(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

I heard that cord blood banking not worth it bcos blood is very little and not useful. Any thots from other mums?

I am also considering either to donate or keep it at private banking. I read for donating, they are quite strict with the quantity of the blood. If the cord blood is not enough, they may have to discard it. But it is a worth a try I'd say, except if you want to keep for private
Entering into 3rd tri, I'm feeling harder kicks and more frequent. Is it normal? I heard we are supposed to feel lesser but harder kicks
But I'm feeling it so often that it's making me unable to sleep till late :(
Entering into 3rd tri, I'm feeling harder kicks and more frequent. Is it normal? I heard we are supposed to feel lesser but harder kicks
But I'm feeling it so often that it's making me unable to sleep till late :(
Mine is still more often (haven't decease much) and harder kicks. Maybe is cause of my irregular sleeping pattern these few days.. slept from 7.30pm till now.. missed dinner. . No wonder bb kicked me more...:rolleyes::D

Most likely won't be keeping baby cord.. dint do much research too.. just hope baby very healthy:)
My bb kick harder too.. more freq when i m lying down.. sometimes i feel movements like a regular heart beat for around 1-2mins.. i can feel it is too regular to be bb's kicking hehe.. anyone encountered the same?

Now 5am i couldnt sleep. Was awake since 3.30am :((

And i have more frequent heartburn too after meal..
Still got near 3 months. . Why need to sort out so early?? I'm only just starting to buy baby rompers.. still many on shopping list.. hmmm

By then tummy will be so big so tot since now still quite ok better start to sort out all the stuff n wash first. Also I keep worrying if bb will come early hahaha...so better plan first otherwise sure kelam kabut later
I just sorted out some baby stuff...so much to do so little time!!! Arghh

I did mine earlier of the month. Sorted out most of the hands me down rompers from friends and relatives. Washed and put them in ziplock. I guess by mid next mth will start to do up the cabinets and put all the baby stuffs there. Hospital bag shld be ready by end of this week I hope.

Just waiting for the cot to arrive at mid of march.
I bought almost everything a few moths ago and did up the room as well so that I can rest up during my precious last tri which apparently can get quite unforgiving
Hi Mummies, just checking to see if anyone has set up a May 2015 Facebook group ? - am keen to join as it'd be so much easier to keep updated on news via FB. Thanks!
Went for doc's appt earlier. Baby's weighing at 0.8kg at 25 weeks 3 days, according to doc.

Rash/itch that ive been getting, doc said its not fungal/infection. But eczema and was given Triderm to treat it.

Ive never had Eczema my whole life. Why now... Hurhurhur
I got the hospital stay charges from my gynae. Gleneagles and Mt A actually dun differ too much. The most pricey I heard shld be Mt E Novena.

Me and hubby attended Mrs Wong's class for #1, okayyyy only lah. Good to maybe listen and know more, but ultimately its all abt hands-on.

Cynn04, I will be going for my first antenatal class in early March (TMC, conducted at AMK Hub with Mrs Wong BB) - stupid question, but can I ask what do you usually wear to such classes? - do you have to do floor exercises, etc? Thanks!
Where did u sign up antenatal class? Do they have saturday class?

Isenggirl, I will be delivering at TMC, so I went online and did some checks - just registered for my Saturday class with Mrs Wong BB. I am currently 26wks, online schedule states that new classes will begin from April.

Called the TMC CBE Hotline (T: 6350 8848), and the lady, Aishah, very kindly helped me to "cut into" an existing class, halfway, so it wouldn't be so strenuous for me in the later parts of the trimester. You might want to do the same too! Tip, sign up for the FBI with TMC ($60), so you can enjoy some benefits... And the 5wks course cost about $350 (you can bring your hubby along).

My first lesson (7 March) would be Lesson 3: Labour, and it will proceed from there. So I will be doing Lesson 2: Pain Relief, last (11 April).

