(2014/02) February 2014

Hi jan, take more water & fruits ba. It might help yr poopoo prob too. Go visit yr mum often for 爱心汤. Ya yr DH not in SG quite tough which I understand cos my DH work long hrs so most of the time i hv to rely on myself too. I've to work OT everyday due to the workload & co culture which I dun really like but dun hv much of a choice. But I try my best to not work too late. It's sian cos during interview my mgr din mention OT is a daily affair but guess I juz hv to hang on for bb milk powder $ ba. Moreover no VB or OT pay still hv to do OT everyday

hi all mummies/ mummies-to-be
just seen my gynae yesterday and im edd 26 feb
feeling excited to welcome this 2nd bundle of joy
Jac, I'm on duphaston as well.. 3 times a day!. Hate taking it.. My heart beats faster, feel very thirsty, headache, dizziness comes with it.. I always try to take it after a small meal.. Feel better that way...
Mummymode I wonder if progesterone or duphaston side effects is worse. I took prog n my head will ju start spinning. Even I lie down n try to sleep the head will spin till I conked out. Super hate taking it.

Congrats to blush i hope ill hv gd news to share here aft wed scan.

Hazel my gf who mc b4 cautioned against carrying heavy stuff including 1. Oso thou ur child is eg 10kg but they move or struggle when u carry them so in fact the weight u r carrying may be 12-15kg.

Peiwen can't imagine u alone in uk. Glad u coming bk soon n hubby gonna pick u. Hang in there!

Somehow my ms started worse on sat in the wk. had been like tis for past 3wks. Then thu n fri start to feel better n sat will start feeling v terrible n horrible again. Any MTb or mums has similar trends?
Hi mummies

Glad I'm not e only who gets headaches from duphaston. I'm cheating on my doses. Just once a day.

I'm heading into 8 weeks and strangely I'm less tired. On fri, I Juz collapsed upon reaching home but this wkend I actually feel quite ok (not sure is it cos no work body more rested. ) any other mummies feeling better already? I read on www it's due to placenta taking over some of the hormone production after 8-9 Wks. Can't recall for no 1. Juz remember seems the case too on gd days can go shopping after a day's work. Ha. Juz paranoid too. May we all pass 12 week mark ASAP!
morning mummies! im on utrogeston 3x a day too and it is making me so sluggish and tired. Im down to my last three boxes so happy I can stop taking it in a couple of weeks time.

My #1 is 20 months and has been v clingy as I have stopped carrying her due to earlier spotting. Nowadays she insists on sleeping with us on our bed and she must sleep on my pillow even. So I now only have half a pillow to sleep on
having spotting
think will be back on duphaston again. duphaston dont cause me to be tired but will make me very nauseous. as if the current MS not bad enough. ugh...
Take care sisters try to bed rest more during weekend. I recover beta when I bed rest in the wkend. Wkdays during work try to walk slower dun carry heavy things & try best to take things easy. Hope everyone will be clear from spotting soon. Jiayou~
yeah back to work today..still coughing. Kinda made sure my boss knew I was really sick on Friday and still came in to work today...cept he still doesn't know I'm preg. Doesn't seem like the right time to say somehow.
morning all mtbs,

LMHaxel, im stilling carry my 12kg boy but i tried to min it, will always pass him to either hubby or my mum, if not will ask him to walk on his own. My thinking is as long no spotting should be ok to carry but not too long hr.

feeling very emo now. feel to cry as m feeling very xin ku. fainting spell just keep sticking to me and also indigestion and no appitite...haiz this #2 really more jialet then #1 time. Let's jia u together.
and also keep paranoid that next mon gyne visit will have bad new...im feeling very worry and scare.
Sayang sunshine. I Oso emo at times. Watch tv travel prog or eat good food will cry y ive to suffer. Wonder y I so xinku n hope tis preg is successful n will insert iut. No more next x!

Jan jiayou. I can't make it in morn n took mc. I tink tis yr ill used up all b4 1st tri. I support not tellin boss till aft 1st tri but too bad I can't endure n go ofc so need to tell hr.

