(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

if u didn't use finger and it just auto come out, then nothing wrong... ms all bout this queasy feeling (not that i have any, all info frm prints n online :p)

if u didn't use finger and it just auto come out, then nothing wrong... ms all bout this queasy feeling (not that i have any, all info frm prints n online :p)
Lol no lah nvr use fingers. But will like make the puking noise a few times then come out Liao. After that then I can fall aslp. Cox no more tightness in the chest.

Every night face this prob a bit tired.

I worry it becomes a habit. But only at night. Lunch and breakfast all okay.
if u cont to feel queasy n uncomfortable, try to walk ard the house, dun go lie down, might worsen the queasiness... den go toilet n see wat happen.. if u did puke, rem to take warm water aft the puking sesssion
if u cont to feel queasy n uncomfortable, try to walk ard the house, dun go lie down, might worsen the queasiness... den go toilet n see wat happen.. if u did puke, rem to take warm water aft the puking sesssion
Okay I try walk around. One night I suddenly jump out of my bed to rush to toilet to puke. That's why now before I slp I think if I need to let it out first. So I don't suddenly jump out. And it's uncontrollable. That type have to come out one.
hubs waddle over n kaypoh and read wat i type, then he chided me saying ''wa, u no morn sickness, still dare go tell pple wat to do... hahahahah''
oh oh one thing bout ms, there's no specific timing... some morn, some evening, some all day (super cham..)... so u dun worry why urs struck only at nite
Okay I try walk around. One night I suddenly jump out of my bed to rush to toilet to puke. That's why now before I slp I think if I need to let it out first. So I don't suddenly jump out. And it's uncontrollable. That type have to come out one.
Hi hopeful. I realize our symptoms r quite similar. I used make puking noise a lot but no vomit. den after some days start puking few times now n then. After that started puking at every night. Now at nearing 10weeks I'm puking every morning when I gurgle my mouth after brushing teeth. After tat few times retching here n thr. Every night also puke except a few nights like tonight. I will try to munch on almonds to keep frm puking out d food bcos I don't want to eat second round as my stomach will b empty after puking. If u happen to need to vomit while on bed, I shud suggest sleeping with ur head elevated. It helps to keep the food down while sleeping. I'm one who suffers n/s so I can't sleep flat on bed at night. But now my nausea becoming worse bcos I started puking in d morning....thr goes my lovely mornings. N when pple tell me tat my nausea will get better frm 2nd trimester, I really wonder if tat is d case bcos I having more puking session as i get nearer to 2nd trimester :(
Actually I started pulling more since 8week. Earlier was just once or twice.

Lol sloshy ur hubby so cute. Mine is ultimate. He sees me vomit he run away if not he will puke. I just cough twice and out it comes. But my tummy still like burning. But I definitely feel better.

Then when I complain abt symptoms lesser when he sees me puke he very happy. Then he tell me see u puke don't have to worry.

Cox I wearing aligners/braces. Everytime I eat I must remove. Very ma fan. Same as after I puke also remove to wash.

Just at night somehow my digestive system a bit warped.

Now 2 days constipated since I had diarrhoea on thurs. Today I took fybogel Liao still no effect. Damn sian.
Hi hopeful. I realize our symptoms r quite similar. I used make puking noise a lot but no vomit. den after some days start puking few times now n then. After that started puking at every night. Now at nearing 10weeks I'm puking every morning when I gurgle my mouth after brushing teeth. After tat few times retching here n thr. Every night also puke except a few nights like tonight. I will try to munch on almonds to keep frm puking out d food bcos I don't want to eat second round as my stomach will b empty after puking. If u happen to need to vomit while on bed, I shud suggest sleeping with ur head elevated. It helps to keep the food down while sleeping. I'm one who suffers n/s so I can't sleep flat on bed at night. But now my nausea becoming worse bcos I started puking in d morning....thr goes my lovely mornings. N when pple tell me tat my nausea will get better frm 2nd trimester, I really wonder if tat is d case bcos I having more puking session as i get nearer to 2nd trimester :(

