(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Each feed and totally finish 140ml? How many hours interval?

Yes, each feed 140ml for now. Can last around 2.5 to 3 hours in the day. He's able to last thru longer at night, say we last fed him at 11pm last night and he just woke up at 330am for his feed. But not everyday can last so long la. Haha!

Yes, each feed 140ml for now. Can last around 2.5 to 3 hours in the day. He's able to last thru longer at night, say we last fed him at 11pm last night and he just woke up at 330am for his feed. But not everyday can last so long la. Haha!
My bb is 7 wks plus still drinking only abt 100ml every 2 hours. Recently her last feed at night will be at abt 11pm and she wakes at abt 3 or 4am to feed and sleeps back. So thankful for that!
My bb is 7 weeks n drinking 120ml every 2 weeks.. recently her last feed at 11pm n Wake up ard 5 or 6 to feed.. last night her last feed 10+ n did not wake up in the midnight.. even till this morning 7am she still slping but I still feed her as I feel is too long. Is it fine if she slp through so long?
Hey mummies, can check if you experience pool of fast flow lochia during your confinement? I had and really freak me out.is this normal?
My bb is 7 weeks n drinking 120ml every 2 weeks.. recently her last feed at 11pm n Wake up ard 5 or 6 to feed.. last night her last feed 10+ n did not wake up in the midnight.. even till this morning 7am she still slping but I still feed her as I feel is too long. Is it fine if she slp through so long?
Lucky you!!!! PD says it's totally fine to allow bb to sttn without feeding :) must be thankful hehe
How do u all determine when to increase your LO milk intake? And how much to increase?
I dun noe when should I increase my bb milk intake cos he always tends to puke after feeding. So I dun know if he puke if he had too much or is it reflux issue.
How do u all determine when to increase your LO milk intake? And how much to increase?
I dun noe when should I increase my bb milk intake cos he always tends to puke after feeding. So I dun know if he puke if he had too much or is it reflux issue.
if bb current intake cannot lasts him for 3 hrs, i will up his intake... however if your lo pukes after having a larger feed, you might have to hold back the increase and let him drink frequently instead.

I usually increase by 5ml or 10 ml at certain feed...
My LO drinking 90ml per feed of expressed BM. He feeds every 2hours leh. Sometimes 1.5 hours already he showing hunger cues also. Wondering if the frequency is because he isnt getting enough per feed. Or issit my milk not enough fats?

He pees well though, recently less poo diaper. 2 times in a day only yesterday.

Same mine is drinking 90ml every 1.5-2hrs very tiring for us cos feeding her takes 20-30mins and then after and hour plus more she is hungry again. I was wondering Shld i increase the amount so can last her longer
Hey mummies, can check if you experience pool of fast flow lochia during your confinement? I had and really freak me out.is this normal?

How many weeks postpartum r u now? i'm experiencing fast flow now too, but i'm already 7 wks postpartum... think its really my period, haiz. My gynae says to monitor, if soak thru 1-2 maxi pad within an hr, must immediately go in for a scan. R u on total breastfeeding? If not, your period can return as early as 4 wks postpartum. Meanwhile, if u have leftover iron pills from your pregnancy, can take that to prevent anaemia.
How do u all determine when to increase your LO milk intake? And how much to increase?
I dun noe when should I increase my bb milk intake cos he always tends to puke after feeding. So I dun know if he puke if he had too much or is it reflux issue.

Could it be cos he has a lot of wind? My CL says after the bb finish drinking, don't immediately burp him if not he will tend to merlion. Don't move him for 3-5 mins until the milk is fully swallowed, then burp him before lying him flat.

She heard from one of the PDs to increase amt by avg 2 ml a day (i.e. abt 10 ml a wk). But i think it depends on how your bb reacts to the feed. My boy nowadays like struggling to finish 130ml sometimes, so i have not increased it for the last 1.5 wks.
Sigh just went for my review w gynae and asked abt my pain n lump, she say hmmm not normal, may be internal bleeding n ask me to monitor, after 3 mths then go see her. I ask if still painful how? She say she will shun bian look at it during my next c-sect (omg?), cos no pt go OT for that now. Just ask me to rub at it.. I abit speechless lor..
How do u all determine when to increase your LO milk intake? And how much to increase?
I dun noe when should I increase my bb milk intake cos he always tends to puke after feeding. So I dun know if he puke if he had too much or is it reflux issue.

