(2014) ivf mummies support group

Cheery, after you order your gift boxes online and when they do the delivery to your house, you can pass them the credit vouchers. If you spend more than the credit vouchers amount, then just top it up with cash and pass the cash to the delivery man.
Pet pet is about 15 cents for nb n 17 cents for s.

I didn't look at m, l. I bought goon nb x1, s x1; bosomi nb x1, s x1. Not sure which brand would b suitable also.
Is pet pet having lots of discount in fair? Cause outside already sell quite cheap so per piece calculate less than 20cents?
Actually this time round the diapers are all sold by NTUC. For newborn, usual price is $5.95. Promo price $5.45. Actually I think for cheaper brands like pet pet, the discount is not a lot but for more expensive brands like pampers, discount is more.
I bought Merries nb(60) × 5, s(54) × 8; Drypers nb(28 ) × 2, m(80) × 2 as Drypers M is equivalent to merries S

Faithfullyyours, i purchased sweetest moment $280 package ;) enquired abt twins complimentary photo card too. Had the freshly made bird nest nice ;)
Hi ladies
I heard from my mummy friends that Spectra M1 or S1 pump is also very good and much cheaper than medela pumps like freestyle.
You might want to research and consider buying it.
I usually direct latch baby but it is good to have a pump. I pumped my milk when bb was on hospital for jaundice for 2 days to keep my supply going and also I bring it out when I left the bb with the confinement lady so that I can pump the milk out outside .
Dollygal 60 vouchers ? No wonder when I wanted to buy the stanchart offer for mother care it is all sold out !
I actually asked the staff of each diaper brand for recommendation on the number of packs to buy. They told me newborn ones don't buy too many. Once baby's cord drops out from the belly button, can use S already.
I just came back from the fair. Bought play gym, bouncer n nursing pillow there.
Kitkats, did you buy the Ingenuity or Fisher Price bouncer?

I checked out the Fisher Price bouncer, it costs $129.90. I didn't buy from fair. I ordered from Qoo10. It only costs $92, includes shipping fee.
I wanted to buy the ingenuity at first. But I heard from my friend some baby don't like to sit in it. So I bought the cheap cheap one, shears only $39. :p
Hello everyone, so good you all can go to the fair. I am super busy like mad. Just finished my brother's wedding. What a tired 2 days for me.
I have missed out many good deals.
Kitkats, I also wanted to buy the Ingenuity bouncer initially but my buddy recommended Fisher Price so bought the Fisher Price bouncer via Qoo10 because before I went to the fair, I already checked out Qoo10 and turned out Qoo10 sells cheaper than fair for the same model.

Iwahb, during my antenatal class, they taught us that we should try to let baby latch on as much as possible for the first few months. The moment we introduce milk bottle, baby will not want to latch on after that because milk bottle tends to be easier for baby to suck and drink the milk. They also said first 3 months, we don't need to feed baby plain water. Breast milk is enough because breast milk itself can quench baby's thirst already.
I think fisher price is good too. Bcoz it can be use up to 18kg (toddler). The one I bought can only use up to 11kg(less than 1 yr old)
Iwantahealthybaby , my supply did not kick in when I was in hospital so I asked the nurse to feed the hungry baby using a syringe.
I also introduced the bottle as I had to top up the bf initially after I latch on. try using a slow feed bottle so the milk will not flow too quickly if you are concern about baby not wanting to latch after the bottle is introduced. I used normal medela bottles and my baby takes to both dl and bottle
Thanks joie for the advice. Yes through nurses I heard it's bests not to introduce bottles so soon. Ya I saw medala got this camela "adaptor" suppose to work like a breast. Bb must suck in order to have milk out from bottles maybe if I really need to introduce bottles I shall try that.

