I duno if his fever or even illness has been with him since days, or even wks ago..or untill recently.
To date, dr only eliminate 2 of the major brain virus/infection, so is a gd sign. Waiting for the bacteria culture result.
I was tinking if its also negative, and nth is found, shld i proceed to continue him for further test and go thru so much poking and withdrawal from his spinal? Or jus let him recover naturally wo knowing the root cause.
I did ask nurse about bb body temp. She said average 36.5deg. 36deg is too cold. I nv asked how high is the temp considered as fever. I guess thats answered earlier ard 38deg then. Hope ur bb is fine! Stay strong and have confident in ur bb! ☺
Just did my baby shower yesterday which was too busy but then I didn't pump yesterday but only latch baby thrice and the rest is ebm. Omg! My supply dropped half today. Anyone experienced that before too???
Just did my baby shower yesterday which was too busy but then I didn't pump yesterday but only latch baby thrice and the rest is ebm. Omg! My supply dropped half today. Anyone experienced that before too???

Yes, very normal.. I took 5 days to build back the supply + - ... Spent every 3 hrs to pump. Dont despair, jus continue pump pump pump.
Now bb at hosp soooo difficult to maintain.

Thanks @isenggirl , 37.6 consider fever for bb wor. Last night his temp hit 39degree i almost faintz, duno what to do to ease his 'heat' ... Jus to share that if fever no point putting kool fever pad on forehead. Its better to put wet cloth on top of head to bring down temp rather den forehead.

@Twirlycandy , ur bb at normal ward? Y the nurses like 'peng wei' ... U already so sick, but still giving the best for ur girl. Jiayou!! Hope ur bb has recovered too.
My bb ward very pro bf, but always repeat tat i shld not overfeed him. Supposedly 60-90ml for his age, but i give 120-150ml.

I Just checked with my bb insurance coy, tat his medisave not done, so even got rider plan for insurance also troublesome if i choose to go single bedded for him.
@momocrv , can i ask if the nursery is considered fully claimable by medisave or under private? Cos high chance bb need stay another wk or so, worse case is take the medication home to administer, which i dun tink i wld do... Staying with bb for 2 nights been nightmare!
Just did my baby shower yesterday which was too busy but then I didn't pump yesterday but only latch baby thrice and the rest is ebm. Omg! My supply dropped half today. Anyone experienced that before too???
Yes, me too. Did my bb shower on sat. First pump @ 7am till 3+pm. Oni 4 pumps on Sat. Then since ytd, breasts has been soft, like nothing to pump. Have to squeeze like orange juice every pump session. My breasts size has become smaller than pre preg size.
Thx mummies. Actually already confirm LO having meningtis, only unsure what r the brain virus/bacteria affecting him now.
LO fever went up last night to 39, n nurses helped sponged him to 37.7-38.4 range today. Seeing him shiver n cluttering of his mouth is so pitiful... Feel cold but body so hot. Tat y i wondering if i did right to bring him to hosp. I feel mayb bb or even adult recover faster at home den hosp.

@cynn04 i ordered chilli api, but portion was way too lil for some food, n the display of food by staff us messed up. Otherwise food is very gd, cleared All except brocolil (not recommended dish either)

My bb normal temperature -armpit is 36.5 to 36.9. PD used the ear thermometer can be ard 37.9.
PD said ear thermometer is higher. Hope ur bb will recover soon n I can understand how worry u are.
I went to see e GP today and she said my breast is fine. No lumps. She thinks I must hv cleared the blocked duct liao. And maybe the blocked duct did gv me fever but now that it's cleared just let e fever run its course. Def not mastitis cos there is no red lump n breast is not red n swollen. And she said maybe cos I'm sick so producing less milk. But it's seriously pathetic. The affected boob is only producing 10ml!!! Is it possible for supply to dwindle so little just cos I'm sick? I'm already a low supplier this just completely kills the supply. Sob sob
GP said to try to pump more often if possible. But I told her I alr pump 6x and I try to squeeze in more pumps but with 2 kids.. I can't liao. When I wanna pump something always crops up

U pump 6x!! Exclusive pump or still manage to latch couple times a day?
If u able to latch would be easier on u too... Yes its possible to drop to 10ml.. Cos been couple of days to a week right ur inflammed boob? Take ur time to increase n empty it as much as possible lor. Sometimes can consider to pump jus tat side extra one or 2 more pumps if u are able to...
My bb normal temperature -armpit is 36.5 to 36.9. PD used the ear thermometer can be ard 37.9.
PD said ear thermometer is higher. Hope ur bb will recover soon n I can understand how worry u are.

