(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Anybody bb has reflux?
What and how did u stop the vomiting?

Mine... went PD before cny and doc said my boy is having reflux, heartburn.. gave him a month dose of med to ease the vomiting n gastric pain... so far on certain days he can really throw up milk v frequently but on some days he will be ok.

Don't think we can stop vomiting completely but I try to carry him upright for a while after each feed. Will burp him as well cos he has alot of wind. But PD did mention tat bb with reflux doesn't like to burp as it will be uncomfortable for them.. but he will cry to be burp..

But as long he is still feeding well I hope he can grown it.. else need to bring him back to PD again.

mummies do u know if its ok to give bb our BM if i'm sick? think i'm either coming down with a cold or i have blocked ducts. today my boobs r super painful n sensitive, n for some reason, my last pumping session managed to tear the skin on BOTH my nipples. sigh.

today my bb is ultra cranky the entire day... dunno what's wrong, usually he will only fuss at night. until i surrender at 4pm n called my hubby n told him to just leave work early, i buay tahan already, plus i feel sick, so my bones r aching, my nose is running, n the chills keep coming. damn chiam.

I think if u are not on medication, it shld be fine.. Continue to bf.. if the pain is unbearable to dl, then pump out, thou dl will clear the blocked ducts faster.. rmb to monitor your temperature, if fever develops, it might be mastitis.. mastitis can be a result of cracked nipples and blocked ducts.. take more rest and keep latching/pumping..

if possible ask someone to help you out.. Cuz when i had mastitis, i was so drowsy that i can slp while carrying bb, even thou i never take any medication.. which is quite dangerous lah.


If after trying all these, fever didnt subside after 2days, then u have to go see gynae take anti inflammation and antibiotics. My fever subsides after a day, but i still go take meds for future use. (Ps: some dr only give when u are still having fever, no fever no give) Anw, mastitis is very common and may happen many times during bfing journey. So dont be disheartened .. ^_^

Regarding cranky bb, i always feel that bb can somehow sense whether we are having a good/bad day. If we are happy, bb will be happy.. and if we feel uncomfortable, so does baby. Its the kind of aura we protray.. Try to maintain a positive outlook and think of happy thoughts.. i know it is super tough.. but try ok? Jiayouz!!
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Yup.. I did.. However, I filter away a few as they seems to be self praise post while some are not available.. Hence asking ard... This yr jubilee really a lot of baby..
My gal recently hard to fall asleep after i put her down. My mum keep suggesting me to use yao lan but i am rejecting it.. dun want to be bringing yaolab everywhere i go..
My nieces n nephew (total 5 of them)used yao lan. But they are ok when they are outside. N at the age of 3.. all are wean out of it
They was looked after by my mil so I got to learn some tips from her when I am free
I use the avent anti colic ones but I guess some wind is still inevitable. Today my bb keeps puking out her milk esp when I carry her over my shoulder to burp. At night after feeding if bb refuses to burp what do u all do? Sometimes I'm guilty of just putting her back to sleep.. today she also took her jab and is ultra cranky..not asleep yet and no where near sleep..I'm doomed tonight lol
i using MAM, i think all this anti-colic bottles are just marketing gimmicks. My boi still will pek chek and wanna burp lol. I will just pull bottle out and burp him. Then continue. Even when latching he also will pek chek and wanna burp, so ya.

Yes I also tot anti colic bottles are gimmicks that's why I didn't use for my elder 2 kids...

Juz wanna confirm only
I think if u are not on medication, it shld be fine.. Continue to bf.. if the pain is unbearable to dl, then pump out, thou dl will clear the blocked ducts faster.. rmb to monitor your temperature, if fever develops, it might be mastitis.. mastitis can be a result of cracked nipples and blocked ducts.. take more rest and keep latching/pumping..

if possible ask someone to help you out.. Cuz when i had mastitis, i was so drowsy that i can slp while carrying bb, even thou i never take any medication.. which is quite dangerous lah.


