(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

I don't dare to ask if I should stop latching I know they will say yes he is so old please do...he is only 22m! :p I miss the bond ah...don't really wanna end it yet but I am afraid it will affect #2.

Is there an active fb group? Can add me?
[email protected]

Currently my mil help care fr #1 while I work, go home I will take over. When #2 come I will have to hire maid, recently a lot of scary maid stories like what slash throat etc hear Liao Very scared

I am now in my 9th weeks. Edd is 12 Oct. This is my #2.

Little_bud, I've sent you a messgae on FB. Can you add me to the secret group please?

Hi all, am new to this group!

Just did a beta HCG blood test at KKH on Monday and confirmed pregnancy.. now kinda feeling lost since this will be my first pregnancy and my first scan will only be on 21 Mar 2014.

This is the 'photo' of my little darling at week 10

Lol... just to share :)
I don't dare to ask if I should stop latching I know they will say yes he is so old please do...he is only 22m! :p I miss the bond ah...don't really wanna end it yet but I am afraid it will affect #2.

Is there an active fb group? Can add me?
[email protected]

Currently my mil help care fr #1 while I work, go home I will take over. When #2 come I will have to hire maid, recently a lot of scary maid stories like what slash throat etc hear Liao Very scared

Chanela, my #1 is 28 months and I'm still latching her at night. In fact, only stopped pumping a few weeks ago even though I discovered I was pregnant before that. Gynae says it's OK, unless you've been advised otherwise. Your #1 may eventually self wean when your supply dries up. I plan to continue latching my #1 till we've both ready to wean.
Hi wivi

Tubal ligation is a procedure where the fallopian tubes being cut/tied/clip to stop the sperm from getting contact and be pregnant. Sorry for my explanation, hope you understand what I mean.

This is my 3rd baby and do not wish to have another baby anymore so decided to go ahead with this during the c-section in this birth.

Since c-section, tummy will be cut open so doctor can used tie-and-cut procedure. This is safer than clips but it's irreversible.

Clips is used for virginal birth, Dr. will open a small hole on tummy and insert the clips. If you regret later, this is reversible. But as read from web and heard from Dr. these clips will run out if place and not securing the tubes. Therefore some ppl will still get pregnant with this procedure.

agaga, i got it, thks for the explanation:)
Ic.. but i saw online that she is only a gp who does scans but dun do delivery?
erm......I visit her second time only. So when I visit her at 5 April i will ask her did she help to delivery as all the while i thought she have help to delivery ler..haha..damn blur of me.

I'm into My 11wks first baby.
Had spotting for almost 2weeks during feb, didn't know that I was preggy till I asked My Frd & she suggested me.to get a clearblue to test.. positive.. was v shocked.. as I don't rem doing it in Jan lols

Went to Mount A. Dr ho first visit was 500+, second visit 400+, third visit 400+.. I'm feel.I need to change My gynae so exp. During My first visit can see the heart beat so excited n happy: ) but on off having cramps.

Had made My appointment with Dr Adrian woodworth at sengkang next wk.
Hi dusty gritty, I have just added you on Facebook. Please add me into the Facebook private grp. Thanks !!

Hi all, I'm expecting my 1st! EDD 26 Oct 2014.

I first tested positive on 26 feb & then went to confirm with gynae and seen a sac the following day!
But cos i was spotting, doctor gave me 2 days MC. I was worried cos I had done a session of tummy trimming on 20 feb without knowing I'm pregnant of cos! The salon applied burning cream on my tummy and used some machine to spread over the very hot burning cream. I did the tummy trimming cos 9 march was my wedding and I wanted to look nicer in my gown. Now I still totally regret not knowing if it will cause any harm to my little one. :(

I went back to gynae on 3 march as I was spotting heavier and gynae told me it was a threatened miscarriage. I really broke down and cried. He gave me an injection to stablise the pregnancy, an tai yao and 1 week bed rest. However, I couldn't really bed rest entirely because 9 march was my wedding and I was busy with guo da li, going to ROM, bridal shops for final fitting & gowns collection, etc. Not mentioning the super tiring wedding day on 9 march from morning til night! I was so worried bb couldn't survive all these stress and I kept having nightmares every night that week. :(

But the happy news is when we went to see gynae on 12 march, we hear bb's heartbeat! We are so happy bb survived the stressful wedding event. but a part of me still worry about the tummy trimming session i had on 20 feb (4 weeks from first day of my last menses), really not sure if will result in any harm to my little one. :(
Hi dusty gritty, I have just added you on Facebook. Please add me into the Facebook private grp. Thanks !!