Faithfullyours ya lor very confusing internet article say likewise. But kkh the nurse during the short breastfeeding talk I went also say don't introduce milk bottles and if bb on bm yes don't need plain water :)

I just hope I got lots of bm hehe.
Hello everyone, think everyone is resting today. I am super super tired after the event yesterday and total knock off on my bed like ma chiam went camping come back the feeling. Today whole day also rest only and yes the haze is back.
I am going to whack another coconut tomorrow as got haze.. drink already cooling.
I just realise my laundry still have not collected near my workplace. Goodness don't know how man.. See tomorrow got to sneak there to collect otherwise will be 4 months + later.
Buddy, when you thinking of stop working? Is coming mid month soon.
How are the rest? ? So sad I miss out on the fair due to my situation and also my brother's wedding.
I am thinking of going downstairs to do my last pedicure and at the same time remove my gel from the hand nails after the wedding.
Bb_hc, you plan work until when?
I doubt I stop working and stop driving. Stomach and wheels still got space so can still drive. So far I still don't experience much discomfort so I probably continue with work. Just that I got to keep reminding must walk lesser if can. Since my csec is 27 which is a mon. I work till 24 Friday :) then mon morning check
In hospital. Hopefully all will be to plan.

Will u girls be going bb birth cert In hospital or the Ica itself? Then the baby bonus can do on spot too or must wait till got birth cert then can apply?
Hello ladies... super tired but exciting. my US bro is in town. had mass family steamboat on sat night at my house. Poss overloaded with too many steamboat pots that my house blacked out. Then even went beer market for chill out and visited gay pub just for fun. Hahaha!

sun was the tea ceremony and dinner. Today went shopping and gardens by the bay. Super busy. walked alot. Hoping that the walking is gonna help with the delivery man. Hahaha!
Faithfullyours 7788 already your items..hehe! Think small scale the fair not as happening as mummy market. Probably the usual sell bb clothes and cots and strollers etc.

Circle by hearing your activities indeed sound so busy and fruitful. Electric steamboat consume a lot energy and probably that's why your house blackout. Glad u had fun.

My stomach has been feeling super itchy this few days already. Dh say maybe stretching that's why feel itchy again. I hope so too. But been scratching non stop. Now keep touching bb hard body. So worry my scratching will disturb them lol.

I just received an email from boss on tomorrow work load. Seriously I don't feel he remember I'm preg sometimes. Not like I want privilege lah but sometimes I do feel emo when I have so many things to do especially with such big stomach. They don't seems to realise I still working thou I giving birth this month.
Iwahb, think I'll give that a miss. Yesterday went Kiddy Palace and bought Pigeon baby wet wipes, powder containers, nappy liners, liquid cleanser to wash baby's accessories/toys.
Bb_hc yeah let's welcome week 35 for us 3...same I also working all the way till csec date if all is well. Your legs got swollen? My only signs after so long is the swollen legs..I thought I be so lucky to have no symptoms or relax throughout the whole pregnancy. But water rentention caught me during last trim :( quite painful when walk but I still walking (very slowly).

Faithfullyours yup think can give expo that fair a miss now that u bought more from kiddy. U r already 8899 already. Did u get any nipple wipes, disposable panties, pad for yourself during confinement? Last week I went to get confinement dry food like dates and all. Also bought some herbal wash for body. Now u can open ceremony for your bb detergent, wash the napkins and towels and all and get ready to welcome bb :)

I am preparing to go office already :(
A lot of things to do, yesterday received email instructions already.
Morning ladies, so far I have no symptoms as in swollen feet or cannot drive. Haha actually I am still driving. My only worst symptom is keep on having abdominal pain on and off which is a serious symptom of delivery. Here comes again this morning. Baby please hold inside as coming weekend is my brother's wedding oversea and everyone will be away after the local wedding. No one to take care of baby and me if touch wood. My next review will be this Thu. Every week review also like not enough. Faint.
Bb_hc, you going for natural too?
Buddy, I have packed all my documents like marriage cert, bank book and will be doing baby birth cert in hospital then can do the rest of the things like opening account etc. save the time and can get money soon for us. If delay meaning government give you the money will delay.
Faithfully, if 8899 think the month end fair can give a missed. Oh you are same week as circle and kitkats right?
Joy, 3rd trimester already?
Circle, I am suppose to go garden by the bay too with all the local visit but due to my case so sad cannot join them. The wedding itself I already walk like mad taking the risk. Btw how is your shopping already? ?
Kitkats, your shopping completed?
Dolly, still busy with whatsapp? How are you already.
Very long never see mapleleafy..
Cheery and sumiko, how are both of you?
me at week 28... nex visit 3weeks away....

dun walk rest lyin down.. dun risk.. is ur gyne doin ctg every visit?? it's impt..
Lynn, ur dh will go Oversea to attend the wedding too? Better to ask him stay with u. Must guai guai stay at home dun move too much until ur wk37.
I m fine, settled on bbs stuff after collection from baby market. Next will be washing n setting up of cots after aircon servicing by end of the mth. Will get the confinement food n bathing stuff mb 2 wks b4 due. Still haven finalised birth plan yet. Going for review tmr :D
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My MIL has started washing the clothes for baby because I have shifted all baby's stuff to my PIL's place already. I'm shifting over in Nov. Confinement food will be prepared by my MIL.

