(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

my gynae is kiasu type one lar.... afraid if have sex then if bb stick not well, i will have miscarriage. So hescan again when i entering my second tri, make sure my placenta is there, etc then he give me green light.

Ya better be safe, but now last lap liao... Haha hopefully wont lose the sex drive after delivery also.. Most important must maintain image and look good feel good!

Err why dun save the trouble and just buy frm hawker centre ah? We tried hacking initially but so difficult n messy in e end next street hawker centre got liao :D
I lazy to walk to chomp chomp just to buy coconut leh.
Do at home easier lar. More convenient whenever I want can just whack and drink.
With cleaver need 4 chops only.
Yday first time with chef knife was scary but amazingly not much mess..
Every 1st time in life sure anxious and freaky, just like when u missed ur period, u buy test kit, knowing that OH MY GOD im preg, what to do.... Haha i even dun dare buy test kits sia! Very paiseh....lol.
But epi is scary if u see the procedure and long needle, if u go thru c-sec see the knives and all also sure freak out. Even i went into delivery suite see all the equipments i also shiver... Haha. Just on hold to ur hubby and close ur eyes and scream!! Honestly, i heard lots of screaming from other rooms also lah... Tmc sound proofing very lousy de..
Scream?? Why scream?
Every 1st time in life sure anxious and freaky, just like when u missed ur period, u buy test kit, knowing that OH MY GOD im preg, what to do.... Haha i even dun dare buy test kits sia! Very paiseh....lol.
But epi is scary if u see the procedure and long needle, if u go thru c-sec see the knives and all also sure freak out. Even i went into delivery suite see all the equipments i also shiver... Haha. Just on hold to ur hubby and close ur eyes and scream!! Honestly, i heard lots of screaming from other rooms also lah... Tmc sound proofing very lousy de..

Haha... I went for hospital tour that day and they showed us the delivery suite.. I can hear my heart pounding.
my gynea said if I m so scared that choose GA loh.. but I really want to see my baby.. dilemma!
When I had epidural, I didn't see how the needle looks like or how long it was. I was lying on my side when they did the procedure. Later my hub told me they probably messed up along the way, there was alot of blood spilt on the floor, I was Huh.. didn't feel a thing.
When I had epidural, I didn't see how the needle looks like or how long it was. I was lying on my side when they did the procedure. Later my hub told me they probably messed up along the way, there was alot of blood spilt on the floor, I was Huh.. didn't feel a thing.

Aiyoh!!! That sounds scary!
I decided not to read anymore abt childbirth. Too much info also no good! Hahhaha.. can just scare the hell of us. Hahha.... so just like they say, "keep calm and just give birth!!"
Hahhaha.... like terrer only, right! Hahaha
When I had epidural, I didn't see how the needle looks like or how long it was. I was lying on my side when they did the procedure. Later my hub told me they probably messed up along the way, there was alot of blood spilt on the floor, I was Huh.. didn't feel a thing.

I think its normal to have blood, cos i rem wen they shifted me to normal bed i saw blood stain at my back too...
Cant see my back so i asked hubby if got holes anot, seems like no scar too...
What kind of exercise anyone doing now? Any yoga or stuff like that?
I don't do any exercise coz I'm lazy and have a very high metabolic rate.
Shake legs only :p
Like @furbee go shopping buy things already like exercise coz need to walk around and see things :)
Other than that does standing around at home while cooking and baking count as some sort of exercise?
Ok but seriously so far I have friends who go for yoga, swimming normally type and that aqua spinning or pilates by themselves, with friends or partners..
Jus checked wit my gynae on c-sec option, he dun even wan to tell me.. Sob~ he say pro natural, so he wont do c-sec unless neccessary. 32wk-bb weigh 1.95kg (average wt according to him is 1.5 to 1.8 if at 32wks) time to control glucose intake..
What kind of exercise anyone doing now? Any yoga or stuff like that?

Walking to drop off and pick up my gal from cc........ In my defence the cc is like 10 min walk away wahahhahaha...... Climbing overhead bridge twice a day to get to my bus stop :D
My guy fren oso this situation, so every now n then go running lor. Errr he very fit now…

haha...poor guy
What kind of exercise anyone doing now? Any yoga or stuff like that?

