(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

How do gynae check the dilation? Went checkup today,and check whether lower part got infection not.
Currently week 35, weight about 2.4kg.
My 1st bb boy :)
Thanks for the info beac! It was bright red blood yesterday. So im suspecting my gynae might have exert too much force during the check up ytd. :(

This is what your gyne did

My ex-gyne did this when I was pregnant with my first child at 38 weeks. Quite painful actually and I had spotting for a day. But subsequently ok. My first child was eventually induced on EDD. Baby was alright. Don't worry too much unless ur bleeding don't stop.
its all natural, essentials oil can help to induce birth, and can help you during labour. I plan to try it for my labour. #1 i didnt try.
the tea can also help to induce its all natural so dont have to worry about it.
where can i get the essential oil? how to use it?

This is what your gyne did

My ex-gyne did this when I was pregnant with my first child at 38 weeks. Quite painful actually and I had spotting for a day. But subsequently ok. My first child was eventually induced on EDD. Baby was alright. Don't worry too much unless ur bleeding don't stop.

This is what my gynae do to me during my #1 too. Now this sat may do the same way if still no further dilate, today check up only dilate 1cm but baby weight already 3.4kg.
where can i get the essential oil? how to use it?

I get mine from iherb.com most mummies here get it from young living. They join membership. So I guess it's up to you. There are a lot of different brands and types of essential oils (EO).

If you wanna use www.iherb.com - you can use discount code: GCN375 you can save $5-$10 off their first order and you will save on future orders.
I always get my baby cereals and vitamins from there anyways. I find them cheaper and they hv alot of organic and healthier options there also.

I did quite abit of research online and asked around as well. Here's an example of how some different essential oils can help:

I plan to diffuse one at a time (with my husbands help of cos) lol. Then direct inhale by putting on my palms then breathe in via nose/mouth so it works faster and enters bloodstream. Heard it can help, so I guess I will try it out and see for myself. Hopefully can help me with a more naturally birth. As I want to avoid epidural & all. :)

Hope this helps ;)
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So far I hv these essential oils: frankincense, lavender, ylang ylang, lemon, geranium, mrryh.

Some are more expensive than others honestly. But it's potent per drop. & I heard they can really help. And later on some can be used on baby, esp if baby is feeling unwell - fever/flu or what.

You must read up and know which is safe to use for newborns as well. :) Some say it works as well as medicine just that it's all natural products. So I'm gg to try it out.
Sounds painful and abit rough. That the gynae poke until bleed. But I guess the doctors knows best! So shld trust your gynaes. I would worry too but since popie and angel went thru with it then hpng88 don't have to worry so much already!!
@happymom2510 After week37, it will normally be weekly check up le..

@shabsrina i also try to control my diet too... trying to eat lesser.. haha.. my gynae is pro-csect, but i will still insist to natural unless really no choice... yea, let us keep our fingers crossed!

Yea, the poking by gynae part really sound scary... poke until bleed.. what is the purpose for him to poke until bleed? to make it dilate more?
@popie i cant see the link you gave leh.. need to register and login wor..

@beac the gynae will use what to poke and check the dilation? I feel my virgina very smelly leh.. haha.. i scared he will faint..
I'm getting swollen feet lately and it seems to be getting worse.. Luckily my shoes are not too tight otherwise I'll need to get new ones.. Anyone with the same issue? Is it normal?
At my last checkup, the gynae poked an apparatus into the vagina to check for bacteria.. Not painful but quite disgusting to have the doctor and nurse looking and poking at the private part.
This is my no2 girl..

No1 girl is piggie.. Same as Rhonna!

Seems like most of u having big babies. Mine opp, measuring small. Gotta pump up her weight more. Hopefully can reach 3 kg at birth.
I'm getting swollen feet lately and it seems to be getting worse.. Luckily my shoes are not too tight otherwise I'll need to get new ones.. Anyone with the same issue? Is it normal?

Water retention is it? Hv you been eating too much salt?
Sleep with your legs on a pillow or before you sleep you lift up your legs or lean it against smth so it will all "flow back down" the other way.
@littlepeanut I do have swollen feet 2 weeks ago because i cough and drank super alot of water... Try to lift up your legs when you sleep, it helps for me...

@beac i dont know leh.. hahaa.. i just hope its not too painful and disgusting and shy...

@lala i think baby are the small size is fine ba.. as long as she is healthy.. maybe she is the petite kind? hehe.. like that also good mah.. just eat only.. no need to control like us.. hahaha
@beac, verine22, I also dunno the cause of it. I googled and one website says I didn't take enough salt and didn't drink enough water. I did everything including lifting legs but doesn't seem to help.