You can have a look at their brochure here: http://thomsonbaby.com/tmc/download/CBE_Brochure_20140527.pdf

Good luck!
I bought almost everything a few moths ago and did up the room as well so that I can rest up during my precious last tri which apparently can get quite unforgiving

PixiePosh, IDK just how much I should prep... Been given lots of clothes & diapers (brand new), and an anti-colic cot... But I haven't bought anything else. Thinking of going to get whatever I need only during the Baby Market in April. Hope I'll still be in time.... (Spoke to my cousin with a 2 mth old over CNY break... And she kind of scared me into being super kanchiong now)
My bb kick harder too.. more freq when i m lying down.. sometimes i feel movements like a regular heart beat for around 1-2mins.. i can feel it is too regular to be bb's kicking hehe.. anyone encountered the same?

Now 5am i couldnt sleep. Was awake since 3.30am :((

And i have more frequent heartburn too after meal..
How does it feel to have heartburn ?

Sometimes I am awake till 5am then I finally sleep

My only sleep time is like from 5am to 9am :(
Isenggirl, I will be delivering at TMC, so I went online and did some checks - just registered for my Saturday class with Mrs Wong BB. I am currently 26wks, online schedule states that new classes will begin from April.

Called the TMC CBE Hotline (T: 6350 8848), and the lady, Aishah, very kindly helped me to "cut into" an existing class, halfway, so it wouldn't be so strenuous for me in the later parts of the trimester. You might want to do the same too! Tip, sign up for the FBI with TMC ($60), so you can enjoy some benefits... And the 5wks course cost about $350 (you can bring your hubby along).

My first lesson (7 March) would be Lesson 3: Labour, and it will proceed from there. So I will be doing Lesson 2: Pain Relief, last (11 April).

You can have a look at their brochure here: http://thomsonbaby.com/tmc/download/CBE_Brochure_20140527.pdf

Good luck!

Wah.. i signed up for saturday class too starting early april. I will try to call and see if they can squeeze me in. I m not going to deliver in TMC due to my pre-existing condition.. so cant sign up FBI? Hope they can let me go early too else I will be very big by then..
How does it feel to have heartburn ?

Sometimes I am awake till 5am then I finally sleep

My only sleep time is like from 5am to 9am :(

I feel my chest area abit hot after meals.. and best part i feel like vomiting too at times.. :(

Past few days couldnt sleep well. Now 10.30pm still wide awake. Must force myself to sleep else tml I will be super stone..
I feel my chest area abit hot after meals.. and best part i feel like vomiting too at times.. :(

Past few days couldnt sleep well. Now 10.30pm still wide awake. Must force myself to sleep else tml I will be super stone..
I kept forcing myself to sleep but I can't too :(
Don't know what to do
I'm getting indigestion too and it's so bad
But my sleeping problem is causing me bad migraine :(
Oh dear.. i also hav migraine.. i think we should avoid acidic food or drink.. and dun eat big meals at one go.
for migraine, nothing much we can do coz we shouldnt take migraine medication anyway.
my hubby sleeping so soundly but i cant. 3 more mths to go!
Oh dear.. i also hav migraine.. i think we should avoid acidic food or drink.. and dun eat big meals at one go.
for migraine, nothing much we can do coz we shouldnt take migraine medication anyway.
my hubby sleeping so soundly but i cant. 3 more mths to go!
Try use peppermint essential oil. I use it for my headaches as i try my best not to take panadols

Or drink lemon water.
My gynae is from TMC, we have option to delivery at TMC and Mt. A, any advice or experience on which hospital to choose? more on service not cost.

A few colleagues all say Mt.A, but Doc said TMC's nurse is more professional as Mt. A is general hospital.

All depends on yr luck for that day really.. my #1 i delivered tmc at 2010 but this time i am giving mt A a try
Cynn04, I will be going for my first antenatal class in early March (TMC, conducted at AMK Hub with Mrs Wong BB) - stupid question, but can I ask what do you usually wear to such classes? - do you have to do floor exercises, etc? Thanks!

I remembered e class i attended was quite big so hv to sit on the floor. Wear comfy shorts/stretchy maternity pants? Dun tink need to do floor exercises, more like a simple exercise demonstration for one of the lessons. E rest is just listening (zzzzzz) i tink. Have fun!! :)
Major leg cramp last nite, omg really wanted to scream in e middle of the nite. My hubby was sleeping in e next room w my gal, so could not ask him for help. Boohooo… even till now my right calf is still sore.

