(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Any mummies have suan feeling in the lower abdomen? Have been feeling it since sat.. and backache too :( no mood to do anything..

No le, I only feel uncomfortable esp I don't poo for few days.. And sometimes when stretch suddenly, sneeze or cough, then i will have this sharp pain, but subside after few min. But I have been having severe lower back pain...

No le, I only feel uncomfortable esp I don't poo for few days.. And sometimes when stretch suddenly, sneeze or cough, then i will have this sharp pain, but subside after few min. But I have been having severe lower back pain...
Yes I am having lower back pain when I walk more than 30 minutes/ with full stomach. If constipated, my toilet bidet has been very useful to soften my poo. Loving it, haemorrhoid has stopped since I installed toilet bidet.
I'm going to reuse the inserts but will give a thorough wash... I have quite a lot, like 3 days supply. By then the first day one will be wash and dry. I will also put a napkin liner in case poo poo..
If u have enough, don't think need to buy. U go check if is still clean, not badly stain, not thin out..
I still use it for my 19 months old occasionally if he refuses to wear diaper :) I'm jux afraid whether they'll lose their absorbency?
I still use it for my 19 months old occasionally if he refuses to wear diaper :) I'm jux afraid whether they'll lose their absorbency?
On then if your boy, still can use, then shouldn't be a prob.. The 19mth old have more urine then bb ba.. Some of my inserts like thin out after some wash, I will use 2 inserts... Hee
Yes! Super love. And service is superb. They manage the cashier queues so well. I always go early when my girl heads to school. Put my boy in carrier, get what i want, pay and go home! Love the household department next to it too. Kill two birds with one stone. :)

I also have Isetan card, but last time only chiong level 2, hardly go level 4... What's good to get during IPS???
I'm going to reuse the inserts but will give a thorough wash... I have quite a lot, like 3 days supply. By then the first day one will be wash and dry. I will also put a napkin liner in case poo poo..
If u have enough, don't think need to buy. U go check if is still clean, not badly stain, not thin out..
wah then that is alot of washing leh ...
I am experiencing pain in my belly button. Not so much of suan. Baby keeps kicking my bladder. So i need to run to the toilet every hour. Cannot imagine when we become bigger! More issues..

same i got pain as well. but is on and off. now toilet become my gd fren liao. hahaha
What kind of reusable diapers do you guys use???

Those cloth w many buttons type, can use from infant onwards, not as warm as disposable diapers, more absorbent than nappy cloth

Perhaps becoz my son small size, I find them too big for him as infant, started using them on him only when he was 6 months old :p
I opposite. I super love the cocoa smell. Smell so delicious. My husband also commented..smell so delicious and babyish. Hahhahaha!

haha my hubby say its smells good too.
but the smell make me nausea leh haha. i still got a almost new bottle at home haha
Huh, u mean u resign now and not after yr maternity leave?
she resigned before she got pregnant lolz
wah i feel her a little.

i was unwell on sat and yet have to vaccum and mop the floor.
cried so bad at night cause hubby didnt really want to help. he only say he will do it later. but we all know his later nv comes de la.
let's just say man dun grow up like woman

This is the yoga class I went for last week with @yingzz.

The class is very slow paced, as you would expect from a prenatal class. We were probably the youngest (in terms of number of months preggie) in the class, as the rest in the class are all quite advanced in their pregnancy... It actually too slow paced for me though the breathing techniques may be useful... I much prefer my regular yoga class... :p The company actually called us the next day, I told them that I will only sign up in October, as I actually still feel okay to go for my regular yoga class, so only intend to sign up for my last tri.....
Huh, u mean u resign now and not after yr maternity leave?