By the way, I had asked for the baby cot to be delivered by end of Oct. Is it a bit too late?

Iwahb, do we need nipples wipes? Thought just use water to clean the nipples areas will do before breastfeed? Where to get nipples wipes? Kiddy palace, mothercare? Thanks for reminding on the disposable panties and pads! For disposable panties, did you get a month supply for the whole confinement period? What are the pads used for? Also get a month's supply? What kind of pads are those?

Lynn, yes I'm in the same week as Circle and Kitkats. 33 weeks now.

I have appointment with Dr Tan today.
Disposable under panties I have got 1 month supply every day change 2 assuming from watson those cotton one. I don't think I want to touch so much water or wash my stuff during confinement. Also not nice other ppl wash for us. For maternity pad I have for 2 packets and the rest of the month I will use my normal pad.
Cheery, my dh will be staying back in Singapore just in case. But my dh cannot take care of me as he cut fruits or use knife also don't know. Cannot cook. Then he don't know how to use washing machine. Everything also don't know how to do. How to take care of me. Lol.
Joy, jia you.. You are reaching our stage too.
I must endure at least 2 more weeks to week 37 then good to give birth.
My weekly review got use ctg one.
Faithfully think better deliver the cot early so that can prepare early to rest and have a peace of mind. Luckily I am the kiasu one if not like now I totally can't do anything. Sob sob..
Lynn, mb gonna teach ur dh how to use washing mc. Just press the programmed buttons.. Guys should be able to do since they should be prone to operate m/cs. Separate the white n colour clothes in 2 different pails so they wun mix up. The watson cotton disposable are maternity size? I bought pure cotton maternity disposable type from taobao, bigger size in case csect will be able to wear over. Maternity pads i got 2 packs of poise extra support for heavy flow.. cos got adhesive n easier to use
Hope he knows how much detergent to put. Now I am going downstairs to buy some shower gel and item to standby for my dh. As I am the one who top up things when finish. Later I scare finish already he got no stock to change then buy wrong stuff. I have got to take care of big baby and small baby when my beanie is borned.
Lol write the step by step instructions n paste it next to the washing mc..Dun carry heavy stuff.time to let ur dh learn how to replenish just buy the same tt he has been using.. training time lol
sama sama my dh also don't know nuts...lucky I teach him how to use washing machine already now he know already lol. I only teach him 1 function so all he will use that function. next time bb clothes got to teach him another function as bb clothes cannot too high temp. must go soft lol. that day we went get dates and all for the drink that I need to drink daily during confinement I told him you must know how to prepare for me (he immediately shake his head say he don't know) I say just throw all in and boil can liao and he say don't know portion. I say learn from my mum when she help out and when she not around u can prepare for me. alamak for a second I feel like now distribute into packets the amt of dates and longan into packets so that he can just throw and boil each time. pengz! but you should really stop walking since you mention you have been experiencing tummy pain (don't know isit contraction). I this week and next week totally no check up I feel so empty and lost. wonder how is babies doing. so far my tummy circumference no increase already. still same. guess will remain same till I operate.

faithfullyours I just buy the NUK nipples wipes from kiddy palace. a pack of 30 cost around $14 if I remember correctly. I just get in case it state don't need wipe off can direct feed bb too after using it (something like wet tissue) as for maternity pad its thicker than those normal pad for menses I got kotex one those stick on don't get loop types. I also bought 1 from from mothercare. I don't know how much I need but I just buy 1st since my normal pad running low supply too. as for disposable panties yes I bought 1 month supply cause I presume I wont be washing my own panties during confinement and if really bleed also messy not nice let mum or mil wash or dh wash right hehehe. I got the normal one from kiddy palace and also nuk one (bigger meant for csec tummy) and yes a month supply if excess just keep for future tour use also ok :) I think if can ask to deliver the cot earlier so nearer wont so hands legs messy :) cause by end oct you will be 35/36 weeks already. your pil place got space for cot? if have I think not a problem.

