(2014) ivf mummies support group

Mine also ask me work till I give birth even worst. I am also working online from home Even on hl as nobody to cover my duty too. Just now I only manage to buy toothpaste and jam as standby for my dh. Shower gel too heavy for me to carry. I also bought milk as I need to drink.
Omg I am still at home. Need to pack my stuff and go to my mum's place already for my meal. I only ate brunch just now.

Iwantahealthybaby, not really space consuming mine is flat n wide, not protruding so wun bump into it. ;) wun be putting so many diapers.. will put in the vitamin barrier cream, body lotion, liquid talc, ruyu oil, cold cream, cotton balls, gauze swabs, nail cutter, thermometer etc
Sorry cheerywalnuts I mean to say space saving. Mine is the space consuming one lol.

I am still thinking whether to see master for Chinese names for bb or ownself name. Ownself name faster all birth cert and all can do when I in hospital. Then again scare didn calculate what Bazi or what may not be ideal name for bb. Then again don't know which master to go. Any recommendation?
Circle, long time no hear from u at this thread. Glad u have fun last weekend. So u got go bb market?

Lynn, I also have abdominal pain 2 weeks back. Urs is lower abdominal pain? Mine is upper pain n also intermittent for many days. Dr tan said is gatric . Haha

I haven't finish my shopping yet. My friend passed me the stroller not in good condition. Now I have to buy but bb market just over. Argh! I bought disposable panties L size from Watson but too small for me now. Where to get cheap & big one?

Cheery, ur twin is boys or girls? Sorry u could have mention before but I miss it. I m curious.
Kitkats mine is like menses pain and want to poo pain then doc said is delivery symptom the type at lower abdominal.. goodness. . Hope it is just gastric for me too.
Btw watsons I get the xxl one..
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Watson is having sale on disposable cotton panties. Do check out. It's free size and regular style though.

I'm not sure how to consume child care leave if it's given this year. Maternity leave is compulsory for 2 months straight and if we haven't report back to work, not sure if they would allow consumption of child care leave.
Kitkats, mine is one of each hehe. I saw Kkh pharmacy selling maternity disposable panties. Forgot the price le as i bought mine from taobao. Not sure abt watson size.
Lynn did u open up n check to see if the watsons size ok?
Iwantahealthybaby, np :D
Ete, I heard Watson free size is similar to L size.

Lynn, which Watson u buy xxl? My house there no stock. I think urs is contraction pain coz is lower abdominal.

Cheery, wow u got dragon Phoenix ! Congratulation!!!
I check out kkh pharmacy next week for the disposable . Thanks for ur infor!
That's why I got to stay at home to endure 2 more weeks if can. I am very insensitive to pain and my pain level is very high. So if I got tummy ache I really must kiasu a bit and see doc. Now my abdominal pain is better after rest. I think my beanie just don't want me to do anything. Tomorrow I am going for high tea. Not much walking just drive there Eat then go. Last high tea before delivery oops.. Thu I am seeing doc and will be put on ctg.. hopefully still can endure more weeks to come.
Kitkats, guardian also got xxl. You can check it out if watson is out of stock. My watson also out of stock and I got my balance supply from. Guardian.
Cheery, wow dragon Phoenix. ..
heh heh, just tried putting on... yes think it's about L. I can wear.
For XXL, I saw Red Tomato (those neighbourhood shop selling cheap toiletries - amk central has one).
My nuk disposable panties are L size but that one abit ex think a pack of 4 cost over $10 if I remember correctly. But cause I going csec I cannot wear panties low cut cause I think might hurt the wound area so I just standby few boxes of the nuk. The rest I got normal one fr kiddy palace I think Also free size. If wear low waist I think I can wear thou I no try.

I wondering during my stay there after operate can I wear binder? I got binder from belly bandit.

For a moment today I suddenly fear csec lol I scare I can feel doc cutting me...gosh!

So far me no feel abdominal pain, but today few times suddenly got this "feel" below Like sudden cramp. That's all. Don't think it's contraction symptoms right?

Lynncandy tomorrow you go see doc 1st then go buffet right? After monitoring if doc say ok then u can eat at ease if doc say dangerous then u better cancel and rest home. 2more weeks endure endure.
Haha I eat already first then Thu see doc. Doc don't allow me to whack high tea. Just whack don't care. Last celebration before baby is out.
My one is also sudden cramp very sian.. Don't know what symptom is it. Now ok already.
I also scare of labour and if I need to csec I also scare can feel the cut. lol.. suddenly so scare as this is our 2ww not for last time 2ww is scan waiting week but now is give birth time... It is so near already for us. .
I just finished my appointment with Dr Tan. Waited for him for 2 hours plus before seeing him. He said I don't need to do any glucose test. My glucose level is good. My next appointment is 3 weeks later which then will be 37 weeks for me. Only then he will do swab test for me and get me do all the admissions stuff. He and Dr Ang asked me if I want to take HL to rest and get ready for delivery. I said no need. I think I'll just take from 1 Nov onwards.
me havin hunger attack at week 28... growl..

