(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Super happy! Finally after 3weeks of trying to latch bb, bb finally latched on for 10mins! I have shy nipples so bb find it hard to suckle and he dont even open his mouth wide enough after a few tries.. TODAY oh finally! xD Even though he gave up trying for the other nehneh = {, at least he tried.

And WOW.. it really hurts like hell... i guess it's normal for the first few times?
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Hi jan mummies! I have finally popped on 11 feb.
Birth story:
Brown spotting on the 8 of feb evening.
On the 9 of feb the whole day felt so uncomfortable like want to pangsai but cmi. So cant sleep the whole night.The next morning the need-to-shit-feel comes and goes still can be felt. Thought i had constipation or smth.. @1 aft start feeling contraction...half an hour.pain like so jialat cannot walk. But it comes and go.ard 6pm buay tahan ald. 15mins apart or so...ate abit of dinner then ard 730 hubby drives to kkh. All the way pain want to cry ald.
Hi jan mummies! I have finally popped on 11 feb.
Birth story:
Brown spotting on the 8 of feb evening.
On the 9 of feb the whole day felt so uncomfortable like want to pangsai but cmi. So cant sleep the whole night.The next morning the need-to-shit-feel comes and goes still can be felt. Thought i had constipation or smth.. @1 aft start feeling contraction...half an hour.pain like so jialat cannot walk. But it comes and go.ard 6pm buay tahan ald. 15mins apart or so...ate abit of dinner then ard 730 hubby drives to kkh. All the way pain want to cry ald.

In labor ward, doc says dialated4cm. Felt like forever. Delivered normally, wout epi 6hrs after admitted.Near to the end pushed so hard until tired. Baby girl born @2.505

Now i worry bcos when we go check up, doc say baby is only 2.4 smth... Is it normal?start giving her fm now to help her gain weight...
In labor ward, doc says dialated4cm. Felt like forever. Delivered normally, wout epi 6hrs after admitted.Near to the end pushed so hard until tired. Baby girl born @2.505

Now i worry bcos when we go check up, doc say baby is only 2.4 smth... Is it normal?start giving her fm now to help her gain weight...
weight loss of up to 10% is normal.
In labor ward, doc says dialated4cm. Felt like forever. Delivered normally, wout epi 6hrs after admitted.Near to the end pushed so hard until tired. Baby girl born @2.505

Now i worry bcos when we go check up, doc say baby is only 2.4 smth... Is it normal?start giving her fm now to help her gain weight...

Congrats! Wow without epi, brave mama!
Super happy! Finally after 3weeks of trying to latch bb, bb finally latched on for 10mins! I have shy nipples so bb find it hard to suckle and he dont even open his mouth wide enough after a few tries.. TODAY oh finally! xD Even though he gave up trying for the other nehneh = {, at least he tried.

And WOW.. it really hurts like hell... i guess it's normal for the first few times?

Congrats! You will get used to it n it won't hurt a lot. try checking his latch whether his mouth open big enough. You can use your thumb to pull down his lower chin while he suckling if needed. :)
In labor ward, doc says dialated4cm. Felt like forever. Delivered normally, wout epi 6hrs after admitted.Near to the end pushed so hard until tired. Baby girl born @2.505

Now i worry bcos when we go check up, doc say baby is only 2.4 smth... Is it normal?start giving her fm now to help her gain weight...

Weight loss is normal... when they r outside the womb they will lose their water retention.
Congrats! You will get used to it n it won't hurt a lot. try checking his latch whether his mouth open big enough. You can use your thumb to pull down his lower chin while he suckling if needed. :)
My boy mouth is 金嘴.. Dont want open means don want open. He will purposely purse his mouth when I wanna put my nipple in. ╯﹏╰
@bbcrips , pai say what is te name of the lactating vitiamin you are taking again? Tried to find your post but using hp to surf quite hard to find.
Hi mummies who had c-sect, does your wound still hurts? My external wound had closed alr after 4 weeks but there is a place inside that hurts a lot. Started 2 weeks ago when I was carrying bb suddenly the place started to hurt so intensely that I had to pass bb to hubby and bend over in pain. Thought i sprained it, but now it still hurts and when I feel in my lower abdomen for the painful part I can feel a lump inside- should I be concerned?