Hi all, I'm expecting my 1st! EDD 26 Oct 2014.

I first tested positive on 26 feb & then went to confirm with gynae and seen a sac the following day!
But cos i was spotting, doctor gave me 2 days MC. I was worried cos I had done a session of tummy trimming on 20 feb without knowing I'm pregnant of cos! The salon applied burning cream on my tummy and used some machine to spread over the very hot burning cream. I did the tummy trimming cos 9 march was my wedding and I wanted to look nicer in my gown. Now I still totally regret not knowing if it will cause any harm to my little one. :(

I went back to gynae on 3 march as I was spotting heavier and gynae told me it was a threatened miscarriage. I really broke down and cried. He gave me an injection to stablise the pregnancy, an tai yao and 1 week bed rest. However, I couldn't really bed rest entirely because 9 march was my wedding and I was busy with guo da li, going to ROM, bridal shops for final fitting & gowns collection, etc. Not mentioning the super tiring wedding day on 9 march from morning til night! I was so worried bb couldn't survive all these stress and I kept having nightmares every night that week. :(

But the happy news is when we went to see gynae on 12 march, we hear bb's heartbeat! We are so happy bb survived the stressful wedding event. but a part of me still worry about the tummy trimming session i had on 20 feb (4 weeks from first day of my last menses), really not sure if will result in any harm to my little one. :(
Relax n chill. The more stressful u r the more stress will cause to baby n ur body. Relax. All will be fine.
Hi dusty gritty, I have just added you on Facebook. Please add me into the Facebook private grp. Thanks !!

Hi all, I'm expecting my 1st! EDD 26 Oct 2014.

I first tested positive on 26 feb & then went to confirm with gynae and seen a sac the following day!
But cos i was spotting, doctor gave me 2 days MC. I was worried cos I had done a session of tummy trimming on 20 feb without knowing I'm pregnant of cos! The salon applied burning cream on my tummy and used some machine to spread over the very hot burning cream. I did the tummy trimming cos 9 march was my wedding and I wanted to look nicer in my gown. Now I still totally regret not knowing if it will cause any harm to my little one. :(

I went back to gynae on 3 march as I was spotting heavier and gynae told me it was a threatened miscarriage. I really broke down and cried. He gave me an injection to stablise the pregnancy, an tai yao and 1 week bed rest. However, I couldn't really bed rest entirely because 9 march was my wedding and I was busy with guo da li, going to ROM, bridal shops for final fitting & gowns collection, etc. Not mentioning the super tiring wedding day on 9 march from morning til night! I was so worried bb couldn't survive all these stress and I kept having nightmares every night that week. :(

But the happy news is when we went to see gynae on 12 march, we hear bb's heartbeat! We are so happy bb survived the stressful wedding event. but a part of me still worry about the tummy trimming session i had on 20 feb (4 weeks from first day of my last menses), really not sure if will result in any harm to my little one. :(

Hi Renee, I got heavy bleeding for my first pregnancy too. Was ordered 1mth of bed rest. Now I have a healthy one year old and expecting #2 on 26 Oct 2014 too!

Dun worry relax and rest more at least now ur big day is over already.

I'm still waiting to be added to fb grp too. Must add dusty gritty is it?
Thanks Iervia and milyve. :)

My spotting has stopped. In fact, I have also gone back to work too. :)

I have added dustygritty so that it's easier for her. Maybe she is busy. I'm also waiting to join the fb group! First pregnancy, alot of things don't know. So hoping to get more info from forum & fb group. Hee.
hi hi all,
Tres here! Coming in to say hi and get connect with you all MTBs.
My #3 pregnancy and just saw my gynae to confirm this last week.. so so surreal!!!
Is there a FB page to link in as well? Can add me, i'm [email protected]!
My little dragon girl is now 16mths old. With my ill body since 3 weeks ago, taking care of her is a very tedious task. She had since became very grouchy as if she seems to know she'll be having a new younger sibling soon and fighting for attention already.

I can feel my gastric turning upside down most of the time so lying on bed is the best position ever. Can't stand smell of cooking, cigarette, perfume and washing detergent. I even get motion sickness during car ride.

Appetite is very small but get hungry very easily and if I don't eat in time, my stomach will be very bloated or nausea will kick in.

Really disgusted by the after taste of food intake, got to brush teeth many times a day.