2nd trim is the so said preggy honeymoon period... dun worry too much! wow u r almost 10 weeks.... jiayou!
hubs waddle over n kaypoh and read wat i type, then he chided me saying ''wa, u no morn sickness, still dare go tell pple wat to do... hahahahah''
haha...nothing wrong to share what u know. It does not only have to be frm experience. Some time d old pple will tell juz not eat this or that or shud eat more for 2 pple....tat time I really want to say it at their face saying tat it is all false info n tat it is not true. But I can't do tat bcos they think they have experience so they know better than I do who is a first time mom...sometimes wen I give advice to other pregnant mommies these pple will come n tease me saying tat "wah u give birth to 10 babies rdy is it to give advice all"...tat time I really...arrgghhhh!! Anyways..over here we r all mommies so anything u have read or hav heard frm someone else or advice frm d dr....anything u know is welcomed :) we appreciate ur little piece of knowledge/wisdom :)
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Hi hopeful. I realize our symptoms r quite similar. I used make puking noise a lot but no vomit. den after some days start puking few times now n then. After that started puking at every night. Now at nearing 10weeks I'm puking every morning when I gurgle my mouth after brushing teeth. After tat few times retching here n thr. Every night also puke except a few nights like tonight. I will try to munch on almonds to keep frm puking out d food bcos I don't want to eat second round as my stomach will b empty after puking. If u happen to need to vomit while on bed, I shud suggest sleeping with ur head elevated. It helps to keep the food down while sleeping. I'm one who suffers n/s so I can't sleep flat on bed at night. But now my nausea becoming worse bcos I started puking in d morning....thr goes my lovely mornings. N when pple tell me tat my nausea will get better frm 2nd trimester, I really wonder if tat is d case bcos I having more puking session as i get nearer to 2nd trimester :(

yeah.. he said i m just a keyboard warrior on preggy stuffs... actually i did read up quite a lot... so if i can help, for sure i will share (note: theory based only hor, hve not taken my ''practical exam'' yet... :p:p:p) knowledge on preggy stuffs... in fact i lurve to share and learn at the same time.. datz why so grateful for forums like this, anything can share share or ask ask amongst us...
Actually I started pulling more since 8week. Earlier was just once or twice.

Lol sloshy ur hubby so cute. Mine is ultimate. He sees me vomit he run away if not he will puke. I just cough twice and out it comes. But my tummy still like burning. But I definitely feel better.

Then when I complain abt symptoms lesser when he sees me puke he very happy. Then he tell me see u puke don't have to worry.

Cox I wearing aligners/braces. Everytime I eat I must remove. Very ma fan. Same as after I puke also remove to wash.

Just at night somehow my digestive system a bit warped.

Now 2 days constipated since I had diarrhoea on thurs. Today I took fybogel Liao still no effect. Damn sian.
hmm....mayb u constipated so u feel like puking? I have my stomach feeling more queasy if I'm constipated so I try to go toilet n get it out...i feel better ,meaning d queasyness will simmer down after I go toilet...but now with constipation not tat easy to clear either :( somemore I suffering stomachache frm heatiness...every day is oil bath for me to cool my body....
hmm....mayb u constipated so u feel like puking? I have my stomach feeling more queasy if I'm constipated so I try to go toilet n get it out...i feel better ,meaning d queasyness will simmer down after I go toilet...but now with constipation not tat easy to clear either :( somemore I suffering stomachache frm heatiness...every day is oil bath for me to cool my body....
If I can clear my bowel movement I will clear. Really cannot :(. Initially I even has diarrhoea 2-3 times a day and was feeling lucky. Now eat what fibre also cannot help. The happiest moment was on thurs night when I keep running to toilet non stop. Lol think it clears everything. I feel happy hahaha
Looking forward to the next BB fair at Taka ..
Mainly to buy the milk bottles ..
Can use the old ones to trade-in ..
Best part is no need to queue for so long ..
ok.. now i ask something...

