(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

Yes is possible

Hmmm.... I see.. Somehow. I'm quite irritated by my very own elder sister.. Who just found out she is pregnant. Should be 6 to 7weeks preggy now.. She tested twice. Both show positive.. But she will only go and see her gynae next week..

Then now attitude very yaya.. Thinking she now pregnant so heavy things i carry..

More over if she really cares for her bb she should quit smoking and not still smoking lor.. Her behaviour really irritates me.. Especially when she know she is pregnant.. She still smoke..

Anyways.. She had been taking medi from doc to postpone her menses.. She took it 2 weeks back to delay her menses.. Cos she scared clash with her wedding.. I dunno if those pills do affect test results..

Hoping her preggy is a false alarm.. At least her smoking habit doesn't affect the bb..
Hmmm.... I see.. Somehow. I'm quite irritated by my very own elder sister.. Who just found out she is pregnant. Should be 6 to 7weeks preggy now.. She tested twice. Both show positive.. But she will only go and see her gynae next week..

Then now attitude very yaya.. Thinking she now pregnant so heavy things i carry..

More over if she really cares for her bb she should quit smoking and not still smoking lor.. Her behaviour really irritates me.. Especially when she know she is pregnant.. She still smoke..

Anyways.. She had been taking medi from doc to postpone her menses.. She took it 2 weeks back to delay her menses.. Cos she scared clash with her wedding.. I dunno if those pills do affect test results..

Hoping her preggy is a false alarm.. At least her smoking habit doesn't affect the bb..

How come u carry? You also pregnant leh
Hi ladies.. I was wondering.. If a person could be pregnant but not a single preggy symptoms?

Cos it's abit puzzling cos I know once I find out I'm pregnant.. As early as 5 to 6 weeks I start to show symptoms alrdy..

Yes me !! No pregnancy symptoms no morning sickness... had to remind myself I am pregnant everyday
How come u carry? You also pregnant leh

Lol.. Cos my sister think now her "preggy" stage not stable.. Nvm lor... She wan to yaya. I let her be.. Since young alrdy like that..

I always give in.. Tats why I say hopefully her preggy is a false alarm.. I don't think she is ready to be a mother.. If she think carry heavy stuff is dangerous for her.. I think she continuing to smoke is worse lor..
Ya why u carry? She scared carry heavy things not scared smoking....so bad!

Ya lor! I think like wise too! Ever since I know she tested positive.. I don't have good feeling alrdy.. That's why I keep away from her.. Dun wan my bb to be affected.. The feeling very strange.. Thinking two bb in the tummy will fight.. And my bb sure cannot win hers..
AIA has prenatal insurance now? Didn't know. Always thought only Prudential and AXA offering that
AIA have. now total got 3 co. offering.
as the policy is investment link policy. the premium varies.
not based on mummy age. is based on the payout amount.

But they got the pru mumtobe - SGD 320.00 for 3yrs. protect mum then bb when born. link wif the pru first gift.
AIA rider - SGD360.00 for 3yrs. same as prudential but more ex by 40bucks. also link wif the policy for bb..

AXA i dun knw as never enquire.
but i knw is depends hw much u wan to put in per mth. then the pay out will be different and the coverage is diff.
min is SGD100.

as a ref. u can check wif your agent.
Lol.. Cos my sister think now her "preggy" stage not stable.. Nvm lor... She wan to yaya. I let her be.. Since young alrdy like that..

I always give in.. Tats why I say hopefully her preggy is a false alarm.. I don't think she is ready to be a mother.. If she think carry heavy stuff is dangerous for her.. I think she continuing to smoke is worse lor..

The pills won't give false alarm de la... Unless she is jab Hcg injection... But those only for iui or ivf only...
Ya lor! I think like wise too! Ever since I know she tested positive.. I don't have good feeling alrdy.. That's why I keep away from her.. Dun wan my bb to be affected.. The feeling very strange.. Thinking two bb in the tummy will fight.. And my bb sure cannot win hers..