Btw, I'm having a boy, 33w+ now, 1st bb and weighing 1.9kg @ 33w.
I didn't put on much weight and bump is quite compact. Many pple commented that my bump looks smaller than usual 8 mths' bump. However, doc says bb size is ard 50th percentile so I'm not worried...
I didn't put on much weight and bump is quite compact. Many pple commented that my bump looks smaller than usual 8 mths' bump. However, doc says bb size is ard 50th percentile so I'm not worried...
I'm just like you. small baby. 1st one also around the same weight during the same period but at birth can be ard 3.1kg. So i guess its ok if we want natural.
For swollen feet, just drink more water. I engage pre natal massage, maybe that helps in reducing the bloatedness too.
Usually the gynae will use a cotton bud to do swab for Strep B nearer to date and use gloved hand to feel dilation leh. ya...a bit paisay lor. Not sure if its the same practice for other gynae.
i'm going to start on my coconut water soon.. the weather has been so hot!
I get mine from iherb.com most mummies here get it from young living. They join membership. So I guess it's up to you. There are a lot of different brands and types of essential oils (EO).

If you wanna use www.iherb.com - you can use discount code: GCN375 you can save $5-$10 off their first order and you will save on future orders.
I always get my baby cereals and vitamins from there anyways. I find them cheaper and they hv alot of organic and healthier options there also.

I did quite abit of research online and asked around as well. Here's an example of how some different essential oils can help:

I plan to diffuse one at a time (with my husbands help of cos) lol. Then direct inhale by putting on my palms then breathe in via nose/mouth so it works faster and enters bloodstream. Heard it can help, so I guess I will try it out and see for myself. Hopefully can help me with a more naturally birth. As I want to avoid epidural & all. :)

Hope this helps ;)

Hi beac, i do have some essential oils now but seems like the only one I have that can be used during labor/childbirth is lavender. Gonna place my order with iherb today. Planning to get several items including Raspberry Leaf Tea, Organic Mother's Milk, Peppermint Oil as well as Orange Oil. Thanks for the coupon code!
Keen to get cute cookie for your kids birthday or party
Piggy, yellow water melon/Red water melon, red ridding hood, strawberry, Rabbit

Keen PM me


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Btw wanna ask u girls, gynae said that baby is already head down and lying on my bladder hence the reason why I often feel uncomfortable and frequently going for toilet trips. Does that mean that baby is already in position? Cause Im still contemplating whether to go for pre natal massage to position the baby. Most said that it is not necessary. What's your advice?
Sounds painful and abit rough. That the gynae poke until bleed. But I guess the doctors knows best! So shld trust your gynaes. I would worry too but since popie and angel went thru with it then hpng88 don't have to worry so much already!!

Ya, not really like poke but I also Donno how to explain.. Hehe! Yesterday went check up doc checked if any dilation by wearing gloved hand. This sat if no further dilation, then doc will do the same way with gloved hand & "active" it..this way will make it dilate faster but quite painful. Other alternatives given by my doc is I might have to go for induce on this Sunday.
Today's my wk38 and last pre-natal check up. Baby head engage today when see scan, no wonder I almost can't move my leg to walk especially today. Last week scan head was still lying slightly to the side. Faint spell strikes me today and face is very pale and weather is almost killing me, eat in aircon foodcourt and sweat like a pig. Must be baby pressing on my 'oxygen tank' lol... Dr. say bear with it for another 4days. No weight gain for me and baby since last week. Dr. say it's normal at this very last stage.

Just bear another 4 more days ya! Good to know at least your baby is engaged & healthy.. My pelvis part getting more "sore".. Sometimes can't even get up from my sofa. Have to move super slowly.. I hope can deliver by this weekend or latest next weekdays. Pray hard!
Hihi..thx! I was busy with my kids and baby. Still trying to adapt. Baby was admitted 2 more days due to jaundice level high. Thus he was home jus 2 days ago. Today going to baby clinic mt alvenia for review. Its not easy to handle my girl who is 2yr plus. She now want our attention and must really watch her. Lucky my mum help me cook and bath baby. If not I sure very lost. ;))

How's baby jaundice level now? Are you b.feeding your baby? Hope u r coping well with your confinement and baby. I'll be facing the same issue like u next week after discharge from hospital... a 23mo active toddler!!
@angel_loi me too, hard to get up from sofa and bed. So no choice I exchange bed with my parents.. cos mine is too soft. Just bear with it ba.. De day is coming!
If checking of dilation is what u all mention. Then have to shave it before checkup, if not damn paisei although the gynae feel nth :rolleyes:

Doctor shld be very used to it le ba.. everyday see so many private part with long or short curly hair.. lol oops i mean pubic hair. If choose male gynae then don't need paiseh.
Btw wanna ask u girls, gynae said that baby is already head down and lying on my bladder hence the reason why I often feel uncomfortable and frequently going for toilet trips. Does that mean that baby is already in position? Cause Im still contemplating whether to go for pre natal massage to position the baby. Most said that it is not necessary. What's your advice?

