(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Do we need to buy milk powder for infant n bring to hospital in case breastfeed no milk???

Nope, the hospital with provide ready made formulka according tp the hospital sponsors or advertised brands, but if u have any in mind can let the nurses know earlier n check if they have tat brand. Most nb will be fed with enfalac, or similac...but aso depends.
Breastmilk dun come out during first 1st day for some mummies. Maybe 2nd morning den will start to flow, but jus latch on every 2-3hrs as u will haf colostrum, baby may not get enuff, but its okie de... Jus either pump or latch frequently lor. Must be hardworking.... Jiayou!

And aso u can request from hospital for sample milk when u discharge, or few bottles of those small ready made formula in case u cant decide which brand to go for...

YES. I'm afraid that there will be too many people... Will be quite tough to move around... :/ Can't imagine how big the belly with be by then.... Anyway, hope that this upcoming fair allows for pre-orders so won't be that bad.... Do you know of any good websites/links with such Baby Checklist of things to buy?
I don't know about websites with things to buy checklist. I have my own list that I created based on what I think I will need. It's quite long and hope it helps you :)

PixiePosh things to buy list

For us
Antenatal classes
Maternity photoshoot
Newborn photoshoot
Post natal jamu massage
Confinement package
4D scan

For me
Our mattress disposable protector in case of water bag burst
Nipple cream
Stretch mark cream
Maternity clothes (pants/dress/tops/front opening pajamas)
Belly wrap
Nursing bra
Nursing bra pads
Sanitary pads

Baby sleeping stuff
Cot bed
Sleeping bag
10 in 1 pillow
Infant pillow - for use when a few months old
Beansprout pillow
Baby shusher
Cot bed mobile
Waterproof cot bed mattress protector
Wall decal
Fitted bed sheet
Swaddling blanket
UV anti dust mite vacuum

Baby feeding stuff
Breasts pump
Infant milk powder - in case no milk supply
Feeding bottles
Bottle teats
Bottle washing brush
UV bottle sterilizer
High chair with tray for meals - for use when introducing solid foods
Bowl set - for use when introducing solid foods
Plate - for use when introducing solid foods
Spoon set - for use when introducing solid foods
Sippy cup set - for use when introducing liquids
Roll up bib - for use when introducing solid foods

Baby safety stuff
Safety socket pack
Safety corner blocks
Safety gate

Baby bath and grooming
Hooded towels
Bath towels
Face towels
Bath wash set
Comb n brush set
Ear buds
Cotton balls
Nail filer
Nasal cleaner
Finger toothbrush

Baby diaper stuff
Diaper changing table
Diaper table changing pad
Diaper rash cream
Baby non talc powder
Cloth diaper
Disposable insert for cloth diaper
Wet wipes
Disposable diapers - in case as back up

Baby play stuff
Gym mat
Baby bouncer
Play pen - for use when baby start crawling

Baby travel stuff
Car seat
Baby carrier
Diaper bag

Baby clothes
Baby laundry detergent
Laundry drying rack
Baby clothes (vests/rompers full suit/short sleeve body suit/socks/booties/mittens/hats/beanies)

Baby toys
Cot bed side toy
Toys and books - for use during later months
Soother toy
Teething toy
Pacifier - as back up

Other stuff
Baby thermometer
Gold anklet
I am! Let me know what u wish to know ya..

Which gynea are you seeing? I m with Dr james lee. I went for the maternity tour and have a feeling that the nurses are very young and the hospital seem a bit short handed. I m FTM and not attending any classes before and wondering if the nurses there are able to teach me on breastfeeding etc. I would like to deliver my baby there but these few factors really hold me back.
Which gynea are you seeing? I m with Dr james lee. I went for the maternity tour and have a feeling that the nurses are very young and the hospital seem a bit short handed. I m FTM and not attending any classes before and wondering if the nurses there are able to teach me on breastfeeding etc. I would like to deliver my baby there but these few factors really hold me back.

