(2014) ivf mummies support group

Faithfullyours 5kg for 2mths is quite gd le mah. No meh? My girls 2m+ only 5.2kg but pd didn say much.
Iwahb, I think it's based on their birth weights. Yours birth weights were about 2.4 kg and 2.5 kg. So your gals gained double already. Mine birth weight 3.04 kg only gained 2 kg. Doctor said by end of 3rd month, she must be at least 6 kg.

Ic. Ya they were 2.4 and 2.5kg when born. Don't worry U ain't far behind. Maybe latch that's why U cannot monitor intake and most times bb might comfort latch only so U also don't know they drink enough anot.
faithfullyyours, my girl drinks 80ml every 3hrs now at 9 weeks. She finishes it in about 10 mins. I using medela teats for 0 to 4 months. not thinking of changing teats yet.

looks like my girl still the smallest here. she is 3.9kg and almost at zero percentile. height wise.. she was 49cm at birth which was 50th percentile. now only 50cm and below 0 percentile. Fainted lor!
I last measured her on 6 Jan at KKH for her umbilical hernia condition. She was 5 kg. A bit slow since her birth weight was 3.04 kg. 2 weeks ago, we measured her at KKH, she was 4.8 kg. So in 2 weeks, she only gained 200 g which is only 14 g per day. Doctor prefers 20 g per day. So doctor told us to continue to monitor. If necessary, gotta supplement with fm 1 or 2 times per day. But each time when I latch her, I never pull out one. I let her de-latch herself to let me know she's full.

Not to worry so much about the weight gain. Bm bb tend to have slower weight gain as long as bb is healthy n the diaper output is there. No need to worry so much individual bb their gaining weight is different
Iwahb, is ok de to regurgitate. My gal regurgitate everyday. If nv burp 100% regurgitate. so now I will quickly burp after feed.
I don't know if my girl has small appetite or digestive system got problem or what. Just now I fed her 80 ml fm, again I need to break into 2 times. I fed her at 12.54 pm and she only drank 40 ml. Then at 1.30 pm, I fed her the remaining, she only finished 30 ml.
Luckily we share here so at least I know I am not alone. My girl also like got stuffy nose sometime like hard to drink milk and breathe at the same time. Then she sometimes can drink 100ml and sometimes only 60ml on and off. She takes like 15 mins if fast or can drag until like 40 mins the finished her milk. I notice that she seldom burp much now are days even I try to burp her for a few mins.
Anyone of you let baby sleep in air con room?
Luckily we share here so at least I know I am not alone. My girl also like got stuffy nose sometime like hard to drink milk and breathe at the same time. Then she sometimes can drink 100ml and sometimes only 60ml on and off. She takes like 15 mins if fast or can drag until like 40 mins the finished her milk. I notice that she seldom burp much now are days even I try to burp her for a few mins.
Anyone of you let baby sleep in air con room?

My boy has been slpping in the aircon room since day 4 lol only in the night time is aircon day time is fan haha
My girls sleep in non aircon seldom aircon but after I send them ifc they everyday aircon wonder will get use to non aircon anot.

My girls height are around 54-55cm now I think when birth is 44 and 47cm respectively.
My boy sleep in air con room too. I m going to suntec bb fair to collect the nail trimmer. Didn't dare to cut his nails. Few days ago, he stretch his face after the mitten drop, the "line" is so long n bleed. :-(
I am also waiting to go to the baby fair at suntec.

My girl is exactly two months old today. We brought her out in the Ergobaby carrier without the infant insert. Second time using it.

Kitkats, I always trim my girl's fingernails when she's sleeping or when I'm nursing her on the Brest pillow. I have taken her mittens off during day time and only put them on when she sleeps at night.

I just measured her height today. She's about 60 cm now. Birth height was 49 cm.
I am also waiting to go to the baby fair at suntec.

My girl is exactly two months old today. We brought her out in the Ergobaby carrier without the infant insert. Second time using it.

Kitkats, I always trim my girl's fingernails when she's sleeping or when I'm nursing her on the Brest pillow. I have taken her mittens off during day time and only put them on when she sleeps at night.

