(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

How to increase the supply thru pumping har?

This round my supply very constant din increase leh
Mine also leh..from 50ml 60ml 70ml to now 30ml or 40ml good time 50ml...just nuh dr asked to feed her every 2 or 2.5hrs if bm if fm ard 3 hrs for her to gain weight cos she small in size 2.19kg to begin w...is that got to catch up w same age group of bb?
Need mummies advise.....
My girl jaudice on day3 was 130 plus went up to 160 plus on day4 den on 1 day phototherapy den discharged w me aft that...
My sis suggested to bring bb to polyclinic to check on jaudice instead of pd cos jaudice very common for bb n bb got priority in polyclinic...
1st test 123 asked to come back a week later jaudice went up to 150 den asked to come back in 3days time levels went abit up to 157 but weight loss not sure is that because of diff clothes wore on both days...kena asked to go nuh a&e den run few blood test rule out jaudice n weight loss not because of other problem n asked to feed more to flush out jaudice n gaining weight...
Refer our case to clinic A children clinic in nuh...last Monday her weight was 2.218g today 2.438g dr said one day gained ard 3g she expect 15g per day...just whatsapps hub he said one day more than 30g did e dr count wrongly? Please advise based on that figure is it ard 30g or 3g per day? Shall I bring bb back to mt e novena to c pd there? Will e pd qn me why initially nv bring back but go polyclinic? TIA

Might be diaper full or wet already. .. the weight taken might not be accurate unless totally naked... so dun worry...

Yes muz feed more to reduce jaundice.. n also sun baby abit ?
Might also be ur diet .. cut down or no ginger if possible.
Mine also leh..from 50ml 60ml 70ml to now 30ml or 40ml good time 50ml...just nuh dr asked to feed her every 2 or 2.5hrs if bm if fm ard 3 hrs for her to gain weight cos she small in size 2.19kg to begin w...is that got to catch up w same age group of bb?
During high level of jaundice baby might feel more sleepy n dun wan to drink...

It happen to my bb too.. n he became dehydrated. .. 吓死我nv experience a new born dehydrated before lor.. end up I very hardworking. . Sun him in morning n evenings... after a few days jaundice went down.

Else that few days with high jaundice 180.. he was so sleepy n keep refusing to drink..
I small size n she born at week 35 n 5days...I worry abt her weight gained not say wanna burn money cos I know pd is ex...
I read somewhere that preterm baby tends to kenna jaundice more serious abit. So it's normal..
My baby also slightly preterm 36 weeks 5 days. . They label in his health book as "late pre term"

How old ur baby already ?? I think the Peak of the jaundice is around 6 days old.. +-
Anyone in the east using part time cleaner can help me ask their cleaner interested in cleaning my hse in tampines on weekdays ?? I can't seem to find any part time cleaner leh.. either agents or illegal ones which I dun wan ...
How to increase the supply thru pumping har?

This round my supply very constant din increase leh
My supply also dun work well this round... I realised my right nipples has fewer outlets than left resulting super unbalance yield . I usually pump at 3 hrly at day time n 4 hrly at night.

You can try to hand express a while more after pumping... Helps emptying but tiring la, i only do extra work during the day and alternate pumping.

Another way is to increase the suction Levels... Start off with 4,then 5...some times i up to 6 to pump additional 5-10mins...

Whats yr yield now? Mine is not impressive too... I was hoping maybe in a mth or two will be more stablised... Mean while i am still drinking RDT with fennel, coriander seeds... Not sure if those Helps...
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My supply also dun work well this round... I realised my right nipples has fewer outlets than left resulting super unbalance yield . I usually pump at 3 hrly at day time n 4 hrly at night.

You can try to hand express a while more after pumping... Helps emptying but tiring la, i only do extra work during the day and alternate pumping.

Another way is to increase the suction Levels... Start off with 4,then 5...some times i up to 6 to pump additional 5-10mins...

Whats yr yield now? Mine is not impressive too... I was hoping maybe in a mth or two will be more stablised... Mean while i am still drinking RDT with fennel, coriander seeds... Not sure if those Helps...
Current yields 100-120 only but I pump 4hrly day time night 4 or 5 or 6 hrly lolz depend how tired I am hehe

Wat!!! Power Level 5 or 6 :0

Rdt help supply meh ?
Mine also leh..from 50ml 60ml 70ml to now 30ml or 40ml good time 50ml...just nuh dr asked to feed her every 2 or 2.5hrs if bm if fm ard 3 hrs for her to gain weight cos she small in size 2.19kg to begin w...is that got to catch up w same age group of bb?
R u advise to give bb fm for low birth weight bb? If u r concern abt bb jaundice n weight gain and will feel more at ease with a pd, y not? Not saying nuh doc is not good but if it will give u a peace of mind by seeking a 2nd option y not? U do knw that some pd r more specialise in low birth weight bb right?
Current yields 100-120 only but I pump 4hrly day time night 4 or 5 or 6 hrly lolz depend how tired I am hehe