I'm seeing Dr Wendy Teo. My 2nd baby but it's my 1st time with this gynae. Previously I delivered at Mt A which was 6 years back. I went for both Mt E Novena (MEN) and Mt A tours. Honestly, I do feel that MEN is shorthanded but then again.. All these also depends on how many pple are delivering at the same time. I see a lot of babies at Mt A, and was just wondering the same shorthanded situation can also happen there. And if u do happen to deliver on weekends, then the lactation consultant at Mt A will also not be around cos they only work weekdays. For me, it's MEN this time cos it's newer, there's guaranteed single rooms and price is similar to Mt A. Hope this helps.
I don't know about websites with things to buy checklist. I have my own list that I created based on what I think I will need. It's quite long and hope it helps you :)

PixiePosh things to buy list

For us
Antenatal classes
Maternity photoshoot
Newborn photoshoot
Post natal jamu massage
Confinement package
4D scan

For me
Our mattress disposable protector in case of water bag burst
Nipple cream
Stretch mark cream
Maternity clothes (pants/dress/tops/front opening pajamas)
Belly wrap
Nursing bra
Nursing bra pads
Sanitary pads

Baby sleeping stuff
Cot bed
Sleeping bag
10 in 1 pillow
Infant pillow - for use when a few months old
Beansprout pillow
Baby shusher
Cot bed mobile
Waterproof cot bed mattress protector
Wall decal
Fitted bed sheet
Swaddling blanket
UV anti dust mite vacuum

Baby feeding stuff
Breasts pump
Infant milk powder - in case no milk supply
Feeding bottles
Bottle teats
Bottle washing brush
UV bottle sterilizer
High chair with tray for meals - for use when introducing solid foods
Bowl set - for use when introducing solid foods
Plate - for use when introducing solid foods
Spoon set - for use when introducing solid foods
Sippy cup set - for use when introducing liquids
Roll up bib - for use when introducing solid foods

Baby safety stuff
Safety socket pack
Safety corner blocks
Safety gate

Baby bath and grooming
Hooded towels
Bath towels
Face towels
Bath wash set
Comb n brush set
Ear buds
Cotton balls
Nail filer
Nasal cleaner
Finger toothbrush

Baby diaper stuff
Diaper changing table
Diaper table changing pad
Diaper rash cream
Baby non talc powder
Cloth diaper
Disposable insert for cloth diaper
Wet wipes
Disposable diapers - in case as back up

Baby play stuff
Gym mat
Baby bouncer
Play pen - for use when baby start crawling

Baby travel stuff
Car seat
Baby carrier
Diaper bag

Baby clothes
Baby laundry detergent
Laundry drying rack
Baby clothes (vests/rompers full suit/short sleeve body suit/socks/booties/mittens/hats/beanies)

Baby toys
Cot bed side toy
Toys and books - for use during later months
Soother toy
Teething toy
Pacifier - as back up

Other stuff
Baby thermometer
Gold anklet
Wow your list is very detailed. Thanks for sharing!
Nope, the hospital with provide ready made formulka according tp the hospital sponsors or advertised brands, but if u have any in mind can let the nurses know earlier n check if they have tat brand. Most nb will be fed with enfalac, or similac...but aso depends.
Breastmilk dun come out during first 1st day for some mummies. Maybe 2nd morning den will start to flow, but jus latch on every 2-3hrs as u will haf colostrum, baby may not get enuff, but its okie de... Jus either pump or latch frequently lor. Must be hardworking.... Jiayou!

And aso u can request from hospital for sample milk when u discharge, or few bottles of those small ready made formula in case u cant decide which brand to go for...
do we need to bring breast pump then?
Most here booking single or 2-bedder?

I'll likely book 2-bedder first, just in case any complications and bb or me need to stay longer. If everything is ok, will upgrade to single bed. Hopefully ah, cos usually TMC very crowded.
I'm seeing Dr Wendy Teo. My 2nd baby but it's my 1st time with this gynae. Previously I delivered at Mt A which was 6 years back. I went for both Mt E Novena (MEN) and Mt A tours. Honestly, I do feel that MEN is shorthanded but then again.. All these also depends on how many pple are delivering at the same time. I see a lot of babies at Mt A, and was just wondering the same shorthanded situation can also happen there. And if u do happen to deliver on weekends, then the lactation consultant at Mt A will also not be around cos they only work weekdays. For me, it's MEN this time cos it's newer, there's guaranteed single rooms and price is similar to Mt A. Hope this helps.