Same as some of you, sleeping badly. Took long while to get to sleep despite being so tired, then usually woken up by cramps/need to pee/ or #1 crying cos she's been sick. Oh well…
Major leg cramp last nite, omg really wanted to scream in e middle of the nite. My hubby was sleeping in e next room w my gal, so could not ask him for help. Boohooo… even till now my right calf is still sore.

Same as some of you, sleeping badly. Took long while to get to sleep despite being so tired, then usually woken up by cramps/need to pee/ or #1 crying cos she's been sick. Oh well…

Oh gosh.. leg cramp at the middle of the night is the one i m worried the most. How long was it? Was told its super duper pain.
ytd finally slept at 11.30pm. Woke up awhile at 3am but managed to continue to sleep. my hubby next to me was snoring.. guess he is very tired..
Saw Beauty Language sells it too. Also $60+, cheaper than when I bought fr duty free.
Hi, I bought already.. now i think i like clarins oil better. like the smell and feels more moisturising.. though gynae said thats just gimmick, whether any stretch mark or not heavily depends on ur genes. My mom n sis only have very little stretch mark in white color. Phew..
Cynn04, I will be going for my first antenatal class in early March (TMC, conducted at AMK Hub with Mrs Wong BB) - stupid question, but can I ask what do you usually wear to such classes? - do you have to do floor exercises, etc? Thanks!
@ellieteow, Mrs Wong will ask you and your partner to do some floor exercise at least once, so you know how to do and can do it on your own at home. Better to wear comfy clothes and pants and don't forget wear socks.
Wah.. i signed up for saturday class too starting early april. I will try to call and see if they can squeeze me in. I m not going to deliver in TMC due to my pre-existing condition.. so cant sign up FBI? Hope they can let me go early too else I will be very big by then..
@isenggirl, you still can sign up for FBI even that you are not going to deliver in TMC. You can use the member privilege discount if you want to order TMC confinement food catering, childbirth education class, confinement herbal care, health screening for your spouse / parents, pediatric consultation, dental etc.
My bb kick harder too.. more freq when i m lying down.. sometimes i feel movements like a regular heart beat for around 1-2mins.. i can feel it is too regular to be bb's kicking hehe.. anyone encountered the same?

Now 5am i couldnt sleep. Was awake since 3.30am :((

And i have more frequent heartburn too after meal..
initially i dont know what is heartburn..now i start to feel this liao..especially all the time.
Cynn04, I will be going for my first antenatal class in early March (TMC, conducted at AMK Hub with Mrs Wong BB) - stupid question, but can I ask what do you usually wear to such classes? - do you have to do floor exercises, etc? Thanks!
i went for my first one before CNY. just comfortable pants n t shirts. u need to sit on the floor. remember to bring socks too.
PixiePosh, IDK just how much I should prep... Been given lots of clothes & diapers (brand new), and an anti-colic cot... But I haven't bought anything else. Thinking of going to get whatever I need only during the Baby Market in April. Hope I'll still be in time.... (Spoke to my cousin with a 2 mth old over CNY break... And she kind of scared me into being super kanchiong now)
You will be fine. :) Just that in Apr we will be 8 mths liao and for me personally I'm afraid I will walk like a penguin and slow don't know if can tahan the crowd. I'm pretty sure can't squeeze squeeze through. You got important things like bed that's good. Clothes and diapers you also have that's good. You bought the pump yet? Need bottles also and sterilizer. Baby bathing things like body wash etc. Don't worry I think you can settle all you need during the baby fair babe.
You will be fine. :) Just that in Apr we will be 8 mths liao and for me personally I'm afraid I will walk like a penguin and slow don't know if can tahan the crowd. I'm pretty sure can't squeeze squeeze through. You got important things like bed that's good. Clothes and diapers you also have that's good. You bought the pump yet? Need bottles also and sterilizer. Baby bathing things like body wash etc. Don't worry I think you can settle all you need during the baby fair babe.

