(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Hey ladies. I'm having my first child.

I did my first scan at 6 weeks. Will be heading to the gynae tomorrow at 8 weeks for check-up.

My "morning sickness" have been pretty challenging.
From week 5-6, i barely eat or drink. Doc wanted to put me on a drip.
I didn't and try to survive on my own with some nausea and bloatedness medication.
For the past few weeks, i have been throwing up food I have eaten or else is the bile in my stomach.
Tried many things to keep my morning sickness in check but to no avail.

Is this normal? What should I be checking with the gynae?
Hi all, I'm new to this forum. First day of last menstrual was 12 April, that puts me at 7 weeks approaching 8 weeks this Saturday. This is my first baby and I'm really excited but paranoid at the same time.

Did my first pregnancy test at home when my period was 4 days late and received a positive result. Was paranoid therefore couldn't believe I was really pregnant until we visited the GP. Got the same positive result in the GP clinic.

Been staying away from coffee, tea, coke, raw food (my favourite salmon sashimi... ) but appetite hasn't been good lately. Morning sickness is manageable in the morning but terrible in the evening.

Getting a bit panicky because I've not been a Gynae till now. First appt with Dr Kenneth Lee is next Tues.. Hopefully baby is growing well and we can hear some heartbeat!

Hope to share experience and gain some knowledge from the rest of you!

My facebook email is [email protected]. please add me to the group! Thanks!
Hi ladies,

I had my review with dr loh this afternoon. The scan shows that beanie is approx 6wks 4days; abt 3 days off from my 7 weeks. We saw fetal pole and heard the thumping heartbeats. Although i already saw a very faint pulse last week but i was still very surprised by the sound of beanie's heart thumping.

DH and I are both pleased and relief that i hv cleared another stage. We remain cautiously positive about this pregnancy at this point and thank God for his blessing so far.

Dr loh has stopped my proluton jab for this week and i need not continue with intralipid treatment. (I forgot to ask him why.) However, i am to continue with duphaston, progynova and utrogeston daily.
Hazelnut, if ur hives is unbearable, take antihistamine. My gynae prescribed me that and I take one pill when the itch is unbearable. I will also try to apply cold towel on the hives, sometimes it helps to sooth the itch. For fast relief, I do Apple a thin layer of steroid too, though it's not recommended. But itch from hives is really unbearable!!! And I needed instant relief at times.

Just to share, I had miscarriage 2 yrs ago. It was a blighted ovum, I.e. fertilized egg but no embryo. Went for d&c at week 8 and when I came back, I cried my heart out. I catered confinement food for dinner for 2 weeks to regain my health. Went for a short holiday to get over it. I had irregular menses cycle and thought it was difficult for me to get pregnant. I took eys bai fong wan, tried to regulate my hormones, and 6 months later, I was pregnant. :) My baby is now 11 months! :)

To all mummies who lost their precious babies, take time to grief and then remain positive. Non-viable pregnancies will auto terminate, so do not blame yourself. It's nature. I'm sure God has better plans for u. Lotsa baby dust to u!
I wish I had better news but sadly baby has lost its heart beat. Dr loh measure the baby size of 6.1mm and even showed me the head and bum. .. there's a ring ard which shows there's some abnormality hence probably why baby stopped growing.
I was given meds to induce but I'm scared of passing out the fetus and tissue... Dr advised against d&c cos of scarring and adhesion.... He says it's safer especially for people like us going thru fertility treatment. I conceived through ivf.
Really sorry to hear tat...Alway make me sad to hear news like tis :(
May u continue to b strong and build up ur body for the next pregnancy ya
Jus nw I also saw abit of blood on the tissue I used to clean up
Now nothing .. Praying hard tat all is ok
Ace pls go to your Dr for a check just to make sure everything is ok. As much as many would say it's normal to spot, it's also no reason to spot during pregnancy. If I had not gone down to check cos of the slight pinkish discharge (and I only meant to go down to take mc) I wouldn't have find out baby has stopped growing until my wk8 appt. That would probably be more devastating for me I suppose. Regardless, as I was told if you are worried just go for a check. It doesn't harm and it gives you a peace of mind. Take care and have a safe and smooth pregnancy!
Thanks hazel_nut n portia3
I see nothing alrdy .. Gynae had given me med for standby
I did spot quite a few times during no1 too
Jus abit of blood jus nw.. Might b till to me hvg abit of run too
Will monitor closely ;)
Hey ladies. I'm having my first child.

I did my first scan at 6 weeks. Will be heading to the gynae tomorrow at 8 weeks for check-up.