Thank you! You got your point too.. I am going to Mt A for hospital tour this sat and by then I can make the decision. Thank you for sharing :)
Wow your list is very detailed. Thanks for sharing!
Hurhur thanks thanks I have been thinking and compiling since my first tri and sometimes the list does grow if I find something to be useful. happy to know if you find some things useful in it :)
Thank you! You got your point too.. I am going to Mt A for hospital tour this sat and by then I can make the decision. Thank you for sharing :)
Mt A now having reno. I know cause I'm going there for antenatal classes and passed by some areas under reno. So you might not be able to view rooms so manage your expectations and don't get disappointed if you can't view it in person.
I don't know about websites with things to buy checklist. I have my own list that I created based on what I think I will need. It's quite long and hope it helps you :)

PixiePosh things to buy list

For us
Antenatal classes
Maternity photoshoot
Newborn photoshoot
Post natal jamu massage
Confinement package
4D scan

For me
Our mattress disposable protector in case of water bag burst
Nipple cream
Stretch mark cream
Maternity clothes (pants/dress/tops/front opening pajamas)
Belly wrap
Nursing bra
Nursing bra pads
Sanitary pads

Baby sleeping stuff
Cot bed
Sleeping bag
10 in 1 pillow
Infant pillow - for use when a few months old
Beansprout pillow
Baby shusher
Cot bed mobile
Waterproof cot bed mattress protector
Wall decal
Fitted bed sheet
Swaddling blanket
UV anti dust mite vacuum

Baby feeding stuff
Breasts pump
Infant milk powder - in case no milk supply
Feeding bottles
Bottle teats
Bottle washing brush
UV bottle sterilizer
High chair with tray for meals - for use when introducing solid foods
Bowl set - for use when introducing solid foods
Plate - for use when introducing solid foods
Spoon set - for use when introducing solid foods
Sippy cup set - for use when introducing liquids
Roll up bib - for use when introducing solid foods

Baby safety stuff
Safety socket pack
Safety corner blocks
Safety gate

Baby bath and grooming
Hooded towels
Bath towels
Face towels
Bath wash set
Comb n brush set
Ear buds
Cotton balls
Nail filer
Nasal cleaner
Finger toothbrush

Baby diaper stuff
Diaper changing table
Diaper table changing pad
Diaper rash cream
Baby non talc powder
Cloth diaper
Disposable insert for cloth diaper
Wet wipes
Disposable diapers - in case as back up

Baby play stuff
Gym mat
Baby bouncer
Play pen - for use when baby start crawling

Baby travel stuff
Car seat
Baby carrier
Diaper bag

Baby clothes
Baby laundry detergent
Laundry drying rack
Baby clothes (vests/rompers full suit/short sleeve body suit/socks/booties/mittens/hats/beanies)

Baby toys
Cot bed side toy
Toys and books - for use during later months
Soother toy
Teething toy
Pacifier - as back up

Other stuff
Baby thermometer
Gold anklet

This is great! Thanks so much for sharing.
Most here booking single or 2-bedder?

I'll likely book 2-bedder first, just in case any complications and bb or me need to stay longer. If everything is ok, will upgrade to single bed. Hopefully ah, cos usually TMC very crowded.

Was advised to get a single room for more privacy, so to be able to bond/bf with baby... And it will be better for hubs for when he sleeps over... Will most likely go for that option, if not 2 bedder would be okay with me as well.

Do you know how or when can we request to do a hospital tour? I'll be with TMC as well... So far, IDK how the delivery suites/layout is like.

(Visited someone in Mt A, she was in the one bedder and it was really cosy and private... Similarly, visited someone in the 3/4 bedder and it was quite cramped...)
Mt A now having reno. I know cause I'm going there for antenatal classes and passed by some areas under reno. So you might not be able to view rooms so manage your expectations and don't get disappointed if you can't view it in person.

Thanks for the updates..do u plan to deliver your baby there too? It seems like a lot of mummies here choose Mt A.
Was advised to get a single room for more privacy, so to be able to bond/bf with baby... And it will be better for hubs for when he sleeps over... Will most likely go for that option, if not 2 bedder would be okay with me as well.

Do you know how or when can we request to do a hospital tour? I'll be with TMC as well... So far, IDK how the delivery suites/layout is like.

