(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

I'm trying to make sense of why my baby keeps grunting and moving her limbs during sleep. It sounds like she's in distress :( this has been going on for the past week usually at night and in the early morning. It's disturbing mine and hubs' sleep too..anyone has the same prob?

Headache n feel unwell :(
Yday nite bb had to wail before I summon strength to pick him up n latch him. Then he wake up 3 or 4 times somemore, my fault cos he not full after each feed make things even worse for myself. He latch one side I burp him no burp, then hold him both of us will fall asleep, then I put him back to oct when I wake and of cos 1hr later he will cry for milk again, just when I deep sleep. Repeat n times, result is a bloody headache. Yday nite c dangerous lei I held him till I fell asleep a few times. The last time when I wake up his head was like hanging backwards fr my arm :(
Hubby super stressed this week so no help there.
Understand how u feel. I fell asleep feeding bb before too. Was super guilty after that cos she puked some milk all over her pjs and I didn't even know. I also feel unwell today..bb has been cranky since yest cos of the jab. I hardly slept as i kept waking to check on her. Now slight fever and refuse to drink milk. Nv poo yest. Medicine need to force inside her mouth while kiaping her hands to make sure she doesn't hit my syringe away..haiz.
I'm trying to make sense of why my baby keeps grunting and moving her limbs during sleep. It sounds like she's in distress :( this has been going on for the past week usually at night and in the early morning. It's disturbing mine and hubs' sleep too..anyone has the same prob?

My lo is like that too. He does it so often esp if i dont fully swaddle him. He kicks and flail his arms like he is uncomfy about something but his eyes still shut.

And he grunts alot also..like got phlegm stuck. At first i pick him up right away..nowadays i just watch and let him be..after a while he settles down and falls back to sleep. But i happens so often.

At night i have to fully swaddle him cos he sometimes hits his own face and all. -.-
Understand how u feel. I fell asleep feeding bb before too. Was super guilty after that cos she puked some milk all over her pjs and I didn't even know. I also feel unwell today..bb has been cranky since yest cos of the jab. I hardly slept as i kept waking to check on her. Now slight fever and refuse to drink milk. Nv poo yest. Medicine need to force inside her mouth while kiaping her hands to make sure she doesn't hit my syringe away..haiz.

can i know what jab this is? how come my bb is 2 days after yours but his next jab is only scheduled in April?
My lo is like that too. He does it so often esp if i dont fully swaddle him. He kicks and flail his arms like he is uncomfy about something but his eyes still shut.

And he grunts alot also..like got phlegm stuck. At first i pick him up right away..nowadays i just watch and let him be..after a while he settles down and falls back to sleep. But i happens so often.

At night i have to fully swaddle him cos he sometimes hits his own face and all. -.-

i will swaddle my boy's lower half of the body when i put him down but usually when i wake up for the next feed, his feet is out already... he can kick damn hard, sometimes when i hold him he buay song he kick my c sect wound so hard, so scared he tear something.
My lo is like that too. He does it so often esp if i dont fully swaddle him. He kicks and flail his arms like he is uncomfy about something but his eyes still shut.

And he grunts alot also..like got phlegm stuck. At first i pick him up right away..nowadays i just watch and let him be..after a while he settles down and falls back to sleep. But i happens so often.

At night i have to fully swaddle him cos he sometimes hits his own face and all. -.-
Me too, facing the same prob. Every night his phlegm will make him v irritated and he will start fussing, refuse to slp in his cot.
Read tt a humidifier can help them to breathe better and i used it ytd night. Nt sure if its the humidifier or if my LO is v tired bt he kinda slp thruout only waking up when he needs to be fed.
Oh and tightly swaddling my LO helps.
i will swaddle my boy's lower half of the body when i put him down but usually when i wake up for the next feed, his feet is out already... he can kick damn hard, sometimes when i hold him he buay song he kick my c sect wound so hard, so scared he tear something.
I think babies are all like tht. Happen to my boy also. He doesn't like to be swaddle. Haha. He wil try to break free
i will swaddle my boy's lower half of the body when i put him down but usually when i wake up for the next feed, his feet is out already... he can kick damn hard, sometimes when i hold him he buay song he kick my c sect wound so hard, so scared he tear something.