do u gals still have discharge? i tot preggy shld not hve any? (my books didn't touch much on discharge during early preg period(till much much later))

i still experience some discharge, thou not a lot, and its kindda yellowish....cld it be due to the progesterone/folic that i am taking? and for the first time, i actually saw some ewcm, not daily, but once or twice... which is really amazing, as i tot my ewcm had gone to no man's land liao.. coz when i was ttc, i was so despo searching for ewcm and nothing.. now preggy, i found em! isn't it ironic?
If I can clear my bowel movement I will clear. Really cannot :(. Initially I even has diarrhoea 2-3 times a day and was feeling lucky. Now eat what fibre also cannot help. The happiest moment was on thurs night when I keep running to toilet non stop. Lol think it clears everything. I feel happy hahaha
I think we r d kind to feel happy to have diarrhea....hahaha
Actually I started pulling more since 8week. Earlier was just once or twice.

Lol sloshy ur hubby so cute. Mine is ultimate. He sees me vomit he run away if not he will puke. I just cough twice and out it comes. But my tummy still like burning. But I definitely feel better.

Then when I complain abt symptoms lesser when he sees me puke he very happy. Then he tell me see u puke don't have to worry.

Cox I wearing aligners/braces. Everytime I eat I must remove. Very ma fan. Same as after I puke also remove to wash.

Just at night somehow my digestive system a bit warped.

Now 2 days constipated since I had diarrhoea on thurs. Today I took fybogel Liao still no effect. Damn sian.

yeah lor! fybogel bluff one.. sickening man... i almost finished my pack n so far ZERO EFFECT!!!!! datz why i told u to get the small pack to try try....
ok.. now i ask something...

do u gals still have discharge? i tot preggy shld not hve any? (my books didn't touch much on discharge during early preg period(till much much later))

i still experience some discharge, thou not a lot, and its kindda yellowish....cld it be due to the progesterone/folic that i am taking? and for the first time, i actually saw some ewcm, not daily, but once or twice... which is really amazing, as i tot my ewcm had gone to no man's land liao.. coz when i was ttc, i was so despo searching for ewcm and nothing.. now preggy, i found em! isn't it ironic?
I also didn't have it ...but somewhr along wk 4-wk 5 of pregnancy I noticed to hav discharge....tats wen I was like why got something new for d first time? It was a lot too I had to change underwear often....now it has reduced but I still notice ewcm on n off....
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ewcm=egg white cervical mucus, the cervical mucus which gals gets during their fertile days... stretchy egg white type... when u get mucus like those, it usually means one is bout to O... quite an impt indication for those who r trying.. and sadly, i dun have any when i m trying and i tot i m going to enter early menopause.. faintz...
Many Sch of thoughts about discharge. In ang mo books it's okay and very common or usual to have discharge when u get preggie. In tcm books they say no good. But I seen another tcm and I asked they say common.

My sis in law kkh Gynae told her no good to have discharge also ask her not to eat oranges. But she still eats after she stabilise.

I guess it's fine as long as not with other colours. I actually no discharge now already but only when I spot then my cm will be brown. Now tapering off so to like yellowish.
oh no.. did the gynae/tcm said why no good? I forgot to ask my gynae during last visit.. I rem once some med will causes yellow discharge.. might be the progesterone or sumthing... shoot! better highlight this to my gynae during my next visit... but my next gynae visit is SOooooooooooo long, next month!!!!!!
oh no.. did the gynae/tcm said why no good? I forgot to ask my gynae during last visit.. I rem once some med will causes yellow discharge.. might be the progesterone or sumthing... shoot! better highlight this to my gynae during my next visit... but my next gynae visit is SOooooooooooo long, next month!!!!!!
I rem dr su told me too Liang or what. But u see many ppl say okay. I ask tsb she says usual and she is not concern. First Time I hear Gynae say got prob. Cox that time she spotting also so threaten miscarriage also. Maybe the Gynae referring to her spotting. I don't know. Cox my mil nvr say clearly. I also don't know is Gynae told we or my mil say herself.
B4 i had spotting last wk I have abit of discharge is greenish yellow and is not watery.. more to of dry type .. sorry tmi! Haha will chk w gynae / tcm if hv a chance to do so.

Nw spotting kind of slow down.. Thank God. . .

