(2014/08) August 2014

I have a question. do you all burp your baby after every feed? My baby always latch and fall asleep after that. When he is sleeping I find it almost impossible for him to burp regardless or what position, sitting on lap or over shoulder. Can't burp. And I think as a result he is so windy. How do you all handle it?

My lo usually able to get back to sleep straight away after his nite feedings. However this past 2 to 3 nites, he will wake up 2 hours later after his feeding cranky and refuse to sleep after tat. I have to pat him for quite awhile before he can get back to sleep again. Normal nites he will wake up between 3 to 4 hourly for his milk. Any of u mommies experience this b4. Btw, he is 3 months and 15 days old.

most likely sleep regression due to growth spurt. there will be many periods of sleep regression due to growth spurt, teething, sickness (after vaccinations), etc in baby's first yr. it's all coming back to me now. arragghhrr. but no worries. things will get better! hang in there!
I have a question. do you all burp your baby after every feed? My baby always latch and fall asleep after that. When he is sleeping I find it almost impossible for him to burp regardless or what position, sitting on lap or over shoulder. Can't burp. And I think as a result he is so windy. How do you all handle it?

not really. my boy also usually fall asleep when drinking. I'll juz carry him over my shoulders for awhile (depending on how sleepy I am) then put him down to sleep.

how u know he's very windy? does he puke after feed? try put ru yi oil after bath?
I have a question. do you all burp your baby after every feed? My baby always latch and fall asleep after that. When he is sleeping I find it almost impossible for him to burp regardless or what position, sitting on lap or over shoulder. Can't burp. And I think as a result he is so windy. How do you all handle it?

I burp in the day, at night no if he dozes off.. Rub ruyi oil after every bath. Do bicycle massage. Make sure he does big poop at least once a day. Now he can burp on his own when he's in upright position. He's 3.5 months.

You breastfeeding? He was v v gassy earlier on although not no bottle. Did food elimination and he was OK after that.
not really. my boy also usually fall asleep when drinking. I'll juz carry him over my shoulders for awhile (depending on how sleepy I am) then put him down to sleep.

how u know he's very windy? does he puke after feed? try put ru yi oil after bath?

I know he is gassy because when I tap his stomach, alot of air sound.and also he keep spitting milk when he wakes up. I always rub ru Yi oil. But seems no effect on him.
I burp in the day, at night no if he dozes off.. Rub ruyi oil after every bath. Do bicycle massage. Make sure he does big poop at least once a day. Now he can burp on his own when he's in upright position. He's 3.5 months.

You breastfeeding? He was v v gassy earlier on although not no bottle. Did food elimination and he was OK after that.

Ya I'm breastfeeding. Even daytime he drink until slp. So hard to burp. What food u ate that caused him to be gassy? In tryin to give him Woodwards gripewater to see if it will help
I know he is gassy because when I tap his stomach, alot of air sound.and also he keep spitting milk when he wakes up. I always rub ru Yi oil. But seems no effect on him.

Same as my boy last time.

I gave ridwind when he had gassy attacks. That worked best for him.

I stopped taking dairy and eggs
Does colic babies cry consistently for a few hrs during specific time? My 3mo+ boy lately cry till like want to tear the Hse down prior to sleep. He doesn't want to latch. We need to take awhile to calm him down either by giving pacifier or I carry and rock him before he stop and sleep.
My question is he only cry for awhile.
Is this considered colic or he is just being cranky?
Does colic babies cry consistently for a few hrs during specific time? My 3mo+ boy lately cry till like want to tear the Hse down prior to sleep. He doesn't want to latch. We need to take awhile to calm him down either by giving pacifier or I carry and rock him before he stop and sleep.
My question is he only cry for awhile.
Is this considered colic or he is just being cranky?
Mine also! He was nvr like that last time. But now starting to be cranky n cries loudly.
Have to take me awhile to calm him down then he will fall asleep. Sigh.
My lo is 3.5 months is also like this. But it was only for a few days after tat he was ok. Usually when he is so cranky like this. I will usually feed him milk. And when he is cranky he will definitely fuss when breast feeding. So I will give him bottle instead. After milk will rock him to slp
Does colic babies cry consistently for a few hrs during specific time? My 3mo+ boy lately cry till like want to tear the Hse down prior to sleep. He doesn't want to latch. We need to take awhile to calm him down either by giving pacifier or I carry and rock him before he stop and sleep.
My question is he only cry for awhile.
Is this considered colic or he is just being cranky?