My "morning sickness" have been pretty challenging.
From week 5-6, i barely eat or drink. Doc wanted to put me on a drip.
I didn't and try to survive on my own with some nausea and bloatedness medication.
For the past few weeks, i have been throwing up food I have eaten or else is the bile in my stomach.
Tried many things to keep my morning sickness in check but to no avail.

Is this normal? What should I be checking with the gynae?

Hi Nicolexxx,

I have been experiencing the same since week 5. It's diagnosed as hyperemesis gravidarum. You might want to read up a bit to see if any of the remedy works for you. None of the food and water stays in my stomach. I take sips of barley throughout the day but still vomited all my bile. The medicine gynae prescribed me didn't work too. I am into week 10 and lost 5kg. But my gynae is not concerned. I think if it's unbearable for you, or you feel something is not right, best to seek gynae's advice. I am a sahm so i lie in bed all day. When i get up, i feel very giddy and the vomiting doesn't stop unless i am asleep. For now i am thankful that my #1 who is 7 can help to take care of #2 who is 2. Else i'll be so helpless without alternative help. I also experienced the same, if not worse, for my #2. Braced myself for the same for #3 but the misery still gets to me at times. Do seek help if you really feel unwell ok? Take care!

Sorry, i misread the last sentence of your post. You can ask your gynae what are the danger symptoms you should look out for. When should you seek help immediately with this kind of morning sickness. If your current medication doesn't work, is there any other alternative?
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I wish I had better news but sadly baby has lost its heart beat. Dr loh measure the baby size of 6.1mm and even showed me the head and bum. .. there's a ring ard which shows there's some abnormality hence probably why baby stopped growing.
I was given meds to induce but I'm scared of passing out the fetus and tissue... Dr advised against d&c cos of scarring and adhesion.... He says it's safer especially for people like us going thru fertility treatment. I conceived through ivf.

Hi Hazel_nut, sorry for your lost. I conceived naturally but went thru the same situation as you when i had my 2nd pregnancy which ended when hb stopped. I chose to take med to induce at home coz gynae said d&c might cause thinning of womb lining and i am naturally afraid of any surgery. I took the med and a painkiller together and waited. Only started passing out blood and blood clots early evening, not painful coz i had taken painkillers but gotta standby lots of nightpads coz the bleeding was heavy. Went back to gynae the following week and he said its cleared. After this it took about 2-3months b4 my mentrual went back to normal.
Oh no .. Nothing happen last nite so I didn't take anyti
But there is brown stain tis morning!
Freaking me out.. Now on the way to see my gynae! Nurse said I shd hv taken the duphaston immed :(
Oh no .. Nothing happen last nite so I didn't take anyti
But there is brown stain tis morning!
Freaking me out.. Now on the way to see my gynae! Nurse said I shd hv taken the duphaston immed :(