Jacquise if wat u say is true then it'll be all gd news for us! I rem @1 later part of 2nd tri was a breeze b4 3rd tri ending part feeling terrible again.
haha jy jy and is-elle...just now hide inside the toilet to cry liao. after crying and releasing the -ve, now feeling better. think the pregnant hormones is really scary..lol
Jan,me too hvent tell my mgr. think it wun make my life easier telling her too & also risk of extension of probation &/or ask to leave. So I will tell her in mid sep. trying my best to look as fit & I couldn't take mc. We jiayou tgtr ok
positive mindset gives us power for healthier body.
Hihi Julia and all Feb Mummies,

Can I join in? Currently having my #2 only at Wk7, EDD on 2nd March. But I will be on c-sec, therefore will be giving birth mid or end of Feb. I am seeing Dr. Yvonne Chan in TMC. Any mummies breastfeeding your LO when pregnant? I am still breastfeeing my 15months girl. I will continue as far as I can, but hopefully my pregnancy can be a smooth smooth one.

Jy jy, I am on contract and will be ending in next year Feb. Haiz... wondering if my boss will renew my contract when time close. If not, I will be shaking leg at home... Sob... Also feeling very sian whenever think of it.
jia you sunshinebb.. i also experience sudden emo-ness.. and wanna cry while talking to my husband.. feel so stress out.. but i think is beta to tell ur superior earlier so that they will understand if you r going for your checkups..
how was everyone's weekend.

it's week 11 for me! MS seems to be better the past week though still having SERIOUS constipation problems and slight indigestion.

looking forward to seeing my lil bean next week during the oscar scan.

Finally I found someone who is still breastfeeding! So touch! lol... Let's be buddy and hang on together! lol

How old is your LO now? Yes! My 15months girl can't sleep without latching. She still wakes up on and off at night for comfort latch. She is co-sleep with me now. In fact, my #2 is a surprise gift from god. I didn't expect it comes so soon. I am quite worried and troubled when I first find out I am pregnant. Partly because I don't know how to settle my breastfeeding girl. I know she is not ready for wean off at this point of time now. So do I.

But my gynea doesn't support breastfeeding during pregnancy. Like what you said, it will cause unwanted contraction and might lead to preterm and other complication. I was so sad when I hear her comments as I really don't want to hard force my girl to wean off. On the other hand, I also scare my body can't manage to supply for 3. I only hope my pregnancy will be a smooth smooth one for the next 9 months. And it would be good if my girl can self wean when my milk turns into colostrum in second tri. Will see how it goes...

How many weeks are you in now? Who is your gynea? Are you plan to do tandem nursing? I am reading a book on Adventures in tandem nusring to get more info and support on breastfeeding during pregnancy.
Heatherwhite, stay strong. It's tough tat many employers nowadays r not supportive to preggy staff. But there r some still nice with preggy staff. Hope we r one of the lucky ones to meet employer who is ok with preggy staff. My mgr & boss nvr mention anything agst having a bb during interview so I accept their offer thou I hv another offer with a better organization cos the 2nd offer did ask me if I've plans for bb.
I'm worried to announce so soon as my mgr is a little weirdo cos last wk our co insurance agt came to brief us on our H&S coverage den there is 1benefit called miscarriage claim den she is the only weirdo tat get excited & interested with this benefit. I was like ???? as she is way past her menopause age so I dun think she need tat. But to feel interested & excited with such unlucky benefit is really very weird so I dun dare to tell her only after my confirmation. But she take it negatively still I will hv to leave for my health concern. Meanwhile I can just hope she is not tat kinda person. But to me most impt we be healthy & happy if boss really dun support us, no pt staying also. Perhaps there's a better chance waiting for us. Lets be positive. Jiayou~
Jy Jy,

So you will only get confirmation sometime mid of sept? Ya, actually no need to tell your management too early. And you are right, if the company or boss dun support preggy staffs, no point for us to stay too. But still hope everything will go on smoothly for both of us ya, and hope your mgr is not those weirdo as what you think. lol... Maybe she just felt curious on the coverage as something new? Cos seldom company H&S cover MC. Stay positive and cheers... hehe...
Somebody give me a cure for this sickness please! Tried to vomit in office toilet earlier and nothing , now I feel even worse!

Haha... yeah, we both going throught the same sentiment ya... I really happy that I find someone facing similar situation now. Cos most of my friends didn't really do extended breastfeeding. Non of them know my concern and difficulty. All advices me to slowly wean off my girl. I also hope she can self wean. But by looking at the trend now, it is a mission impossible for her.

You are lucky, you boy can still settled for 3-4 hours. My girl can almost awake hoursly or 2 hourly looking for her favarite (.)(.)
Maybe I need to wean her off on night feedings and hope she can sleep throught the nights by herself. But I really have now clues on how to start with it.

Oh, we are a weeks apart. I am at week 7 now, looking forward to hear my #2 heartbeat next weeks.