I attend pre-natal yoga at Real Yoga once a week...the instructor Sally is very good and she give good advise on what to do during labour.
I also walk every evening for about 30-40 mins, exercise for me and my hubby :D
Jus checked wit my gynae on c-sec option, he dun even wan to tell me.. Sob~ he say pro natural, so he wont do c-sec unless neccessary. 32wk-bb weigh 1.95kg (average wt according to him is 1.5 to 1.8 if at 32wks) time to control glucose intake..
Wtf y like that?!
I sure get angry if my gynae don't want to help me figure out my options. I'm bloody paying you it's not free or cheap!
Sorry I don't care if he is pro natural or whatever blah blah.
**** face gynae really just dismiss you like that!
Jus checked wit my gynae on c-sec option, he dun even wan to tell me.. Sob~ he say pro natural, so he wont do c-sec unless neccessary. 32wk-bb weigh 1.95kg (average wt according to him is 1.5 to 1.8 if at 32wks) time to control glucose intake..

My bb weigh 1.5kg when i was only at 30wks :eek: i better control my diet....i want to have natural birth dont want csect le
Walking....shopping.. Hehe

That really sound sooo tedious, isn't it? Hahhahaha....

I swim occasionally. .. and I walked alot tho. Maybe abt 20-30mins twice per day. Do light stretching while watching tv. Kegel exercises as well. (This one also consider exercise, right?)
I also have high metabolic rate. Basically just laze around.. Haven gain any weight since 4 wks ago. I think all I eat goes to baby. Thot 3rd trimester will gain weight easier.

N gynae ask me not to strain myself so I have been taking things easy..play with my dog, watch TV, continue my blanket project.
Whoots. . Finally lunch time for me.. shagged hahaha.. seems like a lot of mummies have high metabolism rate.. goodgood:)

I've been wanting to go swimming ever since I know I'm pregnant.. but hubby quite worried of infection or accident and hence didn't have the chance to go.. anyway, dun even know whether I can fit into my previous bikini as even the underbust area expanded... not to say the lower waist area.. so I guess most likely if i squeeze into it will feel very uncomfy:oops:
My bb weigh 1.5kg when i was only at 30wks :eek: i better control my diet....i want to have natural birth dont want csect le

Hehehe... I tot should be still on track?? Mine is 1.23kg at around 28-29weeks... I heard there's a minimum healthy and safe weight for baby to be at least 2.4kg upon birth.. hmm..

Craving for those really fleshy and yellow durian meat... aww.. but if I overeat the baby will also over grow. . Hmmmm
Hehehe... I tot should be still on track?? Mine is 1.23kg at around 28-29weeks... I heard there's a minimum healthy and safe weight for baby to be at least 2.4kg upon birth.. hmm..

Craving for those really fleshy and yellow durian meat... aww.. but if I overeat the baby will also over grow. . Hmmmm
There is no bloody durians around my area at all! Since last year oct. Argh
Gotten my admission form n stuff, and some document to signed.. Saw a page explaining yhr type of anaesthesia used for c-sec.
A) Regional anaesthia, which includes:
1) spinal
2) epidural
3) combined spinal-epidural

B) General anaesthsia

They aso listed the risk of all.
Last time dun even rem signing all this documents leh... Think now pre-warn of all risk, signed, when time comes dun need ack again...
Gynae told me baby weight 2.2kg at 33 weeks. whoaaa.... no wonder tummy feel so heavy these days.

I also asked gynae about donating blood cord, he said is ok but I need to contact SCBB on my own. Contacted SCBB and gone thru prescreening interview through the phone and made appointment for signing the consent form, etc.
I also asked gynae about donating blood cord, he said is ok but I need to contact SCBB on my own. Contacted SCBB and gone thru prescreening interview through the phone and made appointment for signing the consent form, etc.

if no donation requsted, does it mean that gynae will delay cord clamping?
Hehehe... I tot should be still on track?? Mine is 1.23kg at around 28-29weeks... I heard there's a minimum healthy and safe weight for baby to be at least 2.4kg upon birth.. hmm..

Craving for those really fleshy and yellow durian meat... aww.. but if I overeat the baby will also over grow. . Hmmmm
Hmmmm I am not a fan of durian but now that you mentioned it....I suddenly feel like eating it!
Gynae told me baby weight 2.2kg at 33 weeks. whoaaa.... no wonder tummy feel so heavy these days.

