(2014/02) February 2014

thanks jy jy. the spotting is not frequent. so i will monitor first also coz yday i just saw the gynae. he also mentioned no heavy activities and no intercourse for the moment =x
haha.. my whole back just ache and i really wan to do massage.. anyone know when can we start doing massage such as foot reflex?

yeah luvbabymarket.. i know.. i think for the jamu massage also have to wait till 6-8 mths den can do.. arghhhh.. is driving me crazy.. like sleep how much also so tiring and aching
I am having a bit of greenish discharge, called the clinic on Sat and the gynae asst told me as long no itch or smell its fine. Izzt true?
Thanks sunshinebb for sharing
my mum also agst epidural due to side effect. I wan to try n be brave natural wo epi too.

Hi xiao ling I heard facial, sauna, hot tub & massage is no no wor. Try putting a cushion to support yr back I feel beta after using for 1wk was torture by backache earlier on too.
hmmm. jy jy, i think facial as long as no machine should be ok ba? ehhh. but my colleagues dont know abt my pregnancy yet. only my boss. hmm coz havent 3 mths also. so let's see ba.
Anyway, I kinda told my boss today that I'm pregnant...he was quite funny about it because at the start of the meeting he asked me if I was worried about something. -- I was more like trying to suppress my coughs because I am still sick. He seems ok and told me it's going to be life changing experience in a good way.

I'm going to see the doc tonight. Should be going to the 12th week now. Hopefully all is good. *a bit nervous*
Hi jan, gd to hear tat. Hopefully when I tell my mgr tat time will be same outcome. Wow u reach 12wk today congrats
can announce yr pregnancy Liao
Dear Mummies and MTBs,

My EDD is end Feb 2014. I'm 8wk now. It's my second pregnancy and my first trimester is worse than previous. This time, I constantly feel faint, weak and gassy. I even fainted in public few weeks ago. Very scary. I feel good to share and learn from other MTBs' experience. I find many things in common, including the worries of spotting, duphaston effects, expensive gynae bills, how it affects our work, the MS etc.

Hope we will all pull through these positively together!

Rtan ms can be 24hrs. No worries abt it. I've a fren only puke at night. Bb v cute n healthy.

Welcome beeks. Wow u better dun go anywhere alone in case dizzy spells hits again.

Jan will u be the earliest among us then? Congrats on crossing the 1st tri mark. Ur ms misery is ending!! How I long for it...

Mummymode we both hv scan tmr. Hope. Oth hv gd news to share!
No la.. Not yet 12 weeks but past the 11 weeks. The EDD predicted to be 2 Feb. I'm lucky enough not to have much MS (just need to munch crackers to stop the queasiness). Just plagued with constant headaches, bloatedness and horrible constipation - which doc said unlikely to go away

The scan went well (can see the baby doing somersaults) though I haven't decided if I wanna do the Oscar test (is that e right name?). Doc explained a bit and asked me to think about it.. He said it can be done only 11th-13th weeks. Most prob won't go for it after his explanations. What do the rest of you think?
Jan, yr bb so cute like an athletic. Me too no ms but tired bloatness, occasional headache/backache, sometimes emo. Poopoo still ok thou not everyday go loo. I eat lots of veg & 2servings of fruits daily. I think Oscar is opt if we r below a certain age rite. If not necessary i wun go for it too. Save $ to buy bb stuff. My weirdo mgr ask me abt bb plans again tis 2days so strange nvr ask during interview but now since so concerned. Was a little worried tat she sensed I'm preg cos I still hv to hide for mths. Hopefully she's like yr boss take it positively.

All working mtb, its mid week le. We survive the Monday blues. Heehee. Jiayou & look fwd to sat so we can sleep like a pig :p
Oh ya, those mtbs who are having bad side effects from progesterone. Can try to use vaginal route but beta consult yr gynae b4 doing so cos I read the small paper in my utrogesterone box it says to minimize the drowsiness u can try vaginal route & there is instructions on how to insert. It's also recommended to take during nite or bedtime. I take 2 during bedtime as instructed by my gynae. Hope this helps
Hi jyjy,
I think yr boss knows u r preggy. Female rite? Sure more sensitive! Y not tk the chance to tell her? My boss is v nice he was second to know after my husband. Must quickly tell him so I can b exempted from a lot of things! Hehe.