(Visited someone in Mt A, she was in the one bedder and it was really cosy and private... Similarly, visited someone in the 3/4 bedder and it was quite cramped...)
@ellieteow, if you want to do hospital tour at TMC, you can call and make appointment first with their information counter. See the website below.

They will normally show you the delivery room and the ward, but it depends on the availability on that day.

Mt A also have hospital tour. You can register for hospital tour at the website below:

Most here booking single or 2-bedder?

I'll likely book 2-bedder first, just in case any complications and bb or me need to stay longer. If everything is ok, will upgrade to single bed. Hopefully ah, cos usually TMC very crowded.
@cynn04, are you planning to give birth at TMC? I am still undecided either choose TMC or Mt A.
do we need to bring breast pump then?

Good to bring if u worried bout hygiene, thou the parts are changed. I didnt bring mine cos i was quite determined to latch on... But its good to stimulate by pumping if ur bb duno how to latch during 1st 2days.
My 2 x experience with TMC LC when they did their rounds wasnt good, i totally cant pick up proper bf-ing. Ended up spend $60 at the parentcraft LC to do a thorough 1-1. I choose a single bedded, but now abit worried if i have to c-sec...extra at least $2k :(
The delivery suite at TMC to me if were to rate 1-5, 5 is very good(duno how the best will b like, according to forum raffles hosp is very good). I rate as 2 ... Lol. Seen kkh private suite delivery i rate 4!
But duno if tmc got upgrade anot the delivery room..lol. Very old school feel 2yrs ago lah..
Thanks for the updates..do u plan to deliver your baby there too? It seems like a lot of mummies here choose Mt A.
Yes I have pre-registered as well. I chose it after hearing reviews that the nurses are assuring and pro bf from friends and social media. Also the hospital is in closer proximity to my home.
i wanted to sign up for ante-natal class and called a few to inquire, looks like I am too late! They told me i should have sign up in Feb so that they course will end in April or early May :(
i wanted to sign up for ante-natal class and called a few to inquire, looks like I am too late! They told me i should have sign up in Feb so that they course will end in April or early May :(

I didn't sign up for ante natal class. I borrowed the 3 TMC childbirth education books from my friend. Hope it's sufficient.
@cynn04, are you planning to give birth at TMC? I am still undecided either choose TMC or Mt A.

Most likely, cos my gynae only delivers there I think. Plus I already know the place etc, so some degree of familiarity is more reassuring.

@furbee I thought the delivery suite was quite ok leh. Never been to others tho.

Lactation consultants at TMC didnt leave a good impression. Only came when I was about to be discharged although I called for them a day earlier, and anyhow give instructions de. Like in a big hurry, so not very helpful esp for first time moms.
i wanted to sign up for ante-natal class and called a few to inquire, looks like I am too late! They told me i should have sign up in Feb so that they course will end in April or early May :(

@momocrv, perhaps you may try another antenatal class held by those private institute rather than from the hospital. You can also asked for one day private session just between you and your partner. It might also helps especially for first time mummy. :)

Hi ladies i'm from the august thread.

Due date 3aug..

Have a query here.

Did my 14th weeks genetic scan wif dr. Ananda abt 2 weeks back.

Yesterday my gynae explained to me some of the findings from the scan.

He say bb left kidney is slightly bigger (swollen) than right kidney. Is known is renal pelvis dilatation..

Something to do with urine in the kidney so hence the swelling.

Gynae keep telling me dun worry, but seriously how not to??

Anyone has any knowledge on this issue can share wif me??

Thanks in advanced..
Hi ladies i'm from the august thread.

Due date 3aug..

Have a query here.

Did my 14th weeks genetic scan wif dr. Ananda abt 2 weeks back.

Yesterday my gynae explained to me some of the findings from the scan.

He say bb left kidney is slightly bigger (swollen) than right kidney. Is known is renal pelvis dilatation..

Something to do with urine in the kidney so hence the swelling.

Gynae keep telling me dun worry, but seriously how not to??

Anyone has any knowledge on this issue can share wif me??

Thanks in advanced..

