Angelica Cheng
Active Member

PGT-A under the Spotlight | Stanford Law School
The birth of the first in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) baby, Louise Brown, in 1978 gave hope to thousands of people suffering from infertility. Sin

PGT-A under the Spotlight
The birth of the first in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) baby, Louise Brown, in 1978 gave hope to thousands of people suffering from infertility. Since then, new technologies have been developed as add-ons to IVF. These add-ons are not integral to the IVF procedure, however, they are being sold to consumers on the basis that they will increase the chances of having a live birth. One add-on to IVF is preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (“PGT-A”).
PGT-A is a test used to determine if there are any abnormalities in the number of chromosomes of embryos (aneuploidy). Aneuploidy mostly leads to spontaneous abortions and causes recurrent pregnancy loss, however, in some cases, aneuploidy embryos are viable and give rise to living birth. Children born with aneuploidy have genetic conditions such as Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome. PGT-A tests are marketed as an add-on to IVF which will increase implantation rates and decrease miscarriages, and overall increase the chances of a successful live birth without genetic abnormalities.[1] Despite the high costs of PGT-A as an add-on to IVF, it has become appealing to consumers since it is marketed by the fertility industry as a “mature technology and an established diagnostic test”.[2]
To perform PGT-A tests, DNA has to be obtained from embryos for analysis. The approach most widely adopted in practice today to obtain DNA for PGT-A testing is by performing a biopsy from a blastocyst 5-6 days after conception. The blastocyst is made up of embryonic cells and extraembryonic cells. The embryonic cells form the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, which will lead to the development of the fetus, and the extraembryonic cells form the trophectoderm of the blastocyst which will form the placenta. The biopsy is performed from the trophectoderm which is made up of extraembryonic cell lineage cells. This extraembryonic cell DNA is analyzed to determine if the embryo contains a normal or abnormal amount of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes detected from the biopsied cells is interpreted to be representative of the entire embryo, to establish which embryo will be transferred for implantation.
The standard guidelines that have been followed for years by most fertility clinics are that if an embryo contains a normal amount of chromosomes (euploidy) the chances of successful implantation and live birth are higher than when an embryo with an abnormal amount of chromosomes (aneuploid) is transferred. There is however a gray area of interpretation in PGT-A results when the results indicate that an embryo is a mosaic, which is when some of the DNA indicates that the embryo is a euploid and other cells indicate that the embryo is an aneuploid.
The Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society (“PGDIS”) issued a position statement in 2016 on chromosome mosaicism. According to this statement, they suggested the range for defining an embryo as having chromosome mosaicism is if the amount of aneuploid DNA is between 20% – 80%. If an embryo has less than 20% aneuploid DNA then it is considered to be a euploid (normal) and ready for transfer, however, if it has more than 80% aneuploid DNA, it is considered to be an aneuploid (abnormal) and should not be transferred.[3] If an embryo falls within the 20-80% range of aneuploidy, the transfer should only be considered after obtaining expert advice and genetic counseling. This standard has been followed by fertility clinics conducting PGT-A tests since 2016 without confirming the hypothesis that an embryo with 20%-80% aneuploidy will be more likely to lead to chromosomal abnormalities and a lower possibility of a viable pregnancy.
PGT-A accuracy and effectiveness
The success rate of PGT-A tests has recently been questioned following the publication of studies which shed light on PGT-A test data. In 2019 the STAR study was published which compared the live birth rate of patients who underwent PGT-A tests on their embryos before transfer for implantation, and patients whose embryos only underwent morphological assessment before transfer for implantation. The data revealed that there was no significant increase in live birth rates, or decrease in miscarriage rates among patients who performed PGT-A tests, compared to those who only performed morphological assessments.[4]
The standard set by the PGDIS has also been questioned based on the cell lineage from which the DNA for PGT-A testing is obtained.[5] As mentioned above, the biopsy for DNA is from the trophectoderm which consists of extraembryonic cells. These cells will go on to form the placenta and not the fetus itself, and therefore differ from embryonic cells. One key distinction between extraembryonic cells and embryonic cells is that embryonic cells can self-correct their number of chromosomes as opposed to extraembryonic cells, who if contain an abnormal amount of chromosomes cannot self-correct. The notion of self-correction in embryonic cells was recently illustrated in a study which revealed that in a mosaic embryo, the euploid embryonic cells rescue some of the aneuploid embryonic cells.[6] Another study on embryos, which were considered to be abnormal following a PGT-A trophectoderm biopsy test, reported 8 live births with a normal amount of chromosomes from these “abnormal embryos”.[7] These findings challenge our current understanding of the accuracy and effectiveness of PGT-A tests performed on trophectoderm cells and the subsequent if embryos should be transferred or not.
These question marks that have been placed over the accuracy and effectiveness of PGT-A tests raise a few questions: if PGT-A tests are not as accurate and effective as claimed by the fertility industry’s marketing campaigns, should they still routinely be used as an add-on to IVF cycles? How many false positive mosaic or aneuploid embryos have been disposed of due to the standards that the industry has set? How many people were indeed able to have their own genetic child, but due to false positive mosaic or aneuploid embryo results used other alternatives such as gamete donation or adoption?