Oh dear..mine kicks hard also. For me no csect wound but he kick me so pain already. I use swaddleme swaddle so his legs will never come out. But his hands forever can break free somehow.
Me too, facing the same prob. Every night his phlegm will make him v irritated and he will start fussing, refuse to slp in his cot.
Read tt a humidifier can help them to breathe better and i used it ytd night. Nt sure if its the humidifier or if my LO is v tired bt he kinda slp thruout only waking up when he needs to be fed.
Oh and tightly swaddling my LO helps.

I just ordered a humidifier also from biocair also. Hope it helps. Mine he so phlegmy that when he drink milk like so difficult. So poor thing..
I'm trying to make sense of why my baby keeps grunting and moving her limbs during sleep. It sounds like she's in distress :( this has been going on for the past week usually at night and in the early morning. It's disturbing mine and hubs' sleep too..anyone has the same prob?
they will outgrow it. Hang on!
My lo is like that too. He does it so often esp if i dont fully swaddle him. He kicks and flail his arms like he is uncomfy about something but his eyes still shut.

And he grunts alot also..like got phlegm stuck. At first i pick him up right away..nowadays i just watch and let him be..after a while he settles down and falls back to sleep. But i happens so often.

At night i have to fully swaddle him cos he sometimes hits his own face and all. -.-
I never ever succeed in swaddling anymore. She kicks up such a big fuss she won't even wanna sleep. Sigh..guess we gotta bear with it. The most worrying for me is when she flails her arms she tends to also rub her face nonstop till her eyes are all red..must always keep her mittens on.
My lo is like that too. He does it so often esp if i dont fully swaddle him. He kicks and flail his arms like he is uncomfy about something but his eyes still shut.

And he grunts alot also..like got phlegm stuck. At first i pick him up right away..nowadays i just watch and let him be..after a while he settles down and falls back to sleep. But i happens so often.

At night i have to fully swaddle him cos he sometimes hits his own face and all. -.-
Mine too. It's been 1.5mths and still counting. I can't even sleep at night. I guess LO also dun sleep well. Sometimes after each stretching of LO's body, accompany by either fart or poo or spit milk. I think their internal organs are developing, need more stretching.
I just ordered a humidifier also from biocair also. Hope it helps. Mine he so phlegmy that when he drink milk like so difficult. So poor thing..
The pd said the phlegm thing is normal for infants cos of their narrow nasal passageways.. I read that if u wanna use humidifier must use those that generate cool mist..not warm kind cos that kind can be a breeding ground for dustmites..u might wanna tk note. The one I shortlisted but haven't gotten is the one from osim.
Mine too. It's been 1.5mths and still counting. I can't even sleep at night. I guess LO also dun sleep well. Sometimes after each stretching of LO's body, accompany by either fart or poo or spit milk. I think their internal organs are developing, need more stretching.
Sometimes when I see my bb stretching and kicking so much,I can't help but think she looks ridiculous lol..and she is always smiling at me while doing it if she's awake..In the middle of the night when I'm so tired it's even difficult to feel frustrated with her..
The pd said the phlegm thing is normal for infants cos of their narrow nasal passageways.. I read that if u wanna use humidifier must use those that generate cool mist..not warm kind cos that kind can be a breeding ground for dustmites..u might wanna tk note. The one I shortlisted but haven't gotten is the one from osim.

Ooh thanks for the tip. Thats important!
It's the 5 in 1 jab plus rotavirus oral vaccination which according to a schedule given by my pd is given at 6-8 weeks.

Oic... ok i just looked at the schedule given by my first PD, for her if i do 6 in 1 (which incl 2nd dose of hep B), its 2nd month like yours. But if i do hep B first separately (which i have on 11 Feb), then the balance 5 in 1 is 3 months. My 5 in 1 is scheduled on 7 Apr, i give myself 1 wk to monitor n settle down the bb before returning to work on 13 Apr.
Sometimes when I see my bb stretching and kicking so much,I can't help but think she looks ridiculous lol..and she is always smiling at me while doing it if she's awake..In the middle of the night when I'm so tired it's even difficult to feel frustrated with her..

