(2014/02) February 2014

haha. yeah jy jy! lets all jia you together!

actually i was thinking we can put our workplaces also.. maybe can meet up for lunches and chit chat? heee.. anyone think is a good idea??

Thanks luvbaby pls add me!
I tink ur gynae n mine under same 'clinic'. May c u there hee..

Iselle, west coast, dr tc Chang, tmc or mt A, 21st feb, #2

Hv not seen mummymode. How's ur scan ytd? Mine retro placenta blood still there so hv to continue eating progesterone. Thankfully bb growing as per normal. Phew.

Aft taking progesterone at 8pm I ko till 2am n wake up for a few hrs then can zzz. Sigh.
Mummies, I have not been having a good night sleep for more than 15 months already. Forgetting what is the feeling of sleep through the night. Sob sob...
My 15 months old still wakes up couples of times at night, I think soon I will be trained not to sleep at night when my #2 is out. Argh...
SMH Nick: sentosaubin
Stay Where: telok blangah
Gynea: Dr Kang Wee
Hospital of Delivery: Mt Alvernia
EDD: 17Feb 2014
Baby #1
i havent been slping well the past week.
keep having bad random dreams which i dont even remb what was it abt when i woke up.
luvbabymarket, thank u so much for arranging the table according to our EDD.

Erm..can i opt to have real names in the table? no names i won't know who is who here and in facebook >.< but michelle, if its too troublesome for u then dont bother already k

and of cos, ladies who r uncomfortable can don't reveal
i am ok with real name coz i using my real name alr! =x

vee: yeah i also have random dreams but i can rem them one. dont know how come the dreams so real.. so scary actually =x
ooo two mummies are due almost the same time as me and delivering at Mt A too!

blushblush and Jemalene: maybe we can visit each other at the hospital. LoL
hi all mtbs, have been a silent reader of this thread since i found out of my pregnancy. Am feeling all the strong support in this community! my edd is 02 Feb and is happy to meet all of you here!

Haha... hi-five!
Let's join jiajia and kaikai. We are of the same family soon. lol...

Vee, Xiao Ling,
I think you both are too stress up? Try to be relax ya. Go ahead to relax your nights with HB, treassure the couple time now. You will miss it when bb is out. haha...
lol crysstal, ya if u gals deliver abt same day can meet in the hospital. I remember during #1 time, one of the mommy fr same forum deliver same day n same hospital with me and just nice opp ward. Cos i deliver natural so i can get off bed faster(she is c-sect), so i walk over to visit her n her newborn.
but hor...my #1 came out about 1 weeks+ early. so i think this one might be early too. i m just keeping my fingers crossed tt it doesnt happen on the first 2 days of CNY cos tts where we have our big family gatherings n celebrations.
Crysstall, it'll be so fun to visit one another. I think those of us who are giving birth in mid feb are keeping our fingers crossed our bbs won't come out early to 'pai nian' during first few days of cny. Anyway I can't imagine myself making the usual cny visits when I'm as big as a fridge.lol. Worse is having labour cramps at relative's home! Call my gynae to deliver also so paiseh cos he's also in the midst of celebration.
blushblush: ya lor!!! i think this yr CNY visiting i m gonna be waddling ard like a penguin man. somemore it is just a couple of days before we are due!

gonna be a major headache deciding what to buy n wear for CNY also.

1st three days of CNY next yr is fri, sat, sun. hopefully baby is willing to come out only after tt. let me fully enjoy my cny first. hahahaha
Crystal/blushblush/jemalene, <<wave>>

I'm thinking of mt A or TMC also. I'm edd mid feb too. Can visit each other to see our bb after we give birth

I guess I dunno if I can fit into nice nice clothes during CNY too ==" hope I dun look like a big fat penguin auntie during CNY. Must be more hardworking in my appearance :p
me!!!!! cooked my own ba kut teh today!!! made sure it was peppery and salty to suit my current taste buds. LOLOLOLOL
i cooked my own kimchi ramen too. yumz. Too lazy to go out to get lunch. haha. Perhaps eat again after picking gal from school.

