(2014) ivf mummies support group

towkayneo, another 3-5 wks??? alamak! i thot is just past 12 wks and i am already counting down...
i had this very weird symptom and since it has never happened to me before, i can only attribute it to preg...is abit gross but i do find my below there and at the back (near rectum) very itchy...initially, i thot i didnt wash it clean enough n i wash it very clean...but there are still moments when it is just so so itchy that it wldnt stop...i resort to using dettol body powder... anyone having such a similar symptom??

dreamirene, this symptom is quite unusual lei.. maybe u wanna let ur gyane know during ur next visit..?
dreamirene, this symptom is quite unusual lei.. maybe u wanna let ur gyane know during ur next visit..?

orh....actually, i saw Dr Loh yesterday...but i am a bit pai sei to bring this up....i am going for oscar test next tue and seeing him on 22nd...i will try to observe further n see how it goes...
towkayneo, another 3-5 wks??? alamak! i thot is just past 12 wks and i am already counting down...
i had this very weird symptom and since it has never happened to me before, i can only attribute it to preg...is abit gross but i do find my below there and at the back (near rectum) very itchy...initially, i thot i didnt wash it clean enough n i wash it very clean...but there are still moments when it is just so so itchy that it wldnt stop...i resort to using dettol body powder... anyone having such a similar symptom??
aiyo, so u also experienced this? faint.. mine like pressing especially if im sitting too long..
ya haha coz the lower twin is pressing on it lo :p
orh....actually, i saw Dr Loh yesterday...but i am a bit pai sei to bring this up....i am going for oscar test next tue and seeing him on 22nd...i will try to observe further n see how it goes...
my appt at KKH oso 22nd! hee
I tink its the hormones?
I saw the gender at week 15+2 and confirm its the same during the detail scan
Hmm, Tan HH said something in between the legs SUGGEST that it may be a boy, but he cannot confirm. have to wait for 1 month to go ADC to know. Boo.
Can buy from Chinese medical hall but I'm not sure whether all CMH do sell anot. You can drop by and ask them. Btw, my brother in law is getting these herb for me in JB. Much cheaper den sg

oicic, so these herbs are usually dry stuff right? worry that if we do know how to keep properly may spoil or what...?
You can ask ur Confinement lady abt these herbs. She will know and advise you.

thanks kitty! yep, but i will try to ask my MIL and mum, see if we can get it first..otherwise, seems like pricing nearing to CNY all go up like nobody biz..! faint..
thanks kitty! yep, but i will try to ask my MIL and mum, see if we can get it first..otherwise, seems like pricing nearing to CNY all go up like nobody biz..! faint..
You're welcome! Near to CNY, things sure expensive. I also headache coz everything must buy double.
You're welcome! Near to CNY, things sure expensive. I also headache coz everything must buy double.

heehee, ya lor..! but good also la.. double happiness ma!! :p

unlike me, im planning to have #2 but thinking age is the concern. coz i may need 1 to 2 yr break after my bb #1.
noon mummies :)

welcome bapple!

bb, the herb is called "da feng cao" usually pre-packed from CMH.. a pack cost $3 mayb or more now..
I used that and oso warm water to shower :p and secretly washes hair! haha
mei! haa, thanks! okok, i will check it out.. i think can wash hair right? maybe wash our hair in the am not night.. haa..
mei! haa, thanks! okok, i will check it out.. i think can wash hair right? maybe wash our hair in the am not night.. haa..
I washes at nite LOL! when MIL was asleep.. but tis time I heck coz doesn't stay together and bathroom have hair dryer so easier LOL!!
rashal, continue with ur duphaston! don carry heavy stuff... yes, never ending worries... but try to take it easy abit.. talk to ur baby...! :p

Thanks bb_luck....definitely talking to baby to show him\herself to the doctor..heehee..now really peeing so often and hungry every 3 hrs..oh gosh...scared I will put on more weight...hopefully talking to baby will do some good...
just wondering, during confinement must we really follow the tradition? NOT washing our hair?? yucks!:(

My experience -- I showered every alternate day and use "no rinse" towel off shampoo I bought from thebirthshop.com. I used 艾草 (the TCM herb) add hot boiling water fill half a tub and add a big piece of old ginger. This I prepare at night and following morning, confinement nanny add another half tub of boiling water make it hot before I am allowed to go shower.

