(2014/02) February 2014

Jan, I guess I will take 1wk after CNY. Ya I guess after the arrival of our bb our time will nvr be enuff. The 16wk will fly like lightning. Looking fwd to our 1st 16 wk thou den can see bb gender & start shopping

Mummymode happy to hear bb is fine
my gynae Oso gave me 2days mc cos I told me I total ko after progesterone.

Eunice take care n stay lying on bed.

Envy u mummies with cravings. I hope mine come soon!

If mom rules hasnt change since i last took, maternity leave 1st 2mths has to be taken in blocks then the rest can split. Wat I did was I took 2wks b4 edd n the 2mths ended on Xmas eve. Then I return work for abt a wk till ny eve. then start rest of ml on 2nd jan. so I dun lugi Xmas n ny holiday.

If th holiday falls within the min 2mths then for sure hv to lugi the holidays. So better to take aft cny hols. But I tink vee n jan edd too early for tis arrangement.
Eunice, think you need bed rest. It is important.

Iselle, I envious no craving. The food I crave don't give me a "high" happy feeling, they just give me a this is the basic need I have feeling. And I just have no appetite in general. Sob. Everything tastes horrible.

Jyjy, I also crave bee hoon. Eat it almost everyday as my power breakfast.

I have been taking duphaston and didn't realize it could be causing so much side effects. I'm taking it 3x a day.

Sigh, my 2yo son just came back from cc with diaper rash today. Heartache.
Iselle: was wondering if I can use my AL instead before maternity leave...n start the maternity after CNY... Hmmm is that allowed? I usu take leave b4 CNY yearly n I'm thinking how to make the maternity leave last longer ><
Jan, think that's allowed bah, it's AL leh... Need others to confirm.

Actually I'm hoping to work to delivery leh. Did that for #1. Then can conserve more leave for after delivery.
Jan, i guess u gona discuss with ur boss about ur planned leaves. I need to clear 5 days before next yr march. Delivery will happen in feb and I may not be in time to do so if I happen to deliver earlier. Given my boss character, if I dont clear my leaves before maternity, these leaves are considered forfeited.
Actually i want to avoid lugi PH but seems unavoidable to lugi may PH as our edd is feb. Leave is very precious to mummy esp we need to wake up for nite feed, bonding with bb, etc. however, some employer r juz too concerned with making profit. My co also forfeit AL if unconsumed by year end. Kudos to those #2 mummies esp u hv to care for #1 &amp; #2 at the same time. We jiayou tgtr

CheeryZ: maybe can consider taking your AL ard CNY period.

jy: I know someone who took a day every week...but that one subject to company's policy and your supervisor's approval. haha...I am also wondering how to avoid losing PH.
Happy Friday!

Jyjy, yah I think can be done. It's only first 8 weeks that have to be block. Some employers even prefer staff take only that 8 weeks in block then stagger the remaining 8 weeks take a bit here and there. Lugi a bit of PH can't be helped one but can always try to minimize the lugi.
Jan, actually I am planning to take 5 days before my EDD. But afraid that I will deliver earlier or even later. Then I will lose all my leaves or rather waste them. *Headache*

I am quite sure that my boss wouldnt allow me to clear my AL follow by ML coz I will go on very long leaves. Still... will have to discuss with her nearer to date.
Hihi all Feb MTB, let's plan our ML later... haha... too early to think too much now. Let's just think how to well spend our weekends first! :p
good morning mtbs,

i was just wondering abt my CL's charges. she asked for $3500 and we have already agreed thinking that it's only fair and reasonable since she will be missing out on reunion dinner and the first few impt days of cny with her family. (that is based on if my baby pops earlier than EDD)

But what if my baby comes on exact or after EDD?
let's say my little one decides to see the world on CNY day 2, by the time we go home, it would be CNY day 5. CL already celebrated her CNY right?