He could be cranky since he only cries for awhile. Babies tend to fuss more during evening/night times. If it's colic, they will usually cry for quite a long time and around the same time everyday. My boy used to do that in his 2nd month- would tear the house down with his crying around 7pm and we had to rock/pat/pacify him for close to a hour before he would fall asleep.
My lo is 3.5 months is also like this. But it was only for a few days after tat he was ok. Usually when he is so cranky like this. I will usually feed him milk. And when he is cranky he will definitely fuss when breast feeding. So I will give him bottle instead. After milk will rock him to slp
Oh you are so right! He fuss and refused to breastfeed. Last time ok one. Looks like Mayb this is a passing phase for all 3mo babies?
Mine also! He was nvr like that last time. But now starting to be cranky n cries loudly.
Have to take me awhile to calm him down then he will fall asleep. Sigh.
We are on the same boat. Sigh. And it makes me upset cos now seems like only the hubby can calm him down and not me or my (..)
My baby's routine and behaviour all haywire for about 2 weeks right after he had his vaccinnation. Eat a third of his usual quantity (or even not interested in eating) & even could not sleep throughout night (which he could from ~1mth plus). Not the "omg is he drinking too much" and "wa, sleep so much" baby we knew at all.

Nxt vaccination in a weeks time... impending haywire again!
Hi mummies ~ would like to ask u all something...

Did u let ya bb take Rotavirus? Coz pd tell me after bb take le, might have diarrhoea.. up till 5 days!! Is it true?

Hub & me still thinking if want let bb take...

TiA for yr opinion / advice.. :)
Hi mummies ~ would like to ask u all something...

Did u let ya bb take Rotavirus? Coz pd tell me after bb take le, might have diarrhoea.. up till 5 days!! Is it true?

Hub & me still thinking if want let bb take...

TiA for yr opinion / advice.. :)
Ermm.. my lo took but ok leh. No diarrhoea. Was also not told about the diarrhoea
Hi mummies ~ would like to ask u all something...

Did u let ya bb take Rotavirus? Coz pd tell me after bb take le, might have diarrhoea.. up till 5 days!! Is it true?

Hub & me still thinking if want let bb take...

TiA for yr opinion / advice.. :)
Mine also took. And no diarrhoea. I think the PD was just pre-empting us. To monitor in case got blood in stool due to excessive diarrhoea.
Yeap. Mine too. No diarehoea. After the vaccine she just had runny stool for one time and thats all.. the next poo back to normal le. Just completed 2nd dosage yesterday together with 5 in 1
Mine too when my baby 3mth plus... now my baby 4mths 10days old..can see my hairline from forehead like little hair
Mine too when my baby 3mth plus... now my baby 4mths 10days old..can see my hairline from forehead like little hair
Me too! Started when baby is 3mths. My hubby say I can receding hairline liAo. Keep seeing so many strands of hair on the floor everyday so bek cek.
May I know where do you all bring your baby to shave hair? My boy coming 4 mths and I plan to shave his hair liAo. Dunno if those neighborhood are skillful


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GP shots will be around 1300 for all. U can use CDA account.

I'll be saving on the 5-in-1 ($288 for 3 shots) & MMR ($72 for 2 shots) & 1 last shot of Hep B if do at the polyclinic. got to pay ard $350+ (can pay by medisave), but much more convenient for us. can just drop by whenever my boy is feeling well & can go at night so no need take leave.

it's terribly hard to get an appt at SK polyclinic & all vaccinations must be done in the morn meaning muz take leave from work.
Hi sorry...

Is there any FB group for Aug 2014 mother in singapore? My edd was sep so i joined the sep mother.. but my girl too eager to see me.. so i ended up being a aug mother now.. hee... if there is pls add me at [email protected]

Hi mommies, lately my lo fidget alot during feeding especially on bottle. He tend to look at his surrounding, he smile and talk baby language. And it always ended in not finishing his bottle of milk and spitting out quite a lot of milk too.

But when come to latching he is alot better. At least he won't fidget tat much. Any mommies experience the same thing?
Hi mommies, lately my lo fidget alot during feeding especially on bottle. He tend to look at his surrounding, he smile and talk baby language. And it always ended in not finishing his bottle of milk and spitting out quite a lot of milk too.

But when come to latching he is alot better. At least he won't fidget tat much. Any mommies experience the same thing?

My Lo is the same. She's not interested in milk and will keep turning her head left and right. Now it has come to a point where she doesn't want to latch on at all coz she will be until to turn her head while drinking milk. Haha big headache for me...

This fidgeting only started a week ago. My Lo turns 4 mths this sat. Hopefully it's just a short phase they go through...
My Lo is the same. She's not interested in milk and will keep turning her head left and right. Now it has come to a point where she doesn't want to latch on at all coz she will be until to turn her head while drinking milk. Haha big headache for me...

This fidgeting only started a week ago. My Lo turns 4 mths this sat. Hopefully it's just a short phase they go through...
Ya man! I do hope it's a short phase too. Now bringing him out is also a big headache. He used to be able to sleep in his pram when he is tired. But not today. He just kept on crying n crying wanting to be carried. Btw, my lo turn 4 months tmr ;)
Thanks! thinking of letting my boy take the shots at GP instead coz he keep falling sick when near to appt date then need to reschedule the appt. already 4+mths but he haven't even taken the first shot yet. sigh.
Hi hi ur boy currently in infant care of nanny take care? But currently if our babies fall sick no medicine right...
Hi hi ur boy currently in infant care of nanny take care? But currently if our babies fall sick no medicine right...

currently in infant care. most likely caught the cold from his infant care or elder bro who is in child care. doc gave nasal drops. can't take any medicine.
