(2014) ivf mummies support group

Ask you all...regarding CDA account. For the $6000, must we deposit at one go to be able to have a dollar to dollar matching by government? Can we deposit by 3 installments and still get the dollar to dollar matching by government?
A quiet day today? So far how are you mummies? So sad we will be first to go back to work next month. I miss maternity leave haha. So those working mummies what are your plans when go back to work as in who will take care of baby. Ifc or maid?
A quiet day today? So far how are you mummies? So sad we will be first to go back to work next month. I miss maternity leave haha. So those working mummies what are your plans when go back to work as in who will take care of baby. Ifc or maid?

I'm quite lucky I'm a SAHM looking my boy myself. If look for nanny some not good de. I got a frien her bb gal only 1 mth old the nanny keep on feeding her water end up dun want drink milk coz water very full. N she keep on telling the nanny not to feed water but she still continue. Then at 4 mths train her gal eat solid food. I told my frien train for what she will be on solid food for whole life, n the best thing is her bb gal can't even flip n sit by herself.
Best to give solid food is 6 mths when the bb digestive system is more mature.
Have u mummy read the newspaper whereby the maid pour in oil into the bm bcoz she's unhappy with the employer. N lucky the mummy smell the bm before giving to her 2 mth old bb to drink. Arbo Duno what will happen to the bb.
Yes terrible the story of maids. Nanny wise is just like our parents their era is water if hiccups, must drink Abit and their Abit can be alot for a small baby. My own parents are guilty of that so how to blame nanny. As for solid foods I hope they won't insist to have that on month 4.

I dread going back to work too. M sending the girls to infant care and I am fearful they won't get the attention and hope they won't fall sick easily. So far so good haven't fall sick since birth. I also hope the ifc is good enough to play and train them during noon time to sit up and flip if possible lol. Hope night time when they come back ifc will be guai guai able to sleep also and not cry and cry.
I also think send ifc better than nanny or maid as they got programme for the babies. I really do hope they got time to train our babies. hopefully they don't cry cry until no time no train. . Well ifc also got scary story like the pour hot water onto baby. Sigh.. Think any options also must depends on luck but I personally think at least ifc is a school. But all the elderly in my house are so against.
More sisters don't mind share your views. Circles, joy, dolly, sumiko going back to work force right? Faithfully confirm become SHAM? Cheery, kitkats mschar, snow are SHAM too can handle alone? How about others?
I also think send ifc better than nanny or maid as they got programme for the babies. I really do hope they got time to train our babies. hopefully they don't cry cry until no time no train. . Well ifc also got scary story like the pour hot water onto baby. Sigh.. Think any options also must depends on luck but I personally think at least ifc is a school. But all the elderly in my house are so against.
More sisters don't mind share your views. Circles, joy, dolly, sumiko going back to work force right? Faithfully confirm become SHAM? Cheery, kitkats mschar, snow are SHAM too can handle alone? How about others?

So far can handle only time is u can't go shit n bath, only can do it when they are slpping. But depending on ur bb also, my boy is a attention seeker need to entertain him n play wif him. Can't leave him alone If not he will cry
I also think send ifc better than nanny or maid as they got programme for the babies. I really do hope they got time to train our babies. hopefully they don't cry cry until no time no train. . Well ifc also got scary story like the pour hot water onto baby. Sigh.. Think any options also must depends on luck but I personally think at least ifc is a school. But all the elderly in my house are so against.
More sisters don't mind share your views. Circles, joy, dolly, sumiko going back to work force right? Faithfully confirm become SHAM? Cheery, kitkats mschar, snow are SHAM too can handle alone? How about others?
Good morning! Yes more or less confirmed that I'll be a SAHM after ML. Problem is now I don't know when's a good time to tender in order to be entitled to my bonus before I leave. My bonus is usually end of March. My ML ends on 25 February. If I tender, I need to serve 1 month notice. Usually people say take bonus first before tendering. Okay so that will be end March. That means I need to go back to work for March, tender on 1st April, then serve 1 month notice, then effectively I need people to help take care of my girl for March and April. Where to find?
Faithfullyours I would go for bonus 1st as well it's just so near not worth tender before that. Your parents can help out that few months? Understand ur mil not on good terms so only can depend on own parents or any relatives can help just 2months? If not really no choice got to say goodbye to your bonus.