Omg, pls dont mind me. i'm feeling imbalance now. Haha :x
Vee, your edd is really tricky. haha... But give a take ba. Sometime I find to hire a CL too expensive. I am still thinking if I should hire one this time round or not. Or should I just hire a helper instead? Good CL sometime hard to find too.
yah. hubby also ask me to forget it. just hoping she's a good one.

but but but u know u know. parting with the money. *ouch* haha
i nv thought of it before this.
we met her over the weekend, pass her deposit.
THEN last night during dinner the thought suddenly came -__-
Vee, Once paid, dont think too much....

I still cant decide if I should hire a CL coz I dont like people to use my kitchen. I clean my kitchen after each cook. Understand that some CLs do not do that and at the end of the confinement, I will have more headache.
all of u going for CL?

i was just thinking of getting confinement catering to settle the food part. my MIL will be staying with me for a mth or two to help me to look after my #1. i have a PT cleaner coming in to help me with cleaning the hse.

i wonder if tt is enough.
Haiz my Pinoy buddy can't stand my mgr &amp; has tendered. Hopefully she will get a replacement for his work if not i will also hv to pack up as I'm really tired of OT. If I do alone all the work guess I will collapse. Now my Pinoy buddy alrdy ORD mode liao MIA for more than 1hour for dunno y. =(
i also wont be engaging CL. my mother will come by my house and cook for me ba.. anyone have recommendations for PT helper? how much do they charge??
my MIL can also cook but i dont wish to burden her too much with cooking cos she not v well versed in confinement food so thinking of ordering confinement catering.

as for #1, i have been looking after him all along, dont feel good sending him to full day CC. maybe will send him for half day though. tt one see how first.

actually hsework wise my MIL will confirm mop the floor everyday. but i will still get my PT cleaner to come in once a week to give all the toilets a good scrubbing bah.

i used cloth diapers for #1 but this one i think no time to wash so many things so will play cheat n use disposable.

hoping i can cope. with #1, i had a full time helper to do hsework n help my mum to clean up after she cook and already my mum is very tired cos she also wakes up at night to help with night feeds. now with 1 more kid in the hse...ARGH
crysstall > me too. thinking of confinement catering so that my mum will not be so tired as she will be helping me with confinement. I heard good reviews on richfood catering.
I won't be engaging CL too. Hopefully my mum would still be staying with me and I'll be engaging a full time helper. I'll be catering confinement food too cos my mum doesn't know how to prepare many confinement food.

Now I've another worry is that I'm getting my keys to my new place at the end of year. I would like to move but it's a hassle packing with my big tummy and overseeing reno. If it's too near EDD my mum suggests to move after confinement. However i want to start new year in new home and also moving with a baby in arms is not easy too. What if i accidentally packed my bb in a carton! lol... Anyway in a dilemma.
Jy - on the bright side ur mgr shd be confirming u as long as u do the same share of work. Juz be firm n dun let her load u. She Oso afraid she too harsh on u u will leave too n she has to do all by herself n train new staff again.

Wow crystal u actually managed to persevere with cloth diaper. I tried n it was too messy n tiring so I gave up.

Tis thread seems lotsa support from mil n own mums. I only hv a maid taking care of 1 so I will get a cl. I was on my own for mth2 n nearly went crazy. Maybe I'm such a pig n lack of sleep makes me irritable n depressed. So I know for sure will need a cl.

Vee happy tat u found a cl. Somex I heard the cl they wanted r booked. But maybe they book too late. Ill start searching aft 12th wk. u can call n discuss with cl if she din miss reunion dinner how much will she charge. But maybe ask her next mth? Cos u juz paid ma. ask so fast makes u seems fickle minded. Then pretend u suddenly tot of it.
How much is confinement catering? Not cheap right?

I booked my CL the very next day after I confirmed my pregnancy. Feel no need to wait to book. But her charges have increased a lot. Sobs. From $2k 2 years ago to $2.5k today.

Jyjy, oh dear your colleague quit? Hope you can cope. Can't work too hard now.

Crysstall, u can start sending him for parent accompanied playgroups to let him get used to structured lessons and group settings, then transit to half day then full day. That's what I did.