I'm 2 weeks post partum, internal wound not hurt but when ever I go urine will feel slight pain towards the end. Somewhere inside my tummy hurt, not sure is wound or not??
My parents keep asking me to feed water to bb. I told them have to be 6 mths onwards. Then they said since bb is not on tbf, fm is heaty so must drink water. If mixed bm and fm, do bb need additional water?
My parents keep asking me to feed water to bb. I told them have to be 6 mths onwards. Then they said since bb is not on tbf, fm is heaty so must drink water. If mixed bm and fm, do bb need additional water?

My baby is on bm and Supp fm and I do give abit of water just to let her rinse her mouth and swollow the fm down...
@bbcrips , pai say what is te name of the lactating vitiamin you are taking again? Tried to find your post but using hp to surf quite hard to find.

Oops. Sorry just saw your post... was out half the day n my family was over the other half, busy until i want to go mad. The pills are called "Motherlove more milk special blend".

i'm bleeding more fresh blood over the past 2-3 days, enough to fill up a panty liner in a few hours. Could it be my period returning??
Any recommendation on baby full month catering and full month cake? Check afew but they only do CNY buffet on1st march...

Ya agreed. No catering is serving their normal menu, hence We had to order from chili padi catering (CNY menu) and the purchase of full month cake from cupcakes with love as our baby full month falls on the fourth day of the lunar new year.

Have to spent additional $ :(
Any recommendation on baby full month catering and full month cake? Check afew but they only do CNY buffet on1st march...
Hmm I'm ordering from glamour catering for bb shower on Chu San. They have normal menu. Cakes I'm getting from choz.
Oops. Sorry just saw your post... was out half the day n my family was over the other half, busy until i want to go mad. The pills are called "Motherlove more milk special blend".

i'm bleeding more fresh blood over the past 2-3 days, enough to fill up a panty liner in a few hours. Could it be my period returning??

Did u over walk ? Or over exert urself??

How long post natal liao ??
Any mummies has recommendations for vitamins for aching bones n cracking joints ??

After this delivery I felt like a 60 yr old lady... bones machiam breaking.

Hubby says coz my baby suck away all my vitamins ...

Does calcium n glucosamine helps in my case ?
Any mummies has recommendations for vitamins for aching bones n cracking joints ??

After this delivery I felt like a 60 yr old lady... bones machiam breaking.

Hubby says coz my baby suck away all my vitamins ...

Does calcium n glucosamine helps in my case ?

Think multivitamin will help, eat one every morning. Then at night eat a separate calcium pill. That way the calcium is absorbed better. Must take care if not osteoporosis!
This morning baby sleeping after feed. Force myself to get up, do laundry cook breakfast clear the messy house. End up oatmeal burnt. Conclusion sometimes multitasking also not good. Lol.
My boy hat always drop while he sleep n he will shiver w cold. How do your babies sleep in aircon? I only let him wear thick clothes but no blankets cos I heard blankets can suffocate babies if they kick n cover their faces?
any one up to bring bb out tomolo n get some sanity back over brunch/coffee-talk??
Would love to!!! But my bb has been ultra fussy and crying alot lately hai. Scared she scream down the place. Now the only way she will sleep in like a koala on me. Any other way she will wake up in less than ten min!! She also got stuffy nose only in the mornings lately..so poor thing. Hope its not sinus cos both hubs and I have sinus.. :( Going to bring her to pd later..
anyone latching and also pumping and feeding through bottle? i want to introduce bottle to my 4 weeks old in the day but still latch her at night.. how do you all schedule your pump session?
Would love to!!! But my bb has been ultra fussy and crying alot lately hai. Scared she scream down the place. Now the only way she will sleep in like a koala on me. Any other way she will wake up in less than ten min!! She also got stuffy nose only in the mornings lately..so poor thing. Hope its not sinus cos both hubs and I have sinus.. :( Going to bring her to pd later..
my gal has sensitive nose too.. went to see pd and he says if parents have, usually kid also will have. she follows my hubby who has v bad sinus.. :(
my gal has sensitive nose too.. went to see pd and he says if parents have, usually kid also will have. she follows my hubby who has v bad sinus.. :(
Oh dear.. I only had when I was 23. So weird..so what did the pd say can be done abt it? I use saline spray for her sometimes when it's v bad but she screams the house down. Sigh.
anyone latching and also pumping and feeding through bottle? i want to introduce bottle to my 4 weeks old in the day but still latch her at night.. how do you all schedule your pump session?
I m doing it since day 1 but not latching... I usually have help to bottle feed my LO while i pump if the timing coincide .. If bb still sleeping then i usually pump first
Would love to!!! But my bb has been ultra fussy and crying alot lately hai. Scared she scream down the place. Now the only way she will sleep in like a koala on me. Any other way she will wake up in less than ten min!! She also got stuffy nose only in the mornings lately..so poor thing. Hope its not sinus cos both hubs and I have sinus.. :( Going to bring her to pd later..
I like to believe that these LO behave better when they are outside than at home... And time past faster when we do go out
Oh dear.. I only had when I was 23. So weird..so what did the pd say can be done abt it? I use saline spray for her sometimes when it's v bad but she screams the house down. Sigh.
hmm, there is nth we can do about it.. my girl breathe very loud and also uses her mouth to breathe, thats why she has alot of wind in her stomach.. den he gave us a saline spray and ask us to spray lo.. sigh..
Hi mummies, I am new here. just wanna ask you all for some advice.