So nice that bb smiles at you all the time!! My bb hardly smiles, he's a very serious bb, he glares alot, lol.
Oic... ok i just looked at the schedule given by my first PD, for her if i do 6 in 1 (which incl 2nd dose of hep B), its 2nd month like yours. But if i do hep B first separately (which i have on 11 Feb), then the balance 5 in 1 is 3 months. My 5 in 1 is scheduled on 7 Apr, i give myself 1 wk to monitor n settle down the bb before returning to work on 13 Apr.
Apparently if they have fever after jab it shd subside after abt 2 days. 1 wk for u shd be more than sufficient :)
So nice that bb smiles at you all the time!! My bb hardly smiles, he's a very serious bb, he glares alot, lol.
She only started smiling alot lately. PD says when bb can smile back at u, it means they are ready to be "trained" to have a daily routine. I'm still trying to get her accustomed to a routine though..its so tough. She wakes up late every morning and is cranky if I wake her and she's not ready to wake up. So I haven't had much success with establishing a routine.
She only started smiling alot lately. PD says when bb can smile back at u, it means they are ready to be "trained" to have a daily routine. I'm still trying to get her accustomed to a routine though..its so tough. She wakes up late every morning and is cranky if I wake her and she's not ready to wake up. So I haven't had much success with establishing a routine.

How many weeks is your LO? Mine is only 4 weeks old and he doesnt do much except sleep feed and poo. Haha. I do some tummy time for him but thats about it. Normal right?,
When is the right time to start tummy train and cutting of nails?

I use the zoli nail trimmer since he was 1 week old. It kinda files his nails to be shorter..it doesnt really cut his nails. I still put his mittens on cos his nails still quite sharp even after filling.
I'm trying to make sense of why my baby keeps grunting and moving her limbs during sleep. It sounds like she's in distress :( this has been going on for the past week usually at night and in the early morning. It's disturbing mine and hubs' sleep too..anyone has the same prob?

Mine does the same thing. And also he seems to have a perpetual stuffy nose so sometimes he will get fed up when feeding cos he cannot breathe well.. Brought him to see pd and he have me saline drops for the nose , yet to try. I use swaddleme pod sometimes ...When he is in a mood to be swaddled. But now as he grows bigger he dislikes being swaddled more. But ironically he can sleep better when swaddled!
I'm trying to make sense of why my baby keeps grunting and moving her limbs during sleep. It sounds like she's in distress :( this has been going on for the past week usually at night and in the early morning. It's disturbing mine and hubs' sleep too..anyone has the same prob?

Mine does the same thing. And also he seems to have a perpetual stuffy nose so sometimes he will get fed up when feeding cos he cannot breathe well.. Brought him to see pd and he have me saline drops for the nose , yet to try. I use swaddleme pod sometimes ...When he is in a mood to be swaddled. But now as he grows bigger he dislikes being swaddled more. But ironically he can sleep better when swaddled!
Understand how u feel. I fell asleep feeding bb before too. Was super guilty after that cos she puked some milk all over her pjs and I didn't even know. I also feel unwell today..bb has been cranky since yest cos of the jab. I hardly slept as i kept waking to check on her. Now slight fever and refuse to drink milk. Nv poo yest. Medicine need to force inside her mouth while kiaping her hands to make sure she doesn't hit my syringe away..haiz.

This mb
Mine does the same thing. And also he seems to have a perpetual stuffy nose so sometimes he will get fed up when feeding cos he cannot breathe well.. Brought him to see pd and he have me saline drops for the nose , yet to try. I use swaddleme pod sometimes ...When he is in a mood to be swaddled. But now as he grows bigger he dislikes being swaddled more. But ironically he can sleep better when swaddled!

I was also given saline drops when i went to see doc for his somewhat blocked nose. Cos his breathing sounds raspy while drinking milk also. But didnt get any better leh.