Dun panic. Just get to yr gynae. Ask if you need further support in the form of proluton jab and/ or inserts on top of duphaston.
Oh no .. Nothing happen last nite so I didn't take anyti
But there is brown stain tis morning!
Freaking me out.. Now on the way to see my gynae! Nurse said I shd hv taken the duphaston immed :(
Don't worry the gynae will check and see if you need injection and stuffs .. Think alot of us experience some spotting .. I'm on bed rest after the injection and given some medicine I still see some pinkish discharge once awhile the gynae say is normal and I Just continue with the medicine ..
Don't worry the gynae will check and see if you need injection and stuffs .. Think alot of us experience some spotting .. I'm on bed rest after the injection and given some medicine I still see some pinkish discharge once awhile the gynae say is normal and I Just continue with the medicine ..
i was having spotting yesterday too and my tummy is very cramp now :( i called my gynae just now and the nurse told me to rest at home, dont walk around too much.. but cos mine is tea colour, she told me if its fresh red blood, i must call the clinic to fix an appointment to see gynae asap.. hope everything will be fine. will be on mc tomorrow to rest at home..
Hi mummies .. Gynae said slight bleeding so jus ask me to start on Duphaston/Uterogestan /Salbutamol/Propanolol
BB did grow abit.. Last week can see the sac n today can see the yolk sac
But he still said tat bb is still v v small
He must see the foetus by next week and hear the heartbeat else mayb bb really not growing :(
Praying hard tat bb will grow stronger n stronger each day!
Give rest till next thur
i was having spotting yesterday too and my tummy is very cramp now :( i called my gynae just now and the nurse told me to rest at home, dont walk around too much.. but cos mine is tea colour, she told me if its fresh red blood, i must call the clinic to fix an appointment to see gynae asap.. hope everything will be fine. will be on mc tomorrow to rest at home..
Babe faster call and make the earlier appointment to see gynae so you wun have to worry so much .At first mine is light brown but now got some pinkish one like fresh when I wipe after peeing.. The gynae as long as not a lot is still ok..I now at bed rest but keep feeling tired etc.. Don't seem to have much strength ..
Hi mummies .. Gynae said slight bleeding so jus ask me to start on Duphaston/Uterogestan /Salbutamol/Propanolol
BB did grow abit.. Last week can see the sac n today can see the yolk sac
But he still said tat bb is still v v small
He must see the foetus by next week and hear the heartbeat else mayb bb really not growing :(
Praying hard tat bb will grow stronger n stronger each day!
Give rest till next thur
Just rest well and don't stress .. I also hopefully my bean will be strong and show some progress next week.. Let all Jiayou together.. Our beans will be fine :)
Babe faster call and make the earlier appointment to see gynae so you wun have to worry so much .At first mine is light brown but now got some pinkish one like fresh when I wipe after peeing.. The gynae as long as not a lot is still ok..I now at bed rest but keep feeling tired etc.. Don't seem to have much strength ..
but i called already and the nurse told me tea colour is ok leh. i only had tea colour stain ytd from 10am to 1pm then after that from yesterday until now no more spotting liao. nurse only told me to contact them immediately if got red blood spotting.. until now no spotting liao. i hope everything will be fine for my bb. my next check up have to wait till july..
but i called already and the nurse told me tea colour is ok leh. i only had tea colour stain ytd from 10am to 1pm then after that from yesterday until now no more spotting liao. nurse only told me to contact them immediately if got red blood spotting.. until now no spotting liao. i hope everything will be fine for my bb. my next check up have to wait till july..
Oh ok ... Becos that day I got light brown stain then they ask me to see doc .. Anyway I also got giddy problem .. Really worried that I go out will faint or not . You just rest well more.. And don't carry heavy things .
hi mummies, any of your #1, #2 felt very clinky and sticky now? my #1 is really veey sticky. i am feeling veey tired and feeling pretty nausea. she kepy asking to carry. how you manage? i cant wait for my scan on next fri. this will be my forst scan. really prayinf hard for a healthy and growing well beanie.
Hi mummies , I know coke is not good for baby.. But today I felt really nauseous and sickly. Cannot sleep well also. But once I drink the coke .. I felt so much better so relieved no longer that nauseous and chest no longer feel hot and uncomfortable .. Anyone felt the same too ? Like you feel better after a coke ? Hehe maybe becos Im a coke fan .. Deprive of coke.
hi mummies, any of your #1, #2 felt very clinky and sticky now? my #1 is really veey sticky. i am feeling veey tired and feeling pretty nausea. she kepy asking to carry. how you manage? i cant wait for my scan on next fri. this will be my forst scan. really prayinf hard for a healthy and growing well beanie.

My 3-year old #1 is now more sticky.... but she also knows I won't be able to carry her. There was one day she insisted i carry her and she removed her shoes at the void deck, sat there and screamed and cried. I had to drag her home bare-footed. But that was only once lah. So far she would just ask to hold my hand, if wanna carry, turn to daddy instead. I guess u just got to keep explaining to him/her that you are not feeling well now, it will take some time, blah blah blah. In time to come, she will understand. But bear in mind not to link everything to baby #2, cos that may cause #1 to have negative feelings towards #2.

Oh, and cos I been feeling kinda nauseous yet cannot puke, I need to keep resting. So... I let my #1 watch educational DVDs....or MIO TV educational progs. While she watch, I take the chance to rest.
Hi mummies,

Had my 8 week scan yesterday and I saw our baby for the first time, with a strong beating heart! :)
The doc says it is around 7.7, so pretty close to my 8 week period.

Very happy, excited and relieved to reach this 8 week milestone! :)
Sakshi.. B4 tat can u see the foetus n heartbeat ya?
My gynae said by next wk (7wks).. Must see foetus n heartbeat .. Made me really stress nw
Hi mummies,

Had my 8 week scan yesterday and I saw our baby for the first time, with a strong beating heart! :)
The doc says it is around 7.7, so pretty close to my 8 week period.

Very happy, excited and relieved to reach this 8 week milestone! :)
Congrats sakshi !!
First timer here. :)

I just tested ytd +ve on HPT... Later will be getting the Clearblue one to test again. Quite surprised to be preggy because of my sports activities, irregular period and long menstrual cycle.

Next week when my GP returns from her holidays I will get my pregnancy confirmed again via blood test.