If after trying all these, fever didnt subside after 2days, then u have to go see gynae take anti inflammation and antibiotics. My fever subsides after a day, but i still go take meds for future use. (Ps: some dr only give when u are still having fever, no fever no give) Anw, mastitis is very common and may happen many times during bfing journey. So dont be disheartened .. ^_^

Regarding cranky bb, i always feel that bb can somehow sense whether we are having a good/bad day. If we are happy, bb will be happy.. and if we feel uncomfortable, so does baby. Its the kind of aura we protray.. Try to maintain a positive outlook and think of happy thoughts.. i know it is super tough.. but try ok? Jiayouz!!

thanks for the info babe, ya i think mine is mastitis, woke up for my 2am and 6am pumping sessions with super hard n painful boobs, gotta grit my teeth n try to massage out the lumps. felt better today, no fever no chills, but boobs still very tender. couldn't hold my boy just now, cos cannot bear his weight on my chest. hopefully today he's more cooperative n does not demand to be held so much. sometimes i wonder, are they crying cos they are bored? what are we supposed to be doing with them when they are awake? read? play?
thanks for the info babe, ya i think mine is mastitis, woke up for my 2am and 6am pumping sessions with super hard n painful boobs, gotta grit my teeth n try to massage out the lumps. felt better today, no fever no chills, but boobs still very tender. couldn't hold my boy just now, cos cannot bear his weight on my chest. hopefully today he's more cooperative n does not demand to be held so much. sometimes i wonder, are they crying cos they are bored? what are we supposed to be doing with them when they are awake? read? play?
Haha sometimes I wonder too..not sure if I'm supposed to be doing more to stimulate my bb..Usually I sing songs, make her do tummy time (with much protest), walk ard the hse with her naming household items lol, bring her downstairs for a stroll..her fav activity thou is looking/listening to her cot mobile.. she can do it for more than half hr while smiling away..I'm def not complaining haha. What else do u all do with bb?
My nieces n nephew (total 5 of them)used yao lan. But they are ok when they are outside. N at the age of 3.. all are wean out of it
They was looked after by my mil so I got to learn some tips from her when I am free
Do u all intend to intro pacifier for them as well? Nw im contemplating to use both. Sigh
I use the avent anti colic ones but I guess some wind is still inevitable. Today my bb keeps puking out her milk esp when I carry her over my shoulder to burp. At night after feeding if bb refuses to burp what do u all do? Sometimes I'm guilty of just putting her back to sleep.. today she also took her jab and is ultra cranky..not asleep yet and no where near sleep..I'm doomed tonight lol

Mine very hard to burp one. Im guilty of that. Lols. At night after a few mins he nv burp he will auto fall asleep in my arms so i just put him down :/
Do u all intend to intro pacifier for them as well? Nw im contemplating to use both. Sigh

I bottlefeed my LO ebm and supplement FM anyway so i made the decision one sleepy night to just pop in the pacifier for him to settle to sleep faster cos he was fussing even after drinking milk and it has been a lifesaver for me eversince. There are times he can still sleep without pacifier so im trying to make it such that he is not dependent on it to fall asleep.
Mine... went PD before cny and doc said my boy is having reflux, heartburn.. gave him a month dose of med to ease the vomiting n gastric pain... so far on certain days he can really throw up milk v frequently but on some days he will be ok.

Don't think we can stop vomiting completely but I try to carry him upright for a while after each feed. Will burp him as well cos he has alot of wind. But PD did mention tat bb with reflux doesn't like to burp as it will be uncomfortable for them.. but he will cry to be burp..

But as long he is still feeding well I hope he can grown it.. else need to bring him back to PD again.
My pd told me it's quite common but mine seems to regurgitate almost after every feed):
thanks for the info babe, ya i think mine is mastitis, woke up for my 2am and 6am pumping sessions with super hard n painful boobs, gotta grit my teeth n try to massage out the lumps. felt better today, no fever no chills, but boobs still very tender. couldn't hold my boy just now, cos cannot bear his weight on my chest. hopefully today he's more cooperative n does not demand to be held so much. sometimes i wonder, are they crying cos they are bored? what are we supposed to be doing with them when they are awake? read? play?
I think i kena thrush. Keep havingshooting pain nipple. And the pain is unbearable when I latch him.

Mine 怕寂寞 one. Very jialat. Unless he's asleep, if not I need to be sitting beside to talk to him);
thanks for the info babe, ya i think mine is mastitis, woke up for my 2am and 6am pumping sessions with super hard n painful boobs, gotta grit my teeth n try to massage out the lumps. felt better today, no fever no chills, but boobs still very tender. couldn't hold my boy just now, cos cannot bear his weight on my chest. hopefully today he's more cooperative n does not demand to be held so much. sometimes i wonder, are they crying cos they are bored? what are we supposed to be doing with them when they are awake? read? play?
i was reading this infant stimuli book. We can actually print out flashcards, flash to them. First 2 months are black and white cards. Helps to stimulate their right brain. 3rd month onwards colour cards. Can go google to find out more.
Mine... went PD before cny and doc said my boy is having reflux, heartburn.. gave him a month dose of med to ease the vomiting n gastric pain... so far on certain days he can really throw up milk v frequently but on some days he will be ok.