MAybe you try burp halfway through the feed I feel it helps for my bb. If drink less than 100ml I burp once in between. If drink more than 100ml I pause and burp twice. Helps him to digest better and he doesn't vomit out.
My bb is 7 weeks n drinking 120ml every 2 weeks.. recently her last feed at 11pm n Wake up ard 5 or 6 to feed.. last night her last feed 10+ n did not wake up in the midnight.. even till this morning 7am she still slping but I still feed her as I feel is too long. Is it fine if she slp through so long?

That's great! Lucky you can catch up on your sleep then. Yday night I woke up 3 times to feed. Faintz.
Same mine is drinking 90ml every 1.5-2hrs very tiring for us cos feeding her takes 20-30mins and then after and hour plus more she is hungry again. I was wondering Shld i increase the amount so can last her longer

You can try increasing bit by bit, as long as bb takes it well no vomit it's ok. That's what my PD says.
Could it be cos he has a lot of wind? My CL says after the bb finish drinking, don't immediately burp him if not he will tend to merlion. Don't move him for 3-5 mins until the milk is fully swallowed, then burp him before lying him flat.

She heard from one of the PDs to increase amt by avg 2 ml a day (i.e. abt 10 ml a wk). But i think it depends on how your bb reacts to the feed. My boy nowadays like struggling to finish 130ml sometimes, so i have not increased it for the last 1.5 wks.
I dun know if he has alot of wind or wat leh. But he does burp very loud. Ya, we have to feed he in 45 degree sitting position. And break a feeding into a few times to let him digest. We oso try not to move or burp him after the feed. And definitely he cant lie flat. And after all these he will still merlion sometime...:( I have not been increasing his feed for a while liao. He is still on 110 ml at 7 weeks. But I realise he tend to get hungrier faster.
Sigh just went for my review w gynae and asked abt my pain n lump, she say hmmm not normal, may be internal bleeding n ask me to monitor, after 3 mths then go see her. I ask if still painful how? She say she will shun bian look at it during my next c-sect (omg?), cos no pt go OT for that now. Just ask me to rub at it.. I abit speechless lor..
Huh? Sound very irresponsible to me
If internal bleeding can wait 3 months ??!?!
MAybe you try burp halfway through the feed I feel it helps for my bb. If drink less than 100ml I burp once in between. If drink more than 100ml I pause and burp twice. Helps him to digest better and he doesn't vomit out.
Ya, we got try to break up the feed n burp him in between. But he still merlion lor...and I notice if he drink v fast, he will tends to puke oso. But I can't control the speed he drinks!
Sigh just went for my review w gynae and asked abt my pain n lump, she say hmmm not normal, may be internal bleeding n ask me to monitor, after 3 mths then go see her. I ask if still painful how? She say she will shun bian look at it during my next c-sect (omg?), cos no pt go OT for that now. Just ask me to rub at it.. I abit speechless lor..

WAH BIANG EH, may be internal bleeding n ask u to monitor for 3 months?! or till your next c-sect?!! *faint!* errr, i think if u r still in pain next week u better go seek a second opinion elsewhere.
Sigh just went for my review w gynae and asked abt my pain n lump, she say hmmm not normal, may be internal bleeding n ask me to monitor, after 3 mths then go see her. I ask if still painful how? She say she will shun bian look at it during my next c-sect (omg?), cos no pt go OT for that now. Just ask me to rub at it.. I abit speechless lor..
Sigh just went for my review w gynae and asked abt my pain n lump, she say hmmm not normal, may be internal bleeding n ask me to monitor, after 3 mths then go see her. I ask if still painful how? She say she will shun bian look at it during my next c-sect (omg?), cos no pt go OT for that now. Just ask me to rub at it.. I abit speechless lor..
huh next c-sect? if u are not gg to have more babies u wont have another c-sect. it sounds weird leh.
My bb is 7 weeks n drinking 120ml every 2 weeks.. recently her last feed at 11pm n Wake up ard 5 or 6 to feed.. last night her last feed 10+ n did not wake up in the midnight.. even till this morning 7am she still slping but I still feed her as I feel is too long. Is it fine if she slp through so long?
that's so good... i am waking up every 3 hrs or so to feed my 3 week old. I am looking fwd to cutting down on the night feeds man
that's so good... i am waking up every 3 hrs or so to feed my 3 week old. I am looking fwd to cutting down on the night feeds man
When my bb was 3 weeks old also had to keep waking up to feed..as they grow older they can sttn longer I guess. So don't worry!
Same here! Mine is barely 2 weeks.. But i realise if feed her fm or bm in abottle.. She will sleep longer...
i think it may have to do with the fact that baby feeds more from a bottle? sometimes they disengage too early and hence their intake is insufficient.
I am also experiencing the same problem, like she latches and feeds for 20 mins before disengaging, 1 hr later she comes to feed again, and then subsequently, demolish 80ml of EBM.

