(2014) ivf mummies support group

oh.. what is the service like? they give list of names ma? how much usually?
eh.. I called and give him the particulars he need and hubby go and collect 2 days later.. not ask him whether did he see him personally onot
cost 100+ that time
Hi mei mei, is he the one who chose the names personally for you or he delegates it to his disciples etc? I know chen junrong delegates that to his disciples unless you are willing to pay a bomb cos he's grand master level.
summer, I not sure wor :p coz we dun see him personally.. we just call him only
eh.. I called and give him the particulars he need and hubby go and collect 2 days later.. not ask him whether did he see him personally onot
cost 100+ that time

mei, will they give a list of chinese characters to choose? I think the "Yiu Rong Zie" also the same called and collect 2 days..
mei, will they give a list of chinese characters to choose? I think the "Yiu Rong Zie" also the same called and collect 2 days..
I heard that You Long Zi no longer does feng shui services personally to new customers, only regulars. the other time it was reported in the chinese newspapers..
summer, I not sure wor :p coz we dun see him personally.. we just call him only
then after you chose the name for your #1, did he explain the meaning of the characters of the name and 旺mother or father..? or your hubby just choose the name and pay money? :p
Hi ladies, can I check with you your hcg level during bt? I had an early bt at 13dp2dt. Level is 205.5. Any interpretation? My beta test is 16dp2dt, which is this Friday. Tia!
Hi ladies, can I check with you your hcg level during bt? I had an early bt at 13dp2dt. Level is 205.5. Any interpretation? My beta test is 16dp2dt, which is this Friday. Tia!
My beta hcg at d13p3dt was 250, I'd say you have a great level congrats! :). How come u did a hcg level before your scheduled beta hcg bt?
then after you chose the name for your #1, did he explain the meaning of the characters of the name and 旺mother or father..? or your hubby just choose the name and pay money? :p
haa he paid then we discuss while I'm still in hospital lo.. there is some calculations and those characters he gave all within the "numbers"
so we just mix and match those we like lo.. hee we oso check thru online too.. his name is good hee
haa he paid then we discuss while I'm still in hospital lo.. there is some calculations and those characters he gave all within the "numbers"
so we just mix and match those we like lo.. hee we oso check thru online too.. his name is good hee


yea, i called up Hui master yesterday to enquire.. they will give the name only in 2 weeks time after giving them the baby info.. if want it faster like 1 week.. then price will differs..
Hi ladies, can I check with you your hcg level during bt? I had an early bt at 13dp2dt. Level is 205.5. Any interpretation? My beta test is 16dp2dt, which is this Friday. Tia!
Tub, u have a good number :) it will grow and grow tmr!!

yea, i called up Hui master yesterday to enquire.. they will give the name only in 2 weeks time after giving them the baby info.. if want it faster like 1 week.. then price will differs..
oh! haa now 2 weeks liao ah.. so long.. I know we paid more for faster service coz wan to register within hospital stay hee
I heard that You Long Zi no longer does feng shui services personally to new customers, only regulars. the other time it was reported in the chinese newspapers..

i also called up yiu rong zie yesterday.. they still accepting new customer leh.. hmm funny.. wonder if i get the correct one? hahaha
i also called up yiu rong zie yesterday.. they still accepting new customer leh.. hmm funny.. wonder if i get the correct one? hahaha
there are two: one is 云龙子 & another is 游龙子. the latter is an ah pek whereas the former is a young chap. the ah pek still accepts new customers, but he professes that he himself will not personally do fengshui for new customers, only regular customers. so i assume his disciples will be doing the services for new customers.

but if he's still the one doing the services personally, i think i will also go to him. heard that he's BAGUS :)
there are two: one is 云龙子 & another is 游龙子. the latter is an ah pek whereas the former is a young chap. the ah pek still accepts new customers, but he professes that he himself will not personally do fengshui for new customers, only regular customers. so i assume his disciples will be doing the services for new customers.

but if he's still the one doing the services personally, i think i will also go to him. heard that he's BAGUS :)
ya himself I oso heard not bad and his disciples gave the names like all quite similar I heard :)
but afterall choices is still up to us haa
there are two: one is 云龙子 & another is 游龙子. the latter is an ah pek whereas the former is a young chap. the ah pek still accepts new customers, but he professes that he himself will not personally do fengshui for new customers, only regular customers. so i assume his disciples will be doing the services for new customers.

but if he's still the one doing the services personally, i think i will also go to him. heard that he's BAGUS :)

oh i see.. haa.. thanks.. i checked with YLZ yesterday.. next day can collect the list of names, only need to give bb info.. but hui master must give parents name also probably taking longer time..
Hi bb luck and kmei,

Thanks but still have not seen Dr Loh yet so keeping my fingers crossed first.

A bit of self intro:
This is my 2nd fresh and I have a little girl who is 6.