Constipation since pregnant, went toilet every 4 days, sigh... miserable.

Worst, I can't even feed my girl porridge as it's too fishy smell. Make my nausea even worst.

Really hope these will go away as fast as possible. Past 2 pregnancies these symptoms went almost away around 15weeks.

Hi agaga,
me also! seems like you are having #3 too! High 5 sia!!!!
Maybe it is age, this preganancy is harder to get by!!
May I ask if anyone had done amniocentesis before?
I am such a coward when it comes to needle procedures, very stressed up thinking of the day approaching when I have to do the test.
Wanted to know how painful it is.
My EDD is 23 Oct, but likely I will c-sect 3 weeks earlier. Week 37+.
Anyone started shopping for baby stuff yet?
Maybe this is my #2 baby, not as eager or excited as #1 liao haha... lazy also to start buying / planning / arranging.
The only thing I did was to book my confinement aunty again as her cooking is delicious haha!
My#2, confirm you need aminocentesis? you failed your first blood test?

hahah, i think you are 'normal' lah.. after the 1st kid, you tend to relax coz you know it all alr mah! plus can re-use.. think when come #3 (like me) i sometimes forgets i'm preggy until evening sickness kicks in! Wahahahha!
my#2, is your #01 by c-sect too?
so fast confirm confinement aunty ah? i heard nowadays get CL really must advance advance booking else all booked. scary...

my biggest pain is the bloated tummy. wat can i do to relieve it? i dun experience much discomfort during my #1 so this is really vexing for me.
Hi all mummies. I am very blur. Just found out I already 9 weeks preg recently thr my gynae. This is my #3 and I not mentally prepared to have. Act I have abortion thought cause I scared I cant cope with 3 kids. #1 is 8yr #2 coming to 2 in may. So I scared I will neglect them. But doc detect heart beat and I cant bring myself to do it.
Hi agaga,
me also! seems like you are having #3 too! High 5 sia!!!!
Maybe it is age, this preganancy is harder to get by!!

Not sure if it's due to ageing or due to got to handle young #2 so very tedious..

When preg with #2, #1 was already 9yo so not so 'siong' at least she can take care of herself and I can rest in peace.

Let's just hang on to it, I'm very sure once pass 14-16weeks , these sickness will go away. By the time I can really enjoy food.

Jia you!! ;)
my biggest pain is the bloated tummy. wat can i do to relieve it? i dun experience much discomfort during my #1 so this is really vexing for me.

My tummy is also very bloated! Constipation is the main cause, visit once every 4-5days.. pain pain!

I usually massage the center bone at the backside (the very end of spinal bone) for constipation on my baby. Very soon she'll poop in her diaper.

Today I tried this on myself, though not yet visit the toilet but let out gas many times.

Maybe you can try.
Not sure if it's due to ageing or due to got to handle young #2 so very tedious..

When preg with #2, #1 was already 9yo so not so 'siong' at least she can take care of herself and I can rest in peace.

Let's just hang on to it, I'm very sure once pass 14-16weeks , these sickness will go away. By the time I can really enjoy food.

Jia you!! ;)

Hi hi,
that's kinda nice coz #1 is independent alr. Me should be quite siong ba, #1 is 3 y.o, #2 is 14 months, now preggy... wow! It cames as a surprise for us both!
So let's see how i'm gonna cope!
Hi all mummies. I am very blur. Just found out I already 9 weeks preg recently thr my gynae. This is my #3 and I not mentally prepared to have. Act I have abortion thought cause I scared I cant cope with 3 kids. #1 is 8yr #2 coming to 2 in may. So I scared I will neglect them. But doc detect heart beat and I cant bring myself to do it.

mama joanne, me too! I know what you are thinking but at least your older kids are already kinda 'independent' so you need not worry too much! Let nature takes it course ba!
When i learnt abt my #3 preganancy, i was more sad than happy.. coz it is so so unexpected but due to my religion both my hb and I dare not say the 'A' so we both let nature takes it course and let God decide!
agaga, ya ya.. constipation too :( !! oooh... so pain pain... 2nite shall ask DH to try massage the end spine and see any improvement or not. =D

yrteresa.. :eek: means your kids hv v close age gap! but one time siong lah... after tis will relax liao. hee.....
hi!!! i am a newbie to this forum and a first- time mum..... can add me to Fbgroup or any chats???
my email is [email protected]

i am 8 weeks preg and currently seeing dr tan poh kok at nex shopping centre... my edd is 25 oct
jus yst i had brown discharge when wiped and scared the hell of me.... i was told thst it is "old blood" and will be gone in few days.... :( anyone have such experience???
hi!!! i am a newbie to this forum and a first- time mum..... can add me to Fbgroup or any chats???
my email is [email protected]

i am 8 weeks preg and currently seeing dr tan poh kok at nex shopping centre... my edd is 25 oct
jus yst i had brown discharge when wiped and scared the hell of me.... i was told thst it is "old blood" and will be gone in few days.... :( anyone have such experience???
Can't find your name thru FB search... add me first - [email protected]