Talking abt visiting each other in hosp, trust me u wont have the strength. I had SMHF mummy who delivered same day as me but we did not visit each other. if we had time we would rather sleep. The breastfeeding and the visitors would already make u soooo bz. This timed i told hubby i wont announce the birth till i get home. haha. im gonna enjoy my gleneagles resort.
ME too! I start to eat like a hungry ghost these days again... sob... guess must control myself now! Sob... I dun want to be a big fat penguine walking around ppl house during CNY... sob...
i realise my tastebuds change alot during this pregnancy.

before this i dont really like to drink soup but even since i got preg, i will look for hot soupy stuff. even when my mum boils soup for dinner, i will down 2 to 3 helpings.

on the bright side, i cant keep alot of food down due to my MS so the soup helps to give me the nutrition i need. my gynae v funny. when i told him abt my MS, he told me "very good. now is the time to lose weight". LOL
Actually I dun wanna bai nian at all.. Can't imagine what to wear.. Just wanna skip it totally. Maybe it would be best if baby can come earlier hahaha..

It's damn stressful to rush to 2 different places for dinner on the cny eve even when one isn't pregnant. I can't imagine next year.
Jan, i think u and me same
i dont dare think too. so no plans for cny as well.

its either i alr start confinement or just waiting for the "pain" to come.. haha
Vee, u know what they say? Eating big meals can induce labor..haha.. I know a lot of pple who had big dinner fr like weddings n during the night start to have contractions. By the way, u r working right? I am wondering how to plan the maternity leave around their period also.
oh dear, Eunice. update us. hope all is well.

Jan, then i hope baby wait till im done with reunion dinner then pop! Haha. Yes im working. Havent thought of leave. Usually company close a week for CNY starting from the day before eve. so if no sign of baby coming, maybe i can start clocking the leave when they resume work?
Thanks Vee &amp; Beeksie.
Everything is ok, gynae says the pain might b due to the womb stretching. As for the green discharge no itch or smell is fine :)
Hi Is-elle

Im back! On 2 days mc after seeing doc yesterday. As usual not well after taking the jab... Zonked out. Think I've never been sleeping so much in my entire life! But no choice, nothing much I can do now except bed rest. Having bad headaches, dizzy n vomiting all the time.. Last 2 weeks ms has been getting worse...

But baby is fine n doin well. I did tummy scan yesterday. Prefer the tummy scan as compared to the vaginal scan thou doc says at this stage may not be that clear.. can see the head, lil hands n feet! Size is 35.5mm which doc says normal for a 10 week plus.

Good to hear ur baby is well!! I aso have to keep on taking progrstrone. 2 more weeks! Hang in there!
hello mtbs.. anyone experience LS before?

currently i have some LS.. like give a small fart and ended up stained my panties.. feel so paiseh..
yup, hang in there Mummymode!

Eunice, good to hear all is well. Take care.

Xiaoling, i never experience that. cant advise. sorry.
Hee hi5 Eunice!!

Anyone knows if it's ok to eat salted egg sorting? I've craving for that but quite worried... Seems like some pple don't encourage expectant mothers to eat salted eggs
Vee: I was reading it seems that maternity leave will kick in from the day you give birth and it is in a block (irregardless of public holiday etc.). Alternatively one choose to start the maternity leave earlier before the due date up to a month? I was thinking if i wanna go on leave earlier before cny...will lose the CNY public holiday if it's maternity leave. Oops!

Anyone with experience on this?
Jan, u not the only one. I also planning to take a break from cny. I tink we just apply from chu San or chu si onwards, then not so lugi. They go by 16 weeks. Our 12 wks seem so long but ML 16 wks just flies. Hahaha

Eunice, beta sleep early &amp; drink more water tml. Yest I also spot. So quickly sleep earlier last nite &amp; drink more water today so recover this noon. Hope it works for u too.
