(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Worried husband.
Hi mummies,
My bb after 1 day photo therapy the bilirubin result drop only 1 (from 186 to 185). Is it normal? Was advice to stay another day. I am not sure if we do our own feeding and sun bathing on our own will help.
Did the bb blood group crash with mummy ? If yes likely to get studdorn jaundice that stay for quite long
So need phototherapy and suntanning when go home
its really ok to bath and wash hair....just do it quickly with slightly warmer water and dry your hair quickly... maybe i cut my hair appropriately this round haha...

surprisingly this time round, i dun sweat buckets like the first round...even tho i actually drink more LGRT this round till my lips cracked!
Why lip cracked from drinking lgrt?!
i also shower and wash hair everyday... my mum nag n nag but my CL lady says its ok, just make sure i dry off properly. i cannot tahan dont wash hair for too long, i will feel super greasy and irritated. that 4 days in the hospital when i didn't shower, i almost buay tahan already, esp with all the bleeding down there n the ridiculous maternity pad, which i feel is so loose n insecure. my mum always threaten that next time I'm old i will suffer, but i tell her if i don't shower, not only i suffer now, but bb n hubby will also suffer from an extremely cranky n moody mummy. anyway, i got compromise abit - instead of my usual shower when i wake up and before i go to bed, i will shower only once in the afternoon, when the weather is the hottest, so less likely to catch a chill.

i also every night on air con. but forgot to change the setting since i got back from hospital, n i think my body is no longer a furnace, so there was one night when i woke up in the middle of the night with such bad chills that i couldn't mover n i had to wake my hubby up to turn down the setting. literally like shivering and teeth chattering kind of chills. had not had such episode since early in the pregnancy, which my gynae said is due to fluctuating hormones.
My mum dun allow me to wash hair everyday though... only bathe the body... but i think the hair is the worse.. i also perpsire in air con room.. my mum also nag say weather so chilly now where got hot. And it's good to perspire out... only into my 7th day and i can't take it already.. sometimes will ask my husband to smuggle plain water for me to drink..
hmmm how is it possible not to even touch tap water?
just curious
for those whose water burst, or having show, how do u get to the hospital without dirtying the car?

I use a waterproof underpad on the mattress when I sleep. Can bring the underpad to the car/taxi. Can buy from pharmacy.
i see..
still no signs of labour yet?
no water, no show, no contractions?

I had false signs of labour (contractions and cramps) on Thurs. Then went to hospital on Fri morning only to have the gynae do a VE to realize that the cervix is not dilated at all. A nurse suggested that I tired myself out at work, leading to the false signs. The VE was traumatizing as it caused me to bleed out old blood for the next three days, still bleeding old blood now (sorry if it's TMI). I've decided to stay home as much as I can and to minimize going to work.
I had false signs of labour (contractions and cramps) on Thurs. Then went to hospital on Fri morning only to have the gynae do a VE to realize that the cervix is not dilated at all. A nurse suggested that I tired myself out at work, leading to the false signs. The VE was traumatizing as it caused me to bleed out old blood for the next three days, still bleeding old blood now (sorry if it's TMI). I've decided to stay home as much as I can and to minimize going to work.

how was the VE like?
why was it traumatizing?

you should go to work, if not ur water bag wont burst/no show/no contractions
I had false signs of labour (contractions and cramps) on Thurs. Then went to hospital on Fri morning only to have the gynae do a VE to realize that the cervix is not dilated at all. A nurse suggested that I tired myself out at work, leading to the false signs. The VE was traumatizing as it caused me to bleed out old blood for the next three days, still bleeding old blood now (sorry if it's TMI). I've decided to stay home as much as I can and to minimize going to work.
holy moly now I am kinda freaked out to go for my wk 38 apt cos I was told that fr wk 38 onward my gyn will do VE.
why wil VE cause u to bleed for 3days?
anybody experience this too?
seems like the first time i have read about this
My mum dun allow me to wash hair everyday though... only bathe the body... but i think the hair is the worse.. i also perpsire in air con room.. my mum also nag say weather so chilly now where got hot. And it's good to perspire out... only into my 7th day and i can't take it already.. sometimes will ask my husband to smuggle plain water for me to drink..
hmmm how is it possible not to even touch tap water?
i ask hubby to smuggle coke for me LOL

tap water impossible not to touch...
why wil VE cause u to bleed for 3days?
anybody experience this too?
seems like the first time i have read about this

VE is painful if u too tense.. so muz relax when doing it

and if u are due already they do VE for u, some gynae might shun bian stretch ur cervix to help u dilate, its abit painful ...
actually im quite concern and worry too. Cos likely that my transport from office to home or hosp, is by cab.. :'(
maybe put a towel or mat?
Wear pad and put towel... And use your pelvix muscles to hold it in. I was leaking like crazy at home, but surprisingly didn't leak at all in the cab or while walking to delivery suite.