Heatherwhite, somehow I feel a helper will be helpful but may not have the skillset and experience to look after newborn so can't expect too much. Heng suay.

Cheeryz, the kitchen sure oily one. Everyday cook the CL will just do a superficial clean. After she left, my hubby and I had to degrease the whole kitchen especially the stove cos we have zero tolerance for grease in kitchen. We don't cook mah.

Xiaoling, part time helpers now charge about $15/hour. Min 4 hours usually.

Vee, think no choice about the rate cos of your timing. Most ppl deliver i know before EDD.
pearl: i heard chilli padi is good. anyway we can pay a small sum to have a trial meal from the different caterers before deciding.

is-elle: save alot of money using cloth diapers at home and only using disposables when we go out. the pack of diaper tt the hospital gave us when #1 was born lasted for months. LOLOL

beeks: see how first la. i told hubby if DS go school, dunno who will b more upset...him or me. and he agreed with me. haha

as for confinement catering...yes not cheap. over $1k for 1 month of lunch n dinner. but the portion is usually very huge, enough for 2 people so some cut cost by ordering only lunch then put the rest aside and heat up again for dinner. but save alot of time and everyday there will be soup, vege, meat and i think most will also have longan red date tea.
Blush blush, my friend moved into her new house immediately after delivery straight from hospital to new house her husband handled the move and unpacking. Quite crazy hor. Then another colleague moved house during pregnancy. Think depends if you are superstitious and what works for you. it's not easy to tackle so many changes at one time but sometimes no choice.

Mummies to be, what are your intended baby sleep arrangements? My #1 was trained to sleep alone from birth and that worked well. Now with #2 but I only have 2 bedrooms so I'm in a bit of fix.
Luvbabymarket, Beeks. We are not pantang. My sis moved too during her 2nd preggie. It's the packing/unpacking I'm worried. I also want to have the full month celebration at new place. I guess when I'm big, I've more excuses to get my hub to help with the packing/unpacking rather than wait til bb is born, I think most prob he would just say wait til bb sleeping than I do. Hiaz... men can just siam doing chores.

I saw that catering for confinement food is about $1.7k lunch &amp; dinner. Am thinking maybe try 2 caterers for 2weeks each so that I won't be stuck with one that tastes horrible.
Blush blush, if it were me, I'd say move before delivery. That's when there's more time before baby comes along. But u must be relaxed la. Leave all to your hubby. Normally can get keys earlier than scheduled date. maybe u can start talking to ID or contractor based on floor plan already. If u have little to do, even faster to move inane all will be settled and done up before delivery.
at first i also consider confinement tingkat and perhaps hire a helper. and then my mom start nagging abt who's gonna look abt baby, who's gonna bath the lil one. who's gonna this and that.

to save the headache and naggings, we decided on CL.
Breeks, How did you train your #1 to sleep alone from birth? Mine sleep with me still But in his own cot. Thinking of transiting him to his own room soon. But now headache when Cl comes, what should the sleeping arrangements be like For that period of time
Beeks, u r right. Can start looking around for furniture and designs first.

Vee, u mean u would be leaving the bb totally in the care of the cl such as bathing, feeding etc to her? I assume that I would still be doing most of the stuff so there's no need to have a CL. Just good enough to have my mum around to keep a lookout or for advise and then there's a helper for household chores too. Actually my parents are not for engaging a CL cos they've heard horror stories of incompetent CLs so with this they are more willing to stick around to avoid me having to engage a CL.
Is-Elle &amp; beeks, thanks for yr care

I will take it positive &amp; let nature take course. If its too much workload i will juz move on &amp; find a temp job. Perhaps she will think similar like is-Elle cos training 2 new staff at 1go is not easy &amp; she will most likely throw the training new join task to me. The old saying 船到桥头自然直

idk how is the arrangement gonna be like right now.
i only know the washing, cleaning, bathing (anything to do with water) will be done by the aunty. Feeding i'm sure i can. initially i also thought i can do the babysitting myself. but i get strong objections from the folks. i would like to think that they too sayang me la! lolx

my in laws offered to help do marketing. that's all. both sides of parents run their own businesses. they have no time and no confidence to do confinement for me or any of their daughters or dil.
quoted from luvbabymarket "Actually, you will be surprise at how much you can handle if you want to."