I think all babies will fight against being swaddled. Haha. And yupp mine sleep longer when swaddled but to put him to swaddle is like a war.
My girl is 6w2d today and is around 5.5kg ... outgrowing the S size diapers as its abit tight already cos of her tunder thighs, bought M size diapers but too loose! Not sure what now...
What size is your baby wearing and how old?
How many weeks is your LO? Mine is only 4 weeks old and he doesnt do much except sleep feed and poo. Haha. I do some tummy time for him but thats about it. Normal right?,
Mine is almost 8 weeks! :) at 4 weeks she did pretty much the same as your bb..eat sleep poo haha
Mine does the same thing. And also he seems to have a perpetual stuffy nose so sometimes he will get fed up when feeding cos he cannot breathe well.. Brought him to see pd and he have me saline drops for the nose , yet to try. I use swaddleme pod sometimes ...When he is in a mood to be swaddled. But now as he grows bigger he dislikes being swaddled more. But ironically he can sleep better when swaddled!
I use Sterimar for infants for my bb. It's a saline spray..It works for my girl when she has stuffy nose. But it can get quite uncomfy for bb cos u need to spray into the nostrils. After that I use cotton bud to remove the mucus/booger. Always manage to remove huge pcs of booger..now she's quite used to it. She used to scream the house down I spray for her..
The startled sleep, the fly away limbs, the blocked nose, grunting sleep... sigh my LO has them all... My LO sleeps better on tummy, maybe you wanna try that... initially only day time naps...last night I tried to put her to sleep on tummy, she can move her head from one side to the other... so if she is grouchy is her sleep i will let her sleep on tummy...

Every night is so unpredictable , not sure what time she will wake up for milk or if her eyes are going to be wide open after her milk!!! Made things worst is I am still playing catch up on my milk ss vs her feeds...

was supposed to go for her hep b jab yesterday. but the GP suggested a 6-in-1 which include Hep B(2), asked us to come back two to three weeks later. he made a health assessment for her. She is weighing 5kg at 6 weeks. Mine still wearing S size.
My girl is 6w2d today and is around 5.5kg ... outgrowing the S size diapers as its abit tight already cos of her tunder thighs, bought M size diapers but too loose! Not sure what now...
What size is your baby wearing and how old?
Wow quite a big baby you have! My girl is soon turning 8 weeks and was 5.4kg last week. She's still wearing size s and it still fits her pretty well..
Wow quite a big baby you have! My girl is soon turning 8 weeks and was 5.4kg last week. She's still wearing size s and it still fits her pretty well..

Ya she is very chubby, i kinda scared that she is gaining abit too fast. She was 3.25kg when born, gaining abit too much....
I use Sterimar for infants for my bb. It's a saline spray..It works for my girl when she has stuffy nose. But it can get quite uncomfy for bb cos u need to spray into the nostrils. After that I use cotton bud to remove the mucus/booger. Always manage to remove huge pcs of booger..now she's quite used to it. She used to scream the house down I spray for her..

I use and did the same as u on my 1.5mth old girl and 3yr old boy. My girl enjoys it while my boy scream the whole hse down

Oh ya, did u use it everyday?
My girl is 6w2d today and is around 5.5kg ... outgrowing the S size diapers as its abit tight already cos of her tunder thighs, bought M size diapers but too loose! Not sure what now...
What size is your baby wearing and how old?

My boy weighed 5.2kg at his 6 wks visit, he's wearing Pampers size 3. i feel that that size is abit big for him, like a lot of excess material. but then again, 1 hr ago, he had the most explosive poop ever, until it came out from both the front AND the back of the diaper, stained from his bellybutton all the way to his back waist, omg, so thank goodness for a bigger diaper, if not the carnage will be worse, lol.
i thought it will be a long - drawn affair but ... hahaha dilated rly rly quite quickly.

