(2014/05) May 2014

Thanks all for concern and advice! Tomorrow will be seeing doc, so will see how it goes... Just a bit sian cos the bleeding/spotting is so unpredictable. Comes and goes and when I think I am fine again, it comes again... Actually my bosses and company are all very nice... They ask me to rest well and not think too much. Currently I am on NPL... But I want to get back to work... Also thinking of the work from home option, hope it is feasible...

Yeah! I am also using the app! It is good!!!

Hello snowy and nin,

Thanks for the concern... Could not manage to get appointment today, so will go tomorrow. Hopefully everything is fine. Doc did not mention placenta previa to me, although I had it in my first pregnancy.

Nin, are you working? I am conflicted cos I am not sure whether I should ask doc for medical leave to rest at home or if I should go back to work. My work place can be quite stressful at times so I am a bit worried...
When I had spotting Dr gave me hospitalization leave and asked me to take bed rest.
Yes yes! Go and download! Its free and easy to use on my iphone. At least the text appears in the phone screen n i dont need to twist n turn or scroll left n right to read. Go download!

Yah i am actually quite upset cos my jan 2013 thread also quite dead cos most moved to facebook. Still prefer to chat in the forum. ;)

Here is the link for iphone- https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/singaporemotherhood-forum/id730083070?mt=8

And the link for android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tapatalk.singaporemotherhoodcomforum
ok ok, thanks for recommendation. I also prefer to chat in forum. I think creature of habit lah.
I don't. But my heartburn is definitely coming back and also start to have reflux. :( Hate this feeling.
Me too, no nausea but if I eat slightly more for dinner or take dinner too late, I will gag when I brush teeth before I go to bed and the vomitting will start...
So quiet today! Everyone enjoying the TGIF? ;)

I do get heartburns every now and then. Sometimes triggered by spicy food too. Are you all feeling more movements nowaday. I get lots of kicks...
Me too, no nausea but if I eat slightly more for dinner or take dinner too late, I will gag when I brush teeth before I go to bed and the vomitting will start...
Sigh I hope this phase doesn't last too long. I had it with my #1 around this time. Old wives tale is that the babies grow hair during this time and hence causing the heartburn.
So quiet today! Everyone enjoying the TGIF? ;)

I do get heartburns every now and then. Sometimes triggered by spicy food too. Are you all feeling more movements nowaday. I get lots of kicks...
Yah I was wondering why so quiet today. No one in here to chat. I've been feeling more tired easily and just want to keep sleeping. After lunch will wanna nap, then night time will sleep earlier as well. Morning always cannot wake up in time to prepare my #1 for school.
Sigh I hope this phase doesn't last too long. I had it with my #1 around this time. Old wives tale is that the babies grow hair during this time and hence causing the heartburn.
Apparently there's some truth to the tale! http://www.livestrong.com/article/504129-pregnancy-indigestion-the-babys-hair/

It didn't occur to me that it's related to the baby hair until u mentioned. I just thought cos baby is growing and there's little space in my abdomen for my stomach to do its regular digestion work...
So quiet today! Everyone enjoying the TGIF? ;)

I do get heartburns every now and then. Sometimes triggered by spicy food too. Are you all feeling more movements nowaday. I get lots of kicks...
Lots of kicks is great! mine kicks/hiccups randomly... i've nicknamed him wriggly cos sometimes i feel him wriggle more than kick... haha
haha previously we were talking abt names rite?
think confirm drop letter N for me le!
likely go for K! alrdy hav name in mine. initial wan J but dun link with the 3 of us in the family. ifi choose K, then we will have
KLMN = 4 of us, initials of our names!
Lots of kicks is great! mine kicks/hiccups randomly... i've nicknamed him wriggly cos sometimes i feel him wriggle more than kick... haha
Oh so yours is a boy too! Welcome to boys club. hehehhe. I haven't quite felt hiccups yet or maybe I never pay close attention. My #1 had hiccups frequently all the way after birth and even up till today!
haha previously we were talking abt names rite?
think confirm drop letter N for me le!
likely go for K! alrdy hav name in mine. initial wan J but dun link with the 3 of us in the family. ifi choose K, then we will have
KLMN = 4 of us, initials of our names!
How's your tummy? Better? How come will kenah food contamination??? I never think so much in our names. Hhahaha. I picked it coz' I liked it.
How's your tummy? Better? How come will kenah food contamination??? I never think so much in our names. Hhahaha. I picked it coz' I liked it.
i had kway chap on tue nite.. think the meicai gt problem. end up LS.
now ok liao. evryday mus tak probiotics for 5 day. stomach pain med doc say tak once wil do. not vry pain dun tak
i had kway chap on tue nite.. think the meicai gt problem. end up LS.
now ok liao. evryday mus tak probiotics for 5 day. stomach pain med doc say tak once wil do. not vry pain dun tak

