(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

However, i read that it does cost a great amount to draw out the blood for use eventually, and whether it is still stored in the first place cos they will just throw if not to their criteria, no need inform you since you are no longer an owner...
Yeap yeap. My fren's was disposed. the amount of cord blood nt enough.

Dunno some people say good for mummy and baby health..
Not too many though I heard coz too cooling?
I also heard that it is cos the baby will come out 'cleaner'? As in lesser of the mucus and all...
But in actual fact, i read that coconut water is packed with lots of minerals which assists in immunity building and infections fighting... At the same time, it is 0 cholesterol and fat free! So we should drink some!!!
Ya lo, gynae knows best! None of my friends doctors purposely practise delayed cord clamping....
For the birth plan - i wanted to just let my dr know my preferred anasthetist and my fear for episiotomy... Then again, i rather not risking it being tore.... :S
Can choose anaesthetist? Din noe there's such option. How to choose?
Same concept if you have any PD you want. So if you know any anesthetist you want just let your gynae know. If not he will have to arrange for you.
Ohhh. unless have first hand experience, a bit hard to choose leh. Cos like nobody review on anesthetist. haiz
However, i read that it does cost a great amount to draw out the blood for use eventually, and whether it is still stored in the first place cos they will just throw if not to their criteria, no need inform you since you are no longer an owner...
SCBB only said, they will withdraw the blood and need to do the test before they bank in the cord blood. If the cord blood test failed, they will not bank in your blood cord and dispose it. They will inform me if my cord blood test is not suitable for bank in. But they will not inform me when they will use my cord blood after they bank in mine.
Can choose anaesthetist? Din noe there's such option. How to choose?
no need to choose lar... just leave it to gynae better. lols.... At least he will know which one can corporate work with my gynae. Later we choose, gynae dun like, all in the mess, no cooperation. just my opinion.
Yah I told my hubby and he bought me stupid goodwood park durian puffs! No choice eat those but not shiok.. Zahhhhh when will I get those creamy yellow fleshy durians?!!!
Anyway yday I went tangs to buy kitchen stuff aka bread maker and it's delivered today!
Going to go play with it soon!!!!
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Hahaha people offer to buy me durian puff. I said no. I wan the real stuff. So i went all over sg to find them haha
Speaking of which im craving for those and coconut juice again :(
no need to choose lar... just leave it to gynae better. lols.... At least he will know which one can corporate work with my gynae. Later we choose, gynae dun like, all in the mess, no cooperation. just my opinion.
Hmm. U got a point too. Haiz. Scare of pain but also scare mess things up.
no need to choose lar... just leave it to gynae better. lols.... At least he will know which one can corporate work with my gynae. Later we choose, gynae dun like, all in the mess, no cooperation. just my opinion.
Agree doubt many of us will know unless got experience with earlier pregnancies. FTM like me noob will leave it in the good hands of my gynae since I spent so much of effort finding the gynae in the first place :)
no need to choose lar... just leave it to gynae better. lols.... At least he will know which one can corporate work with my gynae. Later we choose, gynae dun like, all in the mess, no cooperation. just my opinion.
Yeah I agree. Better let gynae choose so that he's comfortable with whoever working with him
What is the delivery charges in TMC?? Have you booked the package and did the dr fees increase?

I ask my gynae he say his fee never increase, but mayb hospital charges might have increased but he nt sure. I know my next appt at 35weeks need deposit $800 either for dr fee or the room..i aso not sure. I also asked y some ppl c-sec till 10k cash, he say depends on severity of the labour and how urgent was c-sec.. I also crossing fingers that tmc bill dun increase so much leh..pocket hole already big..
Tpy ctrl near the library normally have... Balestier aso...
Nw not the season so hard to get tasty ones...
Got got got. .. I just bought an expensive packet from bugis. . But super nice color.. hahahaha... my area also dun have since many months ago.. even if have, the color is pale n doesn't seem appealing .. heard it's not the right season and that's why many places temporary close down. Durians are ultra pricy now but cannot control cravings.. hmm
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@momocrv, I just read this from SCBB website:


30. Are there any costs to donate my baby’s cord blood to SCBB?
The cord blood donation to SCBB is free. SCBB raises its own funds to collect, process, store and distribute the donated CBU. There are no fees paid to the staff and doctors involved in the cord blood collection process; neither are they financially rewarded by the SCBB. However, the rights to the donated CBU will be relinquished by the donor to SCBB, upon collection of the CBU at delivery. The donated unit however is made available to anyone who requires it for treatment, and not kept specifically for the donor’s and/or the family’s personal use.

They left out an impt piece of info. If a match is found for someone who needs it, it cost $30k-$35K to buy that bag of cord blood from SCBB.
What is the delivery charges in TMC?? Have you booked the package and did the dr fees increase?