As for oscars yeah I didn't do for no1 cos I was less than 30 then n I thought its against my religion to abort so no point knowing. This round haven discuss w my hubby. But actually from normal US the dr can also agar agar measure neck thickness to assess e risk of Down syndrome as down babies have v thick necks. Well if we know earlier we can also prepare ourselves better if bb has special needs. Detailed scan is a must though.

Omg woke up feeling nose expanded. Grrrrr
Jan, Dunno wor. But still dun dare tell her now. think I tell her in early sep since I should be confirm in end aug. hard to reduce my workload cos my dept only 1pinoy, me & my mgr. Pinoy is not experience & very careless so my mgr dump his work to me. However, juz hope she will take it positively when I tell her den.
good mornings mtbs...

finally have time to sit down and have my hearty mac filet o fish brekkie to start the long mid week.. arghh..

i will be taking the oscar scan at kkh as it will be cheaper.. just in case i guess..
hi morning all mtbs,

my dept coll knew about my preganancy, cos some heard my puking sound in the toilet and my previous 3days MC so I have to let my boss know.

Oscar - i remember i took in KKH is abt $321. they will take blood test and schedule for a scan by the sonographer and will combine both result to give a ratio of possibilites of Down Syndorme.

Your Mgr is kind of sensitive, how you reply her when she asked if you got any planning for BB?
I think you better let her have some positive preparation before you break your news to her. I also wonder how my boss will react if I tell him I am pregnant again. But these are out of our control on how other ppl will react to our news. Just hope we will have a smooth smooth months aheads.

As for Oscar, I done mine when I have my girl. It is actually a risk assessment, telling you how high or low of the risk of getting down syndrome baby. I didn't know we can opt out for the test tho. I guess I will be doing this time too.

I do find myself ulgier after preggie this time round. Don't know if I am just too sensitive or what. Sign... I hope not!!!!
Jan, my EDD 1st FEB. We are crossing over to the next trimester soon.

When i first asked my gynae abt Oscar. He asked me "why do u want to know?" and
"what would you do if the results aren't what u want?"

i couldn't ans him. i just said cos i heard abt it and didn't know if its optional or advisable to do it. that's when he explained the test, how it is done and why some ppl opt out. he asked if i will.
and maybe because the talk/consultant was early ((week 6th no feeling with the bb yet), i bluntly said "yes" -_-
now, i probably won't la. nonetheless i hope for good results.
Jac, heatherwhite
i got lazier since pregnant.
every morning stress what to wear. (nth fits anymore!) and most days, no mood to make up :x

Don't think too much on the oscar test. Just a risk assessments, but I like your gynea, feeling he/she is a pro-natural doctor. You are in good hand!

Yeah, I think becos this is my #2, I think my tummy fat show out fast! My HB commented you looks pregnant now!!! I was like 'Wat?!'... Haiz... so sad... I hope I control my weight gain this time round. Previously was 13kg, having serious water retention at late pregnancy. So uncomfortable.
heather...yes i also think so #2 tummy show very fast. now i shld be 8wk+ and i got 2x in train ppl offering me seat. even my mum also say she can c my tummy.
joining the conversation.. my wife has finished 11 week... still exp MS... I read the earlier archive, that uterogestron could make MS worse? dizziness?
Agree with tummy showing fast for no 2. I am only close to 8 weeks but tummy even bigger than 14 weeks during my no 1. Think this is due to the loose skin that we already have after delivering no 1. No choice! : (
Yes Heather, i like my gynae too! haha
my tummy also out and its my #1.
think i ate too much and is just plump. hee
Hi heather white, I juz tell her let nature take course lo not very aggressive but mb next yr cos scared affect my confirmation. I work OT everyday foc juz hope she will cfm me cos I guess not many ppl likes their new join to be preg so soon. But I hope I will get cfm cos at least hv basic benefit &amp; dun hv to go thru anymore interviews again. Just hope all goes well. Dunno if I got tummy now but all my clothes still fit &amp; I've lose 2kg prior to preg. But my DH comment my buttock is rounder now. <<blush>>
Sunshine, good to know that people is giving up seats to you. There are still many people out there who took up the reserved seats on the trains and act as if they didnt see those that need the seats. This is quite disheartening when you see an elderly is trying to balance himself on the train and yet the person sitting down at the reserved seat is playing games or surfing net.
Steph, i know right! esp those who sit n watch their shows or busy playing candy crush. i feel like crushing them instead! *angry*