I also asked gynae about donating blood cord, he said is ok but I need to contact SCBB on my own. Contacted SCBB and gone thru prescreening interview through the phone and made appointment for signing the consent form, etc.

does gynae need to pay a fee for blood cord donation? I tot I read it somewhere that gynae have to pay a fee or something...I would love to donate too.
That really sound sooo tedious, isn't it? Hahhahaha....

I swim occasionally. .. and I walked alot tho. Maybe abt 20-30mins twice per day. Do light stretching while watching tv. Kegel exercises as well. (This one also consider exercise, right?)
hehe...don't forget your occasional "bed exercise" too :p
Hehehe... I tot should be still on track?? Mine is 1.23kg at around 28-29weeks... I heard there's a minimum healthy and safe weight for baby to be at least 2.4kg upon birth.. hmm..

Craving for those really fleshy and yellow durian meat... aww.. but if I overeat the baby will also over grow. . Hmmmm

Im craving durian n mangosteens too
if no donation requsted, does it mean that gynae will delay cord clamping?
not sure about cord clamping. but why need to delay cord clamping?

does gynae need to pay a fee for blood cord donation? I tot I read it somewhere that gynae have to pay a fee or something...I would love to donate too.
mine do not. Just ask him if there any additional doctor charges if I want to donate my cord blood. He only said good to donate cord blood can help other people. Perhaps you can ask your gynae too.
FYI for those who are planning to bank with Cordlife, Thomson FBI membership at $60 will have special discounts. If don't have the membership, can just sign up for FBI then enrol with cordlife. I just met the consultant yesterday and they also have SG50 promo for March ($100 cordlife voucher/robinsons voucher etc). Consultant told me overall price will be better than the mummys market cordlife offer. So I didn't bother buying the mummy market $150 voucher.
What is the delivery charges in TMC?? Have you booked the package and did the dr fees increase?
@momocrv, I just read this from SCBB website:


30. Are there any costs to donate my baby’s cord blood to SCBB?
The cord blood donation to SCBB is free. SCBB raises its own funds to collect, process, store and distribute the donated CBU. There are no fees paid to the staff and doctors involved in the cord blood collection process; neither are they financially rewarded by the SCBB. However, the rights to the donated CBU will be relinquished by the donor to SCBB, upon collection of the CBU at delivery. The donated unit however is made available to anyone who requires it for treatment, and not kept specifically for the donor’s and/or the family’s personal use.
I jus found out from breastfeeding counselling that hospital allows skin to skin contact abt 5 mins after birth...and maintain contact for an hour. So in that hr I can bf baby.
as they clear my doubt on whether they will bring baby to me or nursery after birth...I'm pretty ok with or without birth plan. Heee. Thanks for asking ur gynae. ;)
hahaha... but my gynae always say my baby on the small side, ask me to eat more. It just me dun dare to eat more, afraid dunno how to make baby out. lols....

Really? 2.2kg at 33wks seems quite big le. I tink by e time full term most likely exceed 3kg
I feel u :( i had so bad cravings that i went all the way to geylang to eat. And its not the season so its so ex.
Yah I told my hubby and he bought me stupid goodwood park durian puffs! No choice eat those but not shiok.. Zahhhhh when will I get those creamy yellow fleshy durians?!!!
Anyway yday I went tangs to buy kitchen stuff aka bread maker and it's delivered today!
Going to go play with it soon!!!!
@momocrv, I just read this from SCBB website:


30. Are there any costs to donate my baby’s cord blood to SCBB?
The cord blood donation to SCBB is free. SCBB raises its own funds to collect, process, store and distribute the donated CBU. There are no fees paid to the staff and doctors involved in the cord blood collection process; neither are they financially rewarded by the SCBB. However, the rights to the donated CBU will be relinquished by the donor to SCBB, upon collection of the CBU at delivery. The donated unit however is made available to anyone who requires it for treatment, and not kept specifically for the donor’s and/or the family’s personal use.

thanks so much!!

thanks so much!!
However, i read that it does cost a great amount to draw out the blood for use eventually, and whether it is still stored in the first place cos they will just throw if not to their criteria, no need inform you since you are no longer an owner...