Anyway, I found this pregnancy calculator on Dr Benjamin Tham's website which I feel may be more accurate than the Babycenter one as it takes into account menstrual cycle...


Based on this, I am 5 weeks 1 day preggy, due date on 22 Jan 2015!
First timer here. :)

I just tested ytd +ve on HPT... Later will be getting the Clearblue one to test again. Quite surprised to be preggy because of my sports activities, irregular period and long menstrual cycle.

Next week when my GP returns from her holidays I will get my pregnancy confirmed again via blood test.

Anyway, I found this pregnancy calculator on Dr Benjamin Tham's website which I feel may be more accurate than the Babycenter one as it takes into account menstrual cycle...


Based on this, I am 5 weeks 1 day preggy, due date on 22 Jan 2015!
Congrats to you too !
First timer here. :)

I just tested ytd +ve on HPT... Later will be getting the Clearblue one to test again. Quite surprised to be preggy because of my sports activities, irregular period and long menstrual cycle.

Next week when my GP returns from her holidays I will get my pregnancy confirmed again via blood test.

Anyway, I found this pregnancy calculator on Dr Benjamin Tham's website which I feel may be more accurate than the Babycenter one as it takes into account menstrual cycle...


Based on this, I am 5 weeks 1 day preggy, due date on 22 Jan 2015!
Wah this is really accurate .. Really based on my own calculation . My gynae keep saying based on chart I'm week 6 when I only week 5. Think I wanna change gynae
My condolences to all mummies who have recently lost their baby. Please continue to have faith.

I kind of stopped reading for a while after i found abt the miscarriages cos i was freaking out so badly and kept thinking what if it happened to me and all.
knowing me, the more i read, the more obsessed i become.

Today i had my 2nd scan at 8 weeks and baby is growing well and i'm relieved. I feel like i've overcome one stage.
One stage after one stage. Slowly but surely. Like Portia, i'm still cautiously happy. I think even after the 1st trimester is over, i'll still be cautiously happy.
Just today, i nearly slipped twice, on two different occasions! Thank God i did not fall down to the ground.

Seeing the heartbeat again today and seeing the baby grow lifted my worries a bit.
My next scan will be at my 12th week and i'll also be going for the Oscar Test. Any experienced mummy who have done the Oscar test before?
My condolences to all mummies who have recently lost their baby. Please continue to have faith.

I kind of stopped reading for a while after i found abt the miscarriages cos i was freaking out so badly and kept thinking what if it happened to me and all.
knowing me, the more i read, the more obsessed i become.

Today i had my 2nd scan at 8 weeks and baby is growing well and i'm relieved. I feel like i've overcome one stage.
One stage after one stage. Slowly but surely. Like Portia, i'm still cautiously happy. I think even after the 1st trimester is over, i'll still be cautiously happy.
Just today, i nearly slipped twice, on two different occasions! Thank God i did not fall down to the ground.

Seeing the heartbeat again today and seeing the baby grow lifted my worries a bit.
My next scan will be at my 12th week and i'll also be going for the Oscar Test. Any experienced mummy who have done the Oscar test before?

Hi deardyan,

Happy for you that bb is growing well. Dun think too much.

I plan to skip OSCAR test as it is not a diagnostic test but rather, a calculation on probability. Most likely i will go for other diagnostic tests like Harmony test which will tell u for sure if bb has any defective or extra chromosome thst is affecting its growth. I am already past 35 and i foresee that OSCAR is not going to give me a good result.

In any case, chk with yr doc for his opinion. My dr does not like oscar at all. I was also told that ivf patients are also managed differently. I will discuss more with my dr when the time comes.
Good day ladies.

Went for my first gynae appt yesterday at 10 weeks, 1 day.

God is great. Heartbeating so fast. Feotus growing well.

Tears just started to flow. DH recorded e whole thing and we can nvr be more grateful for this precious miracle.

Aft 6 failed attempts of assisted fertility, we conceived naturally. Indeed God has better plans for us and it's always the best.

My first scan was at 5 weeks to confirm pregnancy n location. No heart beat den just a sac. Next check up was at 8 weeks but I forgo cz I wanted to start looking for a perm gynae and I didn't wanna waste money going to too many scans too often.

It's worth the wait. As long as there is no bleeding. All is well. Leave the rest to Him.

Spreading gd vibes on a gd Saturday. Hv a great weekends ladies :)


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Good day ladies.

Went for my first gynae appt yesterday at 10 weeks, 1 day.

God is great. Heartbeating so fast. Feotus growing well.

Tears just started to flow. DH recorded e whole thing and we can nvr be more grateful for this precious miracle.