I haven't book anything yet...I think upcoming appt, gynae will collect deposit ba....TMC hospital charges I refer to the TMC website only. I have not decided which hospital I am going to deliver in. The FBI membership I sign up is purely to get the Cordlife special package.
I haven't book anything yet...I think upcoming appt, gynae will collect deposit ba....TMC hospital charges I refer to the TMC website only. I have not decided which hospital I am going to deliver in. The FBI membership I sign up is purely to get the Cordlife special package.
May I know the no. of years and how much u get for the cord blood package?
Ohhh. unless have first hand experience, a bit hard to choose leh. Cos like nobody review on anesthetist. haiz
Yups, like what @ PixiePosh said, u can inform ur gynae in advance. Why I wanted to choose my friends' anaesthetist was because my friend's wife had a bad experience with one anaesthetist. So I reckon I'm so scaredy cat that I wanted to make sure all is possibly well.....
I haven't book anything yet...I think upcoming appt, gynae will collect deposit ba....TMC hospital charges I refer to the TMC website only. I have not decided which hospital I am going to deliver in. The FBI membership I sign up is purely to get the Cordlife special package.
I see... I hope my gynae is open to more hospital options. As of now only Glene. And yup some of my friends delivering in tmc also took up their card for cordlife purpose. And opt for CDA payment which payable only after bb born. Convenient and hassle free.
I ask my gynae he say his fee never increase, but mayb hospital charges might have increased but he nt sure. I know my next appt at 35weeks need deposit $800 either for dr fee or the room..i aso not sure. I also asked y some ppl c-sec till 10k cash, he say depends on severity of the labour and how urgent was c-sec.. I also crossing fingers that tmc bill dun increase so much leh..pocket hole already big..
Guess emergency csect is the one that costs more money.... Omg the cash outlay is scary....
I jus had prenatal massage at hm... Feel so shiok.....
Then log in to see got durian.... Now so craving.... But donno wats the way of baby now dare not eat scared later bb too big lei....
Some personal qn.... Have ur nipples start coming out milk or colustrum ? If so is it normal only 1side????

Woah that great, by time u deliver at least u know u can start to feed that side of ur boobs to bb...*good good* I aso nv experience any during preg time..
Woah that great, by time u deliver at least u know u can start to feed that side of ur boobs to bb...*good good* I aso nv experience any during preg time..

Mine started mid or end or 2nd trimester.. but does it really guarantee more bm after child birth?? Cos breast size very average.. :p
Mine started mid or end or 2nd trimester.. but does it really guarantee more bm after child birth?? Cos breast size very average.. :p

My breast size very small. But now onli night time got a few stain onli
Then I put nursing pad but can't see anything also...

Hope will have more milk when give birth :)
My breast size very small. But now onli night time got a few stain onli
Then I put nursing pad but can't see anything also...

Hope will have more milk when give birth :)

Actually doesnt matter e cup size de, got a fren only A cup but alot alot of milk while bf!
Is it silly to give my friend a infant car seat as a baby shower gift?
They do not own a car and she will be traveling by public transport maybe cab I think. I'm just the paranoid kind so I thought I will buy her one to carry her NB in it like after discharge from hospi or bring lo for jabs? I thought she can then also fix it to her stroller and have a travel system?
Or just give ang bao but I know she won't buy a infant car seat then.. Hmmm..
She told me she would just hold baby in her arms and seatbelt herself.. Not sure if that is safe since parents with cars need to have infant and baby car seats by law..
Any thoughts mummies? What would you do if you travel by cab? How do you intend to keep NB safe and sound?
Is it silly to give my friend a infant car seat as a baby shower gift?
They do not own a car and she will be traveling by public transport maybe cab I think. I'm just the paranoid kind so I thought I will buy her one to carry her NB in it like after discharge from hospi or bring lo for jabs? I thought she can then also fix it to her stroller and have a travel system?
Or just give ang bao but I know she won't buy a infant car seat then.. Hmmm..
She told me she would just hold baby in her arms and seatbelt herself.. Not sure if that is safe since parents with cars need to have infant and baby car seats by law..
Any thoughts mummies? What would you do if you travel by cab? How do you intend to keep NB safe and sound?

Do you know the kind of stroller she's getting?

I'm not sure if there's a travel system can be fixed onto a car seat without a base and is portable to be carried around. If you do, please let me know. Would like to get one too!
Mummies, what do you normally wear at home during confinement? For easy access for breastfeeding and also taking into consideration not to get wind into your body?
Is it silly to give my friend a infant car seat as a baby shower gift?
They do not own a car and she will be traveling by public transport maybe cab I think. I'm just the paranoid kind so I thought I will buy her one to carry her NB in it like after discharge from hospi or bring lo for jabs? I thought she can then also fix it to her stroller and have a travel system?
Or just give ang bao but I know she won't buy a infant car seat then.. Hmmm..
She told me she would just hold baby in her arms and seatbelt herself.. Not sure if that is safe since parents with cars need to have infant and baby car seats by law..
Any thoughts mummies? What would you do if you travel by cab? How do you intend to keep NB safe and sound?

We dun own a car as well, and have been taking cabs to and fro. I dun tink the infant car seat law applies to cab rides? Correct me if im wrong, but we haven been stopped before. I thot those car seats which fit to strollers are part of the stroller itself, so you might wanna chk w your fren. But if i dun own a car, it would be quite a hassle lugging ard a stroller, baby barang barang plus a car seat.