You also dun carry, she dun have husband meh? some women once confirm pregnant very yaya one, and maybe her pregnancy symptoms haven't set in. But I also dun have ms & the usual symptoms like nausea.
Hmmm.... I see.. Somehow. I'm quite irritated by my very own elder sister.. Who just found out she is pregnant. Should be 6 to 7weeks preggy now.. She tested twice. Both show positive.. But she will only go and see her gynae next week..

Then now attitude very yaya.. Thinking she now pregnant so heavy things i carry..

More over if she really cares for her bb she should quit smoking and not still smoking lor.. Her behaviour really irritates me.. Especially when she know she is pregnant.. She still smoke..

Anyways.. She had been taking medi from doc to postpone her menses.. She took it 2 weeks back to delay her menses.. Cos she scared clash with her wedding.. I dunno if those pills do affect test results..

Hoping her preggy is a false alarm.. At least her smoking habit doesn't affect the bb..
DiaozZ. Why u carry Loh. So bad one. Even if she preggy oso cannot like tt ba.
Har? Really ah?? Wat a blessing.. I still vomitting.. But frequency went down alrdy.. But still super tired everyday.. Dunno why.

everyone who knows I am pregnant say I lucky.. yet I was wishing I had vomiting. I did have some bouts of nausea and poor appetite as well as some weight loss. But that's about it.
Lol! U girls very cute and funny,.. Her husband together with her very yaya... She think her body can tahan smoking habit...

I also a smoker.. But once I found out I am pregnant.. At 4.5weeks. I immediate stop.. Don't take chance.. Anything can happen..

My hubby funny lor.. He say.. Also Nvr go doc confirm... If the bb ok anot.. Wan to yaya.. Our one then should yaya.. Heading 5 months lor.. I was like.. Dots...

But true also. My hub n I had been pretty low profile on this pregnancy... We didn't say much in front of anyone even in front of family.. Even when they saw the tummy we just bring over the topic..

My hub eventually get high and talkative when in the room. He just keep talking to the bb.. Lol..
everyone who knows I am pregnant say I lucky.. yet I was wishing I had vomiting. I did have some bouts of nausea and poor appetite as well as some weight loss. But that's about it.

Lol.. It's like that one.. At least these vomits gives u reminder that bb is well.. I also.. At times feel happy when I vomit.. Lol.. Cos it's like bb reminding me.. She is fine and well. :)
Well up to individual. I think u shd still feel happy for your sis. Imagine when u are pregnant she think like that of u? U will also be a bit upset right? Like hope u get false positive. Unless she doesn't want the baby lah.

I do agree with you she shd quit smoking soon :). It's definitely not healthy and bad for the foetus.

If she ask u to carry heavy things just reject her since u also have to take care of urself and not risk it.

Think happy thoughts. As long as ur baby healthy just be happy. And hope that her baby will grow well and be healthy too. Anything happen to the baby u will also feel sad for ur sis one.

Smile it's going to be Friday soon :)
Well up to individual. I think u shd still feel happy for your sis. Imagine when u are pregnant she think like that of u? U will also be a bit upset right? Like hope u get false positive. Unless she doesn't want the baby lah.

I do agree with you she shd quit smoking soon :). It's definitely not healthy and bad for the foetus.

If she ask u to carry heavy things just reject her since u also have to take care of urself and not risk it.

Think happy thoughts. As long as ur baby healthy just be happy. And hope that her baby will grow well and be healthy too. Anything happen to the baby u will also feel sad for ur sis one.

