(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Pump every 3 hours, doesn't matter how many ml, pump until your boobs are soft and feels empty... Need to empty your boobs in order to up your supply...
I used to pump regularly till empty u till my nipples cracked n bled... So I m quite fearful of pumping... Procrastinating each pumping session.... :'(

I used to pump regularly till empty u till my nipples cracked n bled... So I m quite fearful of pumping... Procrastinating each pumping session.... :'(
If you are latching and pumping and bb is clearing your boobs when you DL, then you can skip certain pump sessions when you are latching... otherwise you should pump after you latch to learn your boobs...
If you are latching and pumping and bb is clearing your boobs when you DL, then you can skip certain pump sessions when you are latching... otherwise you should pump after you latch to learn your boobs...
Bb cannot latch... The lactation consultant at the hospital said it's impossible for my baby to latch cos I have short nipples?? I'm just 100% pumping...
Bb cannot latch... The lactation consultant at the hospital said it's impossible for my baby to latch cos I have short nipples?? I'm just 100% pumping...

Poor thing....pump until nipples bleed :(.
Think pump suction is too strong. Maybe you want to turn it down a bit.
When pumping, doesnt mean that the strongest suction and/or a long pumping session (more than 15 mins each side) will draw out more milk.
That's why an effective pump is very important. Some pumps just don't empty the breasts well or takes too long to empty.
Also to check if the pump is faulty. I don't know which pump you are using, but most pumps have the membrane thing which will tear if it is not handled properly during cleaning. If membrane is torn, pump will lose some of its suction and may not be able to effectively empty your breasts.

Have your nipples healed? If not, plse apply some of your BM on the affected side and air.
And if you can do hand expression, then maybe use that to express your BM until your nipples have healed.
And remember to apply laninsoh or BM on your nipples (including the areola) after each pumping session to moisturise them.

Long intervals betw pump sessions will decrease your milk supply overtime. But if really need to minimise pump cos nipples cracked, then you have no choice.
Should be ok to reduce pumping sessions for 1-2 days. Then when nipples are better, can work harder and increase pump sessions to make up for the lost cos you are at your early stage of breastfeeding, milk supply hasn't stablised.
I used to pump regularly till empty u till my nipples cracked n bled... So I m quite fearful of pumping... Procrastinating each pumping session.... :'(

I latch until bleed... There's no best method, think we just got to trial and error
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I also pump strawberry milk 2days ago. Think I too anxious le. Now I pump at lower speed, the output still the same as if I pump at higher speed.

I pump every 3 hr but skip the midnight sessions Cox gotta take care of my girl and tired also. Haha next morning pump the amt add up to be the same if I pump every 3 hr.. I think Cox I nvr engorge also haha.
i very demoralized, really want to give up breastfeeding. My yield very low, already 4 weeks liao, still pumping 40-80ml per session. Cannot meet my baby's demand haiz. I tried power pumping, but nipples got so sore....:(
Me too. No time to pump but still trying to pump 4-6hrs interval as i nd to look after my elder gal too. So stressful for each pump. Breast hard like stone. Almost give up as feel guilty to bb. So sianz
If you are latching and pumping and bb is clearing your boobs when you DL, then you can skip certain pump sessions when you are latching... otherwise you should pump after you latch to learn your boobs...
Bb cannot latch... The lactation consultant at the hospital said it's impossible for my baby to latch cos I have short nipples?? I'm just 100% pumping...
Anyone interested in this bedding set?
Original price:$120-160+ (can't remember)
Taka Sale: $99

I am willing to let go at $50.
BNIB: Brand new in bag.
Reason is I don't need so many components to a bedding set but it comes in a package when I bought the cot.
If interested, pls pm me. Thanks.
Is the bedding set still available?
Poor thing....pump until nipples bleed :(.
Think pump suction is too strong. Maybe you want to turn it down a bit.
When pumping, doesnt mean that the strongest suction and/or a long pumping session (more than 15 mins each side) will draw out more milk.
That's why an effective pump is very important. Some pumps just don't empty the breasts well or takes too long to empty.
Also to check if the pump is faulty. I don't know which pump you are using, but most pumps have the membrane thing which will tear if it is not handled properly during cleaning. If membrane is torn, pump will lose some of its suction and may not be able to effectively empty your breasts.

Have your nipples healed? If not, plse apply some of your BM on the affected side and air.
And if you can do hand expression, then maybe use that to express your BM until your nipples have healed.
And remember to apply laninsoh or BM on your nipples (including the areola) after each pumping session to moisturise them.

Long intervals betw pump sessions will decrease your milk supply overtime. But if really need to minimise pump cos nipples cracked, then you have no choice.
Should be ok to reduce pumping sessions for 1-2 days. Then when nipples are better, can work harder and increase pump sessions to make up for the lost cos you are at your early stage of breastfeeding, milk supply hasn't stablised.
Using Medela PISA... Haiz... Now phobia of pumping.... Applying Medela nipple cream.. Healing but still freaking pain... Really feeling blue...
problem is ..... my baby now intake decrease. so polyclinic doc says she prefer him to be on milk and no plain water... coz he need all the nutrients to help him...

from 90ml every 2-3 hrs .. now he only drink around 30ml every 2 hrs ..... thus i am abit worried. but polyclinic doc keep say its alright leh. dun know whether to believe her or not
90ml every 2-3 hr ? Quite a lot .. My girl now at 7.5weeks drinking bm 3 hrly , sometimes stretch to 4 hrs if she is sleeping- ranging from 80-120ml

Fm is more filling compared to bm. Dun worry. Since the doc say okie .
Dun make yourself worry too much esp now during confinement . As long bb putting on weight should be okie ..