Stress .. i notice everytime 3 4 hrs apart to next medication session I wil start seeing a bit of red. Fx not to hv the red gushing out..

I hv Maybe Ate something not so fresh tdy and had LS at night. But damn shiok. Haha tmi again.

Tdy aft meals also hv the feel of bloated and need to mk myself burp but ended up in those vomiting sound effect ... juz a while ago can feel gastric juice coming up to my throat and went back down.. i hope tis is symptons of preg.. fx for Monday bt report to be out ..Muz be dbl of hcg level 5655. .
B4 i had spotting last wk I have abit of discharge is greenish yellow and is not watery.. more to of dry type .. sorry tmi! Haha will chk w gynae / tcm if hv a chance to do so.

Nw spotting kind of slow down.. Thank God. . .

Stress .. i notice everytime 3 4 hrs apart to next medication session I wil start seeing a bit of red. Fx not to hv the red gushing out..

I hv Maybe Ate something not so fresh tdy and had LS at night. But damn shiok. Haha tmi again.

Tdy aft meals also hv the feel of bloated and need to mk myself burp but ended up in those vomiting sound effect ... juz a while ago can feel gastric juice coming up to my throat and went back down.. i hope tis is symptons of preg.. fx for Monday bt report to be out ..Muz be dbl of hcg level 5655. .
Bel don't worry abt numbers doubling. When u hit 5000 plus doubling time actually slows down to every 3-4 days then double. Think once hit 2000 already slow down Liao.

Praying for you tonight so that u will be able to have a smooth pregnancy. Jia you.
B4 i had spotting last wk I have abit of discharge is greenish yellow and is not watery.. more to of dry type .. sorry tmi! Haha will chk w gynae / tcm if hv a chance to do so.

Nw spotting kind of slow down.. Thank God. . .

Stress .. i notice everytime 3 4 hrs apart to next medication session I wil start seeing a bit of red. Fx not to hv the red gushing out..

I hv Maybe Ate something not so fresh tdy and had LS at night. But damn shiok. Haha tmi again.

Tdy aft meals also hv the feel of bloated and need to mk myself burp but ended up in those vomiting sound effect ... juz a while ago can feel gastric juice coming up to my throat and went back down.. i hope tis is symptons of preg.. fx for Monday bt report to be out ..Muz be dbl of hcg level 5655. .

hi bel... sorry maybe I slow, but do u mean double up frm 5655 or go up to 5655?
hi bel... sorry maybe I slow, but do u mean double up frm 5655 or go up to 5655?
Gynae determine my sac only at wk5 maximum.
N due to spotting and history of early mc he juz wan do a check on me to cfm the pregnancy if viable.

so i took 1st blood test on thur n results is 5655.. and tdy another blood test sample drew .. need to compare both hcg results to tell if my preg is growing or likely mc.. Hence the 2nd blood test hcg level shd increase double according to gynae. But nw hopeful mention once hit 5000 the increase may not be double every 2 days . Might be increased slowly..
Oh coz i took 1st blood test on thur n results is 5655.. and tdy another blood test sample drew .. need to compare both hcg results to tell if my preg is growing or likely mc.. Hence the 2nd blood test hcg level shd increase double according to gynae. But nw hopeful mention once hit 5000 the increase may not be double every 2 days . Might be increased slowly..

orh ok, got it! will be praying for u as well, so keep a happy positive mind now...
cham.. now I abit (not paranoid la..) worry bout the discharge thingy.. I dun see a lot of yellow discharge, not like big patch.. but its there.. like maybe a small blob..

when I wipe, I see like more yellow stain on tissue aft pee... that's not discharge or is it? also, after I poo poo, I saw ewcm! (think I saw it twice and datz it..) I was like, wth! not lotsa ewcm, just look like clear whitish n stretchy-like...

Be;, dun worry bout tmi... nothing's too tmi here...
Midnight indulgence... just went I thought no more ms, it came back today.. vomited out my lunch n dinner. Ard midnight, was dealing with hunger n nausea. Ate cup noodle but vomited again after a few mouth. Now my mouth got this weird taste. Taking ice cream to take away that weird taste n hope my ice cream doesn't comes out as well...