Wat!!! Power Level 5 or 6 :0

Rdt help supply meh ?
I was getting 90-120ml every 3-4hourly in e day too. Will do last pump Ard 11pm then next pump ard 7-8am coz CL still ard I don't hav to do night feed. Breasts feel hard n uncomfy but only gets max 160ml for e first pump. Today only getting 60-70ml per session. CL haven't leave any already start dropping
Any mummies has recommendations for vitamins for aching bones n cracking joints ??

After this delivery I felt like a 60 yr old lady... bones machiam breaking.

Hubby says coz my baby suck away all my vitamins ...

Does calcium n glucosamine helps in my case ?
Same !! My knee affects badly ... Like no strength to hold body
Any mummies has recommendations for vitamins for aching bones n cracking joints ??

After this delivery I felt like a 60 yr old lady... bones machiam breaking.

Hubby says coz my baby suck away all my vitamins ...

Does calcium n glucosamine helps in my case ?
Same !! My knee affects badly ... Like no strength to hold body
I was getting 90-120ml every 3-4hourly in e day too. Will do last pump Ard 11pm then next pump ard 7-8am coz CL still ard I don't hav to do night feed. Breasts feel hard n uncomfy but only gets max 160ml for e first pump. Today only getting 60-70ml per session. CL haven't leave any already start dropping

Current yields 100-120 only but I pump 4hrly day time night 4 or 5 or 6 hrly lolz depend how tired I am hehe

Wat!!! Power Level 5 or 6 :0

Rdt help supply meh ?
Mine also ard the Level, no better ya... I think when its comes to 2nd child, we all more relac... Last time so on, really every 3hr even at mid night... Now its depends on what time we get to hit the sack n wake up 3 or 4 hrs later to pump...

RDT i heard some said la but i bought extra herbs ma so might as well finish them

Yesterday bb full mth party, i pump at 0930 my next pump mp after the party was 1630... Pain die me... Left yield 120 right yield 80...like impressive sia... Haha
I was getting 90-120ml every 3-4hourly in e day too. Will do last pump Ard 11pm then next pump ard 7-8am coz CL still ard I don't hav to do night feed. Breasts feel hard n uncomfy but only gets max 160ml for e first pump. Today only getting 60-70ml per session. CL haven't leave any already start dropping
I am stuck with 100-120ml for a very long Time lolz
I am stuck with 100-120ml for a very long Time lolz

I was getting 90-120ml every 3-4hourly in e day too. Will do last pump Ard 11pm then next pump ard 7-8am coz CL still ard I don't hav to do night feed. Breasts feel hard n uncomfy but only gets max 160ml for e first pump. Today only getting 60-70ml per session. CL haven't leave any already start dropping
We talking combined yield not one side hor...
Might be diaper full or wet already. .. the weight taken might not be accurate unless totally naked... so dun worry...

Yes muz feed more to reduce jaundice.. n also sun baby abit ?
Might also be ur diet .. cut down or no ginger if possible.
I asked nurse to wt her totally naked...

Jaudice today was 101...no sun at my place lor...tsk tsk
I now no ginger...

Thinking to order 2 more weeks confinement food aft cl left cos feeling like haven really nurse back my body...cl cook either fish afternoon w soup den dinner veggie w soup or rotate...aft every meal I still hungry lor...my mum said in hospital eat too feng fu...I also dunno why I can eat more now but nth to grab to eat at home...I was thinking if order tingkat can request don't want ginger n no alcohol?
I asked nurse to wt her totally naked...

Jaudice today was 101...no sun at my place lor...tsk tsk
I now no ginger...

Thinking to order 2 more weeks confinement food aft cl left cos feeling like haven really nurse back my body...cl cook either fish afternoon w soup den dinner veggie w soup or rotate...aft every meal I still hungry lor...my mum said in hospital eat too feng fu...I also dunno why I can eat more now but nth to grab to eat at home...I was thinking if order tingkat can request don't want ginger n no alcohol?
Tingkat v hard to special request since they mass produce lor. Alcohol shouldn't be an issue cuz would hv evaporated during cooking. Ginger if they have it in the dishes just don't touch it lor...
During high level of jaundice baby might feel more sleepy n dun wan to drink...