I am having half the mind to stop DL, and give EBM 100%. That way I know exactly how much she is taking and I have more control
Ya, we got try to break up the feed n burp him in between. But he still merlion lor...and I notice if he drink v fast, he will tends to puke oso. But I can't control the speed he drinks!

About drinking too fast.. could it be that the milk flow is too fast as there are too many holes in the teat? My LO used to merlion after feeds and we realised that was what caused the problem.
Hey end up I bought the Medela Tender Care to try.. Thanks @gammahedging and lucky I bought it despite some of my friends saying its the same as Purelan100. It is not. Tender care definitely glides better than Purelan. It like cream texture(tender care) vs paste texture (purelan).

PS: Purelan is 100% lanolin
Tender Care contains lanolin, capryllic capric triglycerides, oat beta glucan.


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I dun know if he has alot of wind or wat leh. But he does burp very loud. Ya, we have to feed he in 45 degree sitting position. And break a feeding into a few times to let him digest. We oso try not to move or burp him after the feed. And definitely he cant lie flat. And after all these he will still merlion sometime...:( I have not been increasing his feed for a while liao. He is still on 110 ml at 7 weeks. But I realise he tend to get hungrier faster.

I have the same problem with my boy too.. now i feeding 50ml every 1-1.5hrs.. cuz if i give him 100ml straight, even after waiting awhile for him to digest, when he burp he will vomit.. and he farts alot this week.

Im thinking if it is wind too.. started applying ru yi oil ytd..(before that I've been using telon oil cuz ruyi oil 辣) and he felt better i guess.. less crying and cranky.

My bb also drinks very fast, like got pple come snatch from him liddat. 100ml he took about 5mins, one shot. He has been using the medela standard teats since birth. Now he suck until the whole teat become flat loh.. I tried changing bottle teats (avent no.1 & pigeon wide teats), both he dont like.. drink halfway pek cek. I bought medela wide base medium flow one too.. haven try cuz the collar ring different. maybe can??
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Wah i dont know how to measure liao... But my bbygirl after afew hours will want bm and she will suckle like ive been starving her.. -.-
Hey end up I bought the Medela Tender Care to try.. Thanks @gammahedging and lucky I bought it despite some of my friends saying its the same as Purelan100. It is not. Tender care definitely glides better than Purelan. It like cream texture(tender care) vs paste texture (purelan).

PS: Purelan is 100% lanolin
Tender Care contains lanolin, capryllic capric triglycerides, oat beta glucan.
My pleasure , i hoped it helped !
I have the same problem with my boy too.. now i feeding 50ml every 1-1.5hrs.. cuz if i give him 100ml straight, even after waiting awhile for him to digest, when he burp he will vomit.. and he farts alot this week.

Im thinking if it is wind too.. started applying ru yi oil ytd..(before that I've been using telon oil cuz ruyi oil 辣) and he felt better i guess.. less crying and cranky.

My bb also drinks very fast, like got pple come snatch from him liddat. 100ml he took about 5mins, one shot. He has been using the medela standard teats since birth. Now he suck until the whole teat become flat loh.. I tried changing bottle teats (avent no.1 & pigeon wide teats), both he dont like.. drink halfway pek cek. I bought medela wide base medium flow one too.. haven try cuz the collar ring different. maybe can??
I changed from avent to nuk...from feeding 1 hr to less than 20 mins...nuk teat is close to our nipple shape so easier for them to drink n teat softer as well...
i think it may have to do with the fact that baby feeds more from a bottle? sometimes they disengage too early and hence their intake is insufficient.
I am also experiencing the same problem, like she latches and feeds for 20 mins before disengaging, 1 hr later she comes to feed again, and then subsequently, demolish 80ml of EBM.

I am having half the mind to stop DL, and give EBM 100%. That way I know exactly how much she is taking and I have more control

I have the same thoughts too! But my message lady say if we Ebm 100%, the milk supply may stop...bcos its not the same as latching..
About drinking too fast.. could it be that the milk flow is too fast as there are too many holes in the teat? My LO used to merlion after feeds and we realised that was what caused the problem.
I have the same problem with my boy too.. now i feeding 50ml every 1-1.5hrs.. cuz if i give him 100ml straight, even after waiting awhile for him to digest, when he burp he will vomit.. and he farts alot this week.

Im thinking if it is wind too.. started applying ru yi oil ytd..(before that I've been using telon oil cuz ruyi oil 辣) and he felt better i guess.. less crying and cranky.