My girl these 2 weeks on reflux ... Reduce milk intake and vomit out.. Sometimes even from nose ... So now have to break down one feed into 2 feeds and burp in between . Her weight increased. Week 7 then cleared from jaundice ..

Of cos if you still dun feel secure, maybe you like to bring her to pd for second opinion ? At least you can 放心?
i very demoralized, really want to give up breastfeeding. My yield very low, already 4 weeks liao, still pumping 40-80ml per session. Cannot meet my baby's demand haiz. I tried power pumping, but nipples got so sore....:(
Me too. No time to pump but still trying to pump 4-6hrs interval as i nd to look after my elder gal too. So stressful for each pump. Breast hard like stone. Almost give up as feel guilty to bb. So sianz

Don't feel guilty about not meeting bb's demand and don't beat yourself over it. It doesn't make you a worse mother for feeding FM, in fact, you're putting bb's needs first....
Don't feel guilty about not meeting bb's demand and don't beat yourself over it. It doesn't make you a worse mother for feeding FM, in fact, you're putting bb's needs first....

Ya got to agree. Just now I spill the colostrum accidentally and I was almost into tears cos already not a lot and then I spilled right after pumping. Hubby told me to take it easy... we only been feeding bm yesterday and topping with fm, most imptly baby doesn't starve.

I guess these days a lot people put the focus on Breast feeding hence new mums are so stressful about it. My friend even ask me to throw away fm bcos she say I will be tempted to feed, but the thing is my bm haven't really kick it yet... I cannot starve my baby right?
Me too. No time to pump but still trying to pump 4-6hrs interval as i nd to look after my elder gal too. So stressful for each pump. Breast hard like stone. Almost give up as feel guilty to bb. So sianz
Got try massaging and hot compress before pumping?
I'm a third time mom and thought it will be easy. But she bites! And I'm pumping air now..First two times I managed to latch my boys. So don't worry. Relax! At most just give fm right?

You can go see a lactation consultant (various hospitals) if you still want to try, or join the Babycafe at motherandchild at tanglin. I like to go to that because you see everyone is having difficulties but at the same time you see people succeeding too. 加油!
I'm a third time mom and thought it will be easy. But she bites! And I'm pumping air now..First two times I managed to latch my boys. So don't worry. Relax! At most just give fm right?

You can go see a lactation consultant (various hospitals) if you still want to try, or join the Babycafe at motherandchild at tanglin. I like to go to that because you see everyone is having difficulties but at the same time you see people succeeding too. 加油!

Agree! It's not easy... Let's all Jiayou together!
I massage myself before pumping. But ownself massage tender to be gentle ya. Waiting for ML to cme on Mon. Nw per pump nt even enough for per feed. But i will combine 2 pump to 1 feed or substitute with fm.
Was not feeling well yesterday plus post natal blues..skipped my pumping sessions and this morning only managed to squeeze out 20ml :( bf is so tough..feel like giving up..
1st time mummies ..dun get too stress up over bf ..it takes time for bm to kick in..if not enough just give fm no big deal
the reason why u are so stress up is because u have high expectation of yourself ... and when that expectation is not met you feel sad
just try your best..dun give up ...
Jia you all mummies... i also struggling with breastfeeding. Din pump from 12am to 9am n my last pump only yield 50+ml. Normal 3 hourly pump will only yield max 20-30ml. Haiz. But after the trauma of my boy's dehydration episode, i tell myself don't be too stubborn or hung up, just try our best, after all, i figured a bit of BM is better than nothing, then we supplement the rest. Ultimately, we want both a happy and stress-free mummy n baby, to enjoy this special time together. :)
I'm a MTB in the June thread, guess I'm a bit late in my search for a confinement nanny Hahaha :D

If you find your nannies good, could you send me a pm with the name and contact no of your nannies?

Agree with @PTB7674, @ciakes don't push urself too hard.. I also not much supply.. din pump from 11pm-7am, just now 8am pump pump only have 70ml haha.

My ML say i really don't have much milk. Haha my breast is all fats haha. Just follow ur heart. Remember we also need to rest during confinement. It's OK to cut some slack.. cheer up.
1st time mummies ..dun get too stress up over bf ..it takes time for bm to kick in..if not enough just give fm no big deal
the reason why u are so stress up is because u have high expectation of yourself ... and when that expectation is not met you feel sad
just try your best..dun give up ...
Thanks..just needed to rant..
I managed to pump from 150ml to 220ml... But the long intervals might be the reason for the volume... So I'm afraid that these long intervals will reduce my milk production in the long run...

Every three hrs 150ml? Omg envy.., bb aldy three weeks old but my supply is still only 60-70
Jiayou mummies!! :)

I have turned into a silent reader but I do read every page! Latching and reading at the same time, so no hands to type any decent reply. :p It's really not easy! Feels like a roller coaster ride ever since baby arrived. My hubby got called back to work after helping me with just one week of confinement. Now I am coping alone with two elder kids at home. Still got to clean and cook and wash and most importantly, tend to baby's needs. Thought I could have done a better confinement this time but it turned out to be the worst. Lol. But I still gotta stay positive for my three precious at home. Life has never felt more complete. Let's all do it together!! Jiayou jiayou! :D
Was not feeling well yesterday plus post natal blues..skipped my pumping sessions and this morning only managed to squeeze out 20ml :( bf is so tough..feel like giving up..
Hey babe, you are too Stress already ... I know it's not easy, esp now we tend to be more sensitive towards everything ..

Just try your best.

At the moment now, just relax and rest more . If possible set routines for pumping sessions.
Anybody stay amk and is going to give birth at tmc? I want to buy their papaya fish soup at $6.95 each. Min 3 bowls, max 5 bowls. I bought 3 when I discharge. My mum 1 day warm up all and whole family share and eat finish! Faint