i believe in that =))
yeah I'm not hiring CL...too ex. Probably my mum will help with most of the things (though I think i wanna eat CNY goodies..haha) and maybe mil will pop by fr time to time (though prob can't help much coz she got no experience with this..more like see see..haha and somehow i'm too paiseh with her)

Beeks: I also wanna train baby to sleep on his/her own coz I think it's easier in future. Any advice on this?
Hi is-elle &amp; beeks, on a 2nd thought, she might not intend to get the replacement in tat soon cos during lunch today she mention her ex co OT is like 10pm daily &amp; sometimes even up to 1am. How can she compare her managerial role with mine? Guess its really hard to figure out her mind. Anyhow I also hint to her work life bal is very impt. If she dun get it, den she can work till 10pm-1am herself. My bb is more impt
Blush blush, Vee, actually my CL did EVERYTHING for the baby. Mummy just rest and breastfeed. That's all. I felt a bit guilty initially for not being more hands on but this time think I'll be more chill and really rest and build health while I can during confinement cos once CL gone, I have more than enough chance to hands on and bond with baby.

Lefaithful, we started out by having a normal routine (dim lights, change diaper, pajamas, feed milk) to put him in his playpen. Initially he would cry, we would wait a while then go in comfort him, then put him down again, continue a few times and drag the waiting time each time. Started this at 2+ months. Every night his crying becomes shorter and finally within a week, he doesn't cry. Need patience in this training. Now at 2yo, he once in blue moon will try his luck and cry, we don't give in then he realize cry no use then guai guai sleep.

Jyjy, I also have same mindset as you. Starting new job on Mon dunno how things will be like in new workplace. If things don't work out then at worst bye bye lor. But temp job feel not easy to find leh. I may have to eat grass for a year. I think your case your boss won't dare scare you away. No benefit to her.

Luvbabymarket, wah you v powerful v hands on. Was yours natural birth? Think if it's csection a bit tough to do all on own.
beeks> Can share with me how to train babies to sleep alone from birth ? My #1 still co sleeps with me even now she is 17 months
Beeks, my thoughts Are similar to yours abt confinement. Sound like you using a bit of Ferber method For sleep training. I think after #2 born, #1 we will start putting in own room like start training him now. Then #2 next time sleep with us
hihi morning mtbs.

Feeling very terrible, no appetite nv finish my ban man feel so bloated and feel to puke.

For confinement will ask my mum to help out. By the time i give birth, #1 will be in full day CC so my mum can help me to cook and bath bb.
For those either MIL or mum helping out, how much ang bao will u give for appreciation?
Lefaithful, yah it's Ferber method. I don't like calling it cry it out cos feel it has negative connotation.

Pearl, can check out the Ferber method. I also got a baby monitor to see and hear him cos he is in separate room. I have no experience with transferring toddler to separate room though.
Lefaithful, I'm thinking the other way round heh. #2 in separate room and #1 in our room. Think #1 sleeping should be less disruptive compared to #2, don't disturb my hubby.

Beeks, she dunno yet. Shd be end aug if all goes well. It's very sianz lo cos I left my prev job after 4yrs as my exboss dun like staff to take ML. I wasn't aware tat I'm preg when I interview tis job den I accept tis job thou the offer is lower den my prev cos she nvr mention she mind preg staff during interview. Now she is like very neg abt ML. She is menopause age hv kids but very self centered n lazy. When I join initially she even dump me docs to scan n email her when she can scan herself. Very lazy &amp; enjoy gossiping with colleagues tats y my Pinoy buddy can't stand n resign cos always kenna scold n push responsibility.
If things dun goes well n I can't find temp job den I will also eat grass at home. Thankfully DH is ok but I will try to work cos expenses so high nowadays