Prenatal don't massage tummy leh.. can help to position baby meh? if baby head down in later stage is good cos chances are bb will not turn up due to the space constraint. But if early stage head down, then chances are bb can still turn back up.
Doctor shld be very used to it le ba.. everyday see so many private part with long or short curly hair.. lol oops i mean pubic hair. If choose male gynae then don't need paiseh.

i heck care already. Walk already got problem let alone go salon to shave. i scared it will trigger contraction also at this late stage.
Mine is a male doctor, but i guess he is used to it.
Aiya.. i change from tml to friday.. if not, we will be able to meet.. haha..
@purple_luv yup i fill up the form for the hospital le... i sign up 4 bedded.. hopefully got free upgrade.. haha.. then TMC will send you a letter and a brochure..
Went for check up yesterday le. Poor the first time, dr Adrian actually told me to watch my weight Lolx! Baby is already 2.7kg >.< scary sia. Think if I follow at the rate I'm eating, she could come up to about 3.5kg when I give birth.

He also did the dipstick test on me to test for infection and told me to come back 2 weeks later. Looks like everything is going on pretty well.

And I also confirmed with his nurse that he will upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded. She say we will be paying for 4 bedded price and stay in 2 bedded room :) think this is one of the perks of seeing dr Adrian.

Btw mummies, I came across this Australian page on what to pack before going to hospital. If you're still unsure, can take a peek. Here's the link: http://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth/your-labour-bag-what-to-pack#.VBkJT5UaySM
After going through the list I just realized that I have a lot of missing items! I don't think pajamas is necessary though coz TMC will most probably provide their hospital gown. Can someone confirm this please?
Ya, not really like poke but I also Donno how to explain.. Hehe! Yesterday went check up doc checked if any dilation by wearing gloved hand. This sat if no further dilation, then doc will do the same way with gloved hand & "active" it..this way will make it dilate faster but quite painful. Other alternatives given by my doc is I might have to go for induce on this Sunday.

Omg!! Sounds very traumatizing... Went for my 33w check up last week.. Unexpectedly asked to do a finger prick test and another test to check vagina bacteria already stressed me out...
My gynae doesn't ask for deposit. So idk abt it, didn't even know some require you to place a deposit?

@silentlove all hospitals will provide the night gown. But up to you to bring your own clothes. I will cos I will be breastfeeding. So will bring those nursing tops/dresses.
@shabsrina for the Raspberry Leaf Tea I got one big packet leh. I don't know if you wanna split it hahaha.
I bought this one:
Starwest Botanicals, Red Raspberry Leaf C/S, Organic, 1 lb

I think don't need to do prenatal massage to position the baby. For my #1 my baby wasn't even in position yet while I was in labour. When I was about to give birth, there as 2 nurses present. They were helping me to position the baby as I push out. So I think it's not necessary.
I had my check up today,im 2cm now,after my cervix exam,d moment i went home i had bleeding,not spotting.d bb weight 3.5 already.so doc ask me to wait more or induce ds friday or sat,so we choose to induce the bb ds coming friday!!! F my bleeding wont stop today guess i will go to the hospital later or tonight hahahahah!! Cant wait to push it and see my little one!
I had my check up today,im 2cm now,after my cervix exam,d moment i went home i had bleeding,not spotting.d bb weight 3.5 already.so doc ask me to wait more or induce ds friday or sat,so we choose to induce the bb ds coming friday!!! F my bleeding wont stop today guess i will go to the hospital later or tonight hahahahah!! Cant wait to push it and see my little one!

Rhonna, looks like u, angel_loi & agaga will be popping this week!!! keep us all updated. Good luck!
How's baby jaundice level now? Are you b.feeding your baby? Hope u r coping well with your confinement and baby. I'll be facing the same issue like u next week after discharge from hospital... a 23mo active toddler!!
Yes..very tiring... :)) my mum helping me with my confinement. My mum travel from tampines to sims drive to find me everyday. If my hubby can come out during lunch he will help me fetch her. Cause she got to fetch my elder son from sch. So lunch I usually cook myself and handle my 28mths toddler plus baby. Not easy...:)) but one week had passed. 3 more weeks to go!!

Sounds painful and abit rough. That the gynae poke until bleed. But I guess the doctors knows best! So shld trust your gynaes. I would worry too but since popie and angel went thru with it then hpng88 don't have to worry so much already!!
Haha. Not so scary lah. Doctor not poking. It just stretching. Cos when we dilate the cervix will stretch. It is just an artificial way of inducing labour. It's like when we are starting to dilate pre-labour we "show"