I fix cot up already just havent clear the stuff inside (packed with pillows, diapers, bathtubs etc) maybe next week will prepare the cot and keep the diapers properly.

cheerywalnuts, tomorrow review will let you know if both bb turn? jiayou. will u be delivering at week 37/38 as well? did doc say for twins don't stay inside womb too long.

joy 1 more week you are officially in trim 3.
Iwantahealthybaby, i think so. The past reviews dr say too early.. now 30 wks dunno will dr say to early anot in regards to natural or csect. Yap latest by 38 wks.. Cannot be further than tt usually twins earlier while singleton can go to 40/41 wks

My cots will come ard end of the month too.. Looking forward to the setup of it too.. Got a cot organiser earlier on from taobao so can place the cream, lotion, diapers etc easier to grab the items during diaper change. ;)
For csec, doc usually advise by week 38 must come out.
Buddy, when cook the red dates drink must remove the seed as the seed is not good to cook together and I think you better pack for your dh. My dh the agar portion very lousy one, he agar can range from little to a lot. For your sake to drink a decent cup of red dates thickness better pack. Haha.
lol yes why our dh so blur...or r they too lazy to initiate to learn lol. I need to check the dates I buy seedless or with seed, I remember the centre got hole means the seed already remove. maybe I shall pack when free into ziplock small bags tell hi boil 20mins then pour thermal flask for me lol.

cheerywalnuts I also got organiser to hang at cot but now I thinking got space anot cause for a start both cots will be at my mbr and I left little space to walk to toilet from my bed if hand organiser I think will block further. I got mine from munkin brand. hope got use if not wasted.

I so no mood to work today I work my face very black, I really feel so sian cause till now instead of relaxing or taking off my work load my responsibility seems to be increasing, new enquiries also handled by me. I so fed up. really feel so sian at this moment. I feel so much like don't want to care don't want to reply email. moody...
My cot organiser from taobao. 4-3-2 Pockets ;)
Just tie to the cot n place the items in the pockets.


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That's cute..
Buddy, the mood is like this one haha I also feel the same way last week and maybe because of that. Beanie wants me to rest by telling my gynae to issue hl.

Mine is something like that more 3d (image taken from net) so will block more walking space. Cheerywalnuts yours more space consuming :)

Yalor lynncandy very Sian. But don't know Isit just now I talk to my boss in a very not happy tone haha or what he finally ask me when am I taking leave for birth? He say can WORK FR HOME!!! Omg! I mean i guess so also la but really is imagine even at home also must work. But what to do no one replace my duties if I no work I come back maternity I more jialat!
just now my dh call me and chat chat with me then his superior was at backgrd saying yr wife still WOKRING SO GARUNG!!! hahaha see I guess I really power! hopefully coming 2 weeks smooth smooth till I deliver...
Talking about taking leave. My boss also asked me last week. She thought I'll be taking in mid Nov and when I told her I'll be taking from 1 Nov. She gave me the look like why so early. I told her my edd is 21 Nov. When I take 1 nov, I'm already at week 38. It's really like any time. Then she realised.

By the way, my boss said I can claim my childcare leave this year. Just submit baby's birth certificate before year end.

childcare leave is 7 days isit till bb age 12?

anybody know what to bring to kkh for admission? previously some say must bring receipts for all checkup, marriage cert, bank book etc. but when I do my registration that day the counter reception just told me bring the admission letter and ic will do. she say kkh have all my receipts so don't need to bring, she also no mention marriage cert and bank book.

I am not bringing my own pyjamas to wear during the 3 day stay in kkh, will just wear theirs, wont bring sanitary pad too cause they will provide 2x10s packet according to the list they given me. I am even wondering if I administer myself that day I wear the clothes in I can wear the same out since few hours only don't need pack extra cause I presume once I check in the hospital they ask me to change to their suit already. I am trying to minimise as many stuffs as possible.
