(2014) ivf mummies support group

kmei2, maomi here. not sure whether you remember me. I'm another twins mummy, currently 12 weeks+ just did my oscar last week. I've just been discharged by Prof PC Wong of NUH cos he doesn't do delivery. I have no intention to stay in NUH. However, now torn btw TMC (Dr Ben Tham, seen him already but not sure whether to continue as the figures that they gave, we need to do abit of calculation) and KKH (i haven't seen any in KKH). You are sticking with your IVF doc?

kmei2, maomi here. not sure whether you remember me. I'm another twins mummy, currently 12 weeks+ just did my oscar last week. I've just been discharged by Prof PC Wong of NUH cos he doesn't do delivery. I have no intention to stay in NUH. However, now torn btw TMC (Dr Ben Tham, seen him already but not sure whether to continue as the figures that they gave, we need to do abit of calculation) and KKH (i haven't seen any in KKH). You are sticking with your IVF doc?
hi maomi, yes remembered you :D yup i'm sticking with KKH's Dr Tan.. there is no pre-natal package at KKH, so its pay per visit lo
there is another Twin's mummy with Ben Tham in January Thread.. heard that he's is good and his package is not that ex as well.. my concern for stayin in KKH is as least there is any complication *the team is there
as I know TMC will still advice you to deliver at KKH for pre-term etc
Kmei2, yes, I know her. What is the cost like to see KKH per visit? Does Dr Tan take in patients for antenatal or need to be his ivf patients to begin with? Waiting time long? Sorry. Alot of question. Yes, my hubby's concern is also on the pre-term and complications. Hence we are keen to move to KKH. Dr Tan is in the pte suite?
Kmei2, yes, I know her. What is the cost like to see KKH per visit? Does Dr Tan take in patients for antenatal or need to be his ivf patients to begin with? Waiting time long? Sorry. Alot of question. Yes, my hubby's concern is also on the pre-term and complications. Hence we are keen to move to KKH. Dr Tan is in the pte suite?
the last visit with supplement cost less than $180.. normally its abt 100 I tink *cant remember off hand
eh.. not very sure but he's in private suite too so I think can see patients as long as u booked appt with him at TPS
waiting time not very long.. I waited max 20-30mins so far

no worries abt the questions :)
Hi dreamirene
Heehee.... at least you are one of the minority who says "thankfully, i stayed with MIL" coz usually it's the opposite :p
Yah, better not take the risk and regret right.

ahhaha...away, that is only the plus point which i constantly tried to remind myself.... staying with MIL is a loss of privacy - that's for sure..and need to learn to close an eye...esp when my fridge and bomb shelter is packed wiht stuff which dun even belong to me or i dun even know what's there...
Anyone experience heartburn and difficulties to digest?
Do you take any medication to help?

I experience heartburn eating things that are more difficult to digest, and the worst is Milk.
As my breakfast is usually hot chocolate milk with toast bread, every morning after breakfast, the heartburn is really bad.

i get terrible heartburn if i dont eat small meals in between the main meals. So right now i try to pace my snacks (i eat wholemeal crackers) in between lunch and dinner to minimize the heartburn. The feeling is terrible T_T
Hi hi mummies, for those who cnt sleep well at night, can consider getting a pregnancy/body pillow. I got one and I totally dnt regret the decision of getting it... It's v comfy n can use it as nursing pillow after we pop :)

can share the pillow that u bought? how much and from where? thxs :)
i get terrible heartburn if i dont eat small meals in between the main meals. So right now i try to pace my snacks (i eat wholemeal crackers) in between lunch and dinner to minimize the heartburn. The feeling is terrible T_T
Oh maybe i should try your tactic :)
glitterystar, my heartburn and gastric pain is horrible too. And i get alot of hunger pangs especially after 6th week I think. I tend to vomit if i eat with a gastricky stomach. :(
hi everyone. May i check when you break the news about your pregnancy to your boss? I have not told my bosses yet.... dont know when is a good and suitable time...
glitterystart, u may want to wait till you are done with your wk 12 oscar scan before u break the news? I've read of sisters that were asked to go bcos they were very early in their preg when they announced to the bosses and the bosses didn't take it too well.
glitterystart, u may want to wait till you are done with your wk 12 oscar scan before u break the news? I've read of sisters that were asked to go bcos they were very early in their preg when they announced to the bosses and the bosses didn't take it too well.

