(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

I booked post natal liao and they said best to start one month later leh.. But got some friends started earlier and didn't massage their bellies and body only but like not worth it then right
Ya lo... The post-natal massage is also to remove the additional blood clots, wind within your body and to allow the pushing up of the uterus., which i believe will need to touch the belly... It is to relax and at the same time have the therapeutic reason behind it. So better wait and get them to massage your belly to get the full benefits out of the massage.
Best is my hubby yday while we were having dinner..
I almost choked bcoz of what he said..
"Baby cooking so nice for two of us next time will be for the four of us. One girl one boy" and then proceeds to smile widely to himself and continues eating..
I'm like thinking -_-"" dude I haven't even given birth to our first one and you are already making plans for another in your head?! And how the hell do you even know it will be a boy next??!!
Felt like smacking his head but I just stared at his dumb grinning face with an expressionless face and turned to the tv and continued eating..

Haha ur hubby very cute! Be it girl or boy, its the company tat matters.. More kids = more joy & happy noise!!
My guy fren oso this situation, so every now n then go running lor. Errr he very fit now…
Wah then his wife not scared ar other women all start to lust after him..
I don't know man..
For me the last we had sex was in Jan after we found out I was preggo in Sep last year but that's because he so scared he will squash me and hurt the baby. -_-"
My hubby is 6ft and beefed up and I'm petite only 5'4 and with me being pregnant he is like more concerned for my health then himself coz I had a very terrible first tri.
But I told him please don't shy shy just go watch porn and give yourself happy ending or we can still do other things, don't need to be penetration. :p
After give birth I don't know what to expect yet so see how lor since I will need even longer time to heal due to csect..
My guy fren oso this situation, so every now n then go running lor. Errr he very fit now…

Haha, if my hubby suddenly start jogging n keep fit i sure far far (like got admirer and stuff lor).. Haha. But life really unpredictable also lah..
My exact sentiments. Im choosing c-sect too.
But seriously, i really dunno what to expect. I dare not read up or go youtube or do any research on c-sect. Totally clueless.
Eh you better ask your gynae how he or she going to do your csect. I will be finding out during my next appt..
@PixiePosh , at least u ask him go have some happy ending, mine worse...never pcc before :eek: Dots dots dots.

I think c-sec also at least 2 mths to fully recovery n gd to go... At least wont feel intimidated that 'hole' feels different :p Haha
Best is my hubby yday while we were having dinner..
I almost choked bcoz of what he said..
"Baby cooking so nice for two of us next time will be for the four of us. One girl one boy" and then proceeds to smile widely to himself and continues eating..
I'm like thinking -_-"" dude I haven't even given birth to our first one and you are already making plans for another in your head?! And how the hell do you even know it will be a boy next??!!
Felt like smacking his head but I just stared at his dumb grinning face with an expressionless face and turned to the tv and continued eating..
hahaha.... your hubby really humourous. If I were you, I will joke him back said why only four? Thought would be more than that.... hahaha make him more exciting. :D
Ya breastfeed or exclusive pumping need to be regular, 3hourly. My menses came back after 14mths so was consider quite lucky as din need to take contraceptive.

Now i also tinking hw to close shop, dun wanna do ligation..sigh
menus dont come immediately after child birth ah?
Best is my hubby yday while we were having dinner..
I almost choked bcoz of what he said..
"Baby cooking so nice for two of us next time will be for the four of us. One girl one boy" and then proceeds to smile widely to himself and continues eating..
I'm like thinking -_-"" dude I haven't even given birth to our first one and you are already making plans for another in your head?! And how the hell do you even know it will be a boy next??!!
Felt like smacking his head but I just stared at his dumb grinning face with an expressionless face and turned to the tv and continued eating..

Haha same, my hubby already making plans for #3. Plan when to move to a bigger place, and say dat many of his colleagues oso give birth late 30s.

If this pregnancy I got alot of support maybe will consider. But truth is, its been really hard coping, and both side parents very limited support. Doubt so.