Arh? can eat kuay chap meh? I have been trying to abstain away from this fav food of mine for as long as i know!!! cos dunno who told me try not to eat animals intenstines.
Arh? can eat kuay chap meh? I have been trying to abstain away from this fav food of mine for as long as i know!!! cos dunno who told me try not to eat animals intenstines.[/quot
haha dun wry i order wout intestines.tink i so daring meh.bt tink the sauce kena abit? stil shuay i also bobian.w nt eat agn
Lots of kicks is great! mine kicks/hiccups randomly... i've nicknamed him wriggly cos sometimes i feel him wriggle more than kick... haha

So cute you call him wriggly! I feel kicks n wriggles n "vibrations" sometimes. Maybe stomping or trashing his legs... Mine is also boy according to detailed scan...
haha previously we were talking abt names rite?
think confirm drop letter N for me le!
likely go for K! alrdy hav name in mine. initial wan J but dun link with the 3 of us in the family. ifi choose K, then we will have
KLMN = 4 of us, initials of our names!

NAMES!!! Mine was quite random... #1 - N, #2 - M... So i guess #3 will be L? Go backwards... Wanted to change my #1 name to M too but she is too into her current N name... Cos if hers n #2 one is M, #3 can choose V (same as hb). L like v little male choice leh... Haiz
I only gained 2 so far. Hhehehe.

I havent weighed myself since gynae visit abt 1-2 wks ago... My #1 i gained total of 13kg, #2 was abt 7kg? This time i not sure how much I will gain. Actually despite my #1 preg gaining more, she was born smaller sized than my #2.

Gotta put more oil on tummy if suddenly put on weight... So far my tummy ok aft 2 - hope it stays that way (prays hard).

Little lamb whats the birth order for this pregnancy? I feel a bit lost now cos jus join in...
I only gained 2 so far. Hhehehe.

I havent weighed myself since gynae visit abt 1-2 wks ago... My #1 i gained total of 13kg, #2 was abt 7kg? This time i not sure how much I will gain. Actually despite my #1 preg gaining more, she was born smaller sized than my #2.

Gotta put more oil on tummy if suddenly put on weight... So far my tummy ok aft 2 - hope it stays that way (prays hard).

Little lamb whats the birth order for this pregnancy? I feel a bit lost now cos jus join in...
I havent weighed myself since gynae visit abt 1-2 wks ago... My #1 i gained total of 13kg, #2 was abt 7kg? This time i not sure how much I will gain. Actually despite my #1 preg gaining more, she was born smaller sized than my #2.

Gotta put more oil on tummy if suddenly put on weight... So far my tummy ok aft 2 - hope it stays that way (prays hard).

Little lamb whats the birth order for this pregnancy? I feel a bit lost now cos jus join in...
I don't know leh coz' no one created a table in here and I also don't know how to create. Paiseh.

Snuggle nest used once $50

My Brest friend pillow used for one week, pillow casing washed and kept in the original plastic holder. $50

Moo moo kow and Charlie's banana cloth diapers x 27 pieces. Washed, most are new. Only used a few pieces for one time. $400 for all 27 pieces.

Email me at [email protected]
Nick: magdal
Birth order: #1
Gyane: Dr Heng tung lan
Gender: girl (detail scan this week to confirm)

Thanks snowy mum
Nick | Birth Order | EDD | Gynae | Gender
\ little lamb
| 2
| 3-May-14
| Dr Lee I Wuen
| Boy
\ rainbowzstarz | 2 | 7-May-14 | Dr Henry Cheng | Boy
\ snowymum | 3 | 9-May-14 | Dr Paul Tseng | Boy
\ autumnleaf | 3 | 15-May-14 | Dr Lawrence Ang | Boy
\ cookiefleur | 2 | 18-May-14 | Dr Caroline Khi | Girl
\ magdal | 1 | 22-May-14 | Dr Heng Tung Lan | Girl (TBC)
\ potato chips | 1 | 23-May-14 | Dr Adrain Woodworth | Boy
\ Babe Me | 1 | 21-Jun-14 | Dr Phua Soo Mear | Unknown
Hi gals I have uploaded it on SMH. Apparently the table displays prettily on the web and looks like the "raw code" on the iphone... :(

We have a pretty good mix of mummies here - first timers, second and third timers too! ;)


  • ImageUploadedByForum1389577989.035509.jpg
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Hi gals I have uploaded it on SMH. Apparently the table displays prettily on the web and looks like the "raw code" on the iphone... :(

We have a pretty good mix of mummies here - first timers, second and third timers too! ;)
Thank you!!! Very nice table! Thanks for all the efforts. Seems like more boys hor.