For me no choice one cannot be sahm cause got twins if no work also cannot handle 2 bb. If employ maid the expenses will be super taxing for my dh. Imagine I no work and plus a maid gosh!
joy goin back work... ifc register liao.. guess they wun b able 2teach much.. but @least there will b interactñ with other kids...
I will be going bk to work. I will play by ear... if too tedious then I will quit and stay home... I hv been resting since March. So I dunno whether I can still cope at work. I aldy start to feel like I am not working cos too long nua at home.
This is the longest period im away from work and I already dread going back especially now got babies in house. Last time If I rest too long I will feel bored and will want to work hehe.
Haha same here buddy. Anymore working mummies or sham to share your views.
Poor sister snow. Really take care of baby very hard to go poo or shower one hor.
Haha same here buddy. Anymore working mummies or sham to share your views.
Poor sister snow. Really take care of baby very hard to go poo or shower one hor.

When ur bb grow older they will play by themselves for awhile than u can go do ur thing but not shower or shit la. I magic clean my floor, eat my breakfast while my boy entertain himself for awhile. So muz do things fast lor.
Mummies hello....hehehe previously call mummies to be now can openly call mummies already. Check with u all introduce solid food is 6months onwards right? So if we give earlier say 5month what are the pros and cons.
Mummies hello....hehehe previously call mummies to be now can openly call mummies already. Check with u all introduce solid food is 6months onwards right? So if we give earlier say 5month what are the pros and cons.

Before u give solid food u need to see if ur gal can flip can sit down n her neck is stable n able to swallow. N show interest in food, my boy show interest in food n start to drool so I start giving him water by spoon feed him then slowly give him abit of food for testing.
ic. why must learn to flip? my solid food as in rice cereals or fruit puree...are this consider solid food?

Yup they are consider solid food.
If ur bb Duno how to flip then means their neck are not stable n cannot sit by their own n u can't give them solid food. N they also can't master to crawl. So is better for them to learn flipping n able to sit, if they can't sit then they can't swallow food then how are u going to feed them.
Best is given after 6 mths becoz their digestive system is more mature
ic ic cause I still thinking just feed them puree maybe say 5mth or so even if they still don't know how to sit up. just let them lay on bouncer but at a sitting position.
ic ic cause I still thinking just feed them puree maybe say 5mth or so even if they still don't know how to sit up. just let them lay on bouncer but at a sitting position.

If ur bb show interest then can if not pls don't do that. The latest u start the better, so their digestive system is more mature.
Ok noted. I hope I can have more milk for them and hopefully my babies don't reject my bm. My friend bb suddenly reject bm and she no choice but to feed fm
Mummies just to share, those who feeding ur bb fm when ur bb hit 6 moths and time to change to stage 2 please do not use direct switch method. U need to mix stage 1 n stage 2 fm, in case ur bb has lactose intolerance. N observe ur bb stool. When u want to intro solid food please do it at a later stage n if intro please intro 1 kind of food n observe, becoz the bb tummy is small so can't digest so much food.

This info was given by Abbott nutritionist. I request stage 2 sample n today the lady call n told mi.
Wah, never knew that there is so much science to introducing solid food

Yes there are, if u want to intro solid food start with fruit purée easier to digest n muz intro slowly.
Eg Monday u give banana purée n observe for 3 days n see if ur lo got any allergy to it anot. If dun have then u may continue with papaya n same thing muz observe.
My hub frien daughter allergy to nuts n was rush to kkh due to serious allergy. So when want to intro solid food do it slowly n dun rush.
Remember ur lo will be on solid food for whole life. So there's no need to rush into it. Best is after 6 mths or even later
Oic DIY. Oh talking about fruits still remember when we are pregnant a did the fruit infuse drinks haha. Time flies.
Understand cause when we introduce solid food they probably need 2-3days to digest and poo out so if one time we introduce too many will have hard time finding which causes allergy.
How long does your baby take to finish his/her usual feeding (bottle)? My girl takes almost an hour to finish 80 ml of EBM. I have to break into 2 times.
Faithfully, you still using 1? After full month can change to 2. I am changing to 3 soon as reaching 3 months this month end.
Thanks snow! I asked my mummy friends. They said the same thing too. So I should change to teat size 2 (Avent)?