If you have show, it's just mucus and wouldn't be all over. Even if got show, you may not deliver on the same day as well... Some ppl can show and deliver a few days or weeks later...
how was the VE like?
why was it traumatizing?

you should go to work, if not ur water bag wont burst/no show/no contractions

Based on my limited experience so far, going to work only gave me false contractions, which is unpleasant (moderate pain), distracting (so I can't focus on work anyway), costly (coz must go to hospital to check on the contractions and CTG, see gynae etc.), and traumatizing (like the VE to check on the dilation but causing the bleeding). But the bottom line is, my body is not ready as the cervix is not ripe yet. Moreover, my new gynae is on leave until Wed so I will adopt a wait and see approach and see if I'm well enough to return to work on Wed. From what my new gynae told me, the bb can come anytime now of course, but there is no hurry for the bb to come out. It should be up to the body to decide on when the cervix should ripen, like no point plucking from the tree when the fruit is still unripe. When the fruit is ripe, I believe that I will show REAL labour signs even if I'm nua-ing at home, hehe, as has previously happened to many stay-at-home MTBs. :) I don't believe I need to work to bring me into labour.

why wil VE cause u to bleed for 3days?
anybody experience this too?
seems like the first time i have read about this

I checked with the mummies on the WA group, who confirmed that this is normal and happened to them before. Also googled it and found that a VE may cause more blood flow to the cervix, hence the bleeding. The clinic told me that spotting of old blood is fine, but if there's fresh (bright red) blood, must go to hospital immediately coz it's a sign of cervix dilation.
My mum dun allow me to wash hair everyday though... only bathe the body... but i think the hair is the worse.. i also perpsire in air con room.. my mum also nag say weather so chilly now where got hot. And it's good to perspire out... only into my 7th day and i can't take it already.. sometimes will ask my husband to smuggle plain water for me to drink..
hmmm how is it possible not to even touch tap water?
The really traditional ones will ask u to wear gloves....
Wear pad and put towel... And use your pelvix muscles to hold it in. I was leaking like crazy at home, but surprisingly didn't leak at all in the cab or while walking to delivery suite.

If you have show, it's just mucus and wouldn't be all over. Even if got show, you may not deliver on the same day as well... Some ppl can show and deliver a few days or weeks later...

If it's a moderate leak but it stopped, it's likely a discharge and not water bag breaking, right?
holy moly now I am kinda freaked out to go for my wk 38 apt cos I was told that fr wk 38 onward my gyn will do VE.

serious? OMG. though not painful but very uncomfortable doing VE and scare it leads to contractions.. :( i told gynae i heard VE triggers contractions.. he say that is nonsense..
Wear pad and put towel... And use your pelvix muscles to hold it in. I was leaking like crazy at home, but surprisingly didn't leak at all in the cab or while walking to delivery suite.

If you have show, it's just mucus and wouldn't be all over. Even if got show, you may not deliver on the same day as well... Some ppl can show and deliver a few days or weeks later...

so water break is the most accurate?
I think mine is the drop off kind. Lump? How you know got lump.
Aiyo the pad is giving me rashes on the side);

How long will it take to stop bleeding?
Me too. I chng another brand and is better. Bleeding seems to stop too. I'm using pantyliner now
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serious? OMG. though not painful but very uncomfortable doing VE and scare it leads to contractions.. :( i told gynae i heard VE triggers contractions.. he say that is rubbish..
I don't think it causes contractions either....

I am just scared of the bleeding =X Don't wanna be reminded of my wk 6 bleeding episode and well most preggie women get very uptight when they start to bleed. Now isn't the time for me to be confused also cos gotta go to hospital if there is bloody show / discharge...
If it's a moderate leak but it stopped, it's likely a discharge and not water bag breaking, right?

Could be, but water bag bursting is very different from virginal discharge... The water smells differently and it's water kind of consistency not like usual discharge...