i think i mention before earlier, somewhere. that nowadays, the staff at the station actually escort pregnant ladies into the trains and make sure they get a seat. i think i will approach their help when i'm too heavy n clumpsy. haha
Vee, it's a good idea but it will be quite difficult to make this happen during peak hours as the train will be very very packed.
LOL... What a comment from HB... But I think he is trying to joke with you lar...

All the mtb,
Let's try our best to be as pretty as before ok? Eat well but not in excess... Don't gain too much weight so that it is earsier to return to our prepregnancy weight after birth. I was eating like a 7th month hungry ghost during my last pregnancy. LOL... I hope I can control myself this time. Jia You!
Jy: I think sometimes need to wait for the right time to tell. Just see how it goes. I didn't expect myself to inform him yesterday but the opportunity was there so I just bit the bullet. Also looking forward to the weekend so that I can Zzz more.

Jacquise: actually I think my boss kinda detect something even he's male..just that he wasn't sure what it could be about...haha...he asked me if I was anxious about something when I was meeting him about something else. >< I am starting to wonder if my face is an open book.

Okie back to Oscar. Based on what I understood from the dr, it is optional and a test based on probability. Generally people 35 and above considered high risk. In any case, accuracy is about 95% and there are scenarios of false positives or negatives. The way to confirm is by invasive procedures like amniocentesis (which sounds quite scary I must say) which comes with a miscarriage risk. If you are considered high risk, dr will ask you if you want to do amnio to confirm. But if you are not prepared to do amnio, then why do Oscar in the first place? The latter is pretty much a probability test.

This visit was definitely more interesting than the first because can really see a lot of movement - quite an eye opener. The first visit at 7 weeks really dun see very much...
Vee: Our EDD really close...and smack right into CNY! dunno what to hope for the actual date... And things willl improve after first trimester so yeah..the mood to dress up / make up will come back. Could be bloatedness lor if nothing fits.
mtbs, what is the name for batan fish in english? been eating alot of fish soup laterly...hahaha just want to make sure this fish is safe to eat which is low in mercury
Heather white, he's juz trying to make fun of me cos somedays when I'm tired I will make him help out the housework.
Jan, I'm just going to 顺其自然 cos I try my best to work to meet her expectation &amp; I didn't join preg. It is juz a pleasant surprise gift from god so if she dun wan me I will juz find a temp job lo. Juz hope my bb bless me to pass all these obstacle smoothly

Hi sunshinebb dunno batang fish English name but mb u can try to check at Ntuc. I know tuna n Saba mercury is high dun eat more den twice a wk is ok
yay! Luvbabymarket :*
shall we give u the details then?

sunshine, i asked my mom and she said "mackerel lor"
but i cannot guarantee she's right.
SMH Nick : Vee
Name: Vee
Age: 27
Stay Where: Yishun
Gynea: Dr TB Lim
Hospital of Delivery: MT E
EDD: 1st Feb
No. of Kids: #1

SMH Nick: XiAo LiNg
Name: Xiao Ling
Age: 29
Stay Where: Tampines
Gynea: either KKH(subsidised)/Dr Phua Soo Mear
Hospital of Delivery : TBC
EDD : 26 Feb 2014
No. of Kids: #1
Wah... Xian Ling and Vee, You all are so young! Sob...

BTW, Luvbabymarket, here is my info.

SMH Nick: HeatherWhite
Name: Huiyi
Age: 32 (suppose to be secret... Sob...)
Stay Where: CCK
Gynea: Dr. Yvonne Chan
Hospital of Delivery: TMC
EDD: 2nd March (But sure will be earlier cos c-sec)
No. of Kids: 1
Young but married for 3yrs already. still don't pop a baby, my ears no peace!

Come to think of it, i might just end up being a Jan mtb instead. but nvm, i enjoyed myself here =))))))

Hehe... Vee, you are still very young lor! I ROM at age of 26, customary at 28, but only pop at age 31. lol... My ears also no peace after customary. haha...