I tink when #2 arrives and the chaos dat ensued will change his mind lol
But must think of the outcome if the husband wants how? Cannot always give excuse as tired, or cos need take care of kids. I have guy friends whose wife even sleep different room after giving birth! So quite pity the guys lah...
hahaha.... frankly, I already talk to hubby, he can sleep at different room after I giving birth. Coz quite pity with hubby if he also kena cannot sleep well during the night. But if he got that extra energy, I can share some works for him during the wee hours..... hahaha.....
menus dont come immediately after child birth ah?
yup.... it depends whether you continously do breastfeeding. If you do not breastfeed, normally menses will come back earlier. My friend exclusively bf her baby till baby 1 year old, still no menses. But I think for safety reason, if you would not want end up having another baby, better to take prevention of contraception lar. Otherwise, I will be going crazy take care of one baby then pregnant with another one.
menus dont come immediately after child birth ah?

After birth is lochia, alot of bleeding and stuff. Menses back normally ard 3weeks to a mth later if never bf. most of my friends who bf, earliest menses also 2.5mths after delivery. Really depends.... But if all the while u have irregular menses and wanna try for baby again, best is within 6 mths. My friends experience probs after her kid reach 2 yrs old and irregular menses so quite hard for #2
Best is my hubby yday while we were having dinner..
I almost choked bcoz of what he said..
"Baby cooking so nice for two of us next time will be for the four of us. One girl one boy" and then proceeds to smile widely to himself and continues eating..
I'm like thinking -_-"" dude I haven't even given birth to our first one and you are already making plans for another in your head?! And how the hell do you even know it will be a boy next??!!
Felt like smacking his head but I just stared at his dumb grinning face with an expressionless face and turned to the tv and continued eating..
lol. mine tells everyone he going to hav 4. i tell him y dont he take over the job of being pregnant and give birth..and i roll my eyes
Anyone experiencing ear blocked during pregnancy? Its like u won't hear anything except ur own breathing. Somehow like a half deaf. I asked my gynae ytd abt ways to clear it. But she mentioned it's water retention in body n will only go away after delivery. Super sian. So far I can only make it go away by putting my head between my knees. but i cant go out and suddenly sit down n put my head between my knees rite? Haiz. Anyone has any other methods?
I experienced ear blocked in my second trimester many times. But I did not really bother as I read in some books, it is one of the package due to pregnancy. But now I realised it is just gone. Dunno why.
Haha, if my hubby suddenly start jogging n keep fit i sure far far (like got admirer and stuff lor).. Haha. But life really unpredictable also lah..

Yah and his situation oso abit complicated cos he found out his wife got affair previously… haiz… still together now for the sake of the kid…
hahaha.... frankly, I already talk to hubby, he can sleep at different room after I giving birth. Coz quite pity with hubby if he also kena cannot sleep well during the night. But if he got that extra energy, I can share some works for him during the wee hours..... hahaha.....

Actually, men are more strong than they seem. I also tot my hubby wont wake up at night and he does shifts, so i always pass bb to my mum to tk care. But after some time, he auto wake up change diaper, make milk carry baby to sleep even thou few hours more to work and he loss tat few hr of rest.
Its good to involve daddy esp if really planning for more kids... :) just my views ...
I also wan to know.. Never tot of asking , but now need keep my options open to c-sec..
I don't know leh but I came up with these because I read too much and scare myself as usual.
1. how many weeks before EDD are we to schedule csect, ask gynae to recommend best range (coz I read some choose like wk 39 and baby decide to come out earlier like wk 37! :0)
2. Preparation for csect, the usual like before op dos and don'ts
3. Select auspicious timing for csect and give gynae
4. Type of csect: if mummy very healthy most of the time I read and heard feedback don't need GA. But got 2 types of awake procedures thru spinal and epi.
4. Difference between the procedures, spinal no catheter and epi have, gynae to confirm. Spinal just one dosage and epi constant dosage? Gynae to confirm. Which is more recommended for mummy?
5. Who is the anesthetist he will assign and how much?
6. Any immediate side effects to the anesthesia? Gynae to advise so we can mentally prepare coz some ppl feel like vomiting, headache, shivering like mad non stop
7. How will they test to make sure I'm numb properly before cutting me!! This one scary coz got one case in SG the gynae cut her and she felt pain man.
8. Estimated incision size and type of stitching? Will it dissolve or must it be removed by gynae?
9. When can I eat after surgery coz I read will be damn bloody hungry and some times not allowed to eat so fast
10. Immediate steps after surgery, can I go to the washroom to pee or poo or is walking only recommended on the next day?
11. Belly binder for csect wound, is gynae ok to have mummy wear this as I read this wrap helped a lot of mothers feel sturdy and much lesser pain and helped them move around. Must buy antibacterial bamboo type.
12. How often will gynae come to check on csect patient post op delivery until delivery?
13. Skin to skin once baby delivered and cleared ok by baby doc, I know Mt A allows this and must inform gynae before hand coz they told us during class. Not sure abt other hospitals if they allow this during csect
14. Baby latching for milk will it be allowed during skin to skin or back in room
15. Placenta disposal
Anyone experiencing ear blocked during pregnancy? Its like u won't hear anything except ur own breathing. Somehow like a half deaf. I asked my gynae ytd abt ways to clear it. But she mentioned it's water retention in body n will only go away after delivery. Super sian. So far I can only make it go away by putting my head between my knees. but i cant go out and suddenly sit down n put my head between my knees rite? Haiz. Anyone has any other methods?