regular contractions felt only when my sac leaked. was feeling crampy early Sunday though and I kept going to pee. went to raffles city to shop with my hb , b4 gg back home for a nap. A sharp pain woke me up , and when I wanted to get up to use the washroom I felt wet in between my legs ( wasn't sure if I wet myself or what). hesitated for a while b4 telling my hb .we decided to wait a bit to make sure that it is indeed a leak and not me wetting myself.by then I was having contractions every 1 in 5 and I started leaking more liquid. went to shower b4 heading to tmc... went in there approX 3 to 4 cm dilated. After an hr or so I asked for epidural (and dr tham ordered oxytocin to be given to speed things up) and not too long after it was given I was 7 to 8 cm dilated. but when I was fully dilated LO was still not engaged (-2 stn). the nurses got me to push , and they told me dr tham is on the way . when he came he vacuumed LO out... wa damn pain siah when the head was coming out
.. pushed a few nore times and LO was out ... whopping 3.5 kg.
Did you use epidural?
The startled sleep, the fly away limbs, the blocked nose, grunting sleep... sigh my LO has them all... My LO sleeps better on tummy, maybe you wanna try that... initially only day time naps...last night I tried to put her to sleep on tummy, she can move her head from one side to the other... so if she is grouchy is her sleep i will let her sleep on tummy...

Every night is so unpredictable , not sure what time she will wake up for milk or if her eyes are going to be wide open after her milk!!! Made things worst is I am still playing catch up on my milk ss vs her feeds...

was supposed to go for her hep b jab yesterday. but the GP suggested a 6-in-1 which include Hep B(2), asked us to come back two to three weeks later. he made a health assessment for her. She is weighing 5kg at 6 weeks. Mine still wearing S size.
I called polyclinic hotline e staff said must complete 2nd dose hep b injection den 3rd n 4th mth injection den 5th mth will be 6 in 1 injection. This is polyclinic schedule. I cannot choose 6 in 1 now. Do u have any idea about it?
The startled sleep, the fly away limbs, the blocked nose, grunting sleep... sigh my LO has them all... My LO sleeps better on tummy, maybe you wanna try that... initially only day time naps...last night I tried to put her to sleep on tummy, she can move her head from one side to the other... so if she is grouchy is her sleep i will let her sleep on tummy...

Every night is so unpredictable , not sure what time she will wake up for milk or if her eyes are going to be wide open after her milk!!! Made things worst is I am still playing catch up on my milk ss vs her feeds...

was supposed to go for her hep b jab yesterday. but the GP suggested a 6-in-1 which include Hep B(2), asked us to come back two to three weeks later. he made a health assessment for her. She is weighing 5kg at 6 weeks. Mine still wearing S size.
I called polyclinic hotline e staff said must complete 2nd dose hep b injection den 3rd n 4th mth injection den 5th mth will be 6 in 1 injection. This is polyclinic schedule. I cannot choose 6 in 1 now. Do u have any idea about it?
I m too sure leh... But the GP did mention the poly route is just additional jab
I think poly route is 5in1...6in1 payable?
I called polyclinic hotline e staff said must complete 2nd dose hep b injection den 3rd n 4th mth injection den 5th mth will be 6 in 1 injection. This is polyclinic schedule. I cannot choose 6 in 1 now. Do u have any idea about it?

yep this is what the poly told me too, they do the hep b jab separately
I called polyclinic hotline e staff said must complete 2nd dose hep b injection den 3rd n 4th mth injection den 5th mth will be 6 in 1 injection. This is polyclinic schedule. I cannot choose 6 in 1 now. Do u have any idea about it?
Give a hope, yes this is consistent with what my husband told me. It is only the 3rd jab that u can choose the 6 in 1. so for poly clinic it is 2x 5 in 1, 1x hep b and 1x 6 in 1 if u opt for it. apparently the immunity lasts longer as opposed to having 3x 6 in 1?

i am acty thinking of emailing the PD to ask, besides what is the advantage of doing 2x 6 in 1 and 1x 5 in 1 (i know some GPs offer a package of 3x 6 in 1 but that is not necessary due to 1x hep b given at birth) besides having slightly fewer jabs in view of the significantly higher cost.
Did you use epidural?
yes i did, thank god for that... cos when my LO was being vacuumed out i acty felt a burning sensation below and when i was being stitched up i did feel some discomfort till i let the dr know .
and even with the epidural it felt like i had a 10 lbs bowling ball passing thru a 1 inch wide rubber tube. it was this bad.