It happen to my bb too.. n he became dehydrated. .. 吓死我nv experience a new born dehydrated before lor.. end up I very hardworking. . Sun him in morning n evenings... after a few days jaundice went down.

Else that few days with high jaundice 180.. he was so sleepy n keep refusing to drink..
My girl will drink but I count based on the formula she shld drink ard 45ml per feed for 8 feeding per day but I can feed her 50ml or 60ml daytime even drink feed den nighttime fm 70ml cos she midnight tend to drink more so I thought very good liao now dr tell me don't follow 3 hrs feed if c bb hungry den feed her...till just now I den know saliva came out meaning she dream of food so must feed her if ard 2 to 2.5hrs unless shorter than that den dont feed...
I feeling guilty cos not much bm so cant meet demands so midnight supp w fm now dr saying that due to small size so need to pump her weight slowly up den need to feed more so I think more fm for her le...
Sigh mbe so or later she will be on total fm le...feeling so bad...
Hi mummies, I am new here. just wanna ask you all for some advice.

My son was born on 31st Jan. He was warded in KKH for phototherapy for 2 nights last Sat. His bilirubin levels have been hovering around 120 last week and shot up to 160 today. He's on total bf. Peeing and pooing well. Just wanna ask if any of your LO has similar experiences. And also advice on what I should do now. Feeling very worried now...
May be breastmilk jaundice...
I read somewhere that preterm baby tends to kenna jaundice more serious abit. So it's normal..
My baby also slightly preterm 36 weeks 5 days. . They label in his health book as "late pre term"

How old ur baby already ?? I think the Peak of the jaundice is around 6 days old.. +-
Our is 1 week diff but still kena say is pre term bb...just I was so angry kns e nurse at nuh shout in e clinic asking is that pre term or full term bb...den everyone looking at me...
My bb this sat 1 mth old...my actual edd now become end of my confinement day...lol
My bb jaudice peak was 167...I so scare will went up again so cut down alcohol n no ginger...how abt urs?
My supply also dun work well this round... I realised my right nipples has fewer outlets than left resulting super unbalance yield . I usually pump at 3 hrly at day time n 4 hrly at night.

You can try to hand express a while more after pumping... Helps emptying but tiring la, i only do extra work during the day and alternate pumping.

Another way is to increase the suction Levels... Start off with 4,then 5...some times i up to 6 to pump additional 5-10mins...

Whats yr yield now? Mine is not impressive too... I was hoping maybe in a mth or two will be more stablised... Mean while i am still drinking RDT with fennel, coriander seeds... Not sure if those Helps...
But ur supply is enough for ur girl right?
R u advise to give bb fm for low birth weight bb? If u r concern abt bb jaundice n weight gain and will feel more at ease with a pd, y not? Not saying nuh doc is not good but if it will give u a peace of mind by seeking a 2nd option y not? U do knw that some pd r more specialise in low birth weight bb right?
Ya lor got any pd good in handling low birth weight bb? Don't think e dr in nuh are specialist in it...sigh
Tingkat v hard to special request since they mass produce lor. Alcohol shouldn't be an issue cuz would hv evaporated during cooking. Ginger if they have it in the dishes just don't touch it lor...
True also just don't touch but sian lor cny no confinement food...I wanted to order rich food but cny till day 4 no open...my confinement end chu3 leh aiyo in between dunno how cos hub said he dunno how to cook...
My avg yield now is only abt 100-120ml, barely enough for one feed cos my boy is taking around 130ml per feed now. My hubby and I have worked out a system for the night feeds, we divide the night into 2 shifts. 1st shift - his last feed b4 bedtime is around 11-12, I will pump n then go to bed in the master room, my hubby feed the EBM n change diaper, n sleep in the nursery. Then abt 3.5 hrs later, i will wake up to pump again n my hubby will go back to sleep for the rest of the night in the master room, while i will feed the EBM n change diaper n take the 2nd shift in the nursery. This feed will then last till the morning. Bb so far is cooperative (touch wood), these few days I'm tired, but not exhausted like before. Problem with this system though is that my hubby n I don't get to sleep in the same room anymore... while I was preggy, he thought he had it bad cos it was "look, no touch"... but now its worse cos its "no look, no touch". Lol.