With regards to your spotting, it's best to seek gynae's advice. I had slight spotting and gynae prescribed me hormone pills. According to what he said, any kind of spotting is not good.
Can't find your name thru FB search... add me first - [email protected]

With regards to your spotting, it's best to seek gynae's advice. I had slight spotting and gynae prescribed me hormone pills. According to what he said, any kind of spotting is not good.

Added u as friend... went to gynae n he gave me hormone pills too.... now better n need to walk less..
HI dustygritty - I've added you as my fren liao in FB. ;)

iqzero - yup, mu kids will be 22 months apart from each other! Xiong is the right word.. have yet to fathom how to deal with them.. but guess will come to the bridge then crossed it! hahah
Hi, my Edd is 27 Oct. My number 3. This is a surprise for me as my 2nd is already 8. It is pretty tough getting use to the new body.

Hi Dustygritty, can you add me to the FB group as well? I have added you.

Any "matured" moms here?
Dustygritty, I have added you on FB too -thanks!!

My EDD has been moved back to 22 Oct, and so far i have been spotting on and off, usually during the times when my menses usually due. Am on progesterone supplements cos my hormone levels aren't good after the first blood test :(

So far i haven't gained weight, fighting nausea after i eat and its preventing me from eating much (-.-")

On the red date/ginger drink, i have been taking it now and then as it helps with my appetite. only side effect is constipation :X
Hi morningstarz

Thanks! Hopefully can see the LO on wed. . Btw how u find John tee? Tat time I went he was like talking on hp about cars in front of me. And didn't even check wat is my first scan on 10th Feb like and nv compare actually there is progress from 1st n 2nd scan. 1st scan I can only see a small dot n 2nd scan with him can see waterbag n yolk. He jus told me might b silent miscarriage and make me cry for the whole afternoon. .

Done some research.. actually alot of ppl have the same situation as me. Cos actually ovulate later than wat the doc think. He didn't even bother to ask how long is my cycle. If I have a long cycle then tat would mean I ovulate later than wat he think.

I think its pretty normal - i initially had a EDD of 13 Oct, but after the scan , it was shifted back. According to my gynae its quite normal for us to have ovulated later then we tot and the LO is actually younger :)
Hi, I am into wk12 but the MS and nauseous seem to have got worst instead of better. I have been throwing up a lot more lately and today is worst by far. This feeling sucks and first trimester is shit for me. On top of that, I frequently have insomnia, dizziness and constantly feeling gassy. Even taking sweets leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth all day.
What should I do?
Hi, I am into wk12 but the MS and nauseous seem to have got worst instead of better. I have been throwing up a lot more lately and today is worst by far. This feeling sucks and first trimester is shit for me. On top of that, I frequently have insomnia, dizziness and constantly feeling gassy. Even taking sweets leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth all day.
What should I do?
I also hv the same problem. I also wan to knw hw..
I'm into my week12 too and just came back from bkk trip with my 17mo and 11yo. So scared that my Ms will spoil the whole trip but luckily and surprisingly my Ms went off since the day we set off. So we manage to shop and walk the whole day without needing to go back hotel to rest. Hopefully Ms will just be gone for good and don't come back.
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I haven't been added into the fb group :( admin can add me? [email protected]

My Edd is moved forward to 12/10 now...baby was happily floating around yesterday. Hope all goes well for oscars! Anymore may 2012 mums here :p??
Hi agaga, my eldest is also 11 yo.

Your #1 is 11 and #2 is 8. How many boys or girls you have? My both are girls, don't know if this little horse is a b or g.. haha but gender isn't really important la. But of cos if can have a boy is better cos it'll be a challenge as didn't handle boy before. I'm 33 this year, qualified as matured mom?

Seems like this Oct thread is not very active, not sure if all mummies switch to fb chat instead. I'd been reading up to Aug thread instead cos there are more updates although my preg weeks are far behind.