glad u ladies lookin good all set 2start ML.. for é work from hm, manage expectatñ 1st 6wk need sm1 2cover... once we r more settled in2 mummyhood, no harm loggin on 2work off-site..
Joy, hehe enjoy the hunger attack. This is the time you can just whack food. For me I don't really feel hungry that much.
Faithfully, so good also can give you hl.. hehe I think doc just concern about us.
I am back from my dinner at vivo.. super full. Last meal with my brother they all before they head back oversea for their part 2 wedding.
My stretch marks keep appearing even though I use bio oil n elancyl. . Thinking of trying out palmer but saw Watson selling a few types.. which one should I buy?
Bbhc, I got my dry confinement food from bugis. Initially plan is to get from my neighbourhood medical store but mum say theirs don't know fresh anot cause neighbour sometimes sales not good their red dates maybe put there very long etc. So we went bugis opp guanyin temple there is a whole stretch medical store selling all this food. Wanted to get there in end heard that the bugis hawker on top level 3 also got some stalls selling dry food so went there see and bought from there instead as I feel will be cheaper since it's at hawker on top not as accessible as guanyin temple opposite so probably they won't charge more. U go hawker level 3 there are a few shop selling u can go see see.

Cheerywalnuts so good :) foc. I bought single and also double strollers just in case whichever more convi.

I realise my gynae no ask me when I want to take HL lol, seriously very relax in my case haha. I maybe start working from home next week. Shall see if got new work load. Hope by this week can clear.
Faithfullyours not bad at least dr tan didn want to bill u extra for glucose test since he see not a need. Mine urine strip test always negative too but gynae still fix a test for me.

My stomach now everyday itchy don't know Isit expanding (lucky not very bad stretch marks) by the way my swollen feets now Has extend all the way up my calves and near thighs today when I walk I feel the pulling feel at calves area. I think it's starting to get swollen too. Very worried Isit labour is near.
Buddy, talk to your twinnies to endure. . Swollen at your stage now is really a sign. I think you stop working next week. Maybe work from home. Now more and more heavy the lower portion really very heavy.
Iwantahealthybaby, it was a big surprise! Din plan to get stroller until next bb market fair at first. So will be using either this stroller or carriers when out ;)

Lynn, i have purplish stretch marks at lower belly. Have been using clarins stretch marks cream n toning oil daily. Think mine in the genes.. :/

Btw i bought sephora express dry shampoo to use during confinement.
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My stretch marks keep appearing even though I use bio oil n elancyl. . Thinking of trying out palmer but saw Watson selling a few types.. which one should I buy?
I think stretch marks is in the genes. If your mum doesn't have it, most likely you will not have it. Applying lotions, oils can't really prevent it but can reduce the appearance.

I also read stretch marks are due to the elasticity of your skin.
I don't have bad stretch marks for this pregnancy. My stretch marks are old one (fat to slim back then when in teenager) I only use bio oil for this pregnancy.

Confirm my dh saw my legs the calves confirm increase in size. I think tomorrow I will go office and talk to my boss again. Maybe I will work from home after tomorrow. Maybe work from home one day if a need then go office type. I talk to Twinnies daily but maybe not hourly. Usually in morning when driving to work and night before I sleep. I think I am the only one talk so little to them.

Tomorrow going out dinner need to walk again :( hope my swollen calves tomorrow can go back normal.
Kitkats buddy, me super busy this week cos bro is back from US. going around singapore being a local tourist. Walk gardens by the bay, river safari etc. tmr going trick eye museum. hope the walking is gonna help me with the delivery man.

me poss laziest around here. clueless about what is baby name. Haven wash clothes, next week then set up play pen. scroller and carrier wait until baby born then buy. things are still lying in plastic bags in diff parts of the house. Poss next week then start organising them la.

I do get this itsy burning feeling at throat. so will try to eat bread. Sometimes can't tell the diff between heartburn and sore throat. I also got cramps at tummy. A bit like tightening feeling. but not painful or intensifying so just try to rest more or take deep breaths.

me just saw pte gynae today. baby is 1.98 kg at 33w4d. doc never say anything so assume everything ok. she is head down and in ideal delivery position. no more chance to see 3d face. so now just waiting to see when she engages... then countdown is really starting liaoz...
Oh I also got red stretch marks on my body, but I find applying the clarins oil will help to reduce the appearance. If never apply think will be very jia lat.
Morning everyone, another new day to start with. I am still lazy on my bed. Shall wake up soon to go market for breakfast.
actually good idea 2prepack all é ingredients in small pkt, put in boxes n write è instructions on é box.. same 4 confinm food, i wanted 2 read through é recipe book i bought n organise them in order of weeks n days by type of ingredients... the stick post it notes on cover with key ingredients written on it.. hope it makes marketing easier.. i hav lik 2m to go...
good morning ladies, later I going to talk to my boss see if I can come in when I like..like no official knock off time or report time. just come in when there is work then finish liao I can go but I think also defeat the purpose of resting when I should. I still walking and driving around. mmmm but to work from home quite inconvi for me as some files and documents I need to research from office so not possible I bring home cause other colleagues need it too.