I been having before preg (sometimes can hear those frequency zzz zzzz zz sounds) , but now at 3rd tri getting frequent.. I try to blow out, dig ears everyday, drink water, but still have the blockage. I jus dun bother bout it, hope will improve SOON... And also cos cant hear well, end up i speak so loud that everyone will ask me lower my voice. Opsss!
@PixiePosh very detailed question leh. Haha.
So far i never hear of those old stitching that needs to be removed by gynae leh, unless complication, shld be those will auto drop or absorb.
To me as long got chance to have skin to skin with baby (after they clean baby up), straight to Breast feed!! Dont bother who see just try..
And also check if ur hospital LC reviews are ok or gd, cos i know some hospital LC just chop chop go thru and nv teach proper latchon..
Yah and his situation oso abit complicated cos he found out his wife got affair previously… haiz… still together now for the sake of the kid…

Aiyo, very heartache... But no choice if kids still young. Normally once kid grow up that parents will think and plan otherwise. But if me i wont stick tgt cos of kids.... :mad:
@PixiePosh very detailed question leh. Haha.
So far i never hear of those old stitching that needs to be removed by gynae leh, unless complication, shld be those will auto drop or absorb.
To me as long got chance to have skin to skin with baby (after they clean baby up), straight to Breast feed!! Dont bother who see just try..
And also check if ur hospital LC reviews are ok or gd, cos i know some hospital LC just chop chop go thru and nv teach proper latchon..
Mt A feedback on LC so far is that they very good leh. Except one woman they said who squeeze boob very hard!
Oh I don't know about stitches coz neva did any surgery before in my life. Gulps first time will be my baby coming out of me!!! Ahhhh
Orr ok noted on the latch on thing when skin to skin..
Aiyo, very heartache... But no choice if kids still young. Normally once kid grow up that parents will think and plan otherwise. But if me i wont stick tgt cos of kids.... :mad:
So sad.. I have a few friends also divorced because of affairs and some patch back and remain together and have more kids.. I dunno if they are truly happy or not though coz only they will know within their four walls. Outside can still pretend like all ok and happy happy..
Who started drinking coconut?
I bought two yday and my personal coconut chopper aka hubby experimented and managed to open it and kept all his fingers!
Damn scary yday with chef knife.
Just now bought cleaver at tangs so can chop better! Hahaha
Coconut i remember only can drink one type right? Forget is the young or old coconut! Haha cos too cooling or wat, anyone can enlighten too? I havent start, hate the taste!! Maybe 1mth before EDD den i take once a week..

Wah open coconut with fingers, he really strong sia! *macho*
Coconut i remember only can drink one type right? Forget is the young or old coconut! Haha cos too cooling or wat, anyone can enlighten too? I havent start, hate the taste!! Maybe 1mth before EDD den i take once a week..