Don't think we can stop vomiting completely but I try to carry him upright for a while after each feed. Will burp him as well cos he has alot of wind. But PD did mention tat bb with reflux doesn't like to burp as it will be uncomfortable for them.. but he will cry to be burp..

But as long he is still feeding well I hope he can grown it.. else need to bring him back to PD again.
heartpain to see them keep vomiting. But LO dun seem to be in pain or xinku. After each feed I hv to chng at least 2 clothes. U mention pd prescribe 1mth med for yr LO, is it hv to eat for few mths till LO stop vomiting? Was thinking whether to bring my LO see pd. Yesterday my mum introduce fm to LO and she vomit fr nose and mouth. Scare die me! Is it also due to reflux?
my mum always like to intro things i dun want to intro to my baby. she also intro pacifier to her, but mine dun like it. will always spit out.
Mine hates pacifier too. Not sure if she doesn't know how to use or dislikes it. It keeps falling out and I have to keep putting it back for her so stopped giving.
heartpain to see them keep vomiting. But LO dun seem to be in pain or xinku. After each feed I hv to chng at least 2 clothes. U mention pd prescribe 1mth med for yr LO, is it hv to eat for few mths till LO stop vomiting? Was thinking whether to bring my LO see pd. Yesterday my mum introduce fm to LO and she vomit fr nose and mouth. Scare die me! Is it also due to reflux?
Yup. Mine will vomit and then doze off after that. Not sure if I overfed him. Cause I dl.
Hais.. i dno whats wrong with baby.. maybe its the gas.. cant seems to lay hin down to sleep.. i lay him down less than 10mins he will whine and he seems very uncomfortable and keep stretching like he is trying to force something out of him.. Hub say let him whine, maybe carry too much he dont like to lie on his bed liao..
But he from whining become crying until his face red and teary. I heartpain sia.. so end up carrying him.. been rubbing his back on and off since 10.30am feed.. rub until he shiok shiok wanna slp liao, 15mins later woke up for feed again. Now its the third cycle.. I wanna dozed off liao.. maybe i shld just listen to hub?
Hais.. i dno whats wrong with baby.. maybe its the gas.. cant seems to lay hin down to sleep.. i lay him down less than 10mins he will whine and he seems very uncomfortable and keep stretching like he is trying to force something out of him.. Hub say let him whine, maybe carry too much he dont like to lie on his bed liao..
But he from whining become crying until his face red and teary. I heartpain sia.. so end up carrying him.. been rubbing his back on and off since 10.30am feed.. rub until he shiok shiok wanna slp liao, 15mins later woke up for feed again. Now its the third cycle.. I wanna dozed off liao.. maybe i shld just listen to hub?
Same same. I carry my LO so tat she can hv a gd sleep. It has been a month liao
He refuse to open to let me check. )):
Going see the doc later.
Or mAyb it's milk blister. There is this white colour thingy on my nipple.

Yup see doc quickly, btw I read that grapefruit seed extract does wonders for thrush. Bought but haven't eat yet cos I feeling much better, keeping it for just in case..
I bottlefeed my LO ebm and supplement FM anyway so i made the decision one sleepy night to just pop in the pacifier for him to settle to sleep faster cos he was fussing even after drinking milk and it has been a lifesaver for me eversince. There are times he can still sleep without pacifier so im trying to make it such that he is not dependent on it to fall asleep.

One fine night when I knocked out, hubby intro to bb cos he cranky and don't wanna sleep...
Then after that bb have difficulty latching on to me so I keep blaming the pacifier, so now it kena banned again haha.
Huh? Sound very irresponsible to me
If internal bleeding can wait 3 months ??!?!

I also dunno. When she do ultrascan I told her abt the lump then she feel and say hmm really got lump, not normal not normal, then ask me was it there before, I say No. She scan uterus is normal. She told me if can feel the lump means it's not that deep in so just monitor first. I wonder if clotted blood inside does it really get better after a few months? Forgot to ask her that. think for doc if not life threatening they also don't wanna open you up unnecessarily which I totally understand, but I thought she will ask me go scan or something (even tho I have no idea what to scan for).
Hais.. i dno whats wrong with baby.. maybe its the gas.. cant seems to lay hin down to sleep.. i lay him down less than 10mins he will whine and he seems very uncomfortable and keep stretching like he is trying to force something out of him.. Hub say let him whine, maybe carry too much he dont like to lie on his bed liao..
But he from whining become crying until his face red and teary. I heartpain sia.. so end up carrying him.. been rubbing his back on and off since 10.30am feed.. rub until he shiok shiok wanna slp liao, 15mins later woke up for feed again. Now its the third cycle.. I wanna dozed off liao.. maybe i shld just listen to hub?