Yea thx gleaflim, nw bb maintaining normal temp, kkh nv use ears fr infant. But if 37.9 is really high.. Alot difference....
The topic still about breast feed and pumping.. Can anyone advise what will effect the milk supply? Now I always direct latch on but sometimes baby enough but sometimes she didn't get enough.
Yes, very normal.. I took 5 days to build back the supply + - ... Spent every 3 hrs to pump. Dont despair, jus continue pump pump pump.
Now bb at hosp soooo difficult to maintain.

Thanks @isenggirl , 37.6 consider fever for bb wor. Last night his temp hit 39degree i almost faintz, duno what to do to ease his 'heat' ... Jus to share that if fever no point putting kool fever pad on forehead. Its better to put wet cloth on top of head to bring down temp rather den forehead.

@Twirlycandy , ur bb at normal ward? Y the nurses like 'peng wei' ... U already so sick, but still giving the best for ur girl. Jiayou!! Hope ur bb has recovered too.
My bb ward very pro bf, but always repeat tat i shld not overfeed him. Supposedly 60-90ml for his age, but i give 120-150ml.

I Just checked with my bb insurance coy, tat his medisave not done, so even got rider plan for insurance also troublesome if i choose to go single bedded for him.
@momocrv , can i ask if the nursery is considered fully claimable by medisave or under private? Cos high chance bb need stay another wk or so, worse case is take the medication home to administer, which i dun tink i wld do... Staying with bb for 2 nights been nightmare!
Hey dear, my bb is at high dependency ward because she is so young... Anyway have explained to the nurses and MOs that the meds i'm taking are safe for breastfeeding. Gave them the names of the meds and they have verified too. Now just hope i will feel much better tmr and can go pei baby whole day since hubby contracted my stomach flu and cant be with her tonight...

My supply has decreased with fewer pumps cos of my illness too. It is just hovering around 100ml in total... Hope after i recover will yield more... Don't wish to stop bf-ing just cos baby and i are both not well... Think only mummies understand the struggle..
@Twirlycandy how mani days old is bb now? I wonder if i can trfs my lo to high depency ward too... Urs all fully medisave claimable? My LO cries at night, so worried disturb the other 3 patients.
100ml per pump or per day? Stomach flu is the easiest to pass n contract..must take care n eat more to build back ur supply... Jiayou!!
The topic still about breast feed and pumping.. Can anyone advise what will effect the milk supply? Now I always direct latch on but sometimes baby enough but sometimes she didn't get enough.

I dun have answer to how or wat affects milk supply.
But i think..... Bb appetite can affect, she drink more u will produce more n vice cersa. For some ppl, certain food csn cause a slight decrease, ie too much coffee or caffine in a day. For me beginning was wen i took cold stuff can see the decrease output.
Yea thx gleaflim, nw bb maintaining normal temp, kkh nv use ears fr infant. But if 37.9 is really high.. Alot difference....

That's really lots of diff. That morning I measured at home used the armpit type only 36.7. Whn reached clinic n PD used the ear type is 37.9. But PD asked me to monitor at home n did some blood test. He didn't say he is on fever. Indeed when I came home n measure again still in 36 range.
U pump 6x!! Exclusive pump or still manage to latch couple times a day?
If u able to latch would be easier on u too... Yes its possible to drop to 10ml.. Cos been couple of days to a week right ur inflammed boob? Take ur time to increase n empty it as much as possible lor. Sometimes can consider to pump jus tat side extra one or 2 more pumps if u are able to...

I exclusive pump now cos latching was soooo painful. My nipples were bleeding and when I pump can pump blood clots!! I'm scared to go bk to latching. The blocked ducts last a few days but so scary how it can affect supply so badly. Will try to pump pump pump more often. All mummies jia you!!
@cynn04 , how many guests u inviting? I juz did mine on Sat for @ 100 guests. With kids, maybe 120guests. But it was a great party. Food was praised and kids were well-entertained.