Ya u can change then see if ur gal still take so long to finish anot by right if Breast feeding there's no need to change coz u dl ur gal n if change the teat n the flow is fast some bb will not prefer to latch. But u can try change
Faithfully, you still using 1? After full month can change to 2. I am changing to 3 soon as reaching 3 months this month end.

I Duno abt avent size but my boy since full mth till now have been using size m teat meant for FM. I've not change his teat at all
I think can change cause Avent teats is 0m+, 1m+ and 3m+ onwards. U can change to 1m+ still consider slow teats my girls are using it now thou They approaching 3mth soon.
How long does your baby take to finish his/her usual feeding (bottle)? My girl takes almost an hour to finish 80 ml of EBM. I have to break into 2 times.

My gal takes ard 15 min to finish 100ml. But if she is tired or her nose is stuffy, I also hv to break into 2 feeds. Sometimes also 1 hr plus.
My gal takes ard 15 min to finish 100ml. But if she is tired or her nose is stuffy, I also hv to break into 2 feeds. Sometimes also 1 hr plus.
How old is your gal? Mine is 2 months old. You feed her 100 ml bm or fm? Are you using a bigger flow teat?
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My girls is 2mth + and I feed 100ml bm also but every 2-3hrs. I will try to increase my feed to 120ml soon cause last month I try 120ml but they cannot finish. If they drink smoothly also 15mins using Avent size 2. If they not in mood to drink they simply refuse to drink. Even if I feed fm also will prepare 100ml
I notice my girl likes to play with the teat with her tongue before she has the mood to drink. Sometimes she can think like for a while before she wants to drink. Thus, I kind of dislike bottle feeding my girl because of this. Very time consuming. I am now monitoring how much my girl can drink because I think she's not gaining weight as she should be. :(
I notice my girl likes to play with the teat with her tongue before she has the mood to drink. Sometimes she can think like for a while before she wants to drink. Thus, I kind of dislike bottle feeding my girl because of this. Very time consuming. I am now monitoring how much my girl can drink because I think she's not gaining weight as she should be. :(

Since u going to be SAHM u can no need give bottle just DL will do
How old is your gal? Mine is 2 months old. You feed her 100 ml bm or fm? Are you using a bigger flow teat?

She is 6 weeks old. She is taking 100ml since my confinement days. Sometimes she will finish only 80ml and sometimes after 100ml she will ask for more. If not she will feed again in 1 hr plus.

I am on full bm. I am using pigeon bottle. I think is call Y teat. I hvnt change teat since birth.
My elder twin also will play with the teat before drinking. My mum say it's her tasting what milk Isit before she want to drink. How heavy your girl now Faithfullyours. Maybe when she latch she just comfort suck so that's why not drinking a lot and thus gain weight?

Mschar Hw often your girl drink on full 100ml bm?
Day time she will finish the 100ml. But her nose is very stuffy so when she drinks she will gets very angry cos she can't breathe. I think if not for her nose she will drink more than 100ml. She will drink every 2 to 3 hr. But at least once or twice a day, she will ask for more after 100ml. At night she drinks lesser. Mostly is direct latch. She suckle 10min then fall asleep.
Ic. Ya my younger girl also got stuffy nose and especially at night everytime she drink she cry halfway I also guess maybe she cannot breathe while drinking. Actually I feel like up the ml to 150 so that I can feed lesser times say instead of 2-3hrs hungry hopefully they can 4-5hrs but the think is now at 100ml they got problem finishing already.

My elder girl just vomit out the milk think the whole bottle :( after feeding I try burp her but no burp so I lay her beside me sleep on bed. Maybe too flat the bed, the milk cannot go down or up so when sit up again from bed then milk just vomit out. Since she vomit all out I feel she is hungry but try feed again she don't want take.
I last measured her on 6 Jan at KKH for her umbilical hernia condition. She was 5 kg. A bit slow since her birth weight was 3.04 kg. 2 weeks ago, we measured her at KKH, she was 4.8 kg. So in 2 weeks, she only gained 200 g which is only 14 g per day. Doctor prefers 20 g per day. So doctor told us to continue to monitor. If necessary, gotta supplement with fm 1 or 2 times per day. But each time when I latch her, I never pull out one. I let her de-latch herself to let me know she's full.