All the best ladies!
Hi Gals, I jus went Dr Tan yest.. not so good news leh... he say my hubby sperm count is ok, my blood count, hormone level everything ok, except that i am nt ovulating, even after taking letrozole..

he schedule me to go for fallopian tube test in nov after my next menses. can share your experiences? pain a not?

He says that he only has 2 options for me, either IUI or IVF, but if my fallopian tube is blocked, also cannot do IUI.. last resort only IVF..

If I choose to do IUI, would it be as successful as IVF? or should I just straight away select IVF? can share yr valuable experience with me?
Hi Gals, I jus went Dr Tan yest.. not so good news leh... he say my hubby sperm count is ok, my blood count, hormone level everything ok, except that i am nt ovulating, even after taking letrozole..

he schedule me to go for fallopian tube test in nov after my next menses. can share your experiences? pain a not?

He says that he only has 2 options for me, either IUI or IVF, but if my fallopian tube is blocked, also cannot do IUI.. last resort only IVF..

If I choose to do IUI, would it be as successful as IVF? or should I just straight away select IVF? can share yr valuable experience with me?
Hi Rachel.. Sounds like me.. I also don't ovulate even on highest dose of clomid. However, thankfully I responded well to puregon, the injection med. my HSG was normal ( the Fallopian tube test). So initially the plan was for me to take puregon to ovulate then to do timed intercourse after trigger shot cos hb's sperm normal so gyne thought we can still try semi natural even without iui. But in the end I responded so well to puregon I had 11 follicles. If timed intercourse or iui there will be a high risk of high order multiples (sextuplets, etc) if all the eggs ovulate n get fertilized. So gyne advised us to convert to ivf, take out the mature eggs, then fertilize with hb's sperm n only transfer two embryos so at most will get twins.

For yr qns;
1. HSG was a bad experience for me.. Many pple actually had a better experience, but I think cos I was really depressed at that point of time, n they made me do it on Christmas Eve which made me even more depressed, my mind magnified the pain a lot.. Take some panadol extra or panadol menses just before the procedure. It will help with the crampy feeling u may get.

2. Whether iui or ivf works better depends on case by case basis, which yr dr probably will advise u. I know quite a few ladies who strike with iui, and also some who strike with ivf. Of course there r also those who are still trying.. It can be a pretty long road n sometimes can really get discouraged.. Keep yr chin up, n if things get too overwhelming, it's ok to take a break from trying. Take care n all the best! :)
Hi Rachel.. Sounds like me.. I also don't ovulate even on highest dose of clomid. However, thankfully I responded well to puregon, the injection med. my HSG was normal ( the Fallopian tube test). So initially the plan was for me to take puregon to ovulate then to do timed intercourse after trigger shot cos hb's sperm normal so gyne thought we can still try semi natural even without iui. But in the end I responded so well to puregon I had 11 follicles. If timed intercourse or iui there will be a high risk of high order multiples (sextuplets, etc) if all the eggs ovulate n get fertilized. So gyne advised us to convert to ivf, take out the mature eggs, then fertilize with hb's sperm n only transfer two embryos so at most will get twins.

For yr qns;
1. HSG was a bad experience for me.. Many pple actually had a better experience, but I think cos I was really depressed at that point of time, n they made me do it on Christmas Eve which made me even more depressed, my mind magnified the pain a lot.. Take some panadol extra or panadol menses just before the procedure. It will help with the crampy feeling u may get.

2. Whether iui or ivf works better depends on case by case basis, which yr dr probably will advise u. I know quite a few ladies who strike with iui, and also some who strike with ivf. Of course there r also those who are still trying.. It can be a pretty long road n sometimes can really get discouraged.. Keep yr chin up, n if things get too overwhelming, it's ok to take a break from trying. Take care n all the best! :)

Hi Joynpeace,
Thanks for your reply. Are you also seeing Dr Tan HH from KKH?
hello! i have checked with the hui master by walking into their shop near parkway parade -
S$138 - name analysis - they give you 5 middle names and 5 last names and you mix and match. just need baby details. need 2 weeks. anything earlier need to give extra $. this is to "fill in the gaps of the kid's ba zi, like if the kid needs water element, water characters will be included in the choice of names"
S$388 - package - name analysis (like above) and good dates for C-sect
S$388 - if u want your kid to specifically "wang" in certain aspects like health, fortune, he will come up with a definite middle and last character. cannot choose.
wow! thanks summer :D
i will go back for the names and topped up for faster services haa
for csec date.. need to check with dr tan whether am i allowed to chose onot :D
thanks Summer!

but 2 weeks really abit too long.. LOL..

mei, i tot usually private can choose date for c-section?

bb, TMC I know can.. KKH I duno haha.. next visit will ask Dr Tan when is safe to bring them out lo so can get the geomancer to chose a few dates within that period :p