I like the idea to prepack all ingredients in small pkt too look so instant feel lol like 3-1 coffee hahaha. previously when I had ivf I had all my red dates and wolfberries pack into small ziplock bag everyday just open throw in cup and pour hot water can already. so fuss free. ok shall start doing for the sake of the blur hubby. maybe this weekend start packing the ingredients.

circle don't worry not you lazy its we kiasu lol. partly also I want to sort out my stuffs see what I miss out so I wash and sort them out to see anything missing. i think you are getting heartburn. its common in 3rd trim. as long as doc didn mention weight too low or high for bb everything is according to date no worries.

by the way ladies, have you heard of the myth newborn must wear old clothes when out from hospital? i don't have old clothes...i pack new clothes for both my twins. my newborn clothes all new one also. only have some pass down but they range 9-12mths type. previously i heard bb wear pple pass down clothes better but now some say when bb discharge must not wear new clothes.
Buddy, I also just let my baby wear new clothing. I think myth ba.. Come out must wear new clothing then they will feel fresh right? Later I am going to collect some old clothing from my friend as we are having high tea hehe.. I will also buy shampoo for my dh just in case if I am away he don't know use what to wash his hair if the shampoo finishes. And he only can use that type of shampoo after trying so many.
I am so full from my brunch.. Shall reserve my stomach for high tea later hehe..
I also think so. New life new start new clothes :) stomach very itchy since last week. Don't know Isit skin stretching again cause bb growing but i measure still same so didn't grow. Weight at 75kg still. Hope they still growing well inside. So tempted to go scan again to see them but no aptm must wait....
I just measured yesterday. My bump size now is about 39 inches/99 cm. Baby's weight yesterday at Dr Tan was about 2.2 kg at 33w4d. He commented that her weight is good. Happy to hear that. :)
Faithfullyours u are quite petite to begin with right? Already 39inches that's very big. Bb confirm growing fat and cosy inside. Me not petite to begin with but now at 35 weeks only 41/42inches so worried even if weight seems ok for both at last check. My friend bb estimate weight and delivery weight diff 0.3kg

Mummy weight also didn increase since last checkup haha don't know what's wrong.
I just did my review today. Wk 30 now bbs weight abt 1.4kg n 1.3kg. Bump measure 41inches. No weight gain for me since wk25 at 59kg. Worried abt bbs weight gain hope can hit as high by delivery
cheerywalnuts what did doc say, did he say anything about bb weight being too low or? whats your size before you bfp? I am same 41inch now at week 35 but I am size 12 to begin with before bfp. but I think its ok you are doing fine cause I got a table at week 30 twins is around 1.4kg
Dr just say within the range. The range is 5-95 percentile. Nv say low or high. I not sure abt uk size. Usually S as before bfp is 46kg. Dh worried abt the 2kg mark hope bb will be more than 2.5kg since +/- actual weight can hit above 2kg.. 8 more wks to go mode of delivery still not sure yet as dr say still got room for movement.. now chkups will be every 2 wks
U are gaining well not to worry. I am m/L size before BfP at 57kg now gain 18kg amt week 35 n waist circumference almost same as u now so your bb still got room to grow. Anyway I attach a table for twins weight FYI.
Cheery u so slim before bfp... I m 58kg before bfp, now already more than 70kg. I hope I won't hit above 75kg...
Iwantahealthybaby , I think ur weight gain still ok coz u carry twins.
Try to drink maternal milk, eat beef and whack durians if you want your baby/babies to gain weight these few weeks before delivery. But don't whack durians too much until baby is too big and can't go for natural delivery. That was what happened to my colleague's son. His son last measured weight before delivery was 4.1 kg. In the end, his gynae told him and wife that baby was too big, must go for c sect.
Hi ladies, I just finish my high tea haha.
Ok my doc said week 30 should be around 1.5kg. Btw that was once I want my beanie to grow and I whack durian like 1 big box myself. Then next visit baby really gain to meet with the ave weight. So want baby to gain weight whack durian.
Tomorrow my weekly review again. Haha also my renewal of my hl.
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I find this funny but would like to know if anyone has her bump resting on her thighs while sitting? I realized that I have my bump resting on my laps today.
I m on diet control cos fail glucose test.. will see how it goes if by wk 34 both not 2kg will just whack durian.. i do take beef but not maternal milk..
Kitkats, yap weight drop after i eat healthy b4 i start on ivf program

Cheery, you are on the diet plan as well. I only follow sometimes not always as I find controlling restrict the weight gain. So sometimes I will just whack some food one of day e.g today high tea then tomorrow control back.
My beanie was only 2.158kg last week at week 34. so I don't care whack some food so that she can gain some weight.