Wah open coconut with fingers, he really strong sia! *macho*
No lar he used chef knife but was chopping it like a mad man until i got scared he would cut his fingers.
I bought the thai young coconut not sweet at all.. No flesh also so thin
Wah then his wife not scared ar other women all start to lust after him..
I don't know man..
For me the last we had sex was in Jan after we found out I was preggo in Sep last year but that's because he so scared he will squash me and hurt the baby. -_-"
My hubby is 6ft and beefed up and I'm petite only 5'4 and with me being pregnant he is like more concerned for my health then himself coz I had a very terrible first tri.
But I told him please don't shy shy just go watch porn and give yourself happy ending or we can still do other things, don't need to be penetration. :p
After give birth I don't know what to expect yet so see how lor since I will need even longer time to heal due to csect..

Yeah my hubby also scared to touch me la...so haven't make love ever since I got preggy and that is 7 months ago!
Coconut i remember only can drink one type right? Forget is the young or old coconut! Haha cos too cooling or wat, anyone can enlighten too? I havent start, hate the taste!! Maybe 1mth before EDD den i take once a week..

Wah open coconut with fingers, he really strong sia! *macho*
Why need to take coconut water ah??
Actually, men are more strong than they seem. I also tot my hubby wont wake up at night and he does shifts, so i always pass bb to my mum to tk care. But after some time, he auto wake up change diaper, make milk carry baby to sleep even thou few hours more to work and he loss tat few hr of rest.
Its good to involve daddy esp if really planning for more kids... :) just my views ...
yaa, i dun mind if he want to do the job during the wee hours. So I just leave it with him. He still can looking for me in the other room anyway. I jus feel pity if he need to take care the baby during wee hours plus go for work during the day. haha......
Yeah my hubby also scared to touch me la...so haven't make love ever since I got preggy and that is 7 months ago!

Wahhh seriously?!! How u tahan? My husband been even more touchy after I got pregnant. Sometimes I just got irritated by him for touching to much. Only during 1st trimester that I totally didn't allow him to touch me esp I was on total bed rest due to previous MC. But after doctor said that the pregnancy was under control, it has been quite regular (weekly /biweekly) affair tho. Sometimes, it was me who initiate it. Hehhehe
Wahhh seriously?!! How u tahan? My husband been even more touchy after I got pregnant. Sometimes I just got irritated by him for touching to much. Only during 1st trimester that I totally didn't allow him to touch me esp I was on total bed rest due to previous MC. But after doctor said that the pregnancy was under control, it has been quite regular (weekly /biweekly) affair tho. Sometimes, it was me who initiate it. Hehhehe

Haha sleep is more important for me and also during 1st trimester feel so lousy where got mood to think about it. I did ask him if he feel the urge he said don't worry he's fine without it. As long as bb is fine he's happy...maybe I will initiate but now tummy bigger liao feel so uncomfortable.
Haha sleep is more important for me and also during 1st trimester feel so lousy where got mood to think about it. I did ask him if he feel the urge he said don't worry he's fine without it. As long as bb is fine he's happy...maybe I will initiate but now tummy bigger liao feel so uncomfortable.
I still remember my gynae told me many times not having sex during my first tri. Then I asked him, then when I can have sex? My gynae staring at me dunno if he think i am sex maniac or what. He just told me, can have other type one but no penetration. So funny, inside my heart i want to ask why other type he referred to. Then when I am entering my second tri, my gynae give me green light said everything ok, can have sex as i like for 2 months. After that tummy would be too big and not convenience to do. I just nod my head.
I dunno about the clean part bcoz the dietician at mt a said that has nothing to do with coconut water and depends on mothers' body to create the vernix which is actually good for baby skin as its a natural barrier against bacteria and moisturizer. That's why some babies born with it and some without depends on mother.
She only said drink it for health benefits to prevent dehydration during 3rd tri and when baby weight pressing against kidneys to prevent uti..
Older gen ppl say drink for cleaner baby, but i also duno true anot. As long dun take too much shld b fine. And also coconut has its benefit too..
I drink bird nest everyday though..
Chicken essence once a week
Only yday started the coconut but like bland taste not sweet kind so was damn boring
I still remember my gynae told me many times not having sex during my first tri. Then I asked him, then when I can have sex? My gynae staring at me dunno if he think i am sex maniac or what. He just told me, can have other type one but no penetration. So funny, inside my heart i want to ask why other type he referred to. Then when I am entering my second tri, my gynae give me green light said everything ok, can have sex as i like for 2 months. After that tummy would be too big and not convenience to do. I just nod my head.