Hi there, congratz to u!
Normally the bb will grow and the size may change overtime, wen i was preg with #1 she also had her urine full inside therefore the diff size. If theres any worries maybe u can sound to ur gynae and get her / him to explain in full details. Fret not, i believe u are in great hands under ur gynae care.

On the 2nd day when i was due to discharge, was told by my PD that my girl did not wet her diaper, therefore i was worried with her kidney or bladder problem. Turns out that she can tahan her urine!! Phew... So dun worry, everything will be alright!!!

Understand that for the 1st child sure get nervous and stuff, just talk to ur gynae of ur concerns :)
Any recommendations for baby nail cutter and washable breast pads?

Avent breast pad washable served me quite well. Wait for promo to buy, dun really need to rush (use disposable till u find one that suits u), the material is important... Whether can absorb or when too much will it leak or show out, sometimes the shape of the breastpad can be seen obviously under the bf-ing bras or top..

As for nail cutter, to me is who is cutting baby nails! Haha. I use normal small cutter. I Did not use baby cutter (some with magnifying glass, or rounded edge, or even baby nail scissors).. I started cutting quite early when they white nails show, and i do it quite often... Cos i wan to let the kid get used to me cutting her nails and also stay still (some will scream or just fidget).. So far never cut over till bleed...
My sil bought almost all kind of nail cutters or scissors to try.. So really depends how confident u r when doing the 1st time cut..

@cynn04 i also tot was alright, but After kaypo-ing when my sil brag bout the comfy sofa(for hubby to rest on, larger tv screen to relax n wait for bb arrival,etc) i cant help but go n take a look...lol. So far i no complains on tmc that y i continue there, just that it aint those nicely painted new wall or new tv..hehe. Hoping this time round got nee upgrades too.
Jus to share.

Previous 2 post natal i used mdm zaliah 93672244 (used to be $50 per hour + binding, now increased to $60) can see effect within 3 sessions. I took 5. Need ownself provide towel n mattress.
I tried mdm Ida 94249829 (only travel north , not sure about now.. Relative of zaliah - more famous charges will be same as zaliah) for breast massage when i had blockage and fever (1session she taught me how to massage, clear the blockage and compression)
This time round i book hamida 92728799 ($70 per hour + bind + mattress) need book 3 mths in adv (so feb book for May slot) $100 deposit.

Massage can be done 5 days after natural birth, 10 days after c-sec...

@furbee how u find Mdm Ida? What type of massage method she use n include binder?
@ellieteow, if you want to do hospital tour at TMC, you can call and make appointment first with their information counter. See the website below.

They will normally show you the delivery room and the ward, but it depends on the availability on that day.

Mt A also have hospital tour. You can register for hospital tour at the website below:


Sure! Thanks a lot, will take note of that... // any ideas when will be the best time to do the hospital tour?
Oh ok thanks! Will go check it out

I just signed up for a class with TMC (held at AMK HUB)... Lady was nice enough to slot me into an ongoing class. Will be going for the class in first Saturday of March! Do call and enquire with the CBE hotline. You can ask to speak to Aishah.
@furbee how u find Mdm Ida? What type of massage method she use n include binder?

I never bother what type of massage mdm ida uses, as long i can get back slim slim and uterus is being pushed back. Hehe .. :D
She uses ginger oil, but is not those 'hot' kind, quite nice smelling (i tried a bottle bought from malaysia..VERY HOT!!) Ya includes binding but return after the entire session. I can say that that all my fat or water retention is 90% gone after 5 sessions from her. Got back my pre preg weight after 3 weeks too. (But i aso used corset n tight undies for another few weeks to get back some 'shape') Shes very friendly and can do breast massage to get ur milk flowing.. She taught me how to massage, n use warm towel to compress too...helped alot during my #1.

This time im trying mdm hamidah cos my friend intro n aso cos of the mattress/bedding provided.
Sure! Thanks a lot, will take note of that... // any ideas when will be the best time to do the hospital tour?
@ellieteow, normally they will advise you to do hospital tour after you passed your 20 weeks. I done this at around 20 weeks. See some mummies also do this on their third trimester.

But last time, I got difficulty to book the hospital tour at Mt A as their slot always full and need to wait for another month to get the slot. So I suggest you register/book earlier better.
Can I ask MTB here, what kind of bras are you wearing now that you're entering/or at your last trimester?
I bought new ones for my growing boobs but they're beginning to dig into me at my ribs now. Too tight/uncomfortable.