yes. we discussed this before on the forum LOL.
firstly, i am underpaid (i do everything from accounts to finance to admin to pa but my pay hasnt increase since i join here 1.5years)
no aws no bonus. 2.5k

my manager sucks. he thinks that he's my boss always ask me to do this do that and he does nothing. when i try to complain to my boss my boss ignored me -.-

my notice period is 3 mths. i tender thinking to look for another job but only found out i was preg after that.
boss cant afford to 'lose' to me cause i am the only one doing everything here.
so he try to drag and say he will get hr to draft a new contract for me to work pt ( which also means lower pay but same amount of workload cause he dont intend to hire anyone)

but apparently after 3 mths still no sound no pic.
yes. we discussed this before on the forum LOL.
firstly, i am underpaid (i do everything from accounts to finance to admin to pa but my pay hasnt increase since i join here 1.5years)
no aws no bonus. 2.5k

my manager sucks. he thinks that he's my boss always ask me to do this do that and he does nothing. when i try to complain to my boss my boss ignored me -.-

my notice period is 3 mths. i tender thinking to look for another job but only found out i was preg after that.
boss cant afford to 'lose' to me cause i am the only one doing everything here.
so he try to drag and say he will get hr to draft a new contract for me to work pt ( which also means lower pay but same amount of workload cause he dont intend to hire anyone)

but apparently after 3 mths still no sound no pic.
time flies hor...so fast 3 months liao lolz ...good lah..then go honeymoon in peace :p
wah i feel her a little.

i was unwell on sat and yet have to vaccum and mop the floor.
cried so bad at night cause hubby didnt really want to help. he only say he will do it later. but we all know his later nv comes de la.
Hugz...mine same same, u are not alone, can understand how you feel, after a few more years, you'll be like me, cant be bothered to shed tears

Before we had a maid, mine would use up all cups he could find in the kitchen then he had no choice but to wash the cups, his reason being 'mass washing more productive' :(
Hugz...mine same same, u are not alone, can understand how you feel, after a few more years, you'll be like me, cant be bothered to shed tears

Before we had a maid, mine would use up all cups he could find in the kitchen then he had no choice but to wash the cups, his reason being 'mass washing more productive' :(

thanks dear
mine will just use it and leave it on the table cause he knows i will wash it up for him.

i try to bo chup.
but it only lasted for one day.

the next morning i do the chores myself again.
yes. we discussed this before on the forum LOL.
firstly, i am underpaid (i do everything from accounts to finance to admin to pa but my pay hasnt increase since i join here 1.5years)
no aws no bonus. 2.5k

my manager sucks. he thinks that he's my boss always ask me to do this do that and he does nothing. when i try to complain to my boss my boss ignored me -.-

my notice period is 3 mths. i tender thinking to look for another job but only found out i was preg after that.
boss cant afford to 'lose' to me cause i am the only one doing everything here.
so he try to drag and say he will get hr to draft a new contract for me to work pt ( which also means lower pay but same amount of workload cause he dont intend to hire anyone)

but apparently after 3 mths still no sound no pic.

Wahh 3 months notice to 绑死你 some more! Ya lah this kinda company resign also good
yes. we discussed this before on the forum LOL.
firstly, i am underpaid (i do everything from accounts to finance to admin to pa but my pay hasnt increase since i join here 1.5years)
no aws no bonus. 2.5k

my manager sucks. he thinks that he's my boss always ask me to do this do that and he does nothing. when i try to complain to my boss my boss ignored me -.-

my notice period is 3 mths. i tender thinking to look for another job but only found out i was preg after that.
boss cant afford to 'lose' to me cause i am the only one doing everything here.
so he try to drag and say he will get hr to draft a new contract for me to work pt ( which also means lower pay but same amount of workload cause he dont intend to hire anyone)

but apparently after 3 mths still no sound no pic.
welcome to unemployed club. :)
thanks dear
mine will just use it and leave it on the table cause he knows i will wash it up for him.

i try to bo chup.
but it only lasted for one day.

the next morning i do the chores myself again.