Smile it's going to be Friday soon :)

Ya.. True also.. Nobody wan bad things to happen too.. It's a life after all... Hoping to move out soon once my renovation is done... My hub intend to ask me to quit from the family business.. Too risky.. I still carry heavy stuff.. Cos that is part of my job.. :(
Ya.. True also.. Nobody wan bad things to happen too.. It's a life after all... Hoping to move out soon once my renovation is done... My hub intend to ask me to quit from the family business.. Too risky.. I still carry heavy stuff.. Cos that is part of my job.. :(
Wah cannot ask others to carry. So u take care of urself. Let ur did worry abt tiger baby later. ;)

For now enjoy shopping for headbands and dresses!
hopeful mum
Retail therapy works well!!

Ur office no one to help carry? If really need to carry must b careful n dun hurt ur back too..

Hmm.. Have is have but everyone is busy with their own work.. So not everytime can look out for me.. So I odd to be careful. If not like wat my hub advice.. Quit my job..
To be frank, some pple who have bb easy wouldn't understand the precious of bb.. Haiz...

I'm not trying to bad mouth but I really know some pple who don't tAke care of themselves not to even mention bb. Still baby also come out fine and pple like me scare this scare that, little pain only go Gyane but then still lose babies. It's just really not fair!

Just Yaya and take things for granted! And yet things all turn out well for them.. Haiz.. Really is 同人不同命.. I have to go thru needles pain and so much money and time to have a healthy bb, yet some pple just snap bb in tummy Liao.. Haiz.. No need to take care of themselves smoke drink den bb also full term alright.. Haiz..

Life really unfair lo... Sometimes I really wonder what bad deeds I have done in my previous life to cause all these.. Must be very bad stuffs I did lo.. Haiz...

Sorry for the rant...
To be frank, some pple who have bb easy wouldn't understand the precious of bb.. Haiz...

I'm not trying to bad mouth but I really know some pple who don't tAke care of themselves not to even mention bb. Still baby also come out fine and pple like me scare this scare that, little pain only go Gyane but then still lose babies. It's just really not fair!

Just Yaya and take things for granted! And yet things all turn out well for them.. Haiz.. Really is 同人不同命.. I have to go thru needles pain and so much money and time to have a healthy bb, yet some pple just snap bb in tummy Liao.. Haiz.. No need to take care of themselves smoke drink den bb also full term alright.. Haiz..

Life really unfair lo... Sometimes I really wonder what bad deeds I have done in my previous life to cause all these.. Must be very bad stuffs I did lo.. Haiz...

Sorry for the rant...

Hais.. I also understand how u feel.. I also went thru lots of needles poking.. Lots of false alarm.. Lots of panics in order to have the baby...

Everyday also worried.. The load won't go off until I give birth to my baby...

Even though doc keep say bb very healthy and all.. But everyday I just feel that I am not healthy enough.. Not eating right.. Not eating much..

That's why I get so pissed when I see my sis smoke and take think day for granted.. And behave like she is the biggest now..

She will Nvr understand the pain we go thru..

Hais I under
To be frank, some pple who have bb easy wouldn't understand the precious of bb.. Haiz...

I'm not trying to bad mouth but I really know some pple who don't tAke care of themselves not to even mention bb. Still baby also come out fine and pple like me scare this scare that, little pain only go Gyane but then still lose babies. It's just really not fair!

Just Yaya and take things for granted! And yet things all turn out well for them.. Haiz.. Really is 同人不同命.. I have to go thru needles pain and so much money and time to have a healthy bb, yet some pple just snap bb in tummy Liao.. Haiz.. No need to take care of themselves smoke drink den bb also full term alright.. Haiz..

Life really unfair lo... Sometimes I really wonder what bad deeds I have done in my previous life to cause all these.. Must be very bad stuffs I did lo.. Haiz...

Sorry for the rant...

I could have written that, pooopi. My sentiments exactly. It gets worse when these yaya women (and their yaya husbands) go around flaunting how easy it is for them, and wonders aloud just WHY you're finding it so difficult to get pregnant in the first place. They lie flat, vavavroom, and BAM pregnant!
Some ppl are just lucky. My gf said her hsb wants try for bb after wedding. Tik they strike 2nd month lor. So envy n now w bb gal..
Ya lo... When things comes easy for pple like them, they won't cherish de.. Take things for granted..