Ya, I still carrying my girl. She still very sticky too me, maybe more sticky than before. I think she senses something... cos I have been telling her that there is a small baby in mama's tummy... Don't think she understand much but she definitely know something is going one there. Your son sense something different?
Hi feb Mummies,

Are you all start looking for confinement lady already? Our EDD closed to CNY, dunno how's the rate like. Guess will be costing a bomb.
Heather white, I chose this offer thou the benefit is very basic & no vb as my mgr didn't ask abt any plans for bb or mention abt OT req everyday but after I join den I realize my mgr & buddy do OT everyday so I've to work OT everyday too. She lie to me abt having vb but I check no vb paid out for the past 5yrs. Anyhow, I'm ok with no vb but juz hope OT can be lesser like mb only for 1wk every mth. But I've been working here for 1.5mth nvr went home on time b4. She even ask me to work on sat or late nites OT but I reject her politely tat I will only work 1-2hrs OT daily & tats my max. She is like trying her luck to push her work to me. It's sian but I try to make my stand. My confirmation is end aug but my co is a small co so not sure if she will give me a confirmation letter in writing so I guess telling her in mid sep is safer. Hope she is not as bad as I though since I've only work with her for 1.5mth. I will definitely stay positive as my bb is a surprise gift after 2yrs ttc. We gambateh tgtr. Jiayou^^
Hi heather and luvbabymatket,

Really understand yr difficulties! Cos I bf my gal till 24mths n during this period I nvr tot of having another one as she's so needy. Eventually at two yrs old, we told her no more milk, so we pat her n she cry to sleep. Quite poor thing. But u wanna try telling them first? She was funny. She tell me go NTuc buy n pour in my breasts. Lol. Then had to spoon feed her formula as she rejects bottles. V v tough. But start w being firm n refusing boobs. I dun tink it's gd to bf while preg too. Can cause miscarriages.

I feel like gg fr scan every wk. super paranoid as I had a missed mc 3mths bk...
hi Jacquise, I was laughing to myself while reading your post. Your girl is so creative! Hahaha.
I weaned my girl from latching at 5 months plus and have been pumping and bottle feeding ebm as I knew it will be tough if I didn't, will be hard to go to work everyday.
Wanna ask 2nd time mummies to share their massage lady who helped to clear blocked ducts and engorgement. I hope this time, my bf-ing journey will be smoother. I had very bad engorgement during no 1 and ended up in lots of pain.
Julia I heard mdm rokiah is not bad for clearing blocked ducts. She even has a fb ac. u can try to search. I Oso hope tis bf will be smoother. I had infection till pus came out with the milk. Super painful.

But given a choice I rather bad engorgement than ms now. At least I can massage. Now i can only lie on bed wait for the queasy feeling to puke out or for head to spin till I sleep. Then only wait for it to return n haunt me a few min later.

Envy heather n luvbabyn Oso jacquise. My gal reject me at mth 5. Pushed me away. Was so hurt. Hope tis is different.

Jy hope ur boss treats u better soon.
Mdm Rokiah is gooood. Highly recommended. I had hard time during #1 n had mastitis too. Went to her for massage to clear block ducts.
Yup I went mdm rokiah too. Most of the time i unblock the ducts myself, only went once where the blockage was so severe i couldnt do it myself. she really did a good job but i am afraid of getting too reliant on her :p

Some mummies I know go tmc for help too.
Spotting seems like pretty common reading from this chat.. wonder why the docs make it sound so serious.. when i went to the doc.. they make it like im just so different from the rest of the expecting mums.. well, im having a bad time with duphaston too but dont dare to ownself reduce dosage.. fingers crossed that the 1st tri will be over soon!

Meeting my gynae tmr for scan.. excited to see the little ones development..
I have no spotting but due to previous miscarriage Gynae is super kiasu n kiasee w me. He rattled a list of to dos and not to dos. I sat there @@"... N they all say duphaston has no side effects, just take. Then I was thinking I'm so exceptional ... But on this forum every mummy seems to hate duphaston. Haha!
just a qns about spotting. is the spotting regular or something?? as in how frequent it happens which will mean it is very serious? please advise.
Yeah, I had duphaston on my first pregnancy, It made me super nauses and all kind of MS reported to me.
This time round, hope is stable, I am not on any 'an tai yao' and so far so good. Only feeling very tired all the time.