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Midnight indulgence... just went I thought no more ms, it came back today.. vomited out my lunch n dinner. Ard midnight, was dealing with hunger n nausea. Ate cup noodle but vomited again after a few mouth. Now my mouth got this weird taste. Taking ice cream to take away that weird taste n hope my ice cream doesn't comes out as well...

hey, another recommendation frm a fellow ben n jerry's fan.. u can try the Cookie dough dynamo.. damn shiok!
hmm....mayb u constipated so u feel like puking? I have my stomach feeling more queasy if I'm constipated so I try to go toilet n get it out...i feel better ,meaning d queasyness will simmer down after I go toilet...but now with constipation not tat easy to clear either :( somemore I suffering stomachache frm heatiness...every day is oil bath for me to cool my body....
Constipated will feel like vomiting?? Everytime I sit on toilet bowl, I always end up wanna puke too!
cham.. now I abit (not paranoid la..) worry bout the discharge thingy.. I dun see a lot of yellow discharge, not like big patch.. but its there.. like maybe a small blob..

when I wipe, I see like more yellow stain on tissue aft pee... that's not discharge or is it? also, after I poo poo, I saw ewcm! (think I saw it twice and datz it..) I was like, wth! not lotsa ewcm, just look like clear whitish n stretchy-like...

Be;, dun worry bout tmi... nothing's too tmi here...

oh, to add on to my discharge woes.. no awful smell.. and color is more like whitish yellow...

so regardless of color of discharge still not so good issit? shld be like no discharge to be safe huh? I dun google on discharge in case I go freak myself again.. I already had a mini paranoid scare when I google bout no morn sickness.. dun wanna go down that Evil Google road again
hey, another recommendation frm a fellow ben n jerry's fan.. u can try the Cookie dough dynamo.. damn shiok!
Better don't eat cookie dough now. Cox not sure if cookie dough cooked or not. For packaging ice cream usually shd be cooked.

Haha cox I made my own ice cream too and bought the Ben and Jerry's ice cream recipe. Usually cookie dough is raw one. But those in supermarkets shd be cooked. Just like mayo. Can eat supermarket type don't eat home made. Cox home made mayo has raw eggs.
oh, to add on to my discharge woes.. no awful smell.. and color is more like whitish yellow...

so regardless of color of discharge still not so good issit? shld be like no discharge to be safe huh? I dun google on discharge in case I go freak myself again.. I already had a mini paranoid scare when I google bout no morn sickness.. dun wanna go down that Evil Google road again
Lol if u google discharge it will put u at ease. Cox the entire world says is common and nothing to worry. In fact it was one of the symptoms to look out for during pregnancy. Increase in discharge.

But if discharge got foul smell u may be suffering from some infection better see dr. ESP is greenish colour.
Constipated will feel like vomiting?? Everytime I sit on toilet bowl, I always end up wanna puke too!

dun think constipation will cause puking.. think u just have the ''best of both world'' lol...

I have uber serious constipation so I can say this for sure.. beside sitting there waiting till 脸青青, no pukey feeling...
cham.. now I abit (not paranoid la..) worry bout the discharge thingy.. I dun see a lot of yellow discharge, not like big patch.. but its there.. like maybe a small blob..

when I wipe, I see like more yellow stain on tissue aft pee... that's not discharge or is it? also, after I poo poo, I saw ewcm! (think I saw it twice and datz it..) I was like, wth! not lotsa ewcm, just look like clear whitish n stretchy-like...

Be;, dun worry bout tmi... nothing's too tmi here...
Don't tink shd be any concern.. maybe u took any heaty stuff lately tt why yellow same as me.. i been drink those red date longan w korean ginseng etc ...as long as not spotting I tink is safe .. no itchy also is safe..

Bel, did gynae do a dating scan for u? I mean like calculate how many weeks u are now based on u/sound scan?
He mentioned based on the sac size he quoted wk5 maximum.
Better don't eat cookie dough now. Cox not sure if cookie dough cooked or not. For packaging ice cream usually shd be cooked.