I just measured her height today. She's about 60 cm now. Birth height was 49 cm.
U used scissor to cut?
My boy sleep in air con room too. I m going to suntec bb fair to collect the nail trimmer. Didn't dare to cut his nails. Few days ago, he stretch his face after the mitten drop, the "line" is so long n bleed. :-(

I ordered the nail trimmer also. Cut the nails but still sharp he scratch my face, my neck, my hand until red red
I didn order the nail trimmer but I want to get U all think still available if I go on spot and buy? I currently use pigeon nail cutter but must wait for them sleep then can cut and I also need be very careful got few times I "kiap" their skin and they cry so poor thing. Then cut already still sharp cAuse didn file mah so also will scratch here and there.

Faithfullyours the ergo carrier without infant insert how U position your baby legs? Spread out each side or stuff both inside against yr tummy? Cause when infant they should be position this way. I carry them inside before without insert but they don't like don't know Isit because I stuff their legs together inside.
Iwahb, I put her legs out. She is very comfortable with the carrier that she can sleep in there for long. Maybe the feeling to her is like rocking movement in my womb.

I once saw a father carrying his 3 weeks old infant without infant insert with legs spread out on each side.

I will file my girl's fingernails after cutting with the nail clipper.
Ok maybe I shall try cause the last time I try without insert but I stuff their feet inside hahaha cry and cry. If they like to sit in carrier it will save me a lot of work when I bring them out.
My gal's nose is very bad. Brought her to ENT n they did a scope for her. Told me her inside is very dirty. Asked me to use the salt water and nose cleaner often. I will use 5 to 10 min before each feed. But her nose is still blocked.

Last night very bad. My elder's nose bleed profusely. She woke up to take tissue so in the dark I ask her what happen. Then when I on the lights I got a shock of my life. Her whole face is covered with blood, ears r soaking with bloods, hair also hv blood. Pyjamas also bloody. Bedsheets also bloody.

When I cleaned her, the smell of blood is so strong.

My 2 girl's noses r very bad. I think partly my fault cos I got sinus. Think they got my bad genes.

Actually my young one very poor thing, from birth till now. Every week gotta kena prick. Her jaundice still hvnt got down till now. So polyclinic referred to kkh. Then they did blood drawing from her wrist ( like when we do drip), poor girl, her veins r so tiny, they nurse prick her and hv to find her vein. Every time she screams till her voice box cracked. Thursday was the 3rd time she did the test aldy. Cos she got abnormal result. And doctor wanna monitor her.

I feel so sorry for her...
My gal's nose is very bad. Brought her to ENT n they did a scope for her. Told me her inside is very dirty. Asked me to use the salt water and nose cleaner often. I will use 5 to 10 min before each feed. But her nose is still blocked.

Last night very bad. My elder's nose bleed profusely. She woke up to take tissue so in the dark I ask her what happen. Then when I on the lights I got a shock of my life. Her whole face is covered with blood, ears r soaking with bloods, hair also hv blood. Pyjamas also bloody. Bedsheets also bloody.

When I cleaned her, the smell of blood is so strong.

My 2 girl's noses r very bad. I think partly my fault cos I got sinus. Think they got my bad genes.

Actually my young one very poor thing, from birth till now. Every week gotta kena prick. Her jaundice still hvnt got down till now. So polyclinic referred to kkh. Then they did blood drawing from her wrist ( like when we do drip), poor girl, her veins r so tiny, they nurse prick her and hv to find her vein. Every time she screams till her voice box cracked. Thursday was the 3rd time she did the test aldy. Cos she got abnormal result. And doctor wanna monitor her.

I feel so sorry for her...