Aft 6 failed attempts of assisted fertility, we conceived naturally. Indeed God has better plans for us and it's always the best.

My first scan was at 5 weeks to confirm pregnancy n location. No heart beat den just a sac. Next check up was at 8 weeks but I forgo cz I wanted to start looking for a perm gynae and I didn't wanna waste money going to too many scans too often.

It's worth the wait. As long as there is no bleeding. All is well. Leave the rest to Him.

Spreading gd vibes on a gd Saturday. Hv a great weekends ladies :)
Congrats missyz !! So happy and excited for you ! :)))

I try and space out my meals and eat small meals each time up to only 80% full.

I also try and cut down on eating too much carbo (i love carbo) as it causes sugar level to spike quickly right after eating and causes bloating too. I eat lots of protein food ilke fish instead

I hv done this for the last 3 weeks and found that i hv gone down 2 kg which is a good thing as i am slightly overweight with bmi at 25.
sounds like a good advice.
i have also started snacking on fruits and crackers and hopefully these regular hunger pangs would subside!!
Sakshi.. B4 tat can u see the foetus n heartbeat ya?
My gynae said by next wk (7wks).. Must see foetus n heartbeat .. Made me really stress nw

Hi acequenn,
In my 6 weeks scan, i could just see the sac and nothing else.
even tried vaginal scan, but that too showed nothing.
and i must admit, it was pretty scary!

so the doc had adviced me to come at 8 weeks
in the meantime she had suggested that i can take progesterone, to increase the probability of pregnancy sticking up.
but my husband and i wanted nature to take its own course, so i didnt take any hormones.
Thankfully, by god's grace, at 8 weeks, i could clearly see the baby and its fast beating heart!!

so I would recommend to have positive thoughts and have faith that your child is a fighter and would stick through with you. positivity is really helpful, i guess
Hi all..
A first timer here.. just did my home pregnancy kit yesterday n it was positive. Went to family doc just now and it was confirmed positive.

According to doc it's 6 weeks. Need start looking for gynecologist. Husband n I are torn between govt or pte hospital. Further we are staying at bukit panjang. Can anyone help to shed light on our confusion? Any good female gynecologist near bukit panjang area to recommend?
Hi sharon.tan.

Congrats on ur pregnancy!!
I am residing in bukit batok, and seeing nuh Dr Su Lin lin. Under private tho cz no referral letter. And we chose her. A consultant.

Very gd n positive feedbacks bout her :)

She is so kind, patient and always all smiles. Soft spoken too. We are very happy with our choice so far.

All the best dear
Hi missyz!

Thanks for e recommendation! I searched on e net n thr are soo many positive reviews on Dr Su! Make me consider her as my gyne even more! Btw, do u happen to hv e package rate which u signed up w her, if thr is any? Mind sharing?
To sharon.tan,
There is a package of $770 + once u reach 22 weeks. Need to decide n sign up by den.

For now e check ups is random n u pay per visit. She will discuss with u when to see her next. And e scans/blood works to be done den.

Tt 770 package at 22 weeks is est 8-10 scans till u deliver. A few things inclusive (I can't rmmbr, scrambling to find e paper) and until 1 last visit abt 2 weeks (or mths) aft u deliver. Cons is it doesn't cover u for minor cough n cold issues etc. And anything aft tt 1 last visit, u hv to top up.

sorry pregnancy brain. Hehe.
Once u sign up, e clinic clerk will give u a few pamphlets plus hpb book on pregnancy n will counsel u abt this package.

Even got classes for first time mothers n fathers. Abt baby's health, how to look aft newborn etc. Like workshop. For 8 Saturdays. A separate price. $218 per couple.

I recommend u call nuh to fix an appt if u keen on her. Her popularity makes her slots quite full fast.

Hope this is helpful :)
I'm also considering Dr Su Lin Lin!

I'm now on NUH subsidised and as advised by the current gynae handling me, since i'm now on subsidised, just hold on to it 1st till 20th weeks.
then use the chance to get the 22 week package after that. So i can save money a bit here & there.

But will definitely be choosing Dr Su. Heard she's quite gentle and willing to listen.
Oh my! cant keep up with all the updates from the mummies. Congrats to all!!

Thinking if we should have our own whatsapp group chat would be better.

Oh my! cant keep up with all the updates from the mummies. Congrats to all!!

Thinking if we should have our own whatsapp group chat would be better.
Hi Diana, there's a FB page created for Jan 2015 mummies. And you could leave your mobile no. inside that secret fb group page because we have a whatsapp group too :)