Just pray that this time all will go well and smooth!! All babies and mummies healthy!!
Hais.. I also understand how u feel.. I also went thru lots of needles poking.. Lots of false alarm.. Lots of panics in order to have the baby...

Everyday also worried.. The load won't go off until I give birth to my baby...

Even though doc keep say bb very healthy and all.. But everyday I just feel that I am not healthy enough.. Not eating right.. Not eating much..

That's why I get so pissed when I see my sis smoke and take think day for granted.. And behave like she is the biggest now..

She will Nvr understand the pain we go thru..

Hais I under

Ya.. I worry everyday!! Esp I had to stop working and bed rest.. Nothing to do and makes me even more paranoid...
Ya lo... When things comes easy for pple like them, they won't cherish de.. Take things for granted..

Just pray that this time all will go well and smooth!! All babies and mummies healthy!!

Pooopi! how are you? I'm seeing Dr Tham next Wed, hoping he'll confirm gender! So anxious & excited to see him, been a month!
Pooopi! how are you? I'm seeing Dr Tham next Wed, hoping he'll confirm gender! So anxious & excited to see him, been a month!

Actually I just went in today leh.. Haha.. He is suppose to be half day for wed de.. But I text in and say I got mucus discharge in stool. Then sister Han ask dr Tham, then he heard my name, den ask me better come down la.. He is suppose to go off at 2pm de.. But he waited for me.. The nurse ask me get down at 3pm, but only called me at 2.20pm. Alamak, I stay woodlands lo.. No bath change only go down le.. Take cab some more.. Haha..

Heng scan and nothing!! *fingers crossed* Everything is good! No funneling, cervix still long and closed!!

Bb also good.. Hb at 166bpm.. Hehe..

My body very suay kuan one.. Sometimes, one week can go down twice kind lo.. Any issue only Have to go down le.. Haha.. No choice.. Rather spent money to be safer then sorry..

So u r hoping for a boy or girl?
Actually I just went in today leh.. Haha.. He is suppose to be half day for wed de.. But I text in and say I got mucus discharge in stool. Then sister Han ask dr Tham, then he heard my name, den ask me better come down la.. He is suppose to go off at 2pm de.. But he waited for me.. The nurse ask me get down at 3pm, but only called me at 2.20pm. Alamak, I stay woodlands lo.. No bath change only go down le.. Take cab some more.. Haha..

Heng scan and nothing!! *fingers crossed* Everything is good! No funneling, cervix still long and closed!!

Bb also good.. Hb at 166bpm.. Hehe..

My body very suay kuan one.. Sometimes, one week can go down twice kind lo.. Any issue only Have to go down le.. Haha.. No choice.. Rather spent money to be safer then sorry..

So u r hoping for a boy or girl?

Great that all is well! :D Get to see baby~ ya lo we come so far, play safe! you usually text in or call? you dun wanna know gender ya? I'm hoping for a boy... *crosses fingers*
Great that all is well! :D Get to see baby~ ya lo we come so far, play safe! you usually text in or call? you dun wanna know gender ya? I'm hoping for a boy... *crosses fingers*

I usually text in cuz if call in have to wait for sister Han to call u back.. Then Most of the time hoh.. Call Liao no pick up one leh.. So sian.. Wait and wait and wait.. So I text lo.. Wait for them to see the msg and call me back..

Ya.. I didn't want to know the gender.. Just wanna try something diff from previous times.. Anyway, I also don't intend to get anything till when I'm in 3rd tri lo.. So now know also no use.. Haha.. Clothes I have plenty le.. Be it boy or girl.. Many pass down and new clothes Liao.. So clothes no so impt.. Left this bigger stuffs.. Wait for 30+ weeks den get lo.. Haha..