Thxs Maomia. I thought pregnant women are protected under the sg employment laws that the companies cant fire them if they are pregnant?
I think i will long longer before i break the news to my bosses then. Only thing is that i am afraid he may ask me to travel before my first trimester is up. I have been wearing baggy clothes to cover up. He embarrassed me in front of my team about my TTC progress previously :mad:
Maybe if he asked u to travel then u tell him?

How insensitive!!! Were u from the 2ww thead previously? I remember reading something similar. I don't understand why these bosses hve to make fun of ppl's ttc progress. Anyway, just wait awhile bah, since you are still quite early in your preg. But for twins, shows quite early. I'm showing aldy at 12 wks.
i wasnt from the 2ww thread but i guess it must be common for some insensitive bosses to do that especially when i m not very young already and the younger girls in my company are all getting pregnant.... I think he will get his karma. He is indian from india. The women there are always lower than the men there unfortunately. Sorry i am ranting cos i am still pissed with the embarrassment he caused me. Made me look helpless in front of my team.
good morning mummies.. nice weather..

mei.. now amazon having more discount on Leacho pillow.. i bought mine more ex lor :(.. u can buy now!!!
hi everyone. May i check when you break the news about your pregnancy to your boss? I have not told my bosses yet.... dont know when is a good and suitable time...

Hi glitterystar, I didnt really break the news to my boss. Probably he got the news from my colleagues.. when u have someone spreading on your behalf, u don have to bother that much.. well, thereafter, my tummy so obvious liao so we did discuss when to handover my stuff.. Yea, it would be better to break the news after oscar test and results..
mei mei! share with us what is the extent of the pain like when the waterbag burst! is it like severe tummyache or constipation kind or menstrual cramps?
how long did u push? i heard that the doc / nurse will push your tummy downwards (hard pressure) to make the baby come out. is that so?
mei mei! share with us what is the extent of the pain like when the waterbag burst! is it like severe tummyache or constipation kind or menstrual cramps?
how long did u push? i heard that the doc / nurse will push your tummy downwards (hard pressure) to make the baby come out. is that so?
its 100x cramps pain *I heard? haha! mine is not very pain as had epidural.. the waterbag burst no feel.. only warm water flowing out nia
I push 1.5hrs and ended with e-csec *bb head to high up
doc/mid wives didn't push tummy but to hold my legs and hubby to help to push my body from the side to support
I realised that many mummies wanted natural w epidural, but due to unforeseen circumstances had to undergo e-csec. Was wondering if going for csec straight would save all the unnecessary pain..what do you think?
I realised that many mummies wanted natural w epidural, but due to unforeseen circumstances had to undergo e-csec. Was wondering if going for csec straight would save all the unnecessary pain..what do you think?

after been thru #1 (was induce due to high blood pressure / pre-eclampsia), I will go csec straight for 2nd pregnancy really :p its the healing time that takes longer

the unforeseen circumstances only will happen that very moment.. natural is still the best :)
after been thru #1 (was induce due to high blood pressure / pre-eclampsia), I will go csec straight for 2nd pregnancy really :p its the healing time that takes longer

the unforeseen circumstances only will happen that very moment.. natural is still the best :)

yea, natural is still the best! but in this case, is it have to pay extra? coz u expecting natural then later c-sect? or no due to unforeseen circum?
yea, natural is still the best! but in this case, is it have to pay extra? coz u expecting natural then later c-sect? or no due to unforeseen circum?
pay xtra for the labour ward as its counted by per block of 4hrs i tink.. but not double charged for both natural and csec :D
pay xtra for the labour ward as its counted by per block of 4hrs i tink.. but not double charged for both natural and csec :D

oh.. then not so bad... wah, if mummies have been labour pain for more than 10hrs then after that c-sect.. very charm also.. faint..

oh.. then not so bad... wah, if mummies have been labour pain for more than 10hrs then after that c-sect.. very charm also.. faint..
haha ya that's very cham!

most importantly is the midwives/nurses that will monitor bb's heartbeat too.. if in distress then will have to go csec liao lo