Oh dear, hopefully ur bb recover soon sayang
Mschar kkh didn say anything other than keep pricking blood to test? It's more than a month already right? My nephew got bad sinus too also once happen like what U describe see a lot of Doctor and not much can be done actually. He just Everynight spray the nose thing. Hope your elder Daughter is fine and younger one recover soon from jaundice also.
By the way I think I'm sick today. Yesterday night been waking up feeling there is a need to vomit. Might be mild food poisoning yesterday. Vomit till only left water out from mouth. Now no appetite to eat. See food smell food again feel like vomiting. So sian water take in vomit all out my bm sure affected. Want to see doctor but I think if eat medicine there is a chance I cannot pump and feed bb with today's output.
By the way I think I'm sick today. Yesterday night been waking up feeling there is a need to vomit. Might be mild food poisoning yesterday. Vomit till only left water out from mouth. Now no appetite to eat. See food smell food again feel like vomiting. So sian water take in vomit all out my bm sure affected. Want to see doctor but I think if eat medicine there is a chance I cannot pump and feed bb with today's output.

U can download lactmed n check if the medicine can be taken anot. But mostly can be taken de, so dun worry. When I'm sick n take medicine I still give my boy the bm. Coz the bm contain antibiotic so the more can give ur gal drink. If I'm not wrong very little medicine will go to ur bm de.
i think bf more relax than preg.. can tak more med n almost every type of food... but if not well better see doc 1st...

mschar-hope ur 2 little ones get well soon... jaundice is tricky.. we also get ref 2do another bt at 1m while seeing doc for hep b immunisatñ...
My milk supply is greatly affected previously 3hr pump will feel boobs engorged. Today I drag 4-5hrs I don't feel pain and full and when pump out output indeed lesser :(
My gal's nose is very bad. Brought her to ENT n they did a scope for her. Told me her inside is very dirty. Asked me to use the salt water and nose cleaner often. I will use 5 to 10 min before each feed. But her nose is still blocked.

Last night very bad. My elder's nose bleed profusely. She woke up to take tissue so in the dark I ask her what happen. Then when I on the lights I got a shock of my life. Her whole face is covered with blood, ears r soaking with bloods, hair also hv blood. Pyjamas also bloody. Bedsheets also bloody.

When I cleaned her, the smell of blood is so strong.

My 2 girl's noses r very bad. I think partly my fault cos I got sinus. Think they got my bad genes.

Actually my young one very poor thing, from birth till now. Every week gotta kena prick. Her jaundice still hvnt got down till now. So polyclinic referred to kkh. Then they did blood drawing from her wrist ( like when we do drip), poor girl, her veins r so tiny, they nurse prick her and hv to find her vein. Every time she screams till her voice box cracked. Thursday was the 3rd time she did the test aldy. Cos she got abnormal result. And doctor wanna monitor her.

I feel so sorry for her...
Hope your girl recovers very soon! *hugz*
My milk supply is greatly affected previously 3hr pump will feel boobs engorged. Today I drag 4-5hrs I don't feel pain and full and when pump out output indeed lesser :(
Think I'm the opposite of you. Today especially, I feel my breasts easily full and engorged. Last time I didn't even feel full and engorged even with my 4-5 hourly pump.
I didn even bother to make passport for babies cause no way I can handle them and enjoy the tour. But I need to go develop pic of them for ifc to put on their forms.

I'm still feeling sick. Fever yesterday went up to 38.7 but today normal already but still feel very weak. When I stand I feel I going faint. Might be low blood that cause me this. Might also be mild food poisoning cause I vomited 3-4x sat night. Milk output still affected :( so weak so weak
I didn even bother to make passport for babies cause no way I can handle them and enjoy the tour. But I need to go develop pic of them for ifc to put on their forms.

I'm still feeling sick. Fever yesterday went up to 38.7 but today normal already but still feel very weak. When I stand I feel I going faint. Might be low blood that cause me this. Might also be mild food poisoning cause I vomited 3-4x sat night. Milk output still affected :( so weak so weak
Hope you recover soon!
Faithfullyours your bb still playing with the bottle teats? My elder still do this and simply refuse to drink. I don't latch her so don't know why suddenly like that. Wonder Isit she prefer fm taste to bm since she was half half previously or is the milk simply too hot for her she refuse to drink.
Iwahb, yes each time I bottle feed her, she will play with the teat. Then sometimes she behaves as if she hates the teat, like very frustrated that I put the teat in her mouth. She will fuss about it. I must coax her to drink. Then she drinks. I bottle feed her my EBM. Now I have managed to store 8 bags of EBM. Not a lot but it's an improvement. :)
faith.. how many ml of milk in each bag?