Maybe a baby carrier might be more practical.
Issit normal to have painful butt? My left buttcheek is soooo painful. It has been painful for quite a while, but I just brush it off as normal and it has also been bearable as well. But for the past two days, it is just sooo painful that I can cry. Even just now, from kitchen to the living room, took me 5 minutes to reach. And now, sitting down to reposition my legs, and the butt will be painful as well. So tedious.

Issit something to be alarm? My next appt is on tues.
We dun own a car as well, and have been taking cabs to and fro. I dun tink the infant car seat law applies to cab rides? Correct me if im wrong, but we haven been stopped before. I thot those car seats which fit to strollers are part of the stroller itself, so you might wanna chk w your fren. But if i dun own a car, it would be quite a hassle lugging ard a stroller, baby barang barang plus a car seat.

Maybe a baby carrier might be more practical.
No don't need for cabs but it's just that she said she is not going to get a carrier either and will just carry baby in her arms and strap herself in.
I thought that was quite dangerous but I'm not sure either so wanted to get views.
As for stroller my other friend is getting for her so I'm not sure of the brand.
I was thinking of a britax or maxi cosi but if it's impractical then I wouldnt get her that.
Oh no... I'm in 33rd week already still no sign... Hope I have milk supply!!!
Don't worry about it. Just yday I finish my bf class. LC said just keep calm and positive and don't need to look out for signs of any leaks before popping. Then after popping get baby to latch on even if no flow yet coz will help to stimulate milk to come in.
She said some ppl need to wait at least 3 days or more for milk to kick and not to worry.
Issit normal to have painful butt? My left buttcheek is soooo painful. It has been painful for quite a while, but I just brush it off as normal and it has also been bearable as well. But for the past two days, it is just sooo painful that I can cry. Even just now, from kitchen to the living room, took me 5 minutes to reach. And now, sitting down to reposition my legs, and the butt will be painful as well. So tedious.

Issit something to be alarm? My next appt is on tues.
Think you may have PGP, pelvic girdle pain. You read here first and check with your gynae as well..
Is it silly to give my friend a infant car seat as a baby shower gift?
They do not own a car and she will be traveling by public transport maybe cab I think. I'm just the paranoid kind so I thought I will buy her one to carry her NB in it like after discharge from hospi or bring lo for jabs? I thought she can then also fix it to her stroller and have a travel system?
Or just give ang bao but I know she won't buy a infant car seat then.. Hmmm..
She told me she would just hold baby in her arms and seatbelt herself.. Not sure if that is safe since parents with cars need to have infant and baby car seats by law..
Any thoughts mummies? What would you do if you travel by cab? How do you intend to keep NB safe and sound?

In her shoes, I wld appreciate suc a generous gift...
Think you may have PGP, pelvic girdle pain. You read here first and check with your gynae as well..

Wow! Describe exactly what I am going thru. Will discuss more with my gynae abt it more on tues I suppose. As for now, just endure it a lil bit more! Have to restrict movement at the moment. Lucky things for baby are all done. Just waiting for the grand arrival. And I am basically shaking leg at home at the moment. Hehe...
Mine started mid or end or 2nd trimester.. but does it really guarantee more bm after child birth?? Cos breast size very average.. :p

My breast aso small, able to haf oversupply as long as every 3hrs latch or pump without fail especially first 3 mths its important to maintain or increase the supply...wen i back to work can afford to pump 4x a day. So no worries big or small jus preservance till the end! And aso theres medication IF REALLY less milk, but may not work for all. Only sad thing for me is after stopping bf, boobs downsize... :( *sob*

I used to buy pj for confinement, but during apr-june is EXTREMELY hot, den i wear oversize t shirt, long pants n socks, cos i din on a/c during confinement ... Sigh. This time round need 'pyscho' my mum abit...
Is it silly to give my friend a infant car seat as a baby shower gift?
They do not own a car and she will be traveling by public transport maybe cab I think. I'm just the paranoid kind so I thought I will buy her one to carry her NB in it like after discharge from hospi or bring lo for jabs? I thought she can then also fix it to her stroller and have a travel system?
Or just give ang bao but I know she won't buy a infant car seat then.. Hmmm..
She told me she would just hold baby in her arms and seatbelt herself.. Not sure if that is safe since parents with cars need to have infant and baby car seats by law..
Any thoughts mummies? What would you do if you travel by cab? How do you intend to keep NB safe and sound?

Emmm can consider toys Like jumperoo, around-we-go, bouncer, rocker, etc? Even thou 1 mth old, but think its colourful to the kid, but needa wait at least 6mths old to play..hehe

Issit normal to have painful butt? My left buttcheek is soooo painful. It has been painful for quite a while, but I just brush it off as normal and it has also been bearable as well. But for the past two days, it is just sooo painful that I can cry. Even just now, from kitchen to the living room, took me 5 minutes to reach. And now, sitting down to reposition my legs, and the butt will be painful as well. So tedious.

Issit something to be alarm? My next appt is on tues.
It should be sciatica (nerve compression) quite common for preggy ladies I read...