I'm 6 wks postpartum today. Called my gynae's clinic regarding my bleeding, they say it could be due to breastfeeding withdrawal bleeding, or more likely, as i'm supplementing with FM, its the return of my period. Shhiiitt, i thought i will get at least a few months' break from the pads n tampons after my lochia cleared. Haiz.
My avg yield now is only abt 100-120ml, barely enough for one feed cos my boy is taking around 130ml per feed now. My hubby and I have worked out a system for the night feeds, we divide the night into 2 shifts. 1st shift - his last feed b4 bedtime is around 11-12, I will pump n then go to bed in the master room, my hubby feed the EBM n change diaper, n sleep in the nursery. Then abt 3.5 hrs later, i will wake up to pump again n my hubby will go back to sleep for the rest of the night in the master room, while i will feed the EBM n change diaper n take the 2nd shift in the nursery. This feed will then last till the morning. Bb so far is cooperative (touch wood), these few days I'm tired, but not exhausted like before. Problem with this system though is that my hubby n I don't get to sleep in the same room anymore... while I was preggy, he thought he had it bad cos it was "look, no touch"... but now its worse cos its "no look, no touch". Lol.

I'm 6 wks postpartum today. Called my gynae's clinic regarding my bleeding, they say it could be due to breastfeeding withdrawal bleeding, or more likely, as i'm supplementing with FM, its the return of my period. Shhiiitt, i thought i will get at least a few months' break from the pads n tampons after my lochia cleared. Haiz.
My hub best lor saying he feed my girl don't want to drink so say he okie to wash bottle aft feed but I still got to feed n take care cos hub can't hear she crying unless too loud...
Any mummies has recommendations for vitamins for aching bones n cracking joints ??

After this delivery I felt like a 60 yr old lady... bones machiam breaking.

Hubby says coz my baby suck away all my vitamins ...

Does calcium n glucosamine helps in my case ?

Me too! For the first time ex-preggy, I'm experiencing back ache. Which is why i'm inclined to think my bleeding could be a period, though i never had back ache last time, but i know that's a common symptom of a period. Either that or its due to all the bending over my fixed side cot.
I asked nurse to wt her totally naked...

Jaudice today was 101...no sun at my place lor...tsk tsk
I now no ginger...

Thinking to order 2 more weeks confinement food aft cl left cos feeling like haven really nurse back my body...cl cook either fish afternoon w soup den dinner veggie w soup or rotate...aft every meal I still hungry lor...my mum said in hospital eat too feng fu...I also dunno why I can eat more now but nth to grab to eat at home...I was thinking if order tingkat can request don't want ginger n no alcohol?

Same I also felt my body not back to normal yet. So my ah ma still Continue to cook me confinement food... n cook black chicken essence

Confinement tinkat should b all have ginger ? U juz dun eat the ginger will do...

N also u can try make ur own black chicken essence. It's very good.
Ya lor got any pd good in handling low birth weight bb? Don't think e dr in nuh are specialist in it...sigh
For #1, born at 37wk5d, 2.3kg, low birth weight was referred to Dr Ang Ai tin at tmc. Coz Im not comfy w her, for #2 I op for dr Ong eng keow Fro mt a, although I still deliver at tmc.
Our is 1 week diff but still kena say is pre term bb...just I was so angry kns e nurse at nuh shout in e clinic asking is that pre term or full term bb...den everyone looking at me...
My bb this sat 1 mth old...my actual edd now become end of my confinement day...lol
My bb jaudice peak was 167...I so scare will went up again so cut down alcohol n no ginger...how abt urs?
Mine peak was 181..
But was cleared on week 3 as I went suntan everyday when he reach 181 n become dehydrated...

Now u say then I realised.. ya hor.. end of confinement n actual edd only difference few days..

Yes I dun like them to label my bb as preterm baby. Although it's slightly preterm only. But sad to say this term will stay with them.

when my gal go see polyclinic some times they will refer back n say "oh she is a preterm baby" n will correct them "she is a 36 week 1 day preterm baby with good weight"

N now my baby also.. go polyclinic they call him preterm baby. I replied lack 2 days to be full term ....

Even buy insurance also they will be bother abt the term "preterm" as it's written in their health book.

Dun be bother abt it. So what if they are preterm. They are still our precious and we should be happy they are healthy n strong unlike some babies so poor thing... our "preterm" babies are strong fighters :)


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Me too! For the first time ex-preggy, I'm experiencing back ache. Which is why i'm inclined to think my bleeding could be a period, though i never had back ache last time, but i know that's a common symptom of a period. Either that or its due to all the bending over my fixed side cot.

1st baby correct ?? Better nurse back. Else next time worse...

We can eat "bu" even up to 40 days or 4 mths....