Any recommendations for brands that can bring me from last trimester to when we're nursing, for convenience? Thanks.
Can I ask MTB here, what kind of bras are you wearing now that you're entering/or at your last trimester?
I bought new ones for my growing boobs but they're beginning to dig into me at my ribs now. Too tight/uncomfortable.

Any recommendations for brands that can bring me from last trimester to when we're nursing, for convenience? Thanks.

Bras from maternity shop.
Can I ask MTB here, what kind of bras are you wearing now that you're entering/or at your last trimester?
I bought new ones for my growing boobs but they're beginning to dig into me at my ribs now. Too tight/uncomfortable.

Any recommendations for brands that can bring me from last trimester to when we're nursing, for convenience? Thanks.
I am still wearing my old bra, but add an extender at the back. Then try not to wear wire bra anymore.
I am also considering either to donate or keep it at private banking. I read for donating, they are quite strict with the quantity of the blood. If the cord blood is not enough, they may have to discard it. But it is a worth a try I'd say, except if you want to keep for private
Yup, i also heard the same thing. If the blood is not enough, the public bank will discard cos it is meant for the general public.... These cells are considered a part of my baby and i will definitely wanna store them, cos we may not know the possibility of advancements in medical science. Especially when tons of money were invested in the studying of these cells. They are definitely much better than using medicine, cos after all, they belong to my child.
I heard that cord blood banking not worth it bcos blood is very little and not useful. Any thots from other mums?
Not true.. Because i personally had a friend who used her baby's cord blood for treatment of a brain malfunction caused by birth accident....... I have read many other instances that cord blood was used widely in the more developed countries such as US for blood illnesses and other diseases. Basically, the cells belong to your own baby and if you can preserve them for him/her, wouldn't it be nice? Of cos i never want to use it... But i wanted to make sure that if there are no more medication left on the shelf, i still have this primitive resource i stored for her... Health is my top priority for her... Best part is, it is not expensive like what i thought it will be... Actually you can try calling Cordlife to ask them for an appointment to understand more before you make a decision. Hope this helps.
@ellieteow, normally they will advise you to do hospital tour after you passed your 20 weeks. I done this at around 20 weeks. See some mummies also do this on their third trimester.

But last time, I got difficulty to book the hospital tour at Mt A as their slot always full and need to wait for another month to get the slot. So I suggest you register/book earlier better.
do we need to book the room for delivery now?
Can I ask MTB here, what kind of bras are you wearing now that you're entering/or at your last trimester?
I bought new ones for my growing boobs but they're beginning to dig into me at my ribs now. Too tight/uncomfortable.

Any recommendations for brands that can bring me from last trimester to when we're nursing, for convenience? Thanks.

I got mine fr spring maternity fr 2nd tri onwards, not dat exp and comfy, but of cos plain designs. Can try first oso. I find those dat I got cheaply online previously very uncomfortable, rather pay abit more for quality.
@ellieteow, last time I try to book hospital tour on the same day when I did my regular visit to gynae. Gynae can give me MC leave when I do regular visit. :p
Hahaha. Believe it or not. My gynae is pretty good friends with my boss!!! (whom I went, based on her recommendations:)) - but I'll def consider that....

Not true.. Because i personally had a friend who used her baby's cord blood for treatment of a brain malfunction caused by birth accident....... I have read many other instances that cord blood was used widely in the more developed countries such as US for blood illnesses and other diseases. Basically, the cells belong to your own baby and if you can preserve them for him/her, wouldn't it be nice? Of cos i never want to use it... But i wanted to make sure that if there are no more medication left on the shelf, i still have this primitive resource i stored for her... Health is my top priority for her... Best part is, it is not expensive like what i thought it will be... Actually you can try calling Cordlife to ask them for an appointment to understand more before you make a decision. Hope this helps.
What you mentioned about the possible health risks/last resort type of medical intervention is why I'm considering storing my baby's cord blood... - there's just not alot of information readily available... And.. I'm not sure if I want to book an appt with cordlife to understand more? - will they be quite pushy about this? How much is it to store the cordblood thou?