My son was born on 31st Jan. He was warded in KKH for phototherapy for 2 nights last Sat. His bilirubin levels have been hovering around 120 last week and shot up to 160 today. He's on total bf. Peeing and pooing well. Just wanna ask if any of your LO has similar experiences. And also advice on what I should do now. Feeling very worried now...
My boy hat always drop while he sleep n he will shiver w cold. How do your babies sleep in aircon? I only let him wear thick clothes but no blankets cos I heard blankets can suffocate babies if they kick n cover their faces?
Can consider getting baby sleep sack if u r worried abt blanket.


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Would love to!!! But my bb has been ultra fussy and crying alot lately hai. Scared she scream down the place. Now the only way she will sleep in like a koala on me. Any other way she will wake up in less than ten min!! She also got stuffy nose only in the mornings lately..so poor thing. Hope its not sinus cos both hubs and I have sinus.. :( Going to bring her to pd later..
Which pd u c? Own pd near ur place or pd when bb delivered?
Need mummies advise.....
My girl jaudice on day3 was 130 plus went up to 160 plus on day4 den on 1 day phototherapy den discharged w me aft that...
My sis suggested to bring bb to polyclinic to check on jaudice instead of pd cos jaudice very common for bb n bb got priority in polyclinic...
1st test 123 asked to come back a week later jaudice went up to 150 den asked to come back in 3days time levels went abit up to 157 but weight loss not sure is that because of diff clothes wore on both days...kena asked to go nuh a&e den run few blood test rule out jaudice n weight loss not because of other problem n asked to feed more to flush out jaudice n gaining weight...
Refer our case to clinic A children clinic in nuh...last Monday her weight was 2.218g today 2.438g dr said one day gained ard 3g she expect 15g per day...just whatsapps hub he said one day more than 30g did e dr count wrongly? Please advise based on that figure is it ard 30g or 3g per day? Shall I bring bb back to mt e novena to c pd there? Will e pd qn me why initially nv bring back but go polyclinic? TIA
My boy hat always drop while he sleep n he will shiver w cold. How do your babies sleep in aircon? I only let him wear thick clothes but no blankets cos I heard blankets can suffocate babies if they kick n cover their faces?
How cold is your aircon until must wear hat :0

For me I use blanket , I make sure I tuck it tightly lor
I m doing it since day 1 but not latching... I usually have help to bottle feed my LO while i pump if the timing coincide .. If bb still sleeping then i usually pump first
How to increase the supply thru pumping har?

This round my supply very constant din increase leh

Need mummies advise.....
My girl jaudice on day3 was 130 plus went up to 160 plus on day4 den on 1 day phototherapy den discharged w me aft that...
My sis suggested to bring bb to polyclinic to check on jaudice instead of pd cos jaudice very common for bb n bb got priority in polyclinic...
1st test 123 asked to come back a week later jaudice went up to 150 den asked to come back in 3days time levels went abit up to 157 but weight loss not sure is that because of diff clothes wore on both days...kena asked to go nuh a&e den run few blood test rule out jaudice n weight loss not because of other problem n asked to feed more to flush out jaudice n gaining weight...
Refer our case to clinic A children clinic in nuh...last Monday her weight was 2.218g today 2.438g dr said one day gained ard 3g she expect 15g per day...just whatsapps hub he said one day more than 30g did e dr count wrongly? Please advise based on that figure is it ard 30g or 3g per day? Shall I bring bb back to mt e novena to c pd there? Will e pd qn me why initially nv bring back but go polyclinic? TIA

ur child is so light?
unless u have alot of $ to burn, i dont see why u cannot continue seeing @ poly doc..