I am exactly like you, partly is me who don't wish to hard force my girl to wean. I find it much easier to settle her by latching. I am not sure if continue will have more pros or cons. Will just follow my gut feel.
She doesn't like any FM now. Only latch on when she is with me at home. Day time is under my PIL's care. They are very nice, helping me to slowly introduce her FM. Hope she will be ok with FM soon.
I can say I am lucky that I have an experienced breastfeeding friend who constantly supported me when I started with breastfeeding journey. Without her, I would have failed. My girl do her part too, she nv cause me any latching problems. We have been working so hard to establish this breastfeeding journey, and I felt it is unfair to her to wean her off when she is not ready and still so much needed it. Will see how it goes.

Kudos to you! You breastfeed your girl for whole 2 years!!! Not many mum can actually do it for such a long period of time!
Haha... it is really funny and innovative that your girl ask you to get milk from NTUC and pour into your breast. lol... You must have gone through a heartpain process when weaning her off too. I think by age of 2 years our babies somehow understand what we said and is easier for them to listen and follow what we plan. I try telling my girl night time is to sleep, papa sleep, mama sleep and you sleep, no need to wake up for milk milk ok? She answer me yes! But after few minutes she is requesting to latch on. =.=!
How many weeks are you in now?

Jy Jy,
Doing OT seems like a norm in your office? More like a culture there. So hard to find a work life balance working environment these days. sign...
Yeah, nothing is more important than our little one now. Do take care ya. Don't work too late everyday. Rest well.

Haha... don't envy us. Sometime I do envy my friend's baby who is like your girl, self wean herself. More indepent baby as compare to mine. Let's follow baby clues, individual will have individual needs. I was joking with my HB that, you don't be surprise I am feeding our #2 with FM. Lol... Really wonder if I will have the energy to restart the whole breastfeeding process all over again or not. Let's jia you together.
Xiao ling,

Yes, I totally agress with Luvbabymarket view, please take spotting seriously. Be it is an one time spotting or constantly on and off spotting. It is an indication that something is going on in there. Better let your gynea know and have a check up to make sure everything is fine.
Hi ladies,

I'm expecting my fourth child and according to calculations my EDD is on 18/2 but have yet to confirm....we're in Melbourne and the first dating scan would only take place on the 12th week.

The wait is making me nervous though I try to stay positive...we've lost a baby on the 11th week a year ago but discovered the missed miscarriage in the 16th week scan..soo yes...waiting for a month to pass on is totally nerve wrecking.
dear heatherwhite and luvbabymarket, thanks for the comments. i know. yday i went to see the gynae, he say he saw some blood at the uterus during the scan.. and gave me some an tai pills.. but i also heart my beanie's heartbeat sound.. it is so amazing..
hopefully the an tai pills will help.. coz this morn when i wake up.. i had some blood on my panties.. so now i m a bit worried... *cross my fingers*
Hi heatherwhite,

I went for my scan last wk n heard e heartbeat at 7 weeks. However based on ovulation date, I believe I'm gg into my 9th wk already. Ya I was obsessed w bf-ing with no1. Think ill take a chill pill with no2. Haha! But it's really good. No major ailments all these 4 yrs. fall sick also active n recover fast! So I'm attributing that to BM to justify myself! Haha!
Xiao ling, pls tell yr gynae yr spotting vol/freq/colour? Also ask if u need to alert the gynae when u see wat symptoms. Spotting is ok if not freq/small vol or not red in early implantation but no so gd to be spotting for long term. Best is get a fixed gynae u r comfortable & convinent to u. For me I think if I get stress/tired & worry I will spot. If I try to relax & be positive i will not. I also avoid stairs cos I feel shortness of breath. No carrying heavy things. No ginseng or pineapple.

Heatherwhite, thanks dear for yr concern. only my weirdo mgr & my buddy do OT daily, other dept dun
so I hv to do OT with them as we r the same dept. my buddy is an inexp Pinoy so all the stuff is very messy & a lot of backlog. Hopefully we can clear the backlog soon & be working norm OT instead of crazy hrs.
thanks for the advise mummys.. i rush to the clinic as soon as i detect spotting.. always end up with a scan to make sure everything is ok.. yeh the 1st trimester is always most nerve wrecking... thou this is my first.. ive read so much about it..
Ya my 1st bb too~ nvr tot having a bb is so nerve wrecking tot only hv to withstand labour pain during delivery. I've some fren even dun think its pain during delivery which I really think they r so brave.
But excited to see bb grow day by day

jy jy...ya actually i also one of them leh
i thinking labour pain is bearable compare to some mtbs that having MS throughout their pregnancy. So mtbs with MS must jia you ok. and if can i will encourage mtbs that wish to go for natural can try w/o epidural.