I do wash my hair once a week with the same water and when I did, I get immediate migraine after I step out of the toilet till I blew dry my hair. So for me, I do believe it's not ideal to wash hair soon after giving birth. Too cooling..
Dear mummies

I would like to seek your kind advice here.
My IVF treatment will begin end of this month.... just wondering if there are any diets and special preacutions that i would need to take?
thks so much :>
Hi All, I am new to this forum, and I would like to seek your comments on what I should do??
I am found to be having PCOs, and have irregular menses.. The irregularity can be quite serious like menses does not come the whole year..

I am trying to get pregnant, but due to the condition that I am having, it makes it really tough to conceive.

I have seen Dr Tan on 23.08.2013, was on duphaston, and taken letrozole on 2nd day of menses... Menses came on 1 Sep, so by month end, I did a pregnancy test, but was negative.

My next appt with him is 9 Oct 2013, but suddenly my menses came today 04 Oct 2013. I am a bit shocked, and don't know what to do.. Do you have any such experiences?

Should I call KK to ask Dr Tan to request for next round of letrozole?

or should I wait till appt on the 9th Oct 2013 to ask him? I am afraid my menses would have ended and no letrozole was taken. I will miss the next cycle...

Pls share your experiences with me. Thank you.
Hi All, I am new to this forum, and I would like to seek your comments on what I should do??
I am found to be having PCOs, and have irregular menses.. The irregularity can be quite serious like menses does not come the whole year..

I am trying to get pregnant, but due to the condition that I am having, it makes it really tough to conceive.

I have seen Dr Tan on 23.08.2013, was on duphaston, and taken letrozole on 2nd day of menses... Menses came on 1 Sep, so by month end, I did a pregnancy test, but was negative.

My next appt with him is 9 Oct 2013, but suddenly my menses came today 04 Oct 2013. I am a bit shocked, and don't know what to do.. Do you have any such experiences?

Should I call KK to ask Dr Tan to request for next round of letrozole?

or should I wait till appt on the 9th Oct 2013 to ask him? I am afraid my menses would have ended and no letrozole was taken. I will miss the next cycle...

Pls share your experiences with me. Thank you.
Hi Rachel, why don't u call Dr Tan's clinic n ask if u can bring forward yr appt, or to speak to him? :). Might be better to get advice directly from him instead as he may have alternative plans for you now that your menses is here.
Hi Rachel, why don't u call Dr Tan's clinic n ask if u can bring forward yr appt, or to speak to him? :). Might be better to get advice directly from him instead as he may have alternative plans for you now that your menses is here.

Hi Joynpeace,
Yeah, The sister just called me, and say that Dr Tan does not want me to be on Letrozole, ermm.... i also dn understand.. confused...
maybe he has his reasons or alternative plans.. just feeling ups & downs... so I will still see him next wed 09/10/2013. Thanks for your advice..
Hi all, thks for the advised on the breast pump. Went down to last week rise n shine fair n according to the sales person, they said they r soon going to phase out PIS...dunno how true or just a sales gimmick.

Anyone went down to expo today already? Shd hv loads of stuff right?
Hi all, thks for the advised on the breast pump. Went down to last week rise n shine fair n according to the sales person, they said they r soon going to phase out PIS...dunno how true or just a sales gimmick.

Anyone went down to expo today already? Shd hv loads of stuff right?
I heard medela swing maxi is replacing PIS.. Expo is crazy packed!! I waited more than half hour just to turn into the carpark.. Every booth you want to buy something got to queue 30-45 min..
Dreamirene, I'm still with dr loh n m in my 19 weeks. I suppose is how comfortable u r with the gynae. Dh n myself r quite comfy with him n since he's aware of what we hv been thru, we thought just let him see us thru the entire process.
Anyway, is a personal choice whether to continue with him. I think importantly is to hv chemistry n hv to feel comfy.

the fair on Friday was crazily crowded.. spent time Q-ing and only bought 2 items LOL!
A cot and 2 babysafe pillows only..


the fair on Friday was crazily crowded.. spent time Q-ing and only bought 2 items LOL!
A cot and 2 babysafe pillows only..


ya i was there on friday too.. it was really packed!!! but i bought quite a nos of stuff.. bottles, stroller and some clothes for bb.. haa.. :D