Wow so many guests! Im planning to invite maybe ard 50? My function room not so big ah haha!
I went to see e GP today and she said my breast is fine. No lumps. She thinks I must hv cleared the blocked duct liao. And maybe the blocked duct did gv me fever but now that it's cleared just let e fever run its course. Def not mastitis cos there is no red lump n breast is not red n swollen. And she said maybe cos I'm sick so producing less milk. But it's seriously pathetic. The affected boob is only producing 10ml!!! Is it possible for supply to dwindle so little just cos I'm sick? I'm already a low supplier this just completely kills the supply. Sob sob
GP said to try to pump more often if possible. But I told her I alr pump 6x and I try to squeeze in more pumps but with 2 kids.. I can't liao. When I wanna pump something always crops up

6x a day already very good! I usually only pump like 3x a day cos got direct latch, and plus too darn tired (lazy!!) to get up 3hrly. Bb oso supp w fm. Guess dats y im only producing 60-70ml per pump after 2 wks. Jialat leh, no motivation.

Btw since we're on e topic of mastitis, e LC said dat can use e cool fever patch and stick it on affected area to reduce swelling. Jus in case no cabbage at home can try this method.
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Yes, very normal.. I took 5 days to build back the supply + - ... Spent every 3 hrs to pump. Dont despair, jus continue pump pump pump.
Now bb at hosp soooo difficult to maintain.

Thanks @isenggirl , 37.6 consider fever for bb wor. Last night his temp hit 39degree i almost faintz, duno what to do to ease his 'heat' ... Jus to share that if fever no point putting kool fever pad on forehead. Its better to put wet cloth on top of head to bring down temp rather den forehead.

@Twirlycandy , ur bb at normal ward? Y the nurses like 'peng wei' ... U already so sick, but still giving the best for ur girl. Jiayou!! Hope ur bb has recovered too.
My bb ward very pro bf, but always repeat tat i shld not overfeed him. Supposedly 60-90ml for his age, but i give 120-150ml.

I Just checked with my bb insurance coy, tat his medisave not done, so even got rider plan for insurance also troublesome if i choose to go single bedded for him.
@momocrv , can i ask if the nursery is considered fully claimable by medisave or under private? Cos high chance bb need stay another wk or so, worse case is take the medication home to administer, which i dun tink i wld do... Staying with bb for 2 nights been nightmare!

Hi furbee, nursery is considered as B2 so claimable by medisave. Better let bb stay in hospital as they will take care of them round the clock. It is v taxing for u if u take him home plus worrying about him constantly. I will pump my milk every 3 hours esp the midnite shift then send to him by 8am go home sleep and visit him by 11am then pump again at noon at the hospital before I go home. And later send another batch by evening. I become more diligent in pumping as I know our bf will help them recover faster. Hope ur bb will get well soon.
That's really lots of diff. That morning I measured at home used the armpit type only 36.7. Whn reached clinic n PD used the ear type is 37.9. But PD asked me to monitor at home n did some blood test. He didn't say he is on fever. Indeed when I came home n measure again still in 36 range.

Hmmm my pd says dat when using ear thermometer, above 37.8 then considered fever.
Btw since we're on e topic of mastitis, e LC said dat can use e cool fever patch and stick it on affected area to reduce swelling. Jus in case no cabbage at home can try this method.

I cant bear to use cabbage as I see it as a wastage of food. Instead I will wet a small towel, fold it and put it in a small plastic bag and put it in the freezer. I made 2 sets of it. if I feel soreness or lumpness on my breasts, I used the towels. Can reuse over and over again. Cheaper option as well!
Thanks for sharing @momocrv , yes indeed the best option for me.
U send fresh ebm daily? Able to latchon baby when u were there?
Tmr gotto get the bacteria culture result n check with dr the duration bb is gonna stay.. Hopefully the waiting list is not long!!

Thanks for sharing @momocrv , yes indeed the best option for me.
U send fresh ebm daily? Able to latchon baby when u were there?
Tmr gotto get the bacteria culture result n check with dr the duration bb is gonna stay.. Hopefully the waiting list is not long!!
Yes I send fresh ebm daily. My bb doesn't latch well as he has tight jaw so I have been pumping for him. Dont worry too much, your bb is in best care and will recover soon. Take care!