Hehhehe.... I walked like a penguin alrdy since last mth! And my sister calls me a whale. The last trimester tummy really grow soo big so fast liao!
I oso wana go for tis class leh...im delivering at Mt A...any idea if they conduct similar classes there?
I heard that they do have Parentcraft centres in Mount Alvernia doing antenatal classes too... Think you can check out their website and decide from there! Should start enrolling in the classes if you are really interested already.. Cos i think it is usually a 6-week course...
Now starting to do shopping, just saw Philips AVENT's bottle got glass and plastic type, which one is good? And got 0m, 1m, 3m, wah so many types.
Wah.. i signed up for saturday class too starting early april. I will try to call and see if they can squeeze me in. I m not going to deliver in TMC due to my pre-existing condition.. so cant sign up FBI? Hope they can let me go early too else I will be very big by then..
Not sure about FBI if you're not from TMC. But yes, you should definitely try to go for an earlier class! (Their Lesson 2 is starting this Saturday!)
I remembered e class i attended was quite big so hv to sit on the floor. Wear comfy shorts/stretchy maternity pants? Dun tink need to do floor exercises, more like a simple exercise demonstration for one of the lessons. E rest is just listening (zzzzzz) i tink. Have fun!! :)
OK that's good to know!:D:D Time to go shopping for comfy pants then!
@ellieteow, Mrs Wong will ask you and your partner to do some floor exercise at least once, so you know how to do and can do it on your own at home. Better to wear comfy clothes and pants and don't forget wear socks.
Oh great, you went with Mrs Wong too! OK.... Will def rmb the socks.. Now I'm really looking forward to attend the class :)
You will be fine. :) Just that in Apr we will be 8 mths liao and for me personally I'm afraid I will walk like a penguin and slow don't know if can tahan the crowd. I'm pretty sure can't squeeze squeeze through. You got important things like bed that's good. Clothes and diapers you also have that's good. You bought the pump yet? Need bottles also and sterilizer. Baby bathing things like body wash etc. Don't worry I think you can settle all you need during the baby fair babe.
YES. I'm afraid that there will be too many people... Will be quite tough to move around... :/ Can't imagine how big the belly with be by then.... Anyway, hope that this upcoming fair allows for pre-orders so won't be that bad.... Do you know of any good websites/links with such Baby Checklist of things to buy?
Hehhehe.... I walked like a penguin alrdy since last mth! And my sister calls me a whale. The last trimester tummy really grow soo big so fast liao!
@nazriah, how many weeks are you at now? I also feel like cannot walk to fast now. Previously I took for about 5 min from my house to MRT station, now it took more than 10 min. Sometimes feel abdominal pain if I walk to fast.
Yeahh.... I am at week 31 now and I am gaining 2 kg in just 2 weeks time. oh nooo......:oops:
@nazriah, how many weeks are you at now? I also feel like cannot walk to fast now. Previously I took for about 5 min from my house to MRT station, now it took more than 10 min. Sometimes feel abdominal pain if I walk to fast.
Yeahh.... I am at week 31 now and I am gaining 2 kg in just 2 weeks time. oh nooo......:oops:

34 weeks now. So the count down has started. Hospital bag still half packed tho.

I started walking slow and getting tired since the start of the pregnancy. Normal 5mins walk can take 15mins. Maybe I was just walking real slow due to previous MC. But the tiredness started early. Maybe with age also lah.
@nazriah, how many weeks are you at now? I also feel like cannot walk to fast now. Previously I took for about 5 min from my house to MRT station, now it took more than 10 min. Sometimes feel abdominal pain if I walk to fast.
Yeahh.... I am at week 31 now and I am gaining 2 kg in just 2 weeks time. oh nooo......:oops:
me too..i will feel pain if i walk too fast. last time i can swim 100m without panting. now i swim less 50 i will start to pant..

Now starting to do shopping, just saw Philips AVENT's bottle got glass and plastic type, which one is good? And got 0m, 1m, 3m, wah so many types.

The 0m, 1m, 3m are the teat sizes (can be bought in a pairs as baby grows out, like from breast milk to formula need bigger or more holes etc), glass bottle supposed to keep milk warmer, n older gen ppl say better cos wont 'melt'... For me i used plastic so its more light and baby can learn to grab or support it. Or buy both try see which u prefer...hehe.