i m doin my 1st bag of stored milk 2try with calma teats... to free myself up when i need 2go out..
Hi mummies,, what u eat to improve breast milk ?
I have very low supply , nearly to none when pump ... So sad & thinking to give up... :(
I try to let bb latch but seems he used to drink fm with bottle , so he don't want dl..
I read that our breast milk will change according to baby's growth stages to accommodate her growing needs. So I am wondering if we freeze our EBM now and only feed them say 3 months later with this batch of EBM, will the nutrients of these EBM be able to meet her growing needs?
Buddy my baby also lost weight like this as she does not like the HA milk which is not as sweet. So she is drinking lesser. Then I try nan the normal one and she is drinking. Sigh.. Don't know should I change to the normal one. My baby switch to many milk powder. From dumex to s26 to nan ha and now nan normal.
Hi Lynn.. is the nan powder tt your bb is drinking now sweet? I'm thinking if changing from similac to nan. Cos my bb is having phlegm. What's the difference between nan ha n nan normal?
I do heard a lot of my mummies friend say similac heaty so maybe that causes pheglm. But to each individual bb not all are the same. Actually I freeze some since oct their birth and I think normal fridge freezer can only last 3mths. I also not sure if my girls can take frozen bm taste cause heard there is a strong metallic taste. If they don't take no point freezing I guess. Now I am just keeping most pumped milk chilled. Guide line can store as long as 8 days usually mine 3rd day will finish.
I do heard a lot of my mummies friend say similac heaty so maybe that causes pheglm. But to each individual bb not all are the same. Actually I freeze some since oct their birth and I think normal fridge freezer can only last 3mths. I also not sure if my girls can take frozen bm taste cause heard there is a strong metallic taste. If they don't take no point freezing I guess. Now I am just keeping most pumped milk chilled. Guide line can store as long as 8 days usually mine 3rd day will finish.

Huh store 8 days? I thought put at lower fridge can only last 48 hours only if more than that muz freeze up liao
Hi Lynn.. is the nan powder tt your bb is drinking now sweet? I'm thinking if changing from similac to nan. Cos my bb is having phlegm. What's the difference between nan ha n nan normal?

Nan ha is for bb that has tummy discomfort. If change will ur bb get use to it? What if ur bb reject than how?
I read that our breast milk will change according to baby's growth stages to accommodate her growing needs. So I am wondering if we freeze our EBM now and only feed them say 3 months later with this batch of EBM, will the nutrients of these EBM be able to meet her growing needs?

The nutrients is still better than FM. Some store up n even feed their bb 6 mths later. As long as is bm can give our bm nutrient is much more better than FM.
Hi mummies,, what u eat to improve breast milk ?
I have very low supply , nearly to none when pump ... So sad & thinking to give up... :(
I try to let bb latch but seems he used to drink fm with bottle , so he don't want dl..

U can try taking fenugreek, oat milk, oat biscuits, Virgin coconut oil n as long as there's contain oat I think can boost the milk. But sadly mine doesn n I even try taking dompridome which doc tan prescribed to me. N my output still low. But I still give my boy the bm for 6 mths. Now he's 6 mths n no demand frm him coz he doesn want to latch any more. So I stop liao,
So give whatever u can

Ya snow 8days if ur fridge temperature is right. Anyway mine usually restock After 3days doesn't smell bad still
I also haven't found my milk booster. but I did power pumping (8 times a day) for the first whole week. MAH teach us one. massage then pump 5 mins, massage then pump 5 mins, massage then pump 5 mins. I even add in hand express to make sure I clear breast.

I also had massage for 2 weeks where the lady helped to clear the boobs.

I think that helped me build my supply up. Now the amount like plateaued liaoz. even with power pumping, still stagnant. anyway, as long as supply can cover her demand then I ok liaoz.