If he keeps stretching due to wind U can try massaging his thighs like cycling motion towards his tummy so that he can release the wind...read this somewhere but can't find the article
Hais.. i dno whats wrong with baby.. maybe its the gas.. cant seems to lay hin down to sleep.. i lay him down less than 10mins he will whine and he seems very uncomfortable and keep stretching like he is trying to force something out of him.. Hub say let him whine, maybe carry too much he dont like to lie on his bed liao..
But he from whining become crying until his face red and teary. I heartpain sia.. so end up carrying him.. been rubbing his back on and off since 10.30am feed.. rub until he shiok shiok wanna slp liao, 15mins later woke up for feed again. Now its the third cycle.. I wanna dozed off liao.. maybe i shld just listen to hub?
Nowadays I put bb on tummy and use pacifier.( feeling guilty of giving him) but that's the only way to pacify him and so that he can sleep well in the afternoon.

Oh if bb cry too much, will result in colic also.
Yup see doc quickly, btw I read that grapefruit seed extract does wonders for thrush. Bought but haven't eat yet cos I feeling much better, keeping it for just in case..
Went to see the doc. She say my nipple is infected. Have me the purple solution to wash and some cream to apply. So will have to pump and discard for the next few days):
Hais.. i dno whats wrong with baby.. maybe its the gas.. cant seems to lay hin down to sleep.. i lay him down less than 10mins he will whine and he seems very uncomfortable and keep stretching like he is trying to force something out of him.. Hub say let him whine, maybe carry too much he dont like to lie on his bed liao..
But he from whining become crying until his face red and teary. I heartpain sia.. so end up carrying him.. been rubbing his back on and off since 10.30am feed.. rub until he shiok shiok wanna slp liao, 15mins later woke up for feed again. Now its the third cycle.. I wanna dozed off liao.. maybe i shld just listen to hub?

My bb also like this... since quite some time ago...

I would carry him n rub his back... sometimes he happen to burp n feels better..

My mum will put him on his tummy

My sis would carry him n walk around...

But after I going to return to my own hse after cny over.. I will have night mare I think.. no one to help me..

These few days I have to hug him together n sleep together ... he can't lie flat on bed.. muz sleep high high guess it's his wind problem
Hais.. i dno whats wrong with baby.. maybe its the gas.. cant seems to lay hin down to sleep.. i lay him down less than 10mins he will whine and he seems very uncomfortable and keep stretching like he is trying to force something out of him.. Hub say let him whine, maybe carry too much he dont like to lie on his bed liao..
But he from whining become crying until his face red and teary. I heartpain sia.. so end up carrying him.. been rubbing his back on and off since 10.30am feed.. rub until he shiok shiok wanna slp liao, 15mins later woke up for feed again. Now its the third cycle.. I wanna dozed off liao.. maybe i shld just listen to hub?

Sounds exactly like my son too... my mum also says he's too used to bring carried...
Went to see the doc. She say my nipple is infected. Have me the purple solution to wash and some cream to apply. So will have to pump and discard for the next few days):

Just curious you saw your gynae or a GP? What cream did your doc have you? I got a daktarin gel and anti inflammation pills..
Hi all
Just get to carry my LO on Monday after decide to c-sect
Wanna ask right after discharge from hospital we can chose to go polyclinic straight or we still have to visit back PD once before doing so?
Headache n feel unwell :(
Yday nite bb had to wail before I summon strength to pick him up n latch him. Then he wake up 3 or 4 times somemore, my fault cos he not full after each feed make things even worse for myself. He latch one side I burp him no burp, then hold him both of us will fall asleep, then I put him back to oct when I wake and of cos 1hr later he will cry for milk again, just when I deep sleep. Repeat n times, result is a bloody headache. Yday nite c dangerous lei I held him till I fell asleep a few times. The last time when I wake up his head was like hanging backwards fr my arm :(
Hubby super stressed this week so no help there.

Hi all
Just get to carry my LO on Monday after decide to c-sect
Wanna ask right after discharge from hospital we can chose to go polyclinic straight or we still have to visit back PD once before doing so?

for jaundice can straight to poly.