My bb also drinks very fast, like got pple come snatch from him liddat. 100ml he took about 5mins, one shot. He has been using the medela standard teats since birth. Now he suck until the whole teat become flat loh.. I tried changing bottle teats (avent no.1 & pigeon wide teats), both he dont like.. drink halfway pek cek. I bought medela wide base medium flow one too.. haven try cuz the collar ring different. maybe can??
I changed from avent to nuk...from feeding 1 hr to less than 20 mins...nuk teat is close to our nipple shape so easier for them to drink n teat softer as well...
I am using the tommee tippee bottles from beginning to now. Got the pigeon n avent but din try changing. Maybe I should.
I have the same thoughts too! But my message lady say if we Ebm 100%, the milk supply may stop...bcos its not the same as latching..
I have been providing bb 100% ebm since his birth.. i think as long as u pump timely, supply may not be as much as dl but wouldnt stop.

And I think if u compare the number of times u dl bb vs the number of times you pump per day, definitely pumping will be lesser so supply will be lesser. I've been pumping every 3-4hrs.. on ave arnd 6-7pumps a day.

But one impt thing about pumping is you must try not to miss your pumps. And if u are taking care of bb alone, it might be very tiring too..

For example, my bb feed every 2.5hrs, i spend at least 45mins to pump, 10mins to wash pump parts, feed 5mins, burp 10mins, coax him to slp lucky 15mins, not lucky 1hr.. end up you only have maybe arnd 1hr to rest or no rest, you have to feed again.

Sometimes im too tired, and i will slp and not pump, let hub feed fm.. and do that a few days, boomz... blocked ducts! So now, no matter how tired must die die pump at least 10min each side then slp. 有好有坏吧. Just sharing my experience.

Oh and i would suggest you to get the kiinde starter set if u are gg for 100% ebm. It saves alot of time.
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Juz wondering...

Any mummies using the anti colic milk bottles to feed ??

My baby will drink half way n very pekcek coz he wan burp but can't burp n yet wan to drink but can't drink...

N although he manage to burp there is still wind Inside that hinder him from drinking more milk n he will keep cry n fuss... so I wonder is it colic ?
Juz wondering...

Any mummies using the anti colic milk bottles to feed ??

My baby will drink half way n very pekcek coz he wan burp but can't burp n yet wan to drink but can't drink...

N although he manage to burp there is still wind Inside that hinder him from drinking more milk n he will keep cry n fuss... so I wonder is it colic ?
i using MAM, i think all this anti-colic bottles are just marketing gimmicks. My boi still will pek chek and wanna burp lol. I will just pull bottle out and burp him. Then continue. Even when latching he also will pek chek and wanna burp, so ya.
Juz wondering...

Any mummies using the anti colic milk bottles to feed ??

My baby will drink half way n very pekcek coz he wan burp but can't burp n yet wan to drink but can't drink...

N although he manage to burp there is still wind Inside that hinder him from drinking more milk n he will keep cry n fuss... so I wonder is it colic ?
I use the avent anti colic ones but I guess some wind is still inevitable. Today my bb keeps puking out her milk esp when I carry her over my shoulder to burp. At night after feeding if bb refuses to burp what do u all do? Sometimes I'm guilty of just putting her back to sleep.. today she also took her jab and is ultra cranky..not asleep yet and no where near sleep..I'm doomed tonight lol
mummies do u know if its ok to give bb our BM if i'm sick? think i'm either coming down with a cold or i have blocked ducts. today my boobs r super painful n sensitive, n for some reason, my last pumping session managed to tear the skin on BOTH my nipples. sigh.

today my bb is ultra cranky the entire day... dunno what's wrong, usually he will only fuss at night. until i surrender at 4pm n called my hubby n told him to just leave work early, i buay tahan already, plus i feel sick, so my bones r aching, my nose is running, n the chills keep coming. damn chiam.
Just bought a yao lan today, yet to use. My boy had been ultra fussy lately. Hope yao lan works for both him n me.
My gal recently hard to fall asleep after i put her down. My mum keep suggesting me to use yao lan but i am rejecting it.. dun want to be bringing yaolab everywhere i go..
I use the avent anti colic ones but I guess some wind is still inevitable. Today my bb keeps puking out her milk esp when I carry her over my shoulder to burp. At night after feeding if bb refuses to burp what do u all do? Sometimes I'm guilty of just putting her back to sleep.. today she also took her jab and is ultra cranky..not asleep yet and no where near sleep..I'm doomed tonight lol
Yes u can continue to bf cos your body will Be building immunity for the cold and that will pass it to bb and make him more immune to the cold that you are having