my gynae different leh. Since 1st tri he say can go all the way till deliver... haha. But cannot vigorous or extreme stunts.. =.=""
I still remember my gynae told me many times not having sex during my first tri. Then I asked him, then when I can have sex? My gynae staring at me dunno if he think i am sex maniac or what. He just told me, can have other type one but no penetration. So funny, inside my heart i want to ask why other type he referred to. Then when I am entering my second tri, my gynae give me green light said everything ok, can have sex as i like for 2 months. After that tummy would be too big and not convenience to do. I just nod my head.
Hahahaha so funny!
No lar he used chef knife but was chopping it like a mad man until i got scared he would cut his fingers.
I bought the thai young coconut not sweet at all.. No flesh also so thin

Err why dun save the trouble and just buy frm hawker centre ah? We tried hacking initially but so difficult n messy in e end next street hawker centre got liao :D
I don't know leh but I came up with these because I read too much and scare myself as usual.
1. how many weeks before EDD are we to schedule csect, ask gynae to recommend best range (coz I read some choose like wk 39 and baby decide to come out earlier like wk 37! :0)
2. Preparation for csect, the usual like before op dos and don'ts
3. Select auspicious timing for csect and give gynae
4. Type of csect: if mummy very healthy most of the time I read and heard feedback don't need GA. But got 2 types of awake procedures thru spinal and epi.
4. Difference between the procedures, spinal no catheter and epi have, gynae to confirm. Spinal just one dosage and epi constant dosage? Gynae to confirm. Which is more recommended for mummy?
5. Who is the anesthetist he will assign and how much?
6. Any immediate side effects to the anesthesia? Gynae to advise so we can mentally prepare coz some ppl feel like vomiting, headache, shivering like mad non stop
7. How will they test to make sure I'm numb properly before cutting me!! This one scary coz got one case in SG the gynae cut her and she felt pain man.
8. Estimated incision size and type of stitching? Will it dissolve or must it be removed by gynae?
9. When can I eat after surgery coz I read will be damn bloody hungry and some times not allowed to eat so fast
10. Immediate steps after surgery, can I go to the washroom to pee or poo or is walking only recommended on the next day?
11. Belly binder for csect wound, is gynae ok to have mummy wear this as I read this wrap helped a lot of mothers feel sturdy and much lesser pain and helped them move around. Must buy antibacterial bamboo type.
12. How often will gynae come to check on csect patient post op delivery until delivery?
13. Skin to skin once baby delivered and cleared ok by baby doc, I know Mt A allows this and must inform gynae before hand coz they told us during class. Not sure abt other hospitals if they allow this during csect
14. Baby latching for milk will it be allowed during skin to skin or back in room
15. Placenta disposal

Very detail.. I m very anxiety prone and that's why I choose c section. Now the question is GA or epi. For epi i m afraid that I will freak out during the process. :) haiz.. how can I be so timid??
my gynae different leh. Since 1st tri he say can go all the way till deliver... haha. But cannot vigorous or extreme stunts.. =.=""
my gynae is kiasu type one lar.... afraid if have sex then if bb stick not well, i will have miscarriage. So hescan again when i entering my second tri, make sure my placenta is there, etc then he give me green light.

Every 1st time in life sure anxious and freaky, just like when u missed ur period, u buy test kit, knowing that OH MY GOD im preg, what to do.... Haha i even dun dare buy test kits sia! Very paiseh....lol.
But epi is scary if u see the procedure and long needle, if u go thru c-sec see the knives and all also sure freak out. Even i went into delivery suite see all the equipments i also shiver... Haha. Just on hold to ur hubby and close ur eyes and scream!! Honestly, i heard lots of screaming from other rooms also lah... Tmc sound proofing very lousy de..