Me also like you, cannot tahan, will go pick up after him, also kept crying like you at one stage until we hire maid then no more such nonsense
Me also like you, cannot tahan, will go pick up after him, also kept crying like you at one stage until we hire maid then no more such nonsense

my house got no room for maid.
cause i knocked one room into half to expand my mbr.
the other room is supposedly mil and bb room
I have the same itch too.. Massage with bio oil then applied body butter.. N felt better.. Shower gel also plays a part..

after I apply bio oil, start to feel itch I apply aloe vera. still itch. will go buy cocoa butter try.
can't wait for Watson member sales
after I apply bio oil, start to feel itch I apply aloe vera. still itch. will go buy cocoa butter try

Bio Oil is made of mineral oil. Some people are allegic to it. Cocoa butter I read some people do develop an allegy/rashes from it as well.

Try to go for unscented, hypoallegenic products...
Hugz...mine same same, u are not alone, can understand how you feel, after a few more years, you'll be like me, cant be bothered to shed tears

Before we had a maid, mine would use up all cups he could find in the kitchen then he had no choice but to wash the cups, his reason being 'mass washing more productive' :(

Mass washing more productive!!! Hahahahahahaha!! That's somehow funny!
anyway, abit of drama yesterday
went airport to pick mil yesterday as she just got back form her trip to aust with her sister

so apparently she only told us she got two box and two baggage but dh drive a rx8.
so frankly speaking abit hard to fit in.

so we arrived at the airport and realise that she has 4 baggage and 2 boxes of stuff.
dh straight away ask her take cab home.
so i think she was unhappy. we were unhappy too cause we waited for 1 hr plus and i was hungry.
the first thing she did was to raised her voice that shes very hungry. ( the way just like how she argued with my parents on my wedding day. another drama LOL)
and dh replied her, ' you think you are the only one thats hungry meh, my bb is also hungry lo'
and we went off to eat without her LOL
then the mil sleep where? I also hv this problem. is it ok to let maid sleep in the living room?
if nt I really hv to hire those day time maid. got such maid?
i tot she got one room for mil and one for BB ... so maid sleep with bb lor

day time maid aka nanny more exp lor but still cheaper than infant care

yes a few of them hired part time cleaners
yah i hire part time cleaner to do housework once a week
but i have been using life bouy for many years.
cause other shower gel always result in back acne.
dun you find them making your skin more dry ?
anyway, abit of drama yesterday
went airport to pick mil yesterday as she just got back form her trip to aust with her sister

so apparently she only told us she got two box and two baggage but dh drive a rx8.
so frankly speaking abit hard to fit in.

so we arrived at the airport and realise that she has 4 baggage and 2 boxes of stuff.
dh straight away ask her take cab home.
so i think she was unhappy. we were unhappy too cause we waited for 1 hr plus and i was hungry.
the first thing she did was to raised her voice that shes very hungry. ( the way just like how she argued with my parents on my wedding day. another drama LOL)
and dh replied her, ' you think you are the only one thats hungry meh, my bb is also hungry lo'
and we went off to eat without her LOL
lolz... RX8 is good car for singles or childless couple ... put in baby seat also got problem. i once saw a couple struggle to bring the baby out from RX8 at TMC ... so time to change car lolz

i tell you cannot believe them one lolz ... they say buy little but it is alot lolz ...

anyway, abit of drama yesterday
went airport to pick mil yesterday as she just got back form her trip to aust with her sister

so apparently she only told us she got two box and two baggage but dh drive a rx8.
so frankly speaking abit hard to fit in.

so we arrived at the airport and realise that she has 4 baggage and 2 boxes of stuff.
dh straight away ask her take cab home.
so i think she was unhappy. we were unhappy too cause we waited for 1 hr plus and i was hungry.
the first thing she did was to raised her voice that shes very hungry. ( the way just like how she argued with my parents on my wedding day. another drama LOL)
and dh replied her, ' you think you are the only one thats hungry meh, my bb is also hungry lo'
and we went off to eat without her LOL

omg why your MIL like that.....your hubby also super steady ask her take cab home. Hahaha