Anyway, oct have a fair ma.. So will go see see..

Haha.. For me I really no preference lo.. Boy or girl so long stay till full term and come our healthily ok Liao..

Hope u will see a birdy next wed.. Haha.. I'm seeing him on the 26 June.. Detail scan then!! So looking forward!!
You tried Anmum before? I am not a milk lover, but for my no 1, I could accept Anmum Chocolate flavour haha... Most likely will go back to taking it halfway through 2nd trimester, though my hubby is niao-ing for me to start taking le.

I'm a fan of Annum Chocolate flavour too! It's not bad
Hey morning girls .. Been reading and not replying cos feel very lazy. Today feeling good ! I'm craving roti Prata !! Have bad outbreaks suddenly 3big pimples ! Worst is I got 1 big 1 under my eye . Poke or conceal also no use .. Sat got wedding dinner Somemore .

Christin I understand how u feel abt ur sis , my sis in law also will yaya type but she doesn't smoke la. But she will put everyone's needs down and expect everyone to tend to hers kind, whatever she don have u cannot have kind of person. U focus on good thoughts k. Wish her well collect good karma for urself and baby. 大人有大量!
Ya.. I worry everyday!! Esp I had to stop working and bed rest.. Nothing to do and makes me even more paranoid...

Ya nor.. I also work one day rest one week.. Cos keep feeling giddy and nauseous.. Like bb dun wan me to work.. Lol.. Then my mum worried.. Always keep me at home bed rest..

My mum also tell me.. One day I don't give birth to a healthy bb.. She will just keep worrying.. Make me so guilty nor. Becos of my history.. She get so worried over my pregnancy..
Hey morning girls .. Been reading and not replying cos feel very lazy. Today feeling good ! I'm craving roti Prata !! Have bad outbreaks suddenly 3big pimples ! Worst is I got 1 big 1 under my eye . Poke or conceal also no use .. Sat got wedding dinner Somemore .

Christin I understand how u feel abt ur sis , my sis in law also will yaya type but she doesn't smoke la. But she will put everyone's needs down and expect everyone to tend to hers kind, whatever she don have u cannot have kind of person. U focus on good thoughts k. Wish her well collect good karma for urself and baby. 大人有大量!

Yea.. U are right.. I shall collect all the good thoughts.. Accumulate good karma for my baby.. As long my bb ok. I'm happy enough.. :) heh
Ya nor.. I also work one day rest one week.. Cos keep feeling giddy and nauseous.. Like bb dun wan me to work.. Lol.. Then my mum worried.. Always keep me at home bed rest..

My mum also tell me.. One day I don't give birth to a healthy bb.. She will just keep worrying.. Make me so guilty nor. Becos of my history.. She get so worried over my pregnancy..

Even give birth Liao I also worry leh... I don't think our worrying will stop lo.. Esp the 1st year... I don't think I can sleep well for the 1st year... I had way too many losses that I'm so afraid of losing again..

Like ur mom.. Even u so big le she also nv stop worrying.. Next tine out kids we also like that de... Haha...
Even give birth Liao I also worry leh... I don't think our worrying will stop lo.. Esp the 1st year... I don't think I can sleep well for the 1st year... I had way too many losses that I'm so afraid of losing again..

Like ur mom.. Even u so big le she also nv stop worrying.. Next tine out kids we also like that de... Haha...

Haha.. Ya lor.. Being a mother isn't easy.. Sometimes see my mother so tired I also heart pain.. :)
I did sense my hubby was disappointed when Dr Ananda said baby was 85% a girl but well its determined by the sperm what. I just want baby to be healthy that's most important
I did sense my hubby was disappointed when Dr Ananda said baby was 85% a girl but well its determined by the sperm what. I just want baby to be healthy that's most important
congrats to having a princess!
haha i think a lot of nov mummies will go broke. baby gals got a lot of pretty things to buy!