Haha cox I made my own ice cream too and bought the Ben and Jerry's ice cream recipe. Usually cookie dough is raw one. But those in supermarkets shd be cooked. Just like mayo. Can eat supermarket type don't eat home made. Cox home made mayo has raw eggs.

ooh.. oops.. okok.. still thinking of buying that when I go grab my del monte prune juice tml... thks hopeful!
Not sure abt what most of u feel but discharge for me is quite normal. When not preg, I also have discharge everyday n sometimes alot. Now preg also same. As for yellowish or yellowish green, might be yeast infection leh.. but based on last preg, discharge will get more n more...
hey, another recommendation frm a fellow ben n jerry's fan.. u can try the Cookie dough dynamo.. damn shiok!
Got cookie dough dynamo?? I think I see cookie dough before. Cant remember but usually if I see got caramel or peanuts, I usually wont buy coz dont like. I am soooooo waiting for the new flavours to be out in sg! They r alreqdy out in US and my fren tasted so many flavours!!!
dun think constipation will cause puking.. think u just have the ''best of both world'' lol...

I have uber serious constipation so I can say this for sure.. beside sitting there waiting till 脸青青, no pukey feeling...

Issit the smells tt trigger u puking ?

If I go to my office toilet I will hv the vomit sound coming out aft i finished my biz. Coz i smell stench of shit n urine from other users.. and I only like squat ones .. cham squat ones lately is horrible dirty in my office building toilet..
Better don't eat cookie dough now. Cox not sure if cookie dough cooked or not. For packaging ice cream usually shd be cooked.

Haha cox I made my own ice cream too and bought the Ben and Jerry's ice cream recipe. Usually cookie dough is raw one. But those in supermarkets shd be cooked. Just like mayo. Can eat supermarket type don't eat home made. Cox home made mayo has raw eggs.
U make ur own ice cream!!! And where u buy the recipe?? I wanna do chunky monkey leh.. coz I always dont have to hunt everywhere during promo for hubby. He is addicted to it ever since I intro to him n he dont wanna try other flavours.
Ya sloshy discharge very normal one. This one u will be overly paranoid. Don't worry. But if really got smell and when turn greenish must go see dr.
Lol if u google discharge it will put u at ease. Cox the entire world says is common and nothing to worry. In fact it was one of the symptoms to look out for during pregnancy. Increase in discharge.

But if discharge got foul smell u may be suffering from some infection better see dr. ESP is greenish colour.

I know increase in discharge esp those thick creamy ones is a sign of preggy.. but I tot that only happened in very very early pregnancy? like few days leading to the hpk test? I used to hve those the day before I tested bfp...

but I dun have thick creamy white discharge anymore, just scant whitish yellow type... only when I pee n wipe then I saw the tissue like more yellow stain.. i distinctly rem its some med that causes the urine to turn color.. i just forgot if it is utrogestan or folic....
U make ur own ice cream!!! And where u buy the recipe?? I wanna do chunky monkey leh.. coz I always dont have to hunt everywhere during promo for hubby. He is addicted to it ever since I intro to him n he dont wanna try other flavours.
Bought online. Amazon.com. U google Ben & Jerry's ice cream recipe. Cox I got the kitchen aid ice cream maker. But I modify their recipe cox all use raw eggs. I will cook custart to make sure my eggs are cooked. Just in case. If I use raw eggs I made it a point to buy pasteurised eggs. Now Singapore have already egg story. Pasturised eggs are safe.

But recently lazy so stop making. Lol. I find their recipes very sweet so end up downloading from Internet. And modify I think nicer.
Very sian bought nonya dumpling tot wan to eat in e car but end up bring home and kenna stop by my mom..she say I shd nt tk glutinous rice.. >. <

U make ur own ice cream!!! And where u buy the recipe?? I wanna do chunky monkey leh.. coz I always dont have to hunt everywhere during promo for hubby. He is addicted to it ever since I intro to him n he dont wanna try other flavours.
Oh but they don't have all the flavours recipes. Only some!