You can squeeze your pelvic muscles if really water bag break and hope for the best lah... Once you let go can feel the water flowing out....
Wear pad and put towel... And use your pelvix muscles to hold it in. I was leaking like crazy at home, but surprisingly didn't leak at all in the cab or while walking to delivery suite.

If you have show, it's just mucus and wouldn't be all over. Even if got show, you may not deliver on the same day as well... Some ppl can show and deliver a few days or weeks later...
That's why i think i may wanna clarify during my appt on Thursday... cos on the brochure dr tham gave it mentioned that we shld go to hospital if there is bloody show / discharge. But if it is dislodgement of the mucus plug I rush down for.....???
Based on my limited experience so far, going to work only gave me false contractions, which is unpleasant (moderate pain), distracting (so I can't focus on work anyway), costly (coz must go to hospital to check on the contractions and CTG, see gynae etc.), and traumatizing (like the VE to check on the dilation but causing the bleeding). But the bottom line is, my body is not ready as the cervix is not ripe yet. Moreover, my new gynae is on leave until Wed so I will adopt a wait and see approach and see if I'm well enough to return to work on Wed. From what my new gynae told me, the bb can come anytime now of course, but there is no hurry for the bb to come out. It should be up to the body to decide on when the cervix should ripen, like no point plucking from the tree when the fruit is still unripe. When the fruit is ripe, I believe that I will show REAL labour signs even if I'm nua-ing at home, hehe, as has previously happened to many stay-at-home MTBs. :) I don't believe I need to work to bring me into labour.

I checked with the mummies on the WA group, who confirmed that this is normal and happened to them before. Also googled it and found that a VE may cause more blood flow to the cervix, hence the bleeding. The clinic told me that spotting of old blood is fine, but if there's fresh (bright red) blood, must go to hospital immediately coz it's a sign of cervix dilation.

i see..
well, it doesnt always work this way.
fruits dont always drop from the tree when its ripe.
unripe fruits will also drop the tree when its not due. these fruits can still be eaten, just wait for a few more days.

also, i agree with you, it should be up to your body. so i hope that you won't have to induce. or be forced into induce when you are days or weeks past your EDD
looks like if water burst means you have to deliver within 24hrs

Depends on stage of pregnancy... if doc thinks you are not ready and not showing other signs of labour then will give you labour suppression drugs... I delivered 30 hours after realizing my water bag broke...

My pole instructor water bag broke early in third tri and she only delivered 2 weeks after her water bag broke...
I don't think it causes contractions either....

I am just scared of the bleeding =X Don't wanna be reminded of my wk 6 bleeding episode and well most preggie women get very uptight when they start to bleed. Now isn't the time for me to be confused also cos gotta go to hospital if there is bloody show / discharge...

this is the first time i heard of bleeding for 3D here.
well it might happen, but dont let an isolated case scare you or me ! :)
when ur 38w appt?
i see..
well, it doesnt always work this way.
fruits dont always drop from the tree when its ripe.
unripe fruits will also drop the tree when its not due. these fruits can still be eaten, just wait for a few more days.

also, i agree with you, it should be up to your body. so i hope that you won't have to induce. or be forced into induce when you are days or weeks past your EDD

Gynae said inducing when you're overdue (41 weeks) is different from inducing before that, coz at 41 weeks it's likely the cervix is more softened. If I had stuck with my old gynae, she would have wanted to induce me at 40 +5 if I wasn't in labour by then, coz she's not willing to wait beyond that.
Depends on stage of pregnancy... if doc thinks you are not ready and not showing other signs of labour then will give you labour suppression drugs... I delivered 30 hours after realizing my water bag broke...

My pole instructor water bag broke early in third tri and she only delivered 2 weeks after her water bag broke...

but got some people, water burst, out v fast liao?
Gynae said inducing when you're overdue (41 weeks) is different from inducing before that, coz at 41 weeks it's likely the cervix is more softened. If I had stuck with my old gynae, she would have wanted to induce me at 40 +5 if I wasn't in labour by then, coz she's not willing to wait beyond that.

so u change gynae because u dont want to induce at 40+5, but u want to induce at 41?
it could be u unable to control your bladder.
nothing to be ashamed of

It's just a moderate leak and not the first time it happened. I was sleeping so I wasn't sure if it was urine or from the water bag, only when I woke up then I felt the wetness.