Do take note of ur bleeding. If more bleeding then better go see gynae. As I read if we "over work or over exert" we can cause our bleeding to start again n it's actually bleeding from damage of womb. As womb yet to recover completely (take mths for it to fully recover as we took 10 mths to carry a baby. Recovery also not instant ) so better take note juz in case
My avg yield now is only abt 100-120ml, barely enough for one feed cos my boy is taking around 130ml per feed now. My hubby and I have worked out a system for the night feeds, we divide the night into 2 shifts. 1st shift - his last feed b4 bedtime is around 11-12, I will pump n then go to bed in the master room, my hubby feed the EBM n change diaper, n sleep in the nursery. Then abt 3.5 hrs later, i will wake up to pump again n my hubby will go back to sleep for the rest of the night in the master room, while i will feed the EBM n change diaper n take the 2nd shift in the nursery. This feed will then last till the morning. Bb so far is cooperative (touch wood), these few days I'm tired, but not exhausted like before. Problem with this system though is that my hubby n I don't get to sleep in the same room anymore... while I was preggy, he thought he had it bad cos it was "look, no touch"... but now its worse cos its "no look, no touch". Lol.

I'm 6 wks postpartum today. Called my gynae's clinic regarding my bleeding, they say it could be due to breastfeeding withdrawal bleeding, or more likely, as i'm supplementing with FM, its the return of my period. Shhiiitt, i thought i will get at least a few months' break from the pads n tampons after my lochia cleared. Haiz.
For my #1 we did the same schedule as you but for my #2 not applicable sob cos she is a night owl and sometime I suspect she has preference who to handle her at night haiz

I still have occasion spotting and saw gynae on sat and was told maybe period but it shld stop in 2 wks time else must return to clinic haiz
For my #1 my period didn't return until I return to work

So different from previously
Same I also felt my body not back to normal yet. So my ah ma still Continue to cook me confinement food... n cook black chicken essence

Confinement tinkat should b all have ginger ? U juz dun eat the ginger will do...

N also u can try make ur own black chicken essence. It's very good.
Ya my mum bought packet herbs for me to cook myself when cl back for cny...but I feel that like not enough so hub said order tingkat continue eat confinement food...really hope can nurse my body back...
Ya lor pick n throw away ginger...hopefully the soup don't have ginger smell...
Mine peak was 181..
But was cleared on week 3 as I went suntan everyday when he reach 181 n become dehydrated...

Now u say then I realised.. ya hor.. end of confinement n actual edd only difference few days..

Yes I dun like them to label my bb as preterm baby. Although it's slightly preterm only. But sad to say this term will stay with them.

when my gal go see polyclinic some times they will refer back n say "oh she is a preterm baby" n will correct them "she is a 36 week 1 day preterm baby with good weight"

N now my baby also.. go polyclinic they call him preterm baby. I replied lack 2 days to be full term ....

Even buy insurance also they will be bother abt the term "preterm" as it's written in their health book.

Dun be bother abt it. So what if they are preterm. They are still our precious and we should be happy they are healthy n strong unlike some babies so poor thing... our "preterm" babies are strong fighters :)
Ya lor kns stupid nurse label ppl bbs that way...I always believe karma will back to the person who are inconsiderate n bad ppl...my sis said pre term bb is like her friend bb born 7 mths preggy n need to stay in nicu...I very happy my girl born above 2kg n she is strong fighter w me during pregnancy time as I'm medium risk to begin w till very high risk to emergency c-sec to bring her out b4 water burst as dilated 1cm le n too regular contractions n bb turn head from below to side one leg down one leg straight...mother instinct telling me to contact gynae for less movement but ctg showed everything okie e next day ultrasound showed need to deliver once blood test result out cos need to do few blood test beforehand as I have GDM n protein s deficiency which may result transfer of blood during op lucky only lost 400ml blood so still ok don't have to worry...
Everytime heard pre term this word sibeh angry next time will shout ppl that commented that...yea our bbs are strong fighter n will always jiayou w mummy :)
1st baby correct ?? Better nurse back. Else next time worse...

We can eat "bu" even up to 40 days or 4 mths....

Do take note of ur bleeding. If more bleeding then better go see gynae. As I read if we "over work or over exert" we can cause our bleeding to start again n it's actually bleeding from damage of womb. As womb yet to recover completely (take mths for it to fully recover as we took 10 mths to carry a baby. Recovery also not instant ) so better take note juz in case
Huh? If like sometimes got blood sometimes no? Jialat lor now i worry also...
I will drink red dates up to 4mths my sis said good for our body cos inside many ingredients...she had it for 4mths...

hmm, there is nth we can do about it.. my girl breathe very loud and also uses her mouth to breathe, thats why she has alot of wind in her stomach.. den he gave us a saline spray and ask us to spray lo.. sigh..
Saw the pd..got the nurse to suction her nose..hope she can sleep better now. Heart pain when she cried so loudly till tears all in the eyes. She's 5 kg now! No wonder my back hurt so much when I woke up this morn..